Since they approached the town of Qiapi, the sun above their heads has been unusually large. Xiaozhi and the others discovered that the crops in the fields along the way were almost dead, and there was very little water in the river. It seemed like it hadn't rained near Qiapi for a long time! Xiaoxia fanned herself with her hands and said,"It's so hot! Isn't it winter? How can it be so hot!"

Xiaogang was like an eggplant hit by frost:"I agree, it's really hot!"

Pikachu was listless in Xiaozhi's arms, sticking out his tongue to cool down. Xiaozhi said,"It's really too hot! But why is the weather so abnormal?" Xiaogang shook the almost empty water cup and said,"I just know that if we can't find a water source, we won't have enough water to drink!"

Xiaozhi said,"Then let's find a water source first!"

The three continued to move forward, but they didn't find a water source but saw the town first. Xiaogang took out the travel guide and confirmed:"Let me see! This is the town of Pipi!"

Xiaoxia planned:"Then let's go to the Pokémon Center to eat something and drink some water, finish the things entrusted by Professor Oak, and then go to the Pipi Gym to challenge!"

Xiaozhi nodded and said:"I have no objection, let's go!"

The three walked into Pipi Town.

Xiaogang suddenly stopped in front of a road sign and read:"Due to the continuous drought, water supply restrictions have been implemented and the Pipi Gym is temporarily closed."

Xiaoxia looked at Xiaozhi and said:"It's annoying! What should Xiaozhi do?"

Xiaozhi said:"There is no way, let's do as we said before, let's take a rest and go find Mr. Yan Tie first!"

After walking for a while, Xiaogang pointed to the sign at the intersection and said:"Xiaozhi, look, I can see this sign at every intersection since I entered Pipi Town!" Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia looked up and saw a sign standing at the intersection. The sign was black with an exclamation mark and a pink image of Slowpoke painted in yellow on it.

Misty asked doubtfully,"Is it telling us to be careful of Slowpoke? Or what does it mean?"

Satoshi said,"It's not just the signs! Look over there, there are Slowpokes everywhere."

Misty said,"Really? There are so many!"

Brock said,"I remember now, there is a Slowpoke Well in Pixie Town, and Slowpoke is like the patron saint of this town, so they put up signs everywhere! To warn people who travel here not to hurt Slowpoke."

Misty said,"So that's how it is! The expressions of these Slowpokes look very familiar to me!" Psyduck popped out of the Poké Ball. Misty said,"Yes, yes, that's you!"

"Koda." Koda tilted his head.

After asking for directions, Xiaozhi and his friends found out that it was much faster to go to Mr. Yantie's house than to the Pokémon Center, so they changed their schedule again.

Five minutes later, Xiaozhi and his friends arrived at a house. After ringing the doorbell, no one came to open the door for a long time.

""Excuse me, what can I do for you?" A little girl walked up to Xiaozhi and his friends.

Xiaozhi saw the little girl holding a shopping basket and said,"Hello, we are here to visit Mr. Yan Tie on behalf of Professor Oak."

The little girl said,"If you want to find grandpa, he is not at home now. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself! I am his granddaughter, my name is Qianhui."

Xiaoxia asked,"When will Mr. Yan Tie come back?"

Qianhui explained,"I'm sorry, I don't know. Grandpa is the manager of the Well of Slowpoke, and the time of his return is uncertain, so I don't know too much."

Xiaogang asked,"Where is the Well of Slowpoke?" Qianhui showed the way to the few people and said,"If you follow this road to the outside of the town, you will find the Well of Slowpoke."

The location of the Well of Slowpoke is easy to find, and there is only one way to the bottom. Xiaozhi and his friends walked along the downward well and met an uncle wearing Slowpoke clothes lying on the ground wailing.

Xiaogang went up and asked with concern,"Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

The man covered his waist and said in pain,"My waist......Twisted......"

Xiaogang said,"Let me handle it! Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia, you guys go find Mr. Yantie."

Xiaozhi looked at the uncle wearing Slowpoke's clothes on the ground and said,"This is Mr. Yantie!"

Yantie asked in confusion,"How do you know my name is Yantie? Now is not the time to talk about this. There is a strange robot catching Slowpoke. Can you guys go and help?"

Xiaozhi said,"I'll go! We're old acquaintances!" Xiaozhi's wave power detected that it was the three members of Team Rocket.

After Xiaozhi walked a few steps forward, he saw a mole-like robot catching Slowpoke. He said,"Team Rocket, look over here! Why are you here to catch Slowpoke again!"

Musashi said,"Of course we have our own intentions! These Slowpokes can bring rain. If we sell them to people suffering from drought at a high price, we will definitely get a good price!"

Meowth added,"We are doing good things too, meow! Saving the world, meow!" Satoshi said helplessly,"How can this be called saving the world! Heracross uses Horn Butt and Oka uses Cross Shears!"

Kojiro smiled and said,"We have Slowpoke in our hands, little brat, don't mess around!"

Satoshi nodded seriously and said,"I know! Otherwise, I would have sent Pikachu out long ago! Go ahead!"

Heracross used Horn Butt to stop the robot from continuing to move, and Oka's Cross Shears cut the net that caught Slowpoke.

Satoshi said,"Pikachu uses Iron Tail to send them away!"

"Pikachu!"Pikachu is here to finish off the enemy!"

"Such a nasty feeling......"The three members of Team Rocket took off with their robots.

Xiaozhi took back Heracross and Dajia:"You have worked hard, come back!"

The Slowpokes slowly walked towards the exit. Xiaozhi went back and held up Mr. Yantie on each side with Xiaogang, and followed the Slowpokes outside.

The Slowpokes followed one by one to the platform above the Well of Slowpoke.

Yantie was shocked and said,"This is......This is also the first time I see so many Slowpokes......."

The Slowpokes sat on the platform and yawned at the same time. The sky suddenly darkened, dark clouds slowly gathered, raindrops fell, and the rain got heavier and heavier.

Yan Tie explained:"The legend has been confirmed! The legend says that as long as the Slowpokes yawn, they can summon rain clouds to alleviate the drought. Now it has come true!"

Because of this rain, all the nearby residents were saved, the river was filled again, and the crops and plants came back to life.

Xiaozhi said,"These Slowpokes are really the patron saints of a place!"

Mr. Yantie was sent home by Xiaozhi and the others, and then he asked,"What do you want from me?"

Xiaozhi handed over the GS Ball and said,"Mr. Yantie, please take a look at this. This is a mysterious Poké Ball that Professor Uchiki of Daigan Island discovered by chance. Professor Oak found nothing after studying it, so he asked me to come and see you." After Yantie took the GS Ball, he seemed to be thinking, and after a while he suddenly said,"I remembered it! Qianhui, go get the legend about the Paulownia forest!" Qianhui found a book and said,"Grandpa, this is it!"

Mr. Yantie opened the book, pointed to a yellowed picture on it and said,"Do they look alike?"

Xiaozhi thought to himself: They are not alike, but they are exactly the same except for the color.

Xiaozhi asked,"Mr. Yantie, does this mean that the GS Ball is related to the Paulownia Forest?"

Yantie explained,"That should be the case. The Paulownia Forest is just west of the Town of Pipi. There is a small temple in it that was built in ancient times. Perhaps we can know something there." Yantie handed the GS Ball back to Xiaozhi and continued,"Xiaozhi, you should be the owner of the GS Ball. Take it to the Paulownia Forest and take a look! I'll contact that guy Oak later."

Xiaozhi nodded and put the ball into his backpack:"Thank you, Mr. Yantie."

Yantie nodded and said,"Stay at my house tonight!"

While they were talking, Qianhui walked in with a Slowpoke:"Grandpa, this Slowpoke was knocking on the door, so I brought it in!"

After seeing Xiaozhi, the Slowpoke walked straight towards Xiaozhi. Unlike the slow and leisurely personality of other Slowpokes, this one gave Xiaozhi the feeling of being the one in Kona, with a serious look in its eyes.

Xiaoxia was surprised and asked,"Xiaozhi, could it be that it wants to be your Pokémon?"

Xiaogang said,"It should be, otherwise why would it come here on purpose! It seems that Slowpoke is grateful to Xiaozhi for saving it!"

Xiaozhi said,"Mr. Yantie, this......"Slowpoke is the patron saint of the town of Pixie. If he captures Slowpoke, who knows what will happen.

Yan Tie said,"Since Slowpoke has chosen you, then you can take it away!"

Xiaozhi took out an empty Poké Ball and said,"Slowpoke, do you want to come with me?"

Slowpoke nodded, and Xiaozhi captured it.


【Attributes: Water, Psychic】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Regeneration (after returning to the Poké Ball, HP will be restored slightly)】

【Strength: Ordinary intermediate】

【Conquer Slowpoke and get 500 points as reward.

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