Xiling Empire

Chapter 1009: Unreal village

~ Date: ~ November 06 ~

The situation is really amazing. We originally came to unlock the secrets of Green Star. This should be the legacy of the old empire tens of thousands of years ago. A high-tech star battleship. Well, at least it is a star fortress. I think I will encounter a layer here. Layer of encrypted database, criss-crossed starship bridges, or automatic defense robots armed to the heels, can even pop out a few waves of dormant ancient guardians, and then I lead this group of girls who break through the sky to kill them all the way Go in, and put some old accounts in the star database—this is the normal development.

But the final situation is this: we did cross two starship bridges, and encountered a high-tech building group, but in the end came a low-gravity "satellite" floating in the center of the earth (I can only So named, how to call this small planet sealed in the geonuclear location is a problem. It is not appropriate to always call the small green ball and the small green ball, so Tavel proposed to call it a "geospheric satellite", who said that satellites can only Orbit around the planet? It ’s not the same to pack it into the planet and take it away.) This low-gravity satellite is lush and protected by an old tooth shield system that resists the surrounding geocentric environment of thousands of degrees. There are countless huge The madly grown plants are the same as the fairy tale world, but 99% of them are mass projections that are crushed at the pinch. The ground is covered with the only solid thing, that is, the vine that seems to envelop the entire geocentric satellite. We also encountered a messy little girl who had a mental problem with visual inspection. Such a child who was thrown into the temple of the goddess of life for three years may not be elected as a class cadre.

"It's rude to think so." My sister reminded me very seriously. I kept a spiritual link with her, and started talking about this elf-like little girl in a chat without saying a word, and then she was educated.

"Although she isn't very smart-she should be too naive." The older sister quickly took the second sentence.

The little girl who tried to repel the invader with a toy bow and arrow broke her knee. It ’s strange that she is a mass projection, and the plant she fell down is also a mass projection. It stands to reason that a normal projection generating device is impossible for The two mass projections caused damage during the collision, but the fact was that she broke her knee. And it seemed quite painful, which made Sandora curious: the projection generation facilities here added too many unnecessary functions, so as to make the environment here as authentic as possible. The quality projection technology used by the apostles was just to give I created some tools and working environment at hand, but the quality projection here seems to be in a virtual world. I think the aborigines who live here are like those players trapped in virtual online games. They have mixed fantasy and reality in One piece, is this what this place is for?

An illusory world that is still lush after the end of the world? So what is going on with the indigenous people here? The little girl in front of her looked like she had not experienced the end of the world. She was more like born and raised here from a young age.

No matter what the truth is. Anyway, I have to carry the little girl with a broken knee on my back, tolerate her 100,000 reasons, and make a high gesture of "I'm not a loli control" in Lin Xue's grin. And you have to calm down at any time, so that you don't get angry with the troublesome ghost on your back and occasionally poke at your ears with arrows, which is a complicated job. The last requirement is even more difficult, especially when the other party can't figure out where to go.

"Do you know where your home is?"

After the other person drew the arrow cluster into his neck again, I finally could not help but say, "In addition, what is your name?"

"You can't just tell others your own name, and you're still an intruder." The little girl replied resolutely, "Just go ahead." Turning left may also be turning right. Anyway, I will tell you, not far away Our village, a very big village, the chief patriarch happened to be a guest in the village these two days. "

"Reassuring peace of mind," Lin Xue gave me a smirk and gave me a smirk. "This time is really coming, there really is a village in front of me."

"Did you notice one thing?" I said calmly and told you in the spiritual link, "The gravity here is more limited than that on the moon, and the ruler road floated by accident, but the little girl seemed to She didn't feel anything at all. She just walked on the ground and she broke her knee on the ground. "

"Because this is an environment dominated by mass projection, more than 90% of the surroundings and the little girl itself are mass projections," Sandora responded, "regardless of the gravity in the real environment, this little girl looks They all live in an 'environment' whose gravity is close to the earth. According to her size and behavior, I reckon that the environmental gravity she feels should be about the same as the earth, close to the gravity of the green star surface. For a mass projection, environmental perception It is quite easy to be blinded. "

Here is a weird world where reality and phantom exist at the same time. We walk in the real world, but the projection girl is convinced by the information from phantom, and it is really amazing that the two of us should communicate normally in this situation.

In this case, walking is a bit troublesome, because my sister does not want the little girl to see that we are walking in strange positions, so everyone has to ignore the surrounding gravity environment and use their own methods to "down to earth". You have to be careful to make people feel uncomfortable.

After walking for ten minutes in this uncomfortable state, we can reach the end point: an elf village surrounded by plants.

The village is small, roughly looking at only a dozen households, and the radius of the village will not exceed three or four hundred meters. The villages that are sparsely drawn between the households are surrounded by a thin and tall gray "mushroom" in a circle of up to ten meters. These Mushrooms serve as the village's natural fence. The thick fence weaved by the plant fibers between mushrooms and mushrooms is regarded as the village wall. On the ground in the middle of the village, many smaller "mushrooms" also grow. The houses are built on the stalks of these mushrooms. It seems that the tree house built after hollowing out the trunks contains some mushrooms, which are not the same as the impressions. According to the cross-sections of those doors and windows, these mushrooms are likely to be some kind of woody plant. ——Okay, you've come to such a strange place, so don't tangle woody plants.

I don't know what kind of living habits the residents have in this weird, world made up of quality projections, but now this time is obviously a leisure time. There are three or two villagers hanging out in the open space of the village. Or drink and chat in the shade below the big mushroom house. The shield of this little planet has halo circles that diffuse in the high-altitude atmosphere, providing light to the earth below. It is daylight now, and the light is a little strong.

From the appearance alone, this is a simple and peaceful small village in the forest, full of wonderful feelings of fairy tales and legends. Even if there is anything striking, the residents here have the characteristics of elves. However, one Everything that comes to mind here is a mass projection with no life and no substance. I felt a strange and unsightly sight on my body becoming increasingly unreal.

The arrival of outsiders caught the attention of the villagers. First, we saw a few passers-by glanced nervously, then ran back to their houses quickly. When they came out, they had all kinds of weapons in their hands. The women and children who did not have weapons looked at them like Nirvana, and two people saw the strange little **** my back. Suddenly exclaimed.

"Dad! Mom! I'm back!"

The weird little girl jumped off my back sloppily, and took two or three steps-she fell to the ground, and she ran steadily when she was fine on her leg, not to mention that she still hurt her knee.

A pair of young men and women not far away exclaimed softly, and then ran quickly, but we got closer. The older sister stepped forward and helped the strange little girl to beat her comfortably. The twelve-year-old said It's been childish. But this little girl is obviously not too busy to coax, just like a child, and it is for this reason that the older child's bear child controls the halo and gains the skill level plus three effects on the other person. The little girl was happy when she looked at her daughter's injury from the waist.

"This is my mom and dad, thank you for taking me home," the little girl nodded politely to us, and introduced her stranger to her parents. "Mom and dad, this is the invasion I met outside. Oh, good intruder. "

What a mess!

The parents of the little girl were in chaos, and they kept their daughters behind them calmly. The nervous villagers around them took their respective weapons: a spatula, a spoon and a shovel, forming a loose encirclement. Nirvana, but this rule is not giving any pressure, and I don't feel any murderous things from these people. Their reaction is not so much confusion and fright now. Instinctively picked up the self-defense things, and then came to see what happened-watching the crowd, I defined them.

"Who are you and how did you get here?" The little girl's father calmed down quickly and asked aloud while protecting her wife and daughter.

Although I knew that everything in front of them was a quality projection, I felt that they didn't seem to realize it, so I answered seriously, "We are from above."

I pointed to the high altitude. This earth-centered satellite is surrounded by a layer of atmosphere and a shield, and has its own independent light adjustment. Therefore, the dark red overhanging ground flowing with the dazzling magma river is not clear here. After looking at the clouds and the shield layer that has a certain masking effect, I can only see a little dark red fuzzy shadows looming in the clouds. I do n’t know if the residents here can understand what they mean: they know Is there another piece of land in your own world?

"Upper ?!" the villagers rioted, and the little girl's father exclaimed, "are you from the flames?"

The other side exclaimed, while carefully observing our features: "It seems that it is really different from us. Did you fall? Is it still burning?" Then, his eyes fell on Liliana again, Lili Na was still in a state of transformation at this time, and she looked like a blood elf. "Well? This girl is also from the flames?"

"It turned out that you called the mantle blaze," Lilian blinked. "But we came from above. It penetrated thousands of kilometers-yes, you know that a kilometer is How much? "

The unit of measurement used by the other party does not seem to have the unit of kilometers, but he still understood what Li Lina meant] The surprise was even more: "More up? Did you cut through the flames?"

Sandora and I looked at each other, and the voice of each other came from the spiritual link: "Ajun, they don't seem to know that they live in the center of the earth-and they don't know that they live in a projection world."

This is a little different from our initial conjecture, but I am not in a hurry to find out the answer immediately, anyway, Green Star has now docked in the empire capital, and some have time to figure out everything. I just feel that the situation in front of me is a little black and humorous: these Aboriginal people who exist in the form of mass projection know nothing about the surface, and they don't even know where their home planet has been dragged. Their perception of the world is limited to the "normal-looking" geocentric world in which they live, and the flaming mantle on their heads, which is treated as the sky's mantle. From their ears, visitors from outside "Flame" It ’s incredible because it takes to cut through the sky

Are they really a projection from an ontology? Or is it just a program that evolved without a virtual character without an ontology? In the spiritual link, the elder sister, who was more careful, raised such a question. Suppose the villagers here are of conventional quality projection. Then they must have their own body somewhere (I thought of the huge tomb group that I saw in the ditto before. The body that is dormant in countless dorms), which means that they should have a fairly high Scientific knowledge: Primitives can not operate the projector, but the situation is a bit wrong now. They look more like the elves who live in the jungle in fantasy books and have never seen a human's stone castle-I saw it, they still draw water with water wells.

That water is also a phantom. But it must be a virtual item created by the program.

Of course, there is also a possibility that the high-tech race that transformed Green Star is no longer here. These elves living in a low-tech state are actually some kind of experimental objects. They do not use projection devices themselves, but they were originally used by Green Star. The builder tucked into the sleeping compartment. Transfer things like soul to this place: The little planet in the center of the earth is actually a biological laboratory.

The more I think about it, the more I feel like I'm really scared not to write the script. These stories, you just make up a couple of dogs and men who can't make it when the cast is finally released. ※ If you throw it in Hollywood, it is at least seven or eight. A little golden man

The sister ’s affinity and Lirina ’s appearance of the elves finally played a role. After communicating for a long time, the villagers around the vigilant heart dropped their weapons one after another. I found that these elves were very cautious and a little nervous, although we were “invasion "You can come here, but there is no hostile behavior at all, they are already close to the enemy. In this society, as long as they are dressed up and have creatures that are not the same as their own race, they can be regarded as enemies. What?

The strange little girl was taken away by her parents, and the villagers also dispersed. The last male elf who looked similar to human middle-aged came over and introduced himself as the village head here.

"I'm sorry, we grew up listening to legends. Anything that comes down from the flames is extremely dangerous. Any alien who appears in the big forest may be an invader," the middle-aged person led us to the village. The largest tree house in the world, "It's the legend."

"Oh." I said nothing, simply perfunctory. There is so much confusion left in this weird place, and I decided to keep a low profile until I find out more secrets.

The elven tree house is built in the mushroom handle, but the nirvana inside is not the same as expected. It is not wet at all, and the light is sufficient. The curved walls around it are dry and tidy. Very soft white light penetrates through the mushroom. Out: the walls were transparent when they looked out from the inside.

The village chief ’s house did n’t look much exquisitely decorated, everything was just the simplest home essentials, furniture made of wood chips, hanging chairs and tapestries made of plant fibers, and several small furnishings that could not see the texture. It's all on the first floor: because the mushroom handle is so high, every house here is as high as several floors. These local buildings are destined to develop commercial buildings and courtyards.

"Our chief clan is working on ~ www.readwn.com ~ and she will come to meet you guests in person at that time."

Middle-aged people asked us to take a break on those slightly smaller hanging chairs, and then got up to prepare drinks and food, which seemed very hospitable, and somewhat offended the offending meaning. Lilin twisted restlessly in the middle of the hanging chair made of plant fiber, and finally jumped down and got into my arms, her head silent.

"What is this girl nerve?"

I looked at the people around me with tears of laughter. Lin Xue looked with contempt and thought, while Sandora looked at it with a smile, my sister scratched my head: "Ajun, take care of yourself."

It is quite heavy, and the weight of the two people is almost collapsing visually.

"Boss, I don't like it here," Liliana said in a sullen voice. "There is a very huge living body waking up, and I feel the whole person is wrapped in it. The deadly projection here is also uncomfortable— —They are too sensitive. "

Is it necessary for this girl to pronounce a normal sentence in the abnormal second sentence? !!

& gt,

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