Xiling Empire

Chapter 1058: Half-Dragon Girl Story

Many times, the appearance of the wind always hides the hard core. Most of the beautiful fairy tales cannot be traced to the details. Snow White always lives after marrying the prince, and there is also a day of fat drooping after thirty years. Sleeping beauty Haven't touched the ground for hundreds of years, how can the prince who saves her mouth go without mouthing first; the frog prince was turned into a frog for so many years, what did she eat before she met her princess; wear The **** the red shoes could n’t stop her dancing steps and could only dance to death, but before she was exhausted, how would she solve the problem of going to the toilet? You see, in fact, our childhood was very fragile. I went to Avalon and asked the Brothers Grimm and Andersen, which caused them to see me for a long time like seeing class enemies ...

I think the example of fairy tales can confirm our current situation. After all, there is nothing more fairy-tale than a magical castle built in snow and ice. There are usually three kinds of people living in such castles: the cold and noble north The witch (maybe an evil witch by the way), the simple and kind Snow Princess, and the mysterious and intelligent Winter Elf, I think in the original fairy tale, the three tenants mentioned above do not have to worry about their ice castle for three days. The door is frozen, not to mention smashing the door when you get home. I now realize that fairy tales are deceiving. Anyway, this snow castle is deceiving. There is no kitchen and no other place to cook, so Bingtis can only order a lot of bonfires in the center of the side hall. Our dozens of children, including two invited half-dragon girls, grilled each other around the bonfire. All kinds of strange things for dinner; there are no guest rooms in the snow castle. At the time Pandora made this, it was not so fine, so the two half-dragon girls still had to sleep in tents. The empty castle hall is tens of meters high. It is basically an empty shell. Staying in this place will not be any different from the atmosphere outside. So she looked at her tent and the bonfire in front of her. I have a very dialectical question: "Is this different from setting up a tent outside?"

I looked up at the roof ten meters away, and scratched my hair: "Well, you can just sleep. Maybe I'll find a villa for you again? I don't know who has the space."

Sakina looked at us like a monster, and finally her eyes fell on the pure white little girl who was leaning next to the bonfire and curiously looked at the flames: "Forget it, I don't know what else you plan to do. Let's talk about this. Boy, we were shocked. "

Sagina refers to what happened in front of the castle's porch half an hour ago: she and Sona saw the rows of snow sculptures of little girls displayed in the niches, and then the mercury lamp came out dizzyingly again ... ... only the soul. " On these two points, the two half-dragon girls had a huge misunderstanding. I also remembered Sagina's imaginative guess: "It turns out that you are an evil mage! You experiment with the soul of a girl. You put them into a puppet. You even made these snow sculptures!"

At that time, she looked at me with an expression of indignation and pointed at the mercury lamp and the snow sculptures displayed in the niches. Before I could not tell why she could be so associative and rich, the puppet on her shoulder was inescapable. Stand up to protect her dad: Pounce on and bite Senna's arm: "Rila is the number one (you are the puppet)!" Well, maybe not to protect her dad ...

This is what happened more than half an hour ago, but now. The misunderstanding has been resolved.

"Looking at Xiao Qijing, don't let her play in the fire. Be careful to disperse the fire." I smiled at Senna, then turned around and called to the sister-in-law. I do n’t know if I learned it from An Weina or my sister. My sister-in-law is quite good at taking care of small children. Xiao Qijing has a lot of curiosity. She just jumped into the fire several times just to express joy. I had to let people pull. Only with this little girl.

At that time, in order to clear up the misunderstanding, I just called the Rosary Girl soul who was watching a movie in my spiritual sea (extracting some interesting memories of myself to Xiao Qijing, this is what I found recently, the child liked the gameplay). After coming out, this little girl of the soul body can scare the two half-dragon girls, but soon they found that the former was not persecuted at all, but they were very close to "a certain evil soul wizard", So the misunderstanding was naturally resolved.

"Are you really a mage?" Sagina fiddled with the bonfire in front of her, and cast her curious gaze, "I don't look like it."

"I have the opportunity to explain it to you, we are on a trip, and maybe we will tell you the truth when we leave here: if you can understand. Now, as long as you know one thing, we are not bad people."

"What's going on with this little girl?" Saina didn't mean to explain to me when she saw me, or put the topic on Xiao Qijing, who was reaching into the burning flame at this time, and wanted The flames were caught, and the mule was closely guarded by the side to prevent the little ones from catching the coals and throwing them around. This kind of scene is not very understandable under ordinary circumstances. I patted Xiao Qijing's head in pity, and the little girl immediately grinned and grinned. "She's Xuehua Qijing, but you can call her Xiao Qijing. This child is born with a soul and cannot grow in the real world, so I have been raising her in my own soul world."

Saina looked at me for a while with an expression that didn't understand well, and hissing sound came out of her mouth: "It's just listening to the old wizard of the gods telling mythology. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have said you were a liar. , One of your daughters is a demon ... a doll, and one is a soul. They are all so small. Are you really human? How many daughters do you have? "

I haven't spoken yet. Xiao Xue whispered from across the campfire: "One more here! Another one here! I'm also his daughter! Do you think I'm cute? My dad can take me as a baby!"

The two half-dragon girls were stupid at the time, and they looked at me with a harder understanding than before, and at this moment, the bubble sitting on the other side of them pushed the small bubble forward leisurely: "Know Just a second. This is the long princess. "

At that time, I felt that the big event was about to be bad, but I hadn't waited for myself to speak. The bubble had continued to say, "By the way, I'm the child's mother, that's the wife of the person over there." Finally, she suddenly Thumbs up: "I am working very hard to be a wife!"

Saina and Sona gave me a terrified glance at their chests, the latter didn't like to talk, and the former asked with an unprecedentedly serious expression: "Please be honest. You won't attack women outside your race." !!! "

Before I said a word, I saw Bictis's strange look around, and he paused for a while on Sandora, then cleared his throat and prepared to open his mouth, but fortunately, my eyes were fast, and a piece of barbecue was pasted: "Honestly No one eats when you are dumb! "

Sahina grinned twice, pulling her companion to move beside him ...

But such a messy gossip seems to be good. The two half-dragon girls were obviously less repulsive to us at first, and I think it's time to ask questions I didn't want to understand before. So he carefully selected the appropriate wording and asked, "What is it. I'll ask a word, you don't seem to like the Master?"

Sagina frowned, but was not angry. She glanced at me as if she was weighing the half-strangers she had just met, and then nodded: "Of course I don't like it. Sona and I were Adopted by a mage. "

"Um. That should be just the opposite. Why is there no favor?" Qian Qian asked curiously.

Sona replied in a low voice: "Buy it back from the slave market. It is used as an experimental body for pharmaceutical research, as well as coolie. Because the half-dragons have a strong physical fitness and high drug resistance. At the same time, they have great strength, And we ourselves ca n’t learn any magic, so most mages with enough money and strength like to raise a few half-dragon people as coolies. Although slave trade is banned by the royal family in many places, they always have an excuse: sectarianism How many wars, battlefield captures, family slaves, and loopholes in the law are needed. Sagina and I are the adult days spent in the poison test cage. Sagina is therefore hostile to all mages, though I think it may not be Hatred should be placed on every mage, but at least it won't affect your group. "

I never expected to hear such a story, and suddenly felt that this question should not be exported. Slavery, mage, experiment ... The three words were combined in such a dirty way, who would have thought that these two half-dragon girls had experienced such things!

I was embarrassed, and the two half-dragon girls have been paying attention to our expressions, and Sona said thoughtfully: "It seems you haven't really heard of this kind of thing? I don't know where you guys come from Is the traveler the opposite of the Black Plain? I heard that there has never been slavery, and there are many weird researchers who like to run around, and some even cross the Black Plain. "

I found that if I continued to expand on this topic, I soon couldn't explain it myself, so I stopped decisively, and hesitated to ask the next question: "How did you get free later? Was it released?"

"Released?" Saina looked at my eyes with her golden pupil. "It's naive. A half-dragon slave is a high-priced product. Even a wealthy mage won't waste it easily. We are all used. It ’s dead. As I said just now, Sona and I spent their adult birthdays in a poison test cage. According to a weird recipe found from an ancient ruin, the mage made several Potion, in order to verify their effect, he gave us the medicine: it was a birthday gift. Later he could be sure that those medicines were deadly poisons, and Sona and I soon fell out of poison and covered their bodies. Fester. Later, the mage might think that we were dead, and then threw the corpse with the cage into the wild. But I do n’t know if it was fatal or what happened. Later, the two of us survived and recovered after a peel. As it is, until now, with the exception of occasional sequelae, it is almost the same as when it was healthy. "

Saina said, looking at her arm inconceivably, it seemed that there were scars left after poison erosion and festering on it. "This is how we get our freedom. Later, Sona and I fled the duchy and started to wander around and steal something. When I was in good health, I went to work as a laborer. In winter, I went to the window of the aristocratic house. Okay. Caught in jail. Anyway, you can have food to eat. To be honest, jail is at least better than garbage. Later, even the jailer knew us both, and they were kind, just to see When we two came in, we knew that winter was coming, two lizards ... The half-dragons were looking for a safe place to hibernate, so they took care of us. One of the young jailer fathers happened to have had an expedition. He chatted. I brought this up with us. I also brought a note from his father, which was all about the experience of adventure in various dangerous places. We found that the explorer is the only occupation that does not require any professional skills. So I decided to be an explorer. Those of you who have status may not know exactly what the profession of an explorer is. After all, in the eyes of ordinary people, an explorer Tramps are similar to scavengers, and anyone can claim to be an explorer: as long as they have the strength and courage. They can pick up a few tools and self-defense things to survive in the wild, and dare to pick something weird from the ruins and sell it back to the People like alchemists. They can be considered qualified explorers. "

"So we stole that note from that young man. We came out as adventurers ..."

"Um, stolen?" Qian Qian couldn't help asking, and I felt very surprised to look at Senna and Sona.

Sona sighed and whispered, "Yes, it was stolen. We were all used to stealing what we wanted, and that note was really important. Without that thing, we took risks. Many of the novices will die under the guardians of the ruins. Although we have no knowledge, we have heard this knowledge: novice adventurers without the guidance of their predecessors. It is very dangerous, so if it is not forced by life, it is not How many people are willing to do this kind of decent work. The young man cherishes notes very much, it is the relic of his father, he can show us, but it is absolutely impossible to change hands, and in case we die with the notes Outside, that thing was lost forever. Sona was very clever. She thought about it from the beginning, so on the day we decided to go, we took the initiative to find the young man in the prison, and then ... stole the notes. . That's it. This is the only equipment we have when we embark on the first trip. "

Sona said, took out a shabby book from her backpack next to it, but obviously it has been carefully repaired many times. I can't understand the characters in the curve above, but I can see that it is used by her own users. Carefully preserved.

"Actually, we thought about it at the beginning ~ www.readwn.com ~ When we become a senior adventurer, we will return this when we don't need it anymore!" Saina said hurriedly, "but it happened after that After a lot of things, the adventurer's life is very dangerous, and if he is unlucky, he will not be able to eat his meals. Life is forced, we have been unable to return the notes. Later, after several years, this incident was delayed slowly. Now maybe I just want to pay it back, and I do n’t have the courage. The young man must have hated the two half-dragon thieves. ”

"After all, the Half-Dragons were originally treated as uncultivated races," Sona sighed, buried her head in her knees, and put the note back after silence, "and followed the ancient ruins that will appear at any time. Running west, we have already run a long way, at least across more than a dozen principalities. It is an unlikely journey to go back to the original city, and after so many years, the enthusiastic young man of that year may be early. It ’s inappropriate to be a jailer, and even the appearance has changed. Humans have a shorter life span than half-dragons, and we have already delayed time. "

A long story, but it is not earth-shattering. Compared with the strong winds and waves we have experienced, I am afraid not even a small wave, but for this ordinary half-dragon girl, this is the life journey they experienced. : The so-called little people also have the magnificence of the little people. I don't know what happened to the enthusiastic young jailer then. I hope he's okay. I also hope that the two half-dragon girls can gather courage and return the note stolen that year.

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