After Xiaozhi and his friends got two bait balls and a weight ball from Mr. Yan Tie, they set out on their journey again.

At this time, they were close to the Paulownia forest.

【It is detected that the host has approached the Paulownia forest, and the plot mission begins.

Xiaozhi asked:"What do you want me to do?"

【The host first finds the Celebi Temple deep in the Paulownia Forest, and then he will know what to do. 】

Since entering the Paulownia Forest, Misty has been holding onto Xiaozhi's clothes tightly:"Xiaozhi, will there be any bug-type Pokémon? Protect me!"

Xiaozhi comforted him:"Okay, okay, I'll protect you! But the place we are going to is deep in the Paulownia Forest, and there will probably be a lot of bug-type Pokémon."

Xiaogang asked curiously:"However, have you seen a wild Pokémon since we entered the Paulownia Forest?"

Misty stuck her head out from behind Xiaozhi and looked around:"Xiaogang, if you hadn't told us, we wouldn't have noticed it!"

Xiaozhi's wave power felt a little unusual just now, and he said:"Very quiet!"

Xiaozhi dispersed the wave power, and as Xiaogang said, he really didn't find any wild Pokémon. Xiaozhi used the wave power to find the way, so the three of them didn't get lost and directly reached the Celebi Temple deep in the Paulownia Forest.

Celebi's temple is actually a square space made of stones. There seems to be a stone plate in the middle of the space, and the image of Celebi is engraved on the inner walls of three sides. The Celebi Temple is held up high by steps, and the sunlight can shine on the top of the temple.

Xiaogang said:"Is this the temple? It is well preserved."

Xiaoxia pointed to the top of her head and said:"The sunlight can shine on the temple. The trees in the Paulownia Forest are very tall, blocking the sunlight outside, but it can shine on the temple."

Xiaozhi said:"This should be the special feature of the Celebi Temple!"

Xiaogang was shocked and said:"Xiaozhi, you said it was Celebi?"

Xiaozhi explained:"It is indeed Celebi. I learned about the legend of the Paulownia Forest before, and it is actually about Celebi. Celebi is known as the God of the Forest. It is said that its origin was that a forest was burned down by a fire, and then Celebi used its power to restore the forest to its original state. This forest is the Paulownia Forest, and the legend of Celebi was born."

"It is said that Celebi can travel through time and space and can hide in the forest, so those who have seen it are extremely lucky."

Xiao Gang asked:"What is the connection between GS Ball and Celebi? Mr. Yan Tie didn't explain it clearly before, just said that you should bring GS Ball to Tongshulin."

Xiaozhi continued to explain:"You all know the two great beasts in Chengdu, Ho-Oh and Lugia!

" Xiao Gang and Xiaoxia nodded.

Xiaozhi said:"In fact, GS Ball is made of metal made from the feathers of Ho-Oh and Lugia.

I think it should be used to subdue Celebi.

These are the results of the alliance's investigation, and I just told you the whole thing.

" In fact, it was all added by No.

124 on the way here just now.

Xiaozhi just read it out, and it is reasonable to push the whole thing to the alliance.

Xiao Gang nodded and said:"I see."

Xiaoxia said excitedly:"Then what are we waiting for? There is only one place in the temple where GS Ball can be placed, let's try it!"

Xiaozhi took out the GS ball and placed it on the stone plate in the center of the temple. A breeze blew and the shadows of the trees swayed.


Xiaozhi seemed to hear someone calling him in his mind.

Xiaozhi closed his eyes and asked,"Who are you?"

""Master, I'm behind you!"

Xiaozhi turned his head, and a pink Celebi appeared behind him. Xiaozhi was startled. The power of wave did not detect the existence of Celebi. The last one who did not detect the wave was the GS Ball. Xiaoxia said in a daze:"Is this Celebi?"

Xiaogang said in surprise:"The color is different, is this one shiny?"

Celebi threw herself into Xiaozhi's arms:"Master, I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Xiaozhi asked in confusion:"Wait! You said I am your master?"

Celebi said:"Because of the wave on the master! The wave on the master is gentle, as long as I feel it, I will know it."

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang could obviously hear what Celebi said. Xiaogang asked:"Celebi, can you explain to us about the GS Ball first?" This matter still needs Celebi to explain in order to fully understand the details.

Celebi nodded and said:"You are all friends of the master, of course! Put your hands on my Poké Ball and I will tell you!"

Xiaozhi and the other two stretched out their right hands and placed them on the GS Ball. The scene in front of them was no longer the small temple in the Paulownia Forest.

Celebi said:"This is a small village of humans who lived in the Paulownia Forest 500 years ago. The people in this small village have been protecting me for generations. Until the master appeared, the master was very powerful. He fought side by side with me in the face of foreign invaders and protected the entire village. The master used this Poké Ball to subdue me and then took me to many places."

As Celebi narrated, pictures were vividly displayed in front of Xiaozhi and others.

Xiaoxia said:"Xiaozhi, don't say, that person really looks like you!"

Xiaogang looked at Xiaozhi and then at the appearance of the master in Celebi's memory, and said:"Xiaozhi should be the reincarnation of this person! Otherwise, it can't be explained." Xiaozhi nodded, he agreed with Xiaogang's statement. Everyone's waveguide is different, and two identical waveguides will only exist in different time and space. Of course, there is an exception, that is, parallel time and space.

As Celebi narrated, the picture changed:"But one day, this peace was broken. My master died, and the invaders came back and burned down the master's village and the entire forest. In order to protect the villagers, the master used his waveguide and body to block the invaders. Unfortunately, the master's power alone is not enough."

"As if my master had anticipated this, he placed me in the temple so that the intruders could not find me."

"When I came out of the Poké Ball again, the village had been burned down, along with the entire forest. Later, I went back in time and learned what had happened. I used up all my strength to restore the entire forest to its original state, and thus fell into a deep sleep. When I woke up, a hundred years had passed."

"I traveled through various places and time with my Poké Ball, trying to find the reincarnation of my master, but I accidentally lost my Poké Ball. I had no choice but to return to the forest where I was born, continue the mission of my master, protect this forest, and wait for the day when my Poké Ball will come back."

The scene in front of them stopped, and the three of them saw the familiar Celebi Temple again.

Xiaozhi asked:"Then since we entered the Paulownia Forest, you have not encountered Pokémon?"

Celebi rolled in the air excitedly for a few circles:"I thought I felt wrong, until the master used the power of wave guidance, I confirmed it. The master is right, I asked them to keep the wild Pokémon in the forest away."

Xiaogang said:"No wonder, only the legendary beast can have such ability."

Celebi asked:"Master, can I follow you again?"

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"If you want, of course there is no problem."

Celebi was even more excited, and it nodded and said:"Of course I want to, I will be very happy to be with the master again! Master, take my Poké Ball and put me in!"

Xiaozhi picked up the GS ball again and said,"Celebi, come back!"

Celebi's hand gently patted the GS ball and entered the ball.


【Attributes: Psychic, Grass】

【Features: Natural recovery (after returning to the same team, the abnormal state will be cured)】

【Strength: Legendary Beast]

Misty poked the GS Ball:"It really is Celebi's Poké Ball!"

Brock reminded:"I didn't expect that the mystery would be solved today. Xiaozhi, remember to contact Professor Oak and Mr. Yan Tie."

Xiaozhi nodded and said:"Got it!"

Afterwards, Xiaozhi told Professor Oak and Mr. Yan Tie the whole story, as well as the secret of the GS Ball. The two were amazed. Professor Oak asked Xiaozhi to put Celebi into the space, and he wanted to study it. After all, it is rare to see a shiny legendary beast.

【Complete the GS ball story mission, reward points 20000]

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