Xiling Empire

Chapter 1066: We are ...

(Yesterday was January 1, 2013, New Year's Day, double, the first day of the year, the first day after the end of the year, the most memorable thing I did on this memorable day I just forgot to ask for a monthly pass ... xd, so today I'm asking for a monthly pass, the best criminal police! I have to make up yesterday's copy, good-looking novel: txt download of the spiritual event I met in Shenzhen!)

There was a loud noise from the crowd not far from the front, and there was a sharp and angry female voice in the middle. The voice with a little hissing was very distinctive, and it would not be wrong: it was the voice of Senna.

There have been more people at the market, and it seems to have reached the peak of the transaction. Therefore, although the two stalls are only more than a hundred meters apart, the middle has been blocked by the crowd. We did not notice the movement over there and waited for the crowd. I saw that there were more than a dozen people gathered in front of Sahina's booth. Most of them seemed to be attracted by the excitement. Two men in blue robes were confronted by Sahina.

"That's an apprentice's attire," Liliana touched my arm lightly, "but I can't tell whether it's an alchemy apprentice or a scholar's assistant, both of whom are used to wearing blue robes."

"Sajina, what's going on." Sona walked quickly through the crowd to Sakina, and whispered.

Saina looked upright at the two men in front of her, only then noticed that we were back, so she pouted her lips: "It seems that there is something wrong with the squaring stones we sold to them last month. I messed up and asked me to pay. "

Sona frowned, and it seemed to them a rather troublesome situation. And the taller of the two young people seemed to know that Sona was the more responsible of the two of them in the expedition group, and she no longer entangled with Saina, and found a small piece of body from her body and forced it onto the wooden table. When it was released, it uttered a "snap": "Look at it yourself! This is your trapezoid!"

I glanced at it and found that the so-called orthoclase is a bit like the shale on the earth, but it is obviously stronger, paler, and divided into several layers. And with neat edges, I don't know whether the cut or the shape formed naturally. This was a fist-sized piece of ore, and a layer of white stone powder fell immediately after hitting the wooden table. The young man looked at Sona aggressively: "The purity is not enough! This thing ruined both of our potions!"

There was a burst of discussion in the crowd, and Sona's face ugly pinched the stone in the palm of her hand, and the stone broke into several pieces, exposing the black-grey composition from the inside. Seeing this, her face was also sinking.

I originally thought that this was the plot of an unreasonably entangled bully of a woman from a different world. My brother, a beautiful novel: Chuangtianchuan txt download. Already ready to jump out of the violence. As a result ... I already knew that the plot would not follow the mainstream line. Although these two young people have a bad attitude, they seem to have lost a lot of fake goods, and they are the real bitter masters ... So I am not good at intervening for the time being, Can look at the situation first and understand what is going on. Based on my understanding of the past two days, I don't think Saina and Sona should be such treacherous people. So most of the time this was an accident that no one made a mistake, but the end result was bad.

"I remember reminding you at the time." Sona thought for a while and finally spoke. It looks like it is trying to slightly recover its disadvantages. "When making Grue acid-resistant agents, it is best not to use orthoclase. The impurity content of orthoclase is the most unstable of several similar materials. We are just exploring. Instead of alchemists or earth spirits, we can find this kind of stone, but we can't guarantee that the impurity content of this ore will meet your requirements. Was that all right at the time? "

The shorter one of the two young men spoke and pointed at Saina: "Don't forget that, then you vowed to ensure that the purity of your ore is sufficient, even if it is an acid-resistant agent, it is her, you Why do n’t you tell me what you promised? Oh, and it ’s quite surprising, you also know something about pharmacy, then you should know how much the pharmacy loses in the last step! Big loss, do you think we will just let it go? "

Li Lina suddenly lay on my lap. After listening to the ins and outs and knowing the whole thing, she could only sigh: "Taobao buyers and sellers are bullshit, why haven't they encountered the computer for half a month ... ... Boss, let's kill someone. "

I now think more and more that sticking Lilian's mouth with adhesive tape before going out should be included in the Imperial Citizens' Code of Conduct!

Sona and Sakina looked at each other in embarrassment, and finally sighed helplessly: "How much do you want to lose?"

The tone of the tall young man was taken for granted: "The loss of all potions totaled 6,500 ts, plus a new batch of troglodyte. In addition, during the two months we stayed in Sentu, you should not appear on the market again. And see you upset. "

With a slamming sound, Sakina crushed a stone being manipulated in her hand: "Do you think this is possible? Other book friends are watching: Feng Shui Fellow! Six thousand five hundred ?! Why don't you grab it! Also Is it forbidden for us to appear? How old do you think you are? "" Just get out of here for selling fakes! "The tall young man looked at Sakina angrily. , Most of you have been cleaned out in the same way! "

Sagina's face turned red, but she was really speechless. At this time, I felt that I should almost stand up, so I stepped forward and coughed twice: "Cough, what, I heard the situation, I Can you interject? "

The two young men just saw a group of people around them, but there were already a lot of onlookers around him. Most of them thought we were the same onlookers, so they didn't care, and of course it was impossible to think that we were with Sona. Together, this time when I saw me speak, the tall man froze: "Um, you are ..."

"We are friends of the two half-dragons," I laughed, and the other side was obviously disdainful when he heard the word "half-dragon", and snorted from the nose, which wrinkled me. Frowning, "The loss of medicament is indeed very depressing, but it can't be said that it is all these two girls' faults, and the compensation is just fine. You have to drive people away. Is this a bit excessive? ? "

The two young men looked at this with unbelief. Obviously, they did not expect that the two and a half dragons had such a large group of friends who looked completely in the two worlds. On the clothes, we could see that our composition was special. Anyway, let alone, Liliana and Vanilla are still wearing the ritual costume of the Crow God sect, and that suit cannot be seen by ordinary people. But soon, their attention was attracted by something else: under the leadership of Bingtis. The Protoss five-person group took out a mace more than one meter in length, and looked at them both with a smile, especially Bingtis, and smiled kindly: "Say, group fight or heads-up? Group fight is one of us. You beat one by one, and you singled us one by one ... "The voice fell, and the Protoss quintessence group nodded in unison. Lin, who was usually well-behaved and sensible, even followed her for fun. The contamination of this big sister, Bingtis, is indeed unfathomable.

At this time, people with higher IQs than feet should know that the fundamental purpose of our group is not to persuade (of course, I really wanted to persuade the persecution at first, but I was confused by the unstoppable guy who was a gangster who had risen up. ). Of course, the two young people also quickly narrowed their necks and campuses. Lin Xue yawned and muttered: "It really doesn't mean anything, why do you still encounter such a cliché. Now, I say you two, if it's fair to say that your claim is right now, just to It's a bit unreasonable to drive people away for this. I'll give you a suggestion. How about taking a step back and taking money away? "

I looked at the young lady by surprise. In fact, at first I thought she was going to knock someone down with an order: she didn't do such a brutal thing, and this guy still had a very serious tendency to violence.

"Look at what I do." The young lady gave me a blank look. "We have to make sense. People do lose. With your character, you certainly won't bully others. Miss has already found out about you."

"Cut, don't you fight?" Bingtis regretfully put away the weapon, and then patted me on the shoulder: "Master, get money."

Me: "..." Why did you suddenly feel something was wrong?

Bingtis may also notice that what he said is not right, and he suddenly drew a corner of his mouth, adding: "Body said, it's time to start for a friend at this time, you won't really let Sagena ..."

"We pay," Sona said suddenly, then took out a stack of playing card-sized notes from her bag. "This is what we should bear. Six thousand cables, this is all we have on hand, and the remaining leader ... when we make up the next time we come back from the ruins, you can trust the promise of the half-dragon, and we will do it. "

The tall young man shrugged, reached for the compensation, and looked at Sona with a scornful look: "Cut, it's a half-dragon man with a closed mouth, isn't it a lizard man?"

One sentence became the fuse, and the incident that was about to end immediately erupted again. Sahina slammed the iron pillar next to her with a punch, and even smashed the thick iron pillar out of the corner with a loud noise: "You Say it again?!"

Sahina's tremendous strength (under normal standards) is still a little deterrent. The two young people looked at each other involuntarily, and then took a step back, but apparently they did not take this threat too seriously. More and more crowds have gathered around them. They seem to have found their confidence. They shrugged helplessly as they looked around: "Is it interesting for you to be so hypnotized? Ask yourself, see that in addition to yourself, there are A few people admit the term "half-dragon", a good-looking novel: Haunted House Agents A strange experience of a house agent downloading a txt. "

Although the crowd around them is not related to themselves, many people muttered in a low voice at this time. In this world, the word "half dragon" has long been unrecognized. Except for the half dragon people themselves, only "lizards" "People" is the universally-recognized name for them, and despite how much Senna and Sona resist, they also have to face the painful fact that they are inferior races in this world.

I started to figure out how to solve this problem. Of course, violence is always the fastest solution, and Lina's plan is very direct: let's kill people. But to be fair, at this time the worst idea was Lilin's uncle's idea.

Either let Sandor take control of the mind, or use the curse of her sister to clear the field, or just let Shallow make a streak of the people ... Anyway, if we just pick one out, we can calm down the world within 30 seconds, so I ’m The total is simply not a matter of getting Senna out of trouble on the spot. It is a more complete solution to preserve the dignity of the two half-dragon girls.

Half-Dragons are dead-faced-of course, as a friend, I decided to rate it as self-esteem and not trample it.

"You see, we don't mean to ridicule, this is just common sense." Seeing the reaction of the crowd around him, the tall young man just shrugged and said in a statement. If according to the standards of this world, he is really telling the truth from beginning to end. But this truth is already an insult to the souls of the two half-dragon girls. Sakina clenched her fists, her eyes almost burst, and she yelled with her unique hissing voice: "No matter how many times you have to say , I'm ... a half dragon! "

"Che, your own superstition. That time is long gone," the short man seemed to think that Senna was going back and forth. Impatient look. Pulling his companion ready to leave, "Forget it, half-dragons are half-dragons, remember to prepare the rest of the arrears, if you want to keep some reputation, lizards."

Immediately I patted my head and knew that it was going to be bad: You said that it was easy to finish this thing, why would you have to dial a sentence again? Really have such a great sense of contention for the right to speak in the last sentence?

Sure enough, other book enthusiasts are watching: Riyu Raiders read it all. Impulsive Sagina immediately jumped out, although Sona tried to stop her. But it seems that Saina's strength is much stronger than that of Sona, after all, she was blocked by the former. The scene immediately went head-to-head. And it seemed far more nervous than before. At this moment, there was a commotion outside the circle. I do n’t know who shouted, "City guards are here!" Then the crowd automatically opened a passage. A dozen or so people were wearing heavy armor and tall and well-equipped. The soldiers came in, led by an officer riding a warhorse. The officer looked around, his eyes fell on the two half-dragon girls: "Lizardmen, are you making trouble here?"

"We are half-dragons!" Sagina stubbornly looked at the officer and cried loudly.

If it is normal, even if it is called a lizard, Sakina may be able to bear it. After all, this is the situation of half-dragon people in the world. Even if she is stubborn, she cannot change this fact. However, now she seems It has been cut out.

I sighed, at this time the two of them could not solve the problem by themselves, and they could not continue to watch.

I touched Sandora's arm: "Forget it, I'm still ready to clear ..."

"Boss will wait!" Li Lina immediately grabbed my corner of the clothes, whispered, I turned around in surprise, and found that Lin was leaving the bazaar while someone was not paying attention, Li Lina explained quietly: "She suddenly wanted to do something I hope we can cooperate with it-do nothing, just watch quietly. "

I'm confused, I don't know what Lin has in mind: It's a rare thing that ten thousand years have always been so opinionated to put forward ideas.

"You two, pack up and go with me to the guards," the captain of the city guard riding on his horse pointed his spear with a spear, said unquestionably, and looked at the two young men, "Yes, You also have to go, no matter what, you have to go through the process. "

As soon as the captain of the guard finished speaking, he whispered in surprise, because he found that his spear was being held by a single person: Senna.

"Master Guan, tell me how much you want this time, don't worry about it so much," Saina said quietly, "you have to beat us every time and talk about the price, don't you think it is a waste of time? We have I have to go out to work in a few days, the latest chapter of Song and Jin of online games. "

The captain of the guard narrowed his eyes: "Guard, grab her!"

Several soldiers approached Senna quickly, the latter released the spear in her hand, and her face was a little stiff: it seemed that she was doing these things brazenly, and when the soldier approached her, she immediately subconsciously pulled herself out Pocket knife.

"Look, the Lizard Man is the Lizard Man. She finally can't stand the laws of civil society!" Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted, and then the guard captain laughed: "Very good, there are enough witnesses, and The short knife in your hand, armed resistance, Miss Sentu's least honest Lizard. At this time tomorrow, you can leave the city forever. This is the law. "

"Again ... I'm ... Half-Dragon!" It seemed that the wronged grievances and anger in her heart were finally out of control, Sakina shouted at the captain of the guard, and then raised her short knife and rushed to the nearest one. The soldier turned out to be the one who wanted to kill her. Her strength was really strong, her body was heavily armored, and the burly and strong male soldier was knocked to the ground by her, but soon, three soldiers from She rushed over and sealed Sajina's action with a heavy shield, followed by a sharp spear handed from behind the shield: facing the wall of the shield, Sajina could not care less, but facing the spear, she The scales on her body could not be compared with the armor, so she immediately chose to retreat and put on a parry posture.

Sona was no longer restrained at this time. Although she seemed absolutely unable to make a comeback, she took out her short knife and faced the captain of the guard: "The half-dragons will also resist!"

"Attack at will, let alone death or injury," said the captain of the guard, Shen Sheng. "They have already committed a crime and need not show mercy."

The crowd has gathered more and more, but the circle has gradually expanded to the surroundings. Obviously even the onlookers know that blood may be really seen at this time. No one wants to be injured by accident, but no one turns away: being civilized The law of the society has been suppressed for a long time and the wildly recurring lizard man was executed on the spot. This should be the scene most people want to see.

At this time, a sudden exclaimed Sayana from the field, a beautiful novel: Yun Yan Juechen.

Faced with the disadvantage of the number, she finally dodged. A city guard scratched her arm with a spear, and the red blood dripped on the pavement slate.

"Sajina!" Sona immediately became tense, then took a step back to Sakina, but when the surrounding soldiers were about to take the opportunity to launch another attack, the vision caused everyone to exclaim.

The blood flowing down from Sagina fell on the slate, and a burst of smoke rose quickly, boiling like a hot magma, visible to the naked eye, the thick slab turned into lime soil under the corrosion of this blood, and then, boiling His blood began to stretch out along a weird and straight line. When it reached the center of the venue, a red flash burst into the sky.

As soon as I saw ~ www.readwn.com ~, I heard Lina whispering, "Well, it's a bit off, but you can see it if you make it."

"What a hell." The captain's war horse seemed to be frightened, and he almost lifted his master down. The officer riding on the war horse managed to hold his body, and called out in surprise.

Almost at the same time, from the distant clouds, a low dragon roar came.

I knew instantly what Lin wanted to do.

The dragon roar lasted for a few seconds, and the captain's war horse immediately fell down on all four limbs. Everyone, including Sagina and Sona, began to look at the sky in horror, and the low-pitched roar did not lose hope again Resounded through the sky, approached quickly, and then ...

Then listened and drifted away.

Lirina almost jumped up and whispered in the spiritual connection: "She flew!"

So after a few seconds, we heard the two dragons roaring just like the rewind: we didn't fly this time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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