Xiaozhi and his friends have reached the second-floor platform. This time, the scene in front of them is a beach. Entei and Xiaomei appeared again. Xiaomei looked at them and said,"Who will be my opponent this time?"

Xiaoxia said,"Did Xiaogang lose to her?"

Xiaozhi shook his head and said,"I felt Xiaogang's waveguide. He is rushing towards us."

Xiaomei said,"The big brother below beat me. His Pokémon are very well cultivated!"

Xiaoxia took two steps forward and said,"In this case, I will be your opponent! Xiaozhi, you go first. Xiaogang and I will meet you later."

Xiaozhi held Xiaoxia's hand:"Be careful!" Xiaozhi took the initiative to kiss Xiaoxia on the cheek, causing Xiaoxia to blush.

Xiaozhi let go of Xiaoxia's hand and stepped onto the steps to the third floor.

Xiaomei asked with a curious look on her face:"Sister, is that brother your boyfriend?"

Xiaoxia said proudly:"Of course! With Xiaozhi's encouragement, I will not lose! Let's fight! I'm using water attribute Pokémon, how about two on two?" Xiaoxia's heart was still pounding because of what Xiaozhi did, but the situation in front of her was also very important.

Xiaomei said:"Okay! Then I will also use water attribute Pokémon." Xiaomei raised her hand, and water began to fill this layer, engulfing the figures of Xiaoxia, Xiaomei and Entei.

Xiaomei changed her age, and this time she looked the same age as Xiaoxia. Xiaomei said:"Let's start! Go, my Thorn Dragon"

【Thorn Dragon King】

【Attributes: Water, Dragon】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Leisurely (speed will increase in rainy weather)】

【Strength: Elite Level]

Thorn Dragon King! Xiaoxia said:"Go, my ever-victorious general, King Goldfish!" King Goldfish evolved as early as the Orange Islands. Since there are few places for King Goldfish to swim recently, it is kept in the Poké Ball. The battle field in the water is very suitable for King Goldfish to fight.

"Thorn Dragon King, use smoke.

Thorn Dragon King used smoke to wrap the Goldfish King.

"Goldfish King uses Water Ring!"

Goldfish King creates a water curtain around his body.

"The Thorn Dragon King uses a headbutt!

The Thorn Dragon King rushed into the smoke, and the Goldfish King blocked the headbutt with a water ring.

"Goldfish King, use the freezing ray!"

The Goldfish King seized the opportunity and fired the freezing ray, which immediately deprived the Thorn Dragon King of his ability to fight.

"Sister, you are no weaker than the dark-skinned brother! My next one is this, the giant flying fish"

【Giant flying fish】

【Attributes: Water, Flying】

【Gender: Male】

【Features: Leisurely (speed will increase in rainy weather)】

【Strength: Elite Level]

Xiaoxia said:"My next one is this, my best Vaporeon"

"Slither uses Slam.

Slither uses its entire body to slam into Vaporeon.

"Vaporeon, bite it.

Vaporeon bit the Scyther

""Giant Winged Flying Fish, use Tidal Whirlpool."

Giant Winged Flying Fish felt pain, but couldn't shake off Vaporeon, so it formed a whirlpool to get rid of Vaporeon.

"Vaporeon used Freeze Beam and dodged.

Vaporeon's close-range Freeze Beam froze the wings of the Skaven, and Vaporeon jumped away.

"Giant flying fish, foam rays"

"Vaporeon, Shadow Ball."

Vaporeon used Bubble Beam on Vaporeon, and Vaporeon fought back with Shadow Ball. The power of Shadow Ball suppressed Bubble Beam, and Shadow Ball hit Vaporeon.

"Vaporeon, one more Shadow Ball!"

Vaporeon fired a Shadow Ball again, and the giant finned skunk fell to the ground.

Xiaomei said,"Sister, I lost!" After that, Xiaomei and Entei disappeared again.

Xiaogang rushed to the floor where Xiaoxia was and asked,"Xiaoxia, did you win?"

Xiaoxia looked at the stairs and said,"Yes! Xiaozhi has already gone up, let's speed up!"

Xiaogang didn't take a breath and climbed the stairs with Xiaoxia again.

Xiaozhi had reached the top floor and saw the little girl lying on the bed and Entei beside her. Entei looked up alertly:"Get out!" Xiaozhi took a few steps forward:"I want to talk to Xiaomei, okay?"

Entei protected Xiaomei:"Get out!"

Xiaomei on the bed woke up and hugged Entei's neck excitedly and said,"Dad, Pokémon battles are so interesting! Although I lost, I'm very happy!"

Xiaomei noticed Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi said,"Xiaomei, do you still remember me?."

Xiao Mei thought for a while, then saw the photo on the bedside and said,"Brother Xiaozhi?"

Xiaozhi nodded:"Yes, I am Xiaozhi." Xiaozhi said softly:"Xiao Mei, you and Brother Xiaozhi, can you leave here together?"

Xiao Mei shook her head and hugged Yan Di's neck tightly:"My father is here, I'm not going anywhere."

Xiaozhi pointed outside the window and said:"Xiao Mei, look around, and there is Yan Di in front of you, is it really your father?"

Xiao Mei looked at the house full of crystals and Yan Di in her arms.

Seeing that she was wavering, Xiaozhi continued:"Xiao Mei, the Yan Di you call dad is just a projection of your heart. It is the unknown totem that created Yan Di with your thoughts of missing your dad. Now the whole green grassland has been crystallized, what should the residents of the green grassland do!"

Xiao Mei lowered her head and said:"Is it all my fault? But I just want my dad and mom!"

Xiaozhi squatted in front of Xiao Mei, touched her head and said:"Xiao Mei, I promise you that I can bring your dad back to you!"

Xiao Mei said:"Really? No, you can't do it! Uncle John said that Dad disappeared out of thin air, how could he come back?"Xiao Mei was still happy at first, but she slapped Xiao Zhi's hand and stepped back a few steps.

Xiao Zhi said:"But fantasy is always fantasy. You can't indulge in fantasy just because your wishes can be satisfied in fantasy!"

Musashi's voice sounded:"Little ghost said it well! We have also thought about getting promoted and getting a raise to become the boss's right-hand man. In order to achieve our ideals, we must catch powerful Pokémon. In order to realize our ideals, we are also working hard. There is a fundamental difference between reality and ideals."

Meow Meow said:"That's right, meow! Your idea is satisfied, but so many people have to leave home because of you, which is also a mistake!"

Kojiro also advised:"I ran away from home because I didn't want to follow the path arranged by my parents for me. After seeing Musashi and Meow Meow again, I understood the meaning of life. If you want your father to come back, then go find him! Why immerse yourself in your own fantasy without making efforts for it!"

When Xiaozhi saw the three members of Team Rocket appear, he smiled and said,"You three are still alive?""

Musashi said proudly,"Thanks to you, we are lucky!"

Xiaoxia and Xiaogang also arrived. Xiaoxia said,"It's rare that you said the right thing today. Xiaomei, you believe what brother Xiaozhi said! I promise you!"

Xiaogang said sincerely,"And I, I promise you too." Xiaozhi looked at Entei,"Entei, you will respect Xiaomei's choice, right?"

Entei's expression softened,"That's right! I will fulfill Xiaomei's wishes. I will also respect her choice. The meaning of my existence is to be a father who can make Xiaomei happy."

Xiaoxia said,"Xiaomei, come here!" Xiaoxia stretched out her hand to Xiaomei. Xiaomei hesitated for a moment and put her hand in Xiaoxia's hand.

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