Xiling Empire

Chapter 1040: Unable to rest in Tavel

I do n’t know if our deep dive plan is a complete success this time—in fact, we have reached the original goal, conducted a deep dive, verified the performance of the deep submersible ship test model, and collected data from the abyss deep zone for use in Create the next more powerful deep-submersible ship, obtain more than two valid databases, and finally safely withdraw from the test site-these goals have now been completed, but the unplanned situation is that we lose a test universe with good conditions.

This loss was not unbearable, and it did not affect the gains of the entire deep dive plan, but when we thought that it was a fallen apostle who made troubles, we felt as if strangling in our throats. Sandora was particularly angry. She had sent three times the force to guard the empire. Every abyss gate in the country is used for scientific research to prevent the fallen apostles from popping out of these gates. However, there is no other way for her: the empire does not have the right to build an abyss field. Fleet capabilities.

After fixing the abyss power that may be contaminated on my body (it feels like I just walked from the severe plague area), we rushed to Shadow City Command, and everyone was already waiting here. In the officer's lounge, I saw the shallowness lazily lying on the sofa, humming softly, she had no consciousness of the empire's mother, in such a serious military place, openly in front of several guards in front of the door Playing with a doll, the doll's resistance was very fierce, in order to stop shallow to continue to put on her strange little clothes, feathers have already swooped all over the place: Well, the doll is a mercury lamp.

"Ah. Ajun ... wow ..."

When seeing us coming in, Qian Qian immediately lightened up, lying lazily on the sofa one second before, and jumped up to charge me in the next second. Unfortunately, as soon as she got up, she shook her feet, and she stumbled to the side. The mercury lamp had just gotten rid of the poison claw, and before it had time to fly away, it was lightly subconsciously grabbed the ankle. When they fell to the ground together, the doll was frightened. The wings on the back were flapping desperately, trying to fly, and blushed and asked me for help with a thick red neck: "Save ... help ... it's so heavy ... come and control your wife!"

I hurried forward and lifted the light, and by the way saved the small lamp, the doll girl sat on my shoulder in amazement, flew to my sister's arms after a thump, and glared at us both, smiling apologetily: "Aha, It looks like the legs are a little soft ... "

Always energetic. It was as if I had eaten 20 pounds of stimulant with chicken blood, and now I was tired, even pale, I could feel that she was almost completely useless when leaning against her arms, she was paralyzed at all On yourself-well, where did this girl's strength toss the mercury lamp just now? Is bullying a non-expendable skill?

"That's it, what's your measure?" I carefully lifted the girl in my arms to the sofa and lay down, and the latter simply pillowed her own legs and narrowed her eyes. People couldn't blame at all, "Nothing hurt?"

I am very worried that what Qian Qian is doing today can be said to be unprecedented. He has used his own strength to suppress an out-of-control abyss door. Even such a high-level true **** has to consider whether he can survive. Even her superficial abilities make her competent for this almost impossible task. She also has to bear a lot of pressure and risk. Didn't the Abyss Gate hurt her when it collapsed?

"It's okay," Qian Qian completely ignored the sight of the people around him, contentedly arching in the arms of his lover, even lazy to open his eyes, "Ajun, do you forget? I am the master of time, the speed of the Abyss Gate bursts out No matter how fast there is no time, the minimum unit is fast. For me, it is just a series of still continuous pictures. I can always find the opportunity to retreat from the whole body. I just have a bit of mental exhaustion, and the destructiveness of that thing is so strong that time can be lost. It's polluting-I have to create a new vortex of time to make the gate of the abyss jump between two points in time. Aha, it's very interesting. This is my new trick. It's called exhaustion. What if you do n’t pay -3000? With two time points, you can make a target repeat between the two time points. At the same time, I can choose to keep the target or not to keep the self-change that occurs every time it repeats. It ’s like repeating ab ... Hum, this is the method that was forced when the door was suppressed ... It's a bit sleepy ... I will sleep first ... "

Talking, the shallow voice had gradually lowered, and finally, it was replaced by a slight purr.

I was unable to respond to the girl who bounced around and talked about everything. I could only raise my head awkwardly and smile at the people around me, but Bettis nodded thoughtfully: "I found something in my body, When she was with you, Qian Qian never considered the surrounding environment. Her world must be small, at most two and a half meters around you. "What is the precise data of the bed?

"Probably that's the way," the elder sister smiled softly and pinched my arm. "Perhaps for A-Jun, A-Jun is almost her world. When she was a kid, she would be thrown to our house every 30 minutes. Taking care, I grew up with Ah Jun. As time goes by, I will get into the habit. When I and Ah Jun are around, my nature is revealed ... "

"Ahem, let's talk about the gates of the abyss," I scratched my hair a bit awkwardly, and felt that my sister was embarrassed to mention these things, "and the fallen apostles. They appeared below our testing ground. , That's a good analysis. "

Sandora glanced enviously and murmured, "You can change the subject." Then he became serious. "Now guess that the spaceships are not exceptional. The engineering team saw the fallen apostles under the gate of the abyss. Three spaceships, which are obviously a formation, including an armed warship, an auxiliary communication ship, and a spaceship for scientific expeditions, of which the scientific research ship is unmanned, and the other two ships I do not know Is it the same situation? At the same time, we don't know if there is any other combination of this team. It seems that the mission of these three ships should be scientific research-this is my judgment. In most cases, one If there is a unit in the team that has no combat effectiveness and is dedicated to scientific research, then the positioning of this team must be scientific research ... "

"Why?" Lin Xue didn't respond for a moment, and asked smoothly, before Sandora opened her mouth, Xiao Xue, who was sitting next to Lin Xue's shoulders, stunned: "Well. Mom, you think, Net heard Some presidents took two guards with them when they went out. Who's heard that the guards took the two presidents with them when they went out ... "The sharpness of this girl's speaking is quite her mother's style.

Sandora nodded: "That's the reason, military squads don't carry a scientific research boat with hind legs-of course, sometimes we will bring field engineers. This situation is different."

Suddenly I remembered the magical beard. I think he should be included in the military unit ...

"If this is a science team, their configuration is obviously much smarter than ours: the fallen apostles have the ability to create a variety of abyss environments to adapt to the ship and control them perfectly: the engineering team previously reported that the ship they destroyed There is a large number of high-power antenna arrays in it. That ship should be used to connect with the native in the abyss. It may even be the prototype of some kind of fleet communication hub. The fallen apostles may form an abyss fleet. This is Very bad conjecture. In addition, we should all remember one point. The abyss is conceived-regard the abyss as a closed and dark spherical shell. The orderly world is located on the surface of the spherical shell. The gate of the abyss is the spherical shell. Every hole that appears by chance, as long as you master the technology of accurate positioning and long-range communication in the spherical shell, the fallen apostles have the ability to suddenly burst out of any hole and attack any world in which they have coordinates, and this kind of Assaults cannot be stopped halfway, even if we know their plans-there is currently no skill You can prevent the door open abyss. "

"Is there no technology to open the door to the abyss?" Said her sister suddenly. Then the atmosphere sank.

Sandora was dignified: "If the fallen apostles really mastered this technology, it would be too bad ... they will really become like the abyss, free to open the door in any world, destroy, plunder ... I do n’t I hope to see such a terrible scene. "

"Please allow your subordinates to express their views. Now their technology should be very immature," came the voice of Sivis from the doorway. She is still a clean senior officer uniform, always smart and capable, "It may not even be comparable to the new empire now." After waiting for our amazing judgment, she has taken the initiative to explain: "According to the report of the engineering team, three enemy ships appearing opposite the gate of the abyss, the size And performance are inferior to those of the abyss-made workboats made by the empire, only the level of light assault ships. This should not be a design requirement, but limited by technology. The most obvious feature is that they need to hand over the communication of the spacecraft team to a dedicated antenna platform , A small spaceship without any offensive and defensive capabilities, carrying dozens of sets of high-power antenna towers to ensure the connection between the other two boats and the base, isn't this design quite awkward? In the abyss environment, between the ships Coordination is very difficult. If the distance increases by one point, the abyss disturbance will increase several times. Just like sailing in a storm, a boat may be at any time. Coverage, including important units such as communication arrays, can also be easily destroyed. The best option should be to create a warship that can withstand strong storms, and store communications, weapons and various auxiliary facilities in a highly secure environment. This It's not just giant ship theory, but common sense when resisting storms. "

"So, the fallen apostles can't make a larger-sized abyss ship, do you mean that?" Sandora looked at Sivis's eyes. "Indeed, your analysis makes sense. I'm used to making things worse. It seems that the direction is too bad. "

"The necessary vigilance is still indispensable," Sivis said solemnly. "Subordinates have set up heavy soldiers near all the gates of the abyss in accordance with your order. At the same time, the deceased garden system has also strengthened monitoring and alert the territory at any time. The newly-generated Abyss Gate. Another reason for the subordinates to make these judgments is the news from the institute. Chief Tavier initially judged that the samples of the enemy ships brought by His Majesty had technical bottlenecks, and it seemed that the fallen apostles had not yet. Signs of breaking through this bottleneck ... "

Me: "... Is she too efficient?"

"You have to understand the enthusiasm of the scientist." Sivis stunned for a long time, saying, "Two hours is enough for Tavel to unload anything within a radius of one kilometer."

At this time, everyone should be relieved. Knowing that the fallen apostles had not risen suddenly as Sandora expected had no doubt given everyone a peace of mind. However, Sandora's concerns still need to be taken seriously: As an experienced strategy master, it is her habit to treat the worst expectations before any problems occur. Tavel finds that the fallen apostle is trapped by a technical bottleneck. Does not mean that this technical bottleneck will always exist. One day the fallen apostles will make a breakthrough. By then, maybe we will really face a roaming in the abyss. The terrible legions that attack the real world are always rushing out from the gates of the abyss.

"We should focus more on the deep dive plan and its ancillary projects," Sandora frowned. "At least I don't want the next time the fallen apostles break into our testing ground, but we know nothing about it. At least we need to be able to grasp the situation inside every abyss gate in the country in real time. This task is assigned to scientific research. Center, now our technology in this area is almost blank, and I hope to see a solution as soon as possible, even if it is conceived. "

"Your will." Sivis saluted immediately, then retreated.

"It looks like the science and technology tree in the abyss side of the empire and the fallen apostles have taken two very different paths," said her sister thoughtfully. "It ’s just that I do n’t know who is on the right track. Now it seems that the progress of the fallen apostles is a little bit adventurous. Their abyss spacecraft must have dived on their own land, but they can cruise all the way to the Empire, even in shallow areas This is also a considerable test of technical strength. But our deep submersible ships and abyss engineering ships do not have such a long endurance, but they are better in other aspects, and the volume can be designed larger. And the shield capacity seems to be higher? "

My elder sister is not an expert in this area, and she just talks about her thoughts at this time. No one really knows how the abyss technology of the fallen apostles will develop, but as individuals who have been corrupted by the abyss, they are undoubtedly more unique in this respect than the empire. At least the technology that can dive all the way from the fallen apostle home to the empire It is very daunting.

I guess they have been able to dive in the abyss for so long. Mostly it is its special protection technology, that is, the role of the layer of abyss fog that envelopes the spacecraft. This layer of fog obviously consumes less than the "three-skin face shield" used by the imperial deep submarine ship, and it does not conflict with the abyss environment itself. It can be said that the possibility of being attacked by those mist vortexes in the abyss is basically eliminated At the same time, the hull itself can be integrated with the abyss environment, which also greatly reduces the consumption of the spacecraft when it is propelled-eh, this is my guess. The theoretical basis is that "the guy who is not a knotter is more likely to integrate into the collective in Shadow City. Increase the speed of Erliqiao by one ... "

The fallen apostles use the abyss fog to provide abyss resistance to the spacecraft. This approach is wonderful, but it also seems to have serious flaws: those ships do not seem to have strong protection against other forms of attack, or the fallen apostles are not at all in this regard. Take precautions. Temporary bombs assembled by the bearded man both blew up the two ships. At the same time, because it was completely integrated into the abyss environment, once the abyss spaceship of the fallen apostle broke through the shield, it would immediately collapse completely, and was first half killed by his own abyss fog. Bingtis originally intended to penetrate a slab of the spacecraft's power pack and smashed the entire spaceship directly. This was unexpected.

So whether this specific technology is of value to us, we can only wait for the analysis report from Tavel.

In this incident, the beard was judged decisively and resolved a potential crisis (though it turned out that the crisis did not exist). The beard was later credited, I think he is a personal talent, especially in the field of ordnance technology; the beard I also admit that he has a deeper interest in the study of bombs and artillery than in the theory of abyss, so I suggested to Tavel that he should lead a new ordnance research team. The research direction is various in the abyss environment. Weapons that can still be used-This project sounds easy, because it is not difficult to destroy the target in the abyss environment. There is a brick of Bingtis to testify, but this is actually a subject that needs to be tackled: the abyss Under the environment, all destructive behaviors are no longer certain, and the weapons will definitely achieve destructive effects, but this is completely uncontrolled, and conventional attacks are likely to be amplified by the abyss environment more than ten times. If it falls on the enemy ’s head It's okay, but it's more likely to fall on your own head—fire a shot, and it's very likely that you will be half bombed first. Don't think that having all kinds of shields against the abyss will give you peace of mind. Facts have proven that in an environment where cards are not played out of common sense at all, any shield is not so reliable. This is evidenced by the sudden loss of two escape towers under normal circumstances. Later careful inspections proved that the escape towers of the engineering ship were not attacked by fallen apostles when they disintegrated ~ www.readwn.com ~ They were destroyed together when the engineering ship threw a set of inductive beacons. The process of throwing out the induced beacon required the destruction of two sets of one-time lock gates on the engineering ship. This destruction process was believed to be affected and amplified by the abyss, and as a result, the engineering ship's escape tower was killed.

How the abyss still affects the escape tower of the engineering ship even with shield barriers, and even causes structural damage to the latter, is a mystery that needs to be explained. We can be completely sure that the shield system of the engineering ship is effective. It can operate normally in the abyss environment. This cannot be faked, but it has absolutely unknown loopholes. Tavel has organized experts to re-examine the blueprints of the abyss barrier device, and compare these blueprints with the original deep-submersible prototype ship, hoping to find places we have overlooked. This may be a task with a lot of work. Tavel I gave up my vacation again. A few days ago, I also agreed with Sandora to let Tavel and the main scientific researchers take a good rest for a few days after the first phase of the deep dive plan was completed. The apostle's progress in the abyss area has made people step by step. This promise seems to have failed again.

Tavel doesn't care about herself. She likes to work and enjoys the joy of gaining results after working hard to solve problems, but I always feel a little unhappy.

I can only hope that the fallen apostles can stop a little, and stop blocking us all day ... (to be continued)

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