Xiling Empire

Chapter 1012: 1 Secret and Truth

The chief patriarch has a lot to tell us, but the premise is to confirm the identity of Sandora. Green Star originally had the function of identifying the Apostles of the Spirit. Unfortunately, the long years and several accidents on the way to exile destroyed these ancient equipment. At present, the facilities that can be used on Green Star are only its own structural support devices, energy furnaces, and some defense and alarm devices, and control of these devices is not in the hands of the chief patriarch. In the old empire, the tree elven race was the last The dependents who came into contact with the old empire, they received too little technical support from the empire, and they did not have time to digest it. Eighty percent of what was hurried to them was an automatic device. M

Fortunately, even if we can't get confirmation from the planet system, we have a way to convince the chief patriarch: The Legion of Shadow City is patrolling above the Green Star, even though the old tree elf elder has not yet learned how to sense phantom energy, She also remembers those giant ships.

After confirming our identity, the Tree Elf patriarch marveled at the history she knew.

The tree elf used to be an advanced civilization with advanced technology.

This is a bit weird, because in many cases, the elves should be creatures associated with magic and the Middle Ages. It's hard to imagine how an elf with a laser gun and an infrared night vision device would stand in front of himself. He (let us temporarily forget the blood elves of Shadow City riding anti-gravity motorcycle drag racing, drag racing and heavy metal rock music are not the original elven culture), but in all things possible void. Let's let go of these common sense of being fixed by books: Although the tree elves have a civilization element similar to magic. But what really supports their continuous development is actually scientific and technological power. To the tree elves, magic is more like an individual talent handed down by ancestors. It can accompany lifelong research and development, but it is just like humans did not rely on power to reach the earth. Like the top of the pyramid, the tree elves eventually did not rely on their limited life talent to get out of the mother star. In the judgment standard of the empire, they were a technological civilization, before the peaceful empires discovered these peaceful creatures. They have developed mature space technology and a life support system that exceeds their civilization level (the latter is due to the tree spirit's talent for the essence of life), these fantasy world protagonists with pointed ears are driving their own space Ships roamed easily in their stellar galaxy, and successfully created space teleporters to conduct various explorations within the Milky Way. They are full of curiosity and keen to travel. A tree elf family will never stay in a fixed place for more than three years, which will make them feel uncomfortable. For the tree elf, the most interesting thing in the world is never to go. I saw sights I have never seen before, even if it would take years to travel for this. In the past, they explored their entire planet, and in the space age, they began to take steps towards the dangerous vacuum and radiation environment. With the seeds from the mother star, I hope that more suitable planets will grow lush forests. However, fate made people, and the disaster that almost killed the Tree Elves was also after a largest hike.

That was their first attempt to send an exploration team to the Galaxy Center. It was the boldest voyage ever since the tree elves mastered space technology. The voyage impressed the chief. Among them, the stargazers used hyperspace equipment to observe a series of incredible space strangeness in the center of the galaxy, a large number of celestial bodies inexplicably disappeared in the observer's field of vision, and some old stars that suddenly drowned suddenly burst into young ones. Vitality, crazy release of amazing intensity of energy and material torrents, star-making speed in the star nest has increased to an unprecedented level. The bewildered tree-elf scientists sent the most advanced deep space ships and the bravest astronauts to explore the center of the galaxy-they expect these brave adventurers to bring back new knowledge, or an unheard of Cosmic Energy Model.

Until that time, the tree elves had never touched the abyss, let alone the wild phenomenon that occurred in the center of the galaxy was not a cosmic wonder at all. It is a sign of the galaxy's impending full collapse under the abyss pollution.

The first expedition quickly lost contact and only returned some cluttered and crazy phrases. They seem to be carnival in the center of the galaxy. Those crazy recordings show a hysterical mood. If the tree elves choose to flee their home immediately when they receive this information, they may be able to avoid the next disaster: the power of the abyss appears in the center of the galaxy. And only leaked a little, it takes a long time for them to break through the extreme environment there. Their spread speed is less than the speed of light at first, and then it will continue to accelerate to the speed of light as the infection expands. The tree elf immediately Setting off to flee could delay the disaster for at least hundreds of years. M

But they made a wrong decision: send a second exploration unit to see what happened to the previous team.

After experiencing the same communication disruption as the first expedition, the second expedition had a miraculously successful return to space, which was the beginning of a disaster. The scientists and medical experts who went to find out that the tattered spaceship was as empty as if he had escaped, and all the crew members had disappeared. The spacecraft flew back under the function of the automatic navigation system. During the following inspections, the returning ship was exposed to people abnormally: inexplicable shell damage, fierce fighting marks and blood stains in the personnel area, instruments damaged by the crew, and crazy graffiti in the captain's room. Pushing further and further in the direction of horror and weirdness, the last anomaly they finally found was a video clip of several minutes.

"I still remember that scene very much. At that time, I was still a scientist on Tandani. I personally experienced the scene of that year," the chief patriarch crossed his hands tightly, referring to the history of that year, she was still shaking "The surveillance recorded the scene of the gate. The captain and commander of the deep space ship pushed a dead body into the airlock compartment, and then placed a bomb in the spaceship. The message was finally pulled out of the airlock along with all the bodies. They committed suicide. "

"A strong-willed individual occasionally regains consciousness in the early stages after being infected," Sandora said quietly. "It seems that the captain and the commander have guessed that there is something mortal in the ship can't handle, so they want to destroy the spacecraft. They worry that they will lose their sanity again before the bomb explodes, to prevent the spacecraft from destroying itself for the last chance, so I chose to commit suicide first. "

The sister sighed: "Unfortunately, they did not expect that the invisible force would destroy the detonation device of the bomb: the abyss was indiscriminately destroyed. The bomb was destroyed before the explosion, along with the spacecraft's sending device. together."

"Yes, later we found the message that could not be sent, with only one sentence: don't come, run away!"

Abyss infections are initially difficult to detect. Especially when they are still weak. Those dim two-dimensional planes are hidden in the dark, and before they start to destroy everything, no one thinks about what harm a glamorous pattern can cause. At first, people just found that there were a lot of weird things in some of the lucky returning expedition ships. "Graffiti." Later, the lighting system and power furnace of Xinggang frequently malfunctioned. Within a few days, the tree elves in the base began to be infected with an inexplicable depression. The violence increased day by day and the army gradually lost control. When the capital finally found the situation When it ’s wrong, their orders ca n’t reach the border. Then, like many infected places in the abyss, first of all, the first infected people suddenly started attacking others, then spread out from the infected area, and various organisms emerged endlessly. Mutated. The beasts began to kill civilians, and the space cities that the tree elves had built over thousands of years began to fall apart without being attacked. On the colony, the earth cracked and lava sprayed.

The tree elves resisted this unexplained "plague" for fifteen years, and they knew nothing about the civilization that knew nothing about the abyss (and they did not have the god-given treasure such as Austrian iron, nor did they have a lost life goddess. Ability to turn the tide), this is a pretty good record, but in the end they are still on the verge of extinction, and the colonial star has only the last fortress left. The space force was almost completely destroyed-the then-spirit army appeared at that time.

Which emperor's army was no longer available for inquiry. At the last moment, they found the tree elven kingdom which had been seriously infected. Fortunately, the imperial general who carried out the purification task was a careful soldier. He did not directly The Milky Way dropped weapons of extinction. Instead, he slowly pushed forward the front, so he discovered the tree-elven civilization that was still stubbornly resisting.

Inferred from the timetable. At that time, it should have been less than two years since the disaster of the empire's death (this is the result of the historical calculations mentioned by the patriarch of the synthesis), and the tree-elven civilization was likely to be the last vassal race of the old empire.

"After meeting the empire, we were first allowed to rebuild the society, and at the same time, the empire transformed our planet into a mobile fortress." The patriarch sipped and continued, and I said that this was not directly expropriated!

The style of the old empire is really good. They did a good job, but after the completion of the matter, they requisitioned their home planet as a fortress. (It should only be regarded as a fortress. In the old empire, this kind of The hollowed-out starship is not qualified to be called a Star Warship). This behavior is really overbearing. Fortunately, the tree elves have just escaped from the genocide. It is too late to care about these, or they may I didn't care much about it, so this last thing happened.

"With the help of the empire, we spent two years covering the surface of our planet with charged armor. When the transformation of the planet was about to be completed, the general of the empire came suddenly. He was very urgent at the time, and I think what may have happened Major events, he brought a batch of equipment, which is a huge machine that drives the planet to sail across the world. These things were previously prohibited from ethnic contact like us. He ordered engineers to bury new equipment in the mantle and personally performed it later. Several transformation projects and gave us something. In the end he asked all the tree elves to hide underground and started the starship's engine. "

"Then you just do the task honestly?" Lin Xue felt a little weird. "You don't wonder why the other party did it? Isn't it strange that you suddenly leave your universe?"

"It's nothing to leave the universe, the tree elves don't care about it," the chief patriarch shook his head. "The general told us that the end of the world is coming and all universes are already insecure. Some of the other vassal races are on the road. And Is dead, the tree elves have no ability to stay and fight, so the other task is to escape with those vital information, the farther you can escape, the better, until the emperor chases us back, the journey is over .But the general also reminds us to be careful to kill, there will be corrupted empire battleships chasing down starships and tearing the mantle. Destroy the information inside. "

I remembered those legends of the tree elves, and then shook my head, feeling that there are still many secrets that have not been unlocked: "Oasis, this little planet we are staying in now. What is going on? This is why the old empire let you go away. data?"

"No, the data is in the system. This small planet in the center of the earth is only a part of the system. It was originally our moon."

Everyone: "Ah?"

"Oasis was originally our moon. The mother star of the tree elves had two huge moons. The larger one was destroyed in the flames of war. We blasted it into a ring of stars with mass weapons to slow down the bombs thrown by polluters. The smaller one was named Oasis and survived the war. Before the starship was decided to sail, the elders of the tree elves thought that they should bring at least a little hometown. So the general agreed, and he transformed the mother star's center , Put our moon in. "

What a messy makeover!

After a brief introduction by the chief patriarch, we finally understood the history and history of Green Star and how the oasis appeared. I did not expect it to be such a long and winding story. At this time, I thought of another thing. This thing It seems more confusing than anything else: "Then do the tree elves sleep in the dorms of the mantle or live on the oasis? What are the quality projections outside? And the villagers last night Swap "

"This is a treatment plan taken when the journey is too long," said the chief clan helplessly. "After the mother star set sail. We soon lost contact with the empire (estimated that the situation in the old empire was out of control at this time), We have n’t fully learned how to use the complex operating systems of the Star Fortress, so we have no chance to learn, so we can only follow the automatic navigation system. At the beginning, we will stay in the home star for a few years. Came to life on the ground, but soon we discovered that the world had indeed suffered a catastrophe just as the general warned. The external environment became extremely dangerous, and there were wars and abyss everywhere, after several consecutive universes encountered danger. The tree elf finally gave up the ground completely and moved to underground life. Later, as time passed, the elders realized a problem: if the end of the journey is out of reach, it will be a catastrophic event to stay awake all the time, which will make People go crazy, the consequences are no less than the pollution of the abyss. The tree elf originally had a long life, if such a long time I have been trapped in the dark underground, so sooner or later, my collective spirit will collapse, so we went to sleep in batches-at first we went to sleep in batches. Later, the situation became more and more serious. We can keep awake and maintain the system's tree spirit. Fewer and fewer, in the end, almost everything is handed over to the automated facilities, only one percent of the tree elves are still awake, and the awake tree elves scientists have discovered a terrible phenomenon: due to ultra-long continuous dormancy , The spiritual power of the people is dissipating: even if they can be kept in the dormant cabin, the soul cannot live forever. The task seems to be failing: this is more terrible than death for the tree elves, and our racial imprint does not allow us Give up your promise, so the final scientists, including me, put forward a plan to delay the situation.

Enabling the oasis of the earth's center, let it form a world composed of mass projections, simulate the most primitive environment of the parent star, and let the family enter the dream world in batches. "

"Dream?" The elder sister suddenly interrupted the other.

"Yes, dreaming," the chief nodded, "using the soul extraction device to transfer all the spirit of a tree elf, input it into the quality projection, and then selectively seal most of the memory, and finally put it on the oasis, like this In the dream, the soul trauma caused by the long journey and continuous dormancy will slowly heal. Most of the memory is sealed in order to make the dreamer forget the things that are in the journey, so that when they leave the dream, they can take one A perfect sweet dream enough to heal wounds. We soon found this method to be effective, and the phenomenon of soul dissipation in the tribe completely stopped, so we simply extracted all the souls and stored them in the mother star's mantle. In the huge database, it is easier and safer to transfer the soul from the database into the dream than to temporarily extract it from the body, and it saves energy. Those husks in the upper mantle dormant cabin can therefore be transferred to low power storage. After all, no one knows that the journey will continue How long, after the failure of the first energy furnace, we have such a sense of crisis "

I sighed in silence: Fortunately, ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now Green Star's energy furnace is still intact, but their plans are really correct.

"It's basically the right thing," the sister put her hands on her chin, looking at the chief, "then you are like this"

"I'm one of the pilots," the old tree elf laughed. "When the starship crew is asleep, there must always be someone looking at the navigator. The pilot is a nominal starship driver, but our authority is also Only observing the operation of the system, and the work was suspended after a failure thousands of years ago, and we have not been able to repair those things until now. We are some trainers who were accidentally thrown on the spacecraft. Primitives who left suddenly, everything was so rushed that we didn't even have time to learn how to brake the mother star. "

Pilots, when other tree elves enter sleep and dream, they need to maintain complete memory and awake mentality. They are not many in number, and they need to be divided into many shifts. In order to observe whether the starship's aging system is still intact, they Under tremendous pressure, only one navigator appears in the dream of the oasis at a time: in the name of the ancestors and the chief patriarch, this is their only rest time, and even such a rest time they have to stay awake, after all And someone else is responsible for maintaining the integrity of this dream.

So I paid tribute to the patriarch in front of me.

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