Xiling Empire

Chapter 1054: Stole half a day

The void is vast, so in this vast void, anything wonderful can happen.

Before that, I thought I had been to many incredible universes: the Great Nebula, the Locked Up Universe, the Ruin World, the Avalon Fragments, and even the Vortex of the Exile Fleet can be considered as a world They each have unbelievable characteristics, and the magic is amazing. After experiencing these wonderful universes, I don't think I should be too surprised by the strangeness of a certain world, but now, My imagination is still limited-there is no shortage of magic in the void.

The world we are in is probably not a "single-layer universe." At least on the ground under our feet, there are multiple spaces stacked together. They may be parallel spaces or deep spaces similar to shadow technology. Or it is a stable dimensional crack, which cascades the space that should be located at two coordinates. Now we do n’t have enough equipment and data to judge how the strange state is formed here, but it is certain that this The seemingly obscure frontier area has fascinating secrets.

At this time Sandora had released hundreds of small detectors. These bee colony silver-white probes are very fast and far more capable than any satellite. They can basically be used for any need to collect data and you are not convenient. Where to go in person: including the center of the earth and the surface of black holes. Soon, we got a video taken from outer space that put the planet under our feet ...

"This is not a planet!" I exclaimed directly after seeing the footage from the probe.

Sandola glanced at me: "Yes, not one. It's half ... well, half smaller."

A holographic image with a radius of several meters is suspended in the air in front of everyone, showing the earth in the perspective of the probe, which is a very obvious star fragment, and one end is a curved crustal stub. At the other end is a fragmented inverted cone-shaped rock structure. It is like a corner that was forced from the watermelon by rough and rough methods. There is no doubt that this should be a debris formed after a planet was torn, according to its curvature. This piece of debris may account for about a fifth of the size of the original planet, and may be a bit smaller.

This is the real state of the prairie under our feet: a fragment ripped from the planet.

Everyone was stunned by this scene, and we never thought we were standing on a broken planet wreck: and there is such a vibrant prairie on this wreck, and such a cloudless atmosphere!

"Let's stand on a shard of the planet?" Bubble pouted. "Where is this place? Draenor? Washuchou Plain?"

Shallowly patted the holographic imager on the ground: "Hey, is there a problem with the equipment?"

"There is no problem in the picture, and the equipment failure will not be so bizarre. We are indeed on a fragment of the planet. This fragment is the so-called 'Ancient Garden'," Sandora frowned, "I am scanning this piece The gravitational structure of the debris ... it's too anomalous. This space follows the physical rules that are very close to the earth. Under this physical rule, the scene in front of us should not appear. We are now standing on the flat surface of the debris near the edge The gravity here shouldn't be vertical, but everyone doesn't feel anything unusual. And you can see that its atmosphere is even and dense. No matter what happened to this planet, it must be a disaster. It is enough to destroy the whole Ecological circle and atmospheric structure, how do the grassland and the surrounding atmospheric environment under our feet be preserved? "

"Instead of considering these unclear technical issues, let's discuss them more directly." Bettis suddenly interjected, "Now we assume that some kind of unclear basic rules allow such planetary fragments to exist steadily- So where is the rest of it? See if there are similar planet fragments around. "

With such a reminder from Sister Bing, Sandora immediately controlled the perspective, and a larger space picture appeared in front of us.

But the so-called second fragment did not appear. The fragmented planet we were floating in was solitary and dark in the empty and lonely space. Only a bright star accompanied it. A probe left the orbit and jumped out, and only 24 astronomical units traveled and encountered a space fault. After several explorations in other directions, we finally determined that the size of this small universe was only 25 astronomical units in radius. In this small enclosed space, a star and a strangely fragmented planet are the only celestial bodies here.

I stepped on the ground involuntarily and felt a bit unreal. This is not a planet under my feet, but a fragment of a broken star, but it retains all the physical parameters of a normal planet, including gravity equilibrium and the atmospheric environment. What is it? After the force tore this fragment from the planet, it still retains everything here? According to the basic mathematical rules here, naturally, such wonders will not be born. Only high-tech advanced civilizations may have this technology, then the world may not be born like this.

"Here is a river that runs through the entire planet, and the flow is like this," Lin Xue pointed to a bright blue strip on the holographic projection. "We are on the edge. The river's 'exit' is not far from here. Do n’t look over? ”

Everyone had no opinion, so I recruited 700 million yuan of BMW Liangju, stuffed the whole family, and ran to the grassland border.

A few minutes later, we stood at the end of the land, watching a wide river fall from the edge of the earth into the endless darkness below. Here is the boundary of the crust of the planet fragment. The landscape in front of me can more clearly and intuitively recognize that this is a cone-shaped wreck removed from the planet as a whole. Under the foot is the vertical and smooth abyss. The cake clearly exposes the layers of rocks inside us in front of us, and the river that runs through the entire prairie forms an incalculable super waterfall here, hanging like a ribbon in this floating space. End of the earth.

"Know no, I think of Divine Realm, where the scene is quite common. You know, all continents of Divine Realm are floating in the sky."

Fudges held his chest with both hands and nodded his head.

"But the physical rules of the divine realm are different from here. The gravity direction of yours depends on the mood of the Father, but this place depends on a fixed mathematical formula." Sandora squatted beside the waterfall vent, Put your hand into the flowing water, and follow the small splashes jumping up with interest. "This mathematical formula tells me that this piece of planet shouldn't show up. Nothing else. Look at the current, it goes straight down, Rather than flowing along the cliff, this indicates that there is a gravitational force pointing in the opposite direction of the earth's crust at this location, rather than pointing to the center of this continent. I have sensed the gravitational direction of the entire steppe, and they all point directly downward. "

"It's like when the planet is complete." I echoed.

Huesca and Pandora are squatting by the river studying the flow of water—well, Pandora is in a daze. Huesca is studying the river, and she can be curious about anything. After a while, she suddenly jumped over and dragged my dress corner: "Brother, brother, where do you say this water comes from? Does it endlessly flow?"

Huesca's question is a good one: if the river crashes directly into space. Then it should disappear in a short time, but looking at the scene here, hasn't this river flowed for a day or two? Does it have an infinite origin?

We got on the bus again and went straight to the other side of the earth to find the source of the river. Qian Qian is already happy. She likes these weird and unsolvable puzzles for a short time and a half, and Huska is also happy with her. Huesca is happy because she also has a strong curiosity. Xiao Pao is happy because ... because she has always been happy.

Xunzi lay on the car window and looked outside, with a calm tone: "Although it is a very strange place, the scenery is really good-my brother, slow down, the outside scene can't see clearly." Her mentality It's all about sightseeing.

I nodded in agreement, if we didn't blame the strange landscape of this place. Then this world is indeed a good place for vacation, especially for shallow: this girl likes adventure and puzzle solving the most. Although she can't get through the decryption games once-game makers are generally not as imaginative as she is.

Because we slowed down for a while, we reached the other side of the mainland more than an hour later, and found the source of this river running through the steppe. Sandora inspected the front, and said aloud, "This is the river, a small cliff. The river is definitely cut off, and water is pouring out of the air out of thin air."

There is such a common sense that large rivers in the plains or similar areas should generally be many small valleys and lakes. These water systems gradually merged together to form large-scale rivers, but in front of our eyes there are sudden and turbulent torrents From the misty air, the river emerged abruptly and rushed into the distance. A few hundred meters away is the land boundary.

"Water may come from another space. In this way, the river water that fell into space may have entered other spaces through other channels after it dissipated," Sandora gestured with interest in midair. "This The space structure of the world is three-dimensionally interconnected. One by one, space communicates matter and information in its own way. Maybe this can explain the source of gravity at our feet: it may even come from another complete planet and be projected onto this star debris. In the past, the original gravitation of the debris of the planet was offset. "

While I was talking, there was a sound of children's hilarity from the side. I looked back and found that Little Bubbles and Huesca had begun rolling on the clean grassland. Although I didn't want to say it, I talked to her. The two are rolling together and there is also shallow: these are starting to play. Speaking shallowly, don't you plan to continue to explore the truth of the world?

"The probe hasn't found a stable parallel space interface," Sandora breathed out, sitting on the grass on the grassland stretched out. "The edge rules here are weird and keep changing, I scanned at least a dozen Spatial signals with overlapping coordinates, I do n’t know which one is the main space. Let ’s take a break here first, let the equipment analyze slowly, and then break up the spatial structure here and merge with your sister. ”

I was a little worried about my sisters before, but at this time I thought that nothing could happen and I was anxious, so I nodded in agreement: "Just go out here temporarily-right, do you want a picnic?"

Sandora's eyes lit up then, and then she poured out a dozen square meters of snacks on the grass next to her ...

Bingtis is a guy who believes in being cheap and not occupying a bastard. At this moment, he immediately rushed over like a wolf, and Sandora hurriedly stood in front of the female hooligan to make a nursing food: "eat yourself! This is my meal!"

Bingtis tried to drill into the pile of food while he was digging: "What's yours, didn't you listen to your husband, picnic?"

The two queen-like figures with a long history roared on the grass like this, and the core idea of ​​roaring turned out to be predatory food. I couldn't stand it by my side—so I turned my head and watched Sister Jill garland the little bubbles.

Well, I feel that this scene is even more unseen: When did the stupid golden glitter fall into such a girl-like creature?

"Hey, wood, I said, why do you look serious?" Lin Xue's voice rang from behind him, before turning his head back. There was a light boxing on the back of the head. After the relationship was established, the girl has changed a lot. When she punched her in the past, she did not wear a finger. I didn't look back and grabbed the fist of the young lady and put it on my face. "Habit, as long as I go out, I don't have to worry about it. Now I have developed tourism anxiety syndrome. And you see, this time we come out again Encountered an accident directly. "

The young lady poked her mouth and pulled out her paw from my hand. Leaning over and sitting side by side with me seemed to make up my mind and rest my head on my shoulder: for this unexpectedly innocent guy, this is already the most intimate move she can make in front of others Already.

"Thinking so much is useless, isn't it just that I accidentally took the road with Sister Chen Qian? I said it's all right, don't you believe the instinct of this prophet?" Miss slaps on my shoulder, changing to a comfortable posture, " And this time we came out for an outing in itself, do n’t put so much pressure on yourself, I feel you are running around to save the world. Now there are signs of nervous breakdown. What, do n’t get me wrong, it ’s not because I care about you Let's say. It's mainly because you look serious, and I feel uncomfortable. It feels like the world view has been subverted. "

When you are proud, you do n’t need to add so much rhetoric at the back. I occasionally take it seriously, OK?

I connected with Lina ’s spiritual connection and told me that it might take a while to figure out this complicated world. I did n’t seem to worry about our extension, but when she heard that we were having a picnic here when. The little girl snorted immediately, whispering unfairly: It seemed that she had been busy tossing her missionary work for a few days there. It was supposed to be out for fun, but it was a horrible thing, so when I heard that we were so good, the little girl was hairy, so I just promised to make up for it next time. I asked what she was doing over there. Did she raise the banner of religion and scourge others everywhere, but Liliana was kind of mysterious and insisted to wait until I passed. After finishing the communication with the opposite, I lamented a bit: The guy who always caused trouble is sometimes really a headache. She did n’t need to do many things at least, but at least she did n’t have to do this, but Li Lina always When I didn't pay attention, I worked hard to establish the goddess to teach me without paying much attention. If she didn't explain her plan in front of me this time, maybe I would still accidentally ignore her efforts.

With Sandora here, our picnic could be said to be ended vigorously, eating a total of 26 square meters of food and causing the grasslands in the larger area to lose their lives. A few small ones took a look, and now follow Jill Girl and sister-in-law (when the elder sister and An Weina are not there, they play the role of parent, at least one is a nanny, one is a sister line, you ca n’t expect miracles such as shallow or Lin Xue to bring children?) I washed my hands and face in a row, and after the protoss sliver five-person group ate enough, drank enough, and lay on the small soil **** not far away to bask in the sun, the degree of degradation was unbearable and even more unbearable. It was a while later, Bingtis's guy even fell to the point of ordering Lin, who was honest and obedient, to give her a back massage. Lin was really obedient and let her do what she said. I ’ll try it next time. I feel that Only the dragon **** looks very bullied ...

When I was really doing nothing, thinking about whether to take a nap after eating and drinking, I came together happily, holding in her hand the wreath just made up: "Ajun, here."

I took the wreath and saw that it was woven from white wild flowers collected from nearby hills and pliable long grass everywhere. The technique was surprisingly fine. I looked shallow and saw a quiet smile from the girl's face , Suddenly my heart moved.

Probably, this is what is called ... happiness. The shallowest way to look forward to happiness ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lively and lively with many and many family members, you can happily do wonderful things you like, and then, there is a lover by your side, you can use You can also be praised for being coquettish-I put the wreath on my shallow head, and patted the girl's smirking face: "It's beautiful."

Occasionally the family travels in such a relaxed way, without thinking about anything, it seems to be good.

Qian Qian quietly quietly, lying down on the grass, resting her head on my leg, smiling like a child, not the Queen of Time, the master of the empire, or even the **** of decay and evolution in the future, Qian Qian once again became the simplest one Xu Qian Qian, just like when they were leaning on a lounge chair in the yard in the summer evening when they were children, discussing whether there would be a cloud floating behind the cloud shadow in the sky In the castle, there is a happy family of Sun Wukong and Astro Boy — sorry that she talked to me like that then — yes, she is still discussing the shadow of the sky with me.

"Ajun, do you think it's a mirage?"

Asking shallowly, pointing at an increasingly obvious piece of land in the sky.


What a mess! !!

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