On this day, Xiaozhi took Pikachu to the river to fetch water, Xiaoxia was cutting vegetables, and Xiaogang was cooking. The group did not notice the three of them with their backpacks, and they were spotted by the Pokémon hiding in the dark!

Xiaozhi came back with a bucket of water and three people's cups:"Xiaoxia Xiaogang, I brought back the water! Xiaogang, do you want to pour it into the pot?"

Xiaogang raised his head and said,"Pour it in! Xiaoxia has cut the vegetables too!"

Xiaozhi responded and poured the water in the bucket into the pot, waiting for the water to boil. Xiaoxia said,"Xiaozhi, my hands are busy, can you give me the bread in Xiaogang's backpack!"

Xiaozhi replied,"Okay!" Xiaozhi walked to the tree where the three people's backpacks were placed, and the backpacks disappeared. Xiaozhi said:"Xiaoxia and Xiaogang, our backpacks are gone!"

Xiaogang was surprised and said:"Really? They were just there and no one moved them!"

Xiaoxia looked at Xiaogang and said:"That's right! Xiaogang and I were the only ones here just now, and we didn't see any Pokémon!"

Xiaozhi saw the footprints on the ground and said:"I think I found the criminal! Look at the footprints on the ground!"

Xiaogang analyzed:"We carry important things with us, but only the ingredients we bought yesterday are in our backpacks. Did this Pokémon steal our backpacks because it was hungry?"

Xiaozhi pointed in the direction of the footprints and said:"It's useless for us to guess, we will know when we go and see!"

This Pokémon seemed to be very familiar with this forest. Xiaozhi's wave power could only sense him, and when he was about to find him, he missed him. Unknowingly, they had chased to a nearby town.

Miss Joy was holding the packaging bag of the ham she had just bought, with a worried look on her face:"Jeep, have you found out who made this?"

Xiao Gang suddenly appeared beside Miss Joy again, knelt on one knee and said:"Beautiful Miss Joy, it's not appropriate to be worried. I can help you solve any problem!"

Xiao Xia dragged him away:"Did you forget something else? We have other things to do!"

"It hurts, it hurts!"

As soon as Xiaozhi and the other two left the forest, they saw Miss Joy. Didn't Xiaogang come up to chat with her? Xiaozhi asked,"Miss Joy, what happened?"

Miss Joy explained,"It's like this. Jigglypuff and I were shopping just now. We just put the shopping basket on the bench and went to buy ice cream, but when we came back, the ham in the basket was gone. Jigglypuff and I searched for a long time, but we only found this packaging bag."

Xiaozhi said,"Did Miss Joy lose something too? To be honest, our three backpacks are also missing, and we chased them all the way from the forest."

Xiaoxia thought,"The thief who stole the ham? Why do I feel like it doesn't look like the Pokémon who stole our backpacks, but rather it looks like it was done by Team Rocket?" Xiaoxia asked,

"Miss Joy, the person who stole the ham you bought, with such a hairstyle and such a hairstyle, a man and a woman, and a meow following them!"Xiaoxia said while gesturing the hairstyles of Musashi and Kojiro.

Miss Joy shook her head:"Neither Jigglypuff nor I saw what the criminal looked like!"

""Pika, Pika!" Pikachu pulled up Xiaozhi's trouser leg and pointed at the traces left on the soil.

Xiaogang was resurrected, and he said:"It's exactly the same as the footprints of the Pokémon we have been chasing just now!"

Xiaoxia said:"The criminal is not Team Rocket! It's the Pokémon that stole our backpack!"

Xiaozhi smiled and said:"Just ask and you will know!" Xiaogang said:"Pokémon can't talk, unless it is a legendary beast!"

Xiaozhi said:"I didn't say to ask Pokémon, I said to ask these guys hiding in the back, Team Rocket, come out! If you don't come out, I will use 100,000 volts to make you take off!"

Musashi said:"No, no, no, let's talk it out!"

The three members of Team Rocket slowly moved out from the corner of the wall, Xiaozhi said:"You all heard it! You also know what I want to ask! Say it quickly!"

Kojiro pointed to the packaging bag in Miss Joy's hand and said,"We did steal the ham, but we had a dispute and a fight when we were dividing it. When we came to our senses, only the packaging was left!"

Meow Meow said,"What Kojiro said is true, meow. We have been hungry for three days. If we had eaten, why would we still stay here, meow?"

"Sonnans!" Guran Weng also appeared.

Xiaogang said:"Who is this Guran Weng? Could it be that it was originally the one of Ade? No wonder Ade has a big tongue."

Meowth interrupted:"Now is not the time to talk about this, meow, the most important thing is to catch the criminal, meow!" Xiaozhi said:"Indeed! I'll give you a chance. Help us find the criminal. How about I treat you to a full meal today?"

Musashi was about to say a few harsh words, but he saw Kojiro, Meowth and Guran Weng looking at Musashi with expectation. At this time, their stomachs all made a sound, and Musashi finally nodded.

A group of people followed the footprints and came to the forest again. Xiaogang took out his classic Pokémon food temptation method again, but it never succeeded. Until dark, Musashi complained:"What's the matter, our stomachs are almost starving!" Kojiro said weakly:"Why don't we try another way!" Xiaozhi said:"Don't worry, they are coming! But they are not here for Pokémon food, but to surround us!"

Meowth said:"Oh my god, meow! Little brat, you said them! How many of them are there!"

Xiaozhi said:"Four! Get ready for a fight!"

The four Dalubys surrounded everyone, and the moonlight allowed Xiaozhi and the others to see clearly that the ones they surrounded were Dalubys.

""Roar!" Another Dalubi appeared on the opposite cliff. This one was bigger than the four in front of it, and it had a scar on its right eye and a scar on its left cheek. It looked like it was the leader of the Dalubi.

Meow Meow translated:"It said you were looking for us, meow! So we came out, meow!"

Musashi said angrily:"Then you will also eat the ham we stole!"

""Roar!" Dalubi's boss said.

Meow Meow translated:"Yes, it's us! Who told you to be stupid? Meow......"

Musashi said angrily:"I'm angry! Arbok, come out and bite it!"

The leading Dalupy tilted its head, and the other four Dalupy were ready to attack.

Kojiro said:"Go ahead, Venusaur! Use Leaf Blade!" Satoshi said:"It's only a fight! The Dragonite is decided to be yours! I'll take the lead, and the rest is up to Misty and the others!"

Misty said:"Don't worry, Satoshi! Go ahead, Vaporeon! Use Water Wave!"

Brock said:"You go, Steelix too! Use Rock Slide!"

Satoshi said to Dalupy:"Your opponent is me! Dragonite, 100,000 volts!"

Dalupy jumped in front of Satoshi and used Glare on Dragonite, lowering its defense. Dragonite was an ordinary intermediate when it was exchanged to Satoshi. Although its strength was the same as the Dalupy in front of it, after being trained by Zapdos for a few days, its strength has also increased a lot.

Dragonite's 100,000 volts was not polite at all and attacked Dalupy.

Dalupy counterattacked with Incinerate

"Lightning Dragon uses Light Wall!

A transparent wall appeared in front of the Lightning Dragon, blocking the burning


Dragonite's Thunder was launched and hit Dalupi. Xiaozhi threw a Poké Ball at this Dalupi, and Dalupi was captured by Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi said:"Everyone stop! I have captured the boss of Dalupi!"

Dalupi was released from the Poké Ball by Xiaozhi, and Meowth explained:"It said, everyone stop, meow!" Meowth looked at Xiaozhi:"The little brat said that they didn't mean to steal your food, but one of their companions was injured and needed food to replenish their physical strength, meow."

Xiaozhi said:"I see! Let's go and have a look together! My companion can help." Xiaozhi pointed at Xiaogang and explained to Dalupi.

Everyone collected all the Pokémon, and led by several Dalupis, they came to their residence. Sure enough, they saw a Dalupi with an injured hind leg, and a Rhydon tried to snatch the food that Dalupi was protecting behind it.

Dalupi looked at Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi nodded:"Dallupi is decided to be you! Use turbid mist!"

Dailubi sprayed a thick mist from his mouth, blinding Longlongyan's eyes.

"Dalubi uses the wave of evil!

Dalubi uses the wave of evil, which scares Rhydon.

"End the fight with a bite!"

Delby bit Rhydon's arm, and Rhydon rolled away in fear. That Rhydon was stronger than Delby. Meowth learned that this Rhydon often came to steal Delby's food, and the injured one was also caused by Rhydon.

Xiaogang urgently treated Delby's injury, and everyone went to the Pokémon Center. Xiaozhi also treated the three members of Team Rocket for an all-you-can-eat meal as agreed. Miss Joy proposed that these Delbys be the guards of the Pokémon Center, and all five Delbys agreed.

Their boss recognized Xiaozhi as its trainer, and the three of them successfully got their backpacks back, and the journey continued.


【Attributes: Evil, Fire】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Fire (When attacked by a fire-attribute move���, absorb the flame, and the fire-attribute moves you use will become stronger)】

【Strength: Ordinary intermediate】

【Subdue Dalubi, reward points 500】

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