Asu introduced Xiaozhi and the others,"Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia, and Xiaogang, they are all my disciples, and they are also gym trainers of the Kikyo Gym."

Everyone quickly stood up and bowed to Xiaozhi and the others, saying,"Hello!"

Xiaozhi and the other two replied,"Hello!"

A disciple stepped forward and said,"Master, shall we set up the video recorder?"

Asu looked at Xiaozhi and asked,"Xiaozhi, I want to record this battle so that my disciples can learn from it. Is that possible?"

Xiaozhi nodded and said,"No problem for me!"

Asu also nodded,"Then let's start the gym match now!"

The video recorder was set up, and the referee, who was also Asu's disciple, said,"The gym match between Asu, the gym trainer of the Kikyo Gym, and Xiaozhi from Pallet Town is about to begin. There are three Pokémon that can be used, and only the challenger can change the Pokémon used. Now the match begins."

Asu took out the Poké Ball,"Xiaozhi, my number one contestant is him, come out, Gugu!"


【Attributes: General, Flying】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Hibernation (will not fall into sleep state)】

【Strength: Ordinary Intermediate]

Xiaozhi took out Heracross:"The Heracross is decided to be you!"

Bug attribute? Asu was puzzled. Why did Xiaozhi take out a Pokémon of the same level but with unfavorable attributes? Is he underestimating him?

Xiaozhi noticed Asu's emotions and explained:"Mr. Asu, this is the first gym match for my Heracross. Although the attributes are unfavorable, I want it to fight first."

Asu said seriously:"I see! Xiaozhi, I will let you know how powerful bird Pokémon are! Fly up, Gugu!"

Xiaozhi said:"Heracross, you fly too!"

The two Pokémon stared at each other in the air.

"Gugu, spin in the air and use the peck attack!"

Gugu spun his body like a small spinning top and used the peck attack on Heracross. The flying type's special move is very effective against insect-type Pokémon.

"Heracross blocked it and used a shove!"

Heracross blocked it with both hands in front of his chest and took the peck attack from Gugu. He found the right opportunity and opened his hands, and pushed hard, hitting Gugu 5 times.

"Xiaozhi, I didn't expect you, Heracross, to use fighting-type moves. You really deserve to be the champion of the Quartz Conference. How about this next move! Gugu, use Air Slash."

Gugu stabilized his body, flapped his wings, and used Air Slash on Heracross.

"Heracross dodged and used his horn to knock Gugu out."

Heracross followed the wind to dodge the air slash and knocked Gugu out with his horn.

"Gugu, hold on, rise rapidly"

"Heracross, descend."

Xiaogang was puzzled and asked,"What on earth does Xiaozhi want to do?"

Xiaoxia said,"Gugu ascended, but Xiaozhi made Heracross descend. Although they can both fly, Heracross's attributes are at a disadvantage!"

"Gugu, descend rapidly, use Slam!"

After Gugu rose to a certain height, he began to descend rapidly, his speed increased, and he used Slam. If this move hits, the damage is not low.

"Now is the time, Heracross, Brick Break!"

After Heracross dodged the collision with his hands and wings, he hit Googo with a Brick Break. Googo fell to the ground!

The referee:"Googo has lost its ability to fight. Please ask the gym trainers to replace it with the next Pokémon."

Asuka took back Googo:"Googo, you've worked hard! Xiaozhi, your Heracross is very strong!"

Xiaozhi also took back Heracross:"Mr. Asuka, you are too kind!"

"My next one is, Duduli!"


【Attributes: General, Flying】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Early wake-up (even if in sleep mode, you can wake up twice as early)】

【Strength: Elite】

"Then I'll......Toucan has decided that it’s you!"

"Duduli, move at high speed!"

"Toucan, tailwind!"

Toucan uses high-speed movement to increase speed, so Xiaozhi also increases the speed of Toucan.

"Toucan, use Steel Wings!"

The Toucan's wings were full of metallic luster. It kept flying at a low altitude, and its Steel Wings attacked Duduli.

"Duduli, fly up and dodge it!"

Duduli suddenly jumped up and avoided the steel wings of the toucan. Duduli also successfully occupied the position above the toucan.

"Dudu, use its three bird heads to perform three random attacks.

"Toucan, turn your head and use malicious pursuit."

The Toucan was pressed to the ground by Duduli. The Toucan turned its head and used malicious pursuit towards Duduli. Not only did it hit Duduli, but it also managed to escape.

"Duduli chased after the Toucan, and the three beaks of the three heads were ready to drill.

"Toucan, Shadow Clone!"

The Toucan glanced at the Tootsie that was chasing after him, and the Shadow Clone became three identical figures.

"Use peck and drill!"

The toucan that Dudu poked with his beak was his clone.


The Toucan gained a momentary advantage and got rid of the Duduli

"Toucan, use Steel Wings again.

Toucan used Steel Wings again.

"Duduli, triple attack.

Duduli rushed towards the Toucan, but the Toucan was faster and its steel wings hit Duduli.

"Toucan, use the drill to give it the final blow."

Duduli was hit by the drill and fell to the ground.

The referee:"Duduli has lost the ability to fight!"

Asu said:"Duduli, I have seen your backbone, take a good rest! My last one is - Pidgeot!"


【Attributes: General, Flying】

【Gender: Female】

【Features: Sharp Eyes (hit rate will not be reduced)】

【Strength: Gym Intermediate]

Xiaozhi took back the Toucan:"Come back Toucan! Haxorus has decided that you are the one!"

"Pidgeot uses Air Slash!"

Pidgeot's Air Slash attacks Haxorus like a sharp blade

""Hackonrobot uses 100,000 Volts!"

Hackonrobot resisted the Air Slash, and 100,000 Volts hit Pidgeot. At this time, Hackonrobot's body emitted an evolutionary light. Is it finally going to evolve? Hackonrobot evolved into Dragonite under the gaze of everyone.

Xiaogang said excitedly:"Is Hackonrobot finally going to evolve?"

Xiaoxia was also very happy and said:"That's great!"

"Come on, Dragonite Freeze Ray!"

"Pidgeot spun to avoid it!

Dragonite flew up and used the freezing ray, and Pidgeot spun to avoid it.

"Dragonite's continuous freezing rays!"

"Pidgeot is moving at high speed!"

Dragonite's continuous freezing rays did not give in to Pidgeot's high speed movement, and finally hit Pidgeot, and the ends of Pidgeot's wings were frozen.

"Dragonite, Reverse Scale!"

Dragonite's eyes turned red and entered the Reverse Scale state.

""Pidgeot, storm!"

Pidgeot summoned a strong wind and swept towards Dragonite. Dragonite's attacks were more sharp in the Reverse Scale state. It used its claws to break out of the storm and hit Pidgeot with its Reverse Scale. Pidgeot was hit by Dragonite's Reverse Scale, and the ends of its wings were frozen by Dragonite's Freeze Ray, so he was defeated.

Referee:"Pidgeot has lost his ability to fight. The winner is Satoshi from Pallet Town!"

Asuka handed the Wing Badge to Satoshi:"Ash, your Pokémon is really strong. I lost! This is the Wing Badge that proves that we defeated the Kikyo Gym. You take it!"

"I got the Wing Badge!"


【Obtain the Wing Badge, and get 500 points as a reward.]

Asu said,"My battle with you, Xiaozhi, has taught me a lot. I will continue to train bird Pokémon and strive to be the strongest bird Pokémon trainer. Xiaozhi, please do your best in the Chengdu League!" Xiaozhi nodded,"Thank you, Mr. Asu."

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