The three members of Team Rocket have been following behind Xiaozhi and the others, but they dare not follow too closely. They use telescopes to observe Xiaozhi and the others' movements from a distance.

Musashi said:"Green grassland! It is the number one place that girls in Chengdu want to go to! It is really beautiful! But what is going on?"

Kojiro took the telescope and looked into the distance:"Let me see! This should not be green grassland but 'sparkling grassland'! It feels like some treasure, sparkling."

Meowth said excitedly:"Maybe it is some treasure, meow!"


Musashi said helplessly:"Why did you run out of the Poké Ball again! Go back!"

Kojiro said:"Wait a minute, the little ghosts will go far away! Let's catch up quickly!"

Xiaozhi and the others were shocked by the scene they saw. The flowers and grass in front of them were wrapped by a mysterious force, and instantly crystallized like diamonds.

Xiaoxia said:"Xiaozhi, is this the crystallization phenomenon that Professor Oak said?"

The three people's ears suddenly sounded sirens, and Miss Junsha's voice came:"Hey, don't get closer!"

Xiaogang said infatuatedly:"Miss Junsha!"

Xiaoxia grabbed Xiaogang's ear and said:"We have something important to do, be normal."

Xiaogang had to stop.

Xiaozhi took out his ID and said:"Miss Junsha, I am Xiaozhi from Pallet Town. May I ask if Professor Oak and the others have arrived?"

After looking at Xiaozhi's ID, Miss Junsha said:"Dr. Xiaozhi, Professor Oak has not arrived yet. I will take you to the meeting place first!"

Ash and the other two looked at each other and got in the police car. In fact, the meeting place was the Pokémon Center in Green Meadow, where they met John, who said he was a student of Professor Shiloh. He told Ash and the others how Professor Shiloh disappeared.

David said,"Soon after I returned the computer and other items left by the teacher to the manor, the crystallization phenomenon appeared."

Ash thought to himself: The memory of the previous life should be a position totem. Because in response to the feelings of Professor Shiloh's daughter, Mei, who missed her father, a Entei was created to accompany Mei, and this is what happened.

Ash nodded:"I know the details, I will send the Pokémon to investigate first."

John said worriedly:"I'm mainly worried about Mei. Mei is now alone in the manor."

Professor Oak and Hanako walked in from the door. Professor Oak said:"Ash, Misty, Brock!"

"Pikachu." Pikachu jumped into Hanako's arms when he saw her.

Xiaozhi said happily:"Mom! Professor Oak!" He hadn't seen his mother for a while, and he missed her a lot.

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang greeted:"Aunt Hanako! Professor Oak!"

Hanako hugged Pikachu and looked up and down at Xiaozhi, who had grown a lot taller.

Professor Oak knew John, and he went straight to the point:"You told Xiaozhi and the others everything!"

John replied:"Everything is clear!"

Hanako said:"Xiaozhi, you must protect Xiaomei's safety! Her mother is receiving treatment alone in the hospital, and her father is missing again......."

Xiaozhi said,"Don't worry, Mom!"

At this time, Xiaomao also rushed to the Pokémon Center, but he looked very anxious:"Xiaozhi, the crystallization outside is getting worse!"


Everyone ran outside, and the crystallization was less than a hundred meters away from the Pokémon Center.

Hanako looked in the direction of the manor, worried.

Xiaozhi looked serious:"Something is coming!"

""Pika!" Pikachu pointed at a black dot that kept moving towards Ash and the others.

When they got closer, they could see clearly that it was actually a Entei running towards them!

Ash said,"Pikachu and Suicune, it's decided to be you!" Ash sent out Suicune, and except for Misty and Brock, everyone else saw Ash's Suicune for the first time.

But now is not the time to go into details.

Suicune just glanced at Entei and said to Ash,"Master Ash, this Entei has no life! It's like it was made by something."

Ash nodded,"I know! Suicune, get ready to fight!"

Suicune said,"Yes!"

The places touched by Entei's feet turned into crystals, and Entei stopped in front of everyone.

Hanako said worriedly,"Ashi, you should be careful too!"

Entei looked at Hanako and said,"Are you my mother?"

【Yan Emperor】

【Attribute: Fire】

【Features: Pressure (gives the opponent a sense of pressure, greatly reducing the PP of the moves they use)】

【Strength: Unknown]

Yan Di said seriously:"From now on, you are my mother!"

Hanako's eyes became empty and she murmured:"I am my mother......"

When Xiaozhi saw his mother like this, he knew that this Entei also had the ability to control humans, which was very similar to Mewtwo. Now he had to deal with Entei first.

"Suicune, use Water Cannon! Pikachu, use 100,000 Volts!"

Suicune and Pikachu attacked at the same time. Hanako fainted, and Misty supported her from behind:"Aunt Hanako, Aunt Hanako!"

While directing the battle, Ash said to Misty and the others:"Entei wants to take my mother away. Brock and Misty, you take my mother in first, and leave the battle here to me!"

Misty said:"Okay, Brock and Professor Oak, let's all go in first!" Misty and Brock knew that they did not have the ability to fight Entei, and staying here would make Ash worry. Shaggy stood side by side with Ash and said:"Ash, let me help you! Come out, Umbreon, use Wave of Darkness"

"Suicune goes all out and Surfs. Pikachu jumps onto the wave and uses Iron Tail on Entei."

"" Moonlight, Shadow Ball!"

Three Pokémon joined forces, one of which was the legendary Pokémon Suicune. Entei was defeated and finally gave up taking Hanako and returned to the manor. Seeing Entei walking away, Xiaomao breathed a sigh of relief and said,"Xiaozhi, it seems that this Entei's target is Aunt Hanako. Let's go back and take a look first!"

Xiaozhi was full of worries, but Xiaomao was right. What was important now was Hanako's safety.

Xiaozhi looked at the unconscious Hanako and said to Suicune,"Suicune, do you have any way to deal with my mother's condition?"

Suicune said,"I'll try." Suicune used his magical powers to try to see if he could offset Entei's control. Fortunately, Suicune's power was stronger than Entei's. Hanako woke up slowly. Hanako looked at his son's worried look and said,"Xiaozhi, what happened!"

Xiaozhi shook his head,"It's okay, Mom. You should have a good rest first."

Ash left Mewtwo to protect his mother in case Entei came again, and they all left the room where Hanako was resting.

Professor Oak sat in front of the computer and said,"I looked, and the center of this crystallization is Snowdon Manor, take a look!" Everyone gathered around after hearing this, and Professor Oak opened the computer, which was the image sent back by the flying camera.

Ash asked,"Mr. John, did you bring back anything besides Dr. Xiu Li's computer?"

John thought for a while and said,"Indeed, it was a part of the strange text cards that the teacher found in the ruins. The pattern on it is the unknown totem. I gave all of these to Xiaomei."

Ash said,"If it was really the work of the unknown totem, those cards should have the ability to summon position totems. Have you tried to arrange them before?"

John nodded,"Of course I have, but these situations have never happened!"

Professor Oak asked,"Ash, why do you say that?" Suicune said,"Ash-sama means the Entei created by the unknown totem. I didn't feel any signs of life in that Entei."

Xiao Mao thought for a while and said,"Unknown totem? It looks like there should be many of them, otherwise how can a mythical beast be created!"

Professor Oak said,"But the crystallization is still spreading, and we can't get close to the manor now!"

Xiao Zhi said,"I have a way, look here." Xiao Zhi pointed to a small river passing through the manor on the screen. He said,"The water has not crystallized, Mr. John, this small river should pass through the manor!"

John nodded,"That's right!"

Xiao Zhi looked at Xiao Mao and said,"Xiao Mao, I need your help!"

Xiao Mao said,"Are we still so polite to each other? I'll help you divert the attention of Emperor Yan! I've repaid the favor I owed you last time!"

Although Xiao Mao has matured, he is still so arrogant. Xiao Zhi handed over a Master Ball:"I'll let Zapdos help you!" Xiao Mao took the Master Ball directly.

Professor Oak said,"You can go with peace of mind. If there are any changes in the observations here, John and I will contact you."

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