Xiling Empire

Chapter 1007: Underground, deeper

"What is this? Elf?"

Seeing the mysterious girl lying in the dormant cabin showing pointed and long ears that were not human, her sister couldn't help whispering.

Then I heard a loud noise not far away, lìlìna shaved from the garbage dump buried alive, and squeezed into us: "What? Elf? Where is the elven?"

While picking the crystal fragments from her hair, I pointed to the person in the dormant cabin: "Look at her ear, isn't this an elf?"

Lìlìna observed for a while, then suddenly changed her body, switched from human form to demigod form, and turned into that green-haired, pointed-eared elf, holding my arm and swaying back and forth: "Boss, boss, me too Genie, am I seeing the fellow? "

I'm going crazy with this abnormal neuron, I throw her out of the circle: "If you can't help, dig a pit and bury yourself, you will be human for a while, and the elf will be for a while. For a while, I do n’t think I have enough characters on my ID card! "

We waited until lìlìna was quiet before we continued to work, and I was a little bit lamented: Elves, this magically rich race appeared on such an artificially transformed exile planet, and was still lying in a high-tech sleeping cabin. But it ’s really a messy combination. The elves in the impression should not be the kind that masters the magic civilization. The whole family are handsome guys and beautiful women. Most of the handsome guys are set as the background. Most of the beautiful women are wearing Hawaiian clothes in the forest. There are only two things going on and off every day: the first is the race that is captured by evil humans as slaves, and the second is the race that is picked up by passing traversers as sister paper?

Why do we see an elf family who has mastered the technology of life support module and planet fortification, and can also make super-world engines?

Well, maybe I shouldn't be so surprised, after all, even this year, even Naga has learned to polish the tail, and even the tauren have learned to use power armor ...

"Individual has no life reaction, zero mental activity, zero soul activity, zero memory traces, and completely static signs." Tavel quickly scanned the mysterious woman in the dormant cabin and reported a series of bad information, even though she was a Spirit scientist, and The military field is biased, and research on the life forms of carbon-based organisms is not professional, but she can still do these basic inspection items. "This body has no life response. It seems that all body tissues have been solidified and kept intact."

"Will this be the case when lìlìna fell down?" I glanced at the Pope who was digging myself, and said to myself that this girl was really a scourge, if she had the ability to resurrect the victim, This is at least a manslaughter.

"No", Tavel shook his head after a moment of thinking. "The dormant capsule was not destructively destroyed, so this person did not die on the spot when the impact occurred, not to mention that a normally dormant individual would not be in such a short period of time. Death is so thorough after a leak: all body tissues have ceased to function completely. Dissipation of memory is a slow process. It is based on non-living physical structures. Memory is usually preserved for a period of time after death, for carbon-based organisms The complete disappearance of memory to an unreadable state requires that the chemical balance of their memory organs completely collapse, and the neural structure is completely degenerated. This process takes at least several hours. And this individual's memory response is zero, and she has been dead for a long time. "

She explained it in great detail, and it seemed that the individual who was present had limited understanding, and I would not comment on it.

Tavel slowly brought a tiny probe closer to the forehead of the girl with the elf-like characteristics. When the probe touched the skin of the latter, it turned into a scattered light spot and disappeared into her body. At the same time, a full-line projection emerged next to Tavel, which showed that it had differentiated into microscopic spots. Scanning results obtained with a light probe.

"Erased clean, nothing left, her thinking memory system is intact. But there is no information feedback, the reading result is blank, this is most likely a cleaning operation completed before she fell asleep."

"A clean, blank body was kept preciously in the dormant cabin." Sandora looked around, her eyes fell on those crystal-clear crystal walls. "And she collected and managed it with such a huge system, if Just as a cemetery, these beehives are a bit wasteful. "

"If this is the case elsewhere, I am afraid that hundreds of millions of shells have been preserved here." Tavel stood up, a group of assistant machinery floating beside her made a murmuring sound, and projected towards the nearest wall and ground. As the light beams emerged, the crystal walls illuminated by the beams became more transparent. We faintly saw the neatly arranged rectangular objects inside: those are dormant cabins.

I felt a little bit chilling involuntarily, especially when I remembered that I felt something floating around with my elder sister just now ... I'm going, it's too scary, right?

In all fairness, I am not afraid of ghosts. Our whole family is not afraid of ghosts. After all, An Weina is there. Our definition of ghosts has long changed to "very cute, obedient, working well, and cooking is delicious". , But the situation here is not limited to ghosts, sometimes the atmosphere is the most scary.

Sandora made a decision to expand her exploration. More technicians and assistant technicians flew down from the top and began to carefully cut the crystal layers on the four walls and the ground. We did not find that there are openable structures on the surface of these crystal layers, indicating them. It was cast once. There is no better way except for violent dismantling. However, Tavel also determined that these crystals have nothing to do with the working status of the dorm. They look more like a neat layer of wrapping paper and will not affect after removal. To the normal operation of the sleeping compartment, the demolition work can be carried out with confidence and boldly.

Touching my arm lightly: "Well, Jun, I think of my dad."

"Ah?" I froze, not knowing exactly which nerve was activated by this wonderfully thinking super girl.

"He usually plans to graze other people's graves in the south and the north." Shimmering eyes flashed with glitter. "We are much better than him, how much we planed this time! Isn't this good?"

I was speechless, Lin Xue patted me on the shoulder: "You should be used to it, and I think Uncle Xu should be your natural enemy: He is planning the emperor's grave every day, and you are more or less an emperor. Will ... "

I was full of nagging, aunt. This topic is too heavy.

"Shallow. You said your dad wouldn't plan my ancestor's grave after he knew about us, right?"

"How can you?" Shallowly, he waved his hand, "Do you have an ancestral grave?"

... I don't think the point of the question is here!

However, my entanglement did not last long, and soon the scientific research staff found more dormant cabins, which forced me to re-focus on the exploration work in front of me.

Experts have confirmed the life-sustaining mode of this dorm module, according to them, it is a fairly simple principle. Anyway, this statement will make ordinary civilization surely cry. Tavel's assistant team easily cracked the "rude" dormant cabin opening process and took out twenty cabins without disrupting the maintenance system. Side by side, there is no accident that there is a sleeper in each sleeping compartment. I asked Shadow City to send a group of life priests to the scene, ready to rescue the sleeper who was in danger due to the accident when it was opened, and lìlìna was taking care of the lifeless girl in the first dorm. But these preparations seemed to be in vain, because the people inside did not wake up at all after activating the sleeping cabins in the correct way.

"No life response!"

"Zero memory response!"

"Zero reaction is zero!"

"Attempting to activate ... Activation failed!"

A series of regrettable reports came quickly, and twenty sleeping cabins, but none of the living sleepers could come out and tell us what was going on on this planet.

"The equipment is intact." Tavel was disappointed. But I ’m still trying to analyze it. “Although the structure is not clever, it also meets the technical conditions for long-term preservation of living bodies. The subordinates checked their systems. These things are not stored at ultra-low temperature, but with micro-coagulation technology. In this case, a body can be saved almost forever in this environment: as long as the cabin has energy, it is obviously abundant here. "

She said. Reached and knocked on the crystal wall next to it, and there was a magnificent ripple on it: "At least in the case that this decoration still has energy, it is impossible for the more important dormancy cabin to run out of energy in advance, unless the designer here His head was bombarded by a naval gun. "

"The dorms are intact, and they are technically enough to keep the sleepers long enough." Sandora shook her head. "But what finally appeared to us was hundreds of millions of" corpses ". Well, for the time being Call it a corpse. What went wrong in the middle? Where have all the crew souls in this stray planet gone? "

The sister frowned, saying a conjecture that made her heart sink: "Don't it be possible that the fallen apostles had already completed their mission? They used no idea what to do and killed all the crew members without destroying the green star. And erased the memories and soul of these crew members, leaving us with a cemetery. "

If this is true, it is simply too bad. Everyone instinctively refuses to believe her sister's guess, but I subconsciously focus my eyes on Lin Xue: when I encounter a puzzle that I really do n’t understand, I ask for help. It's almost conditioned.

Behind every successful man must be a woman who is so badly oily ...

"It can only be confirmed that the plot of the fallen apostles did not succeed, and there was no accident on the green star." The young lady shook her head. "As for where their souls have gone, I really don't know-after all, this thing has floated for tens of thousands It ’s been years, and you do n’t know how many worlds you have, the historical span that needs to be traced back is too large, and many of the pictures look messy. "

"Boss, I gave up, I can't save it at all" lìlìna also came down in dismay. "She is not dead, almost all the cells on the body are intact and scattered, that is, there is no sign of life, at most a vegetable. Version 2.0, how should a dead person be resurrected. "

Even lìlìna said so, it seems that there is no way, Ding Dong can go up and try, but even if the goddess of life can use the divine power to force a body into action, what's the point? It's just an empty shell, I'm afraid it doesn't even have the instinct to breathe. The most important question now is where are these body souls going.

The elder sister looked at the dead coffins and frowned slightly: "Return these sleeping compartments first, but I don't know why they are here. Maybe it is of great significance to the owners of these bodies. Be careful of bad things . "

The assistant technicians and service personnel were busy and lived up again, and installed the newly removed dorms one by one back to their original brackets, and the goddess priests rushing over embarrassedly performed mime performances beside: No use for them.

In the end, there was only one dormant cabin that could not be recovered. It was the one that was pierced by Lìlìna. The dorm compartment itself is not technically high, but there is a set of safety locks that cannot be repaired in the cover. After reluctantly repairing with the miniature repair system commonly used by Schilling technicians, the dorm compartment cannot reach the original performance parameters, and For fragility in a state of "death preservation", environmental nuances are deadly enough.

Tavier had no choice but to transfer an empire-made universal life support system from the outside, including an advanced and sliding coffin ... cough, a multifunctional life support module, a complete set that can provide more than 10,000 kinds of ecological environment support Support system, and agile scanning device. Then carefully put the seemingly unharmed elf girl in. This complex and extremely advanced system occupied three vacant space the size of the sleeping cabin, and because it didn't know what to do with each other, the universal survival system could only First place it in the open.

"This device can automatically detect the living organisms contained in it, and then create a 100% usable atmospheric environment, gravity simulation, micro-energy field and a small amount of magnetic field effects." Tavel introduced us one of her scientific achievements proudly. " Because it is experimental, its volume needs to be reduced. However, its performance has been unprecedented: it can basically solve the living needs of any kind of organism in theory. From carbon-based to silicon-based, to sulfur-based and even energy biology Can get the micro-environment needed for survival in it, and now it has started to work normally, indicating that the girl is at least a life form that the machine can understand. "

"Continue to expand the search to find out if there is a data recording facility or something," Sandora instructed. "I don't believe that such a large underground hole is only used to store the body. Outside this life support system, there should be There are other equipment areas. Previously, the radar showed that the energy response of the Green Star mantle is very active, but now it seems that its activity has decreased a little. Maybe a system is hiding itself, you can get it out-but do not cause damage . "

"Your will, Your Majesty." Tavel greeted solemnly, and then led a group of assistants before us.

After the search was expanded, new discoveries soon came. The investigators found something else in the crystal walls everywhere.

Wrapped in crystals, plant remains, fossils, animals, and even some lifelike insects that have completely become fossils.

The most spectacular is a giant cliff that stands alone in a large honeycomb grid. It is two kilometers wide, crystal clear, and highly transparent. A complete snapshot of the forest is preserved in this cliff: towering ancient trees, The lush flowers and plants, as well as the chasing animals and insects, have all been transformed into amber fossils by crystals.

"It looks like this planet was once alive."

Sister said with emotion.

"Compared to this, I am more attentive to another thing" lìlìna finally stunned again after shaving forty or fifty pits on the ground. "Boss, do you remember the core of this planet?" , There's a big guy there! "

"Yes, you do n’t say I forgot, there is a biological response the size of the earth's core below!" I patted my head and realized that "I ’m going to find if there is a way to go down, let's go to the center of the earth! "

For the mantle (for the current green star, it is the mantle, but if the layer of artificial protective shell is peeled off, this layer should be the original surface of the original green star. Here, for the sake of habit, we still follow the green star's current It looks like this is stratifying the planet) Exploring these dormant cabins and other possible areas may not be an hour or two. Instead of wasting time here, go to the heart and take a look at another of our previous discoveries: that huge core-like life response.

It may be that Sandora has previously released a series of security devices of Green Star by using the key ~ www.readwn.com ~ The various channels in it are no longer hidden, and the efficient scouting help of the shadow of the lost, soon we I found a series of well-connected transportation networks, which were so grandly placed between the entrances and exits, most of which were the traffic roads between the honeycomb grids, and a prominent main road directly leading to the deeper ground.

The straight distance from here is even less than twenty kilometers.

We did n’t bring too many scientists on this trip. They have been completely attracted by the mantle-like tomb world, and they have to do research on a core-sized super-life. Scientists who have engaged in military work all their lives may not have several lives. The goddess priests are professional, so when I came here, except for our family, I only brought a quality projection of Tavel, a few goddess priests, and a few assistants of Tavel.

700 billion yuan entered a deeper and monotonous tunnel. This tunnel is wider than the passage on the earth's crust, but the walls are no longer formed of crystal, but are made of alloy. It looks rough and simple, and even the lights are out. less. Green Star ’s deep space has no science and technology content. The aboriginal people here did not seem to make a further transformation of their home planet. After giving it a certain defense ability and the ability to sail across the world, they chose to collectively give up The body goes to sleep.

Ten minutes later, we arrived at the core of Green Star.

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