Xiling Empire

Chapter 1069: pledge

Even if it was an awkward and timid bag, Lin also got serious. After all, she was a real god. When she needed it, she could be full of majesty. In the face of two half-dragon girls full of hope, she also thought carefully and had her own plan. She wanted the world's half-dragons to be freed from the desolation of inferior races.

"I don't know the reason, but you really have dragon factors in your body. Perhaps in the ancient times of this world, a group of mixed dragon races have transformed into today's half-dragons." Lin looked at Senna and Sona quietly. The two half-dragon girls may feel that the surrounding atmosphere has changed, and their faces are extremely tense, and even their whole muscles are tightened.

"So I can't ignore the fact that the half-dragons of this world have fallen into inferior races, or even used as slaves and tools."

"I will give half-dragon people strength, at least, so that they do n’t have to send people underneath, good-looking novel: Mo Qin's latest chapter. If you are willing to accept this power and can use it properly, then I can start blessing now , But all the half-dragons will make an oath with me. This oath is signed in the name of God and is always bound by God. The cost of breaching the oath will be extremely high-I must remind you of this. "

"That's awesome ..." Shallow eyes looked at Lin gleamingly, "I feel like a different person!"

It is a natural phenomenon to enter the state of jumping off from time to time. No one at the scene paid attention to the girl's whistle, only I reached out and grabbed her arm to prevent this guy from jumping over and dragging Lin's wings. There were fine beads of sweat on Sajina and Sona's faces. Breathing was more rapid than ever. They digested the information revealed by the dragon in front of them, and finally confirmed that none of this was a dream: the dragon's blood was in the body of the half-dragon, and now this blood has the possibility to wake up.

I don't know to what extent they can understand Lynn's words, but these obvious things must be understood. In fact, I was also a bit surprised that the half-dragon ancestors were really related to the dragon family: originally I thought that Lynn had just compiled such a plot temporarily to help two half-dragon girls to get out of trouble, but did not expect it to be it is true!

It's no wonder then that Lyn, who was always honest, would suddenly be so proactive.

"What are we going to do?" Sona said first. The voice was hoarse, and it seemed that it took a lot of courage to say this. Suddenly being involved in a moment in history is not an easy task. The vast majority of people are usually stupid when faced with a similar situation, or follow instinctively, but anyway, eventually history will remember this moment: Just below this collapsed cliff, a dragon **** from a distant world. Two half-dragon girls, still at a loss, are about to change the world.

"Faith me." The giant golden dragon **** lowered his head gently. With a gentle and solemn voice, "believe in the dragon god, the power in your blood will be restored. And you also have to keep your vows, make good use of your power, and not let this power be ashamed. If the half-dragons are lost in power, China, bringing disaster to the world. Then you will lose everything again and you will never be saved again. Now. The two of you are representatives of this vow. "

Sha Jina and Sona took a deep breath and looked at each other. Other book friends were watching: Zhang Guangding Looking for Immortals. Then Bingtis finally couldn't see it anymore, and went up and gave a shudder: "I want to talk to Ji and wait to go back! Now quickly nodded, we do n’t have to pick cabbages after we have a believer in this village. You have to choose What a waste of opportunity! "

The two half-dragon girls were still confused. They were frightened by Bingtis's sudden hum, so they nodded subconsciously, and at the same time, a dazzling golden light rose from Lin's dragon wings, a kind of weird The feeling of my heart rises from my heart, it is difficult to describe. It seems that something in this world has been suddenly changed, and then there is a moment of disobedience.

It must be like this: you have become accustomed to the surrounding environment on the earth, but suddenly for a moment, the speed of light in the entire universe has changed from 300,000 km / s to 100 m / s, which is not correct in your common sense. The knowledge that explains this phenomenon, but you can feel the weirdness of the whole world, it is such a sense of disobedience.

This is one of the ways that the Protoss rewrite the "setting" of the world. After this moment, all the races called "half dragons" in the entire world have been rewritten, including all the knowledge about the dragon in this world, and even the world. The most basic power system has even been revised. The structure of the world has changed to accommodate the new order changes in the ladder of life. The ethnic attributes of the half-dragons have also changed. In their origin, the new talent tree is set up.

The sense of contradiction quickly ended, and the patch written by Lynn had been integrated into the current world's basic database and functioned as a new add-on. When "exception" became "normal", it naturally felt No more violations.

"What happened here has spread to your race," the Golden Dragon whispered to Shakina and Sona, "but for the time being no more people know, I don't want to directly destroy the order of this world, It's more beneficial to make gradual changes. The keys are already in your hands. How you use them is up to you. "

"The whole person has become weird!" Qian Qian was dragged by me, still trying to jump forward in the same place. Obviously, the difference between such a dragon **** who ruled the world and the stubborn coolie Lin in her impression was too obvious. " It turned out that when you were working in the Protoss, were they so prestigious? Are they all so prestigious? "

Uncle Kenther touched his chin with a kind face: "Very good, very good, read with all faith."

Ilson pulled out a long sword to the ground, looked at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, and looked far ahead.

Bettis scratched his hair: "When I was embracing believers, I turned dry. Besides, the first thing in the Bible is: follow God and eat meat. Probably everyone's work style is different, Lin is Those who follow the idol route are brutalist. "

We don't need to consider this product.

Liliana ran over and took a photo of herself on the tails of Shakina and Sona (no longer high). Trying to jump upwards to attract the attention of the two: "I said, you two, when are you going to be frustrated?"

Only then did the two half-dragons react, realizing that the historic moment had passed, and they looked at their hands inconceivably, and seemed to want to see with their naked eyes what strength they had gained, and then smirked with a scratch of their hair. Then, looking at the golden dragon who was watching them, the dragon blinked. Seems like to express a smile.

Two large golden scales appeared in the air and slowly fell in front of Shakina and Sona. The scales were about half a person tall and thick, with mysterious characters and streamers floating on them. This was Lin. Shedding scales-I quickly grabbed Bingtis, for fear that the unhealthy female hooligan rushed out to pull the two dragon scales into a mahjong in front of others ...

"This is my scale. It bears the oath of God and mortals, and keep it well. It will never be damaged."

After saying this. The dragon suddenly turned into a substantive light, then quickly shrunk and condensed into a human figure: wearing a cool little shawl, a short leather skirt, short blond hair, youthful, and the mascot No. 2 in the Protoss Squad. Lynn is back.

Head down. As a little daughter-in-law ready to get angry, Lin became decisively like this once she returned to the girl form. Bingtis stepped forward and rubbed each other's head, and said with a smile: "Well. Good job."

"Hey ..." Lin only knew that she was smirking with her head down, and she didn't have the majestic look just now. Don't talk about us in this scene, even Sajina and Sona, who haven't recovered from the shock just now, saw Then she suddenly stunned. The first person to scream was Sha Jina. She almost jumped at Lin: "Ah, the Mechlord! It's you!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Lina jumped up and gave Sha Jina a hammer (possibly learned from Pandora): "Call Her Goddess! Now that you are my new colleague, I have to give you a good job to supplement your professional knowledge! "

As she said, Lina took out a large volume of pamphlets, such as several treasures: "Look, this Pope knows that writing these things will be useful sooner or later. Take them back and take a look. This is all for future work. With the tricks you need, you must have a clear understanding of your position, otherwise it will be easy for people to put them on the firewood for baking ... "

I glanced over and found that the pile of religious pamphlets drawn by Liliana was different from the versions of the Goddess of Life Bible I had seen before. This seemed to be a workbook for missionaries, including the Quick Fudge "Getting Started", "How to Become a Glorious Saviour", "One Hundred Ways to Be Handled After Being Tied to Firewood by the Authorities", "Quick Guide to False Death and Resurrection", and "Goddess Breeding Guide (Interim)" Books, and even two teaching CDs, one for humans, one for gods ...

The two poor half-dragon girls, who had lost their ability to think in today's series of events, were stunned.

Although I did n’t want to admit it, the only person who was the best at explaining the scene was Li Lina. Our group of onlookers crowded Lin to retreat tens of meters away, and told Li Lina to give the cause and effect of everything to the two half-dragon girls. Explain clearly. We saw Lilin jumping up and down in the distance, impassioned, waving religious propaganda in a paper tube, excited like Pandora, not only quite worried: this product is really instilling Sha Jina them the right Common sense?

After a while, Lirina's commentary was over and she beckoned us to pass. Shahina and Sona were holding a huge scale that could block more than half of their bodies, and looked anxiously at our group of "people." It took a long time to say in unison: "You are the gods?"

I turned my body aside and pointed to the Protoss sliver quintet one by one: "Here are the gods, they already have a license." Then I pointed to Ding-Dang who was drinking afternoon tea on his head: "This is also the god-god Members, although they do n’t look like, but they are also licensed. Other book friends are watching: The time of the empty track reads back to the whole party. ”Finally Bingtis pointed to us and added:“ In fact, these are also gods, but They have just formed a group and the two of us are covering each other. "

Vanilla keeps scratching his head and heading next to us. Then suddenly my head lighted up, and quickly jumped out and waved his hand: "I don't count, I'm like you."

"Same thing, that is to say ..." Sha Jina and Sona looked at each other, and explained with the knowledge they had just obtained, "Is that you are also the spokesperson of God?"

Vanilla scratched her cheeks embarrassedly: "Although it's not very clear. But that's probably it, Lilian said I'm still a trainee archbishop, yes, I'll introduce it to you, this is the goddess I serve, the **** of crow Lord Wen! "

When the crow heard someone calling his name, he immediately put down the nut at hand and patted his arm happily: "Ga!"

My sister took the little crow to explain the difference between the crow and the duck ...

Although the two half-dragon girls have known the cause and effect of the matter. But it still seems to take a long time to calm down the messy heads. I guess the group present was subverting all their conjectures about the gods: because I thought that was how I was subverted. They asked a lot of questions about gods, beliefs, and what they should do. Lina took the opportunity to sell more than twenty books ...

What they felt most constrained was when facing Lin, before today. Lynn is still an ordinary girl with a low sense of existence and has been working diligently. And unfamiliar. From now on, Lin has become the dragon **** they must admire most. This huge change is not easily accepted by ordinary people. Faced with the restrained attitude of the two half-dragon girls, Lin seemed to be more awkward than them and waved her hands again and again: "No ... don't be nervous. In fact, I'm not very powerful, I only have a card for ten thousand years."

Half of us in a big group covered their faces with their hands, and I couldn't bear to witness: This unproductive million years ...

"Then. Are you planning to return to Sentu?"

I don't know when Lin can still find the situation, so I quickly interrupted her conversation with the half-dragon duo. A good novel: Download the Holy Spirit Coffin. Facing Sona, she asked, "After you go back, you will probably be offered as ancestors by the locals. Then you can run across the country."

"Just don't do that," Saeina shook her head without hesitation. "It's too troublesome. Sona and I still prefer a more free and ordinary life. Oh, by the way, Lirina said that we are now the spokesperson of the Dragon God, Are we going to follow you in the future? "

"You are free to choose," Bettis interjected. "It does not mean that you will always be with God after becoming a **** spokesperson. Your task is only to organize believers, preach doctrines and the like. Of course, stay with us. In the time period of this world, you better stay with Lin, this is good for the half-dragon people in the whole world. Now you should just get the recognition of the dragon god, not that there is any power in this way, The real power is gradually discovered after tempering the faith and going through trials. In addition, the meaning of this belief is not so much how much power it gives you, but to unite the believers: this is your half-dragon. The most lacking. "

Sona nodded silently—the half-dragons in this world have weakened to this day. Apart from being eliminated by the age of magic, there is a bigger reason for not being able to organize, a group of illiterate illiterates scattered around the world. After being discriminated against or even persecuted, none of the groups that can be called organizations came forward to take refuge. This is their biggest problem.

"This Pope gives you a suggestion:" Li Lina glanced at Sakina, "Set up the Church of the Dragon God and gather your scattered people together, even if you don't fight against other races in the world for a while, the half dragons also Can be awakened to dignity as a wise race, and then head south, where there are large wastelands and abandoned kingdoms, including your former kingdom of the half-dragons, and rebuild the city in the ruins. Half-Dragons around the world know of such a refuge. When the power grows, the re-independence of your race will become a fait accompli. Then look at the attitudes of other races in the world. If they acquiesce, they will be safe. If you attack you, you will go to war. There is no bloodshed for the resurgence of a race. "

Li Lina has already arranged such a set of planning that is almost subverting the existing world order. When she saw the unbelievable look on the faces of the two half-dragon girls, she smiled slightly: "Relax, everything will be fast. You do n’t know to what extent the power given by the true God can be strengthened. Other book friends are watching: Doomsday farmers read it all. "

"It's just the south ... Will the aborigines there accept us?" Sona asked cautiously.

"There is the origin of the Crow God sect, what do you say," Li Lina glanced at the silly bird squatting on the ground looking for a small stone, "Soon, the entire South will fall into our hands. As long as you don't have brain damage Just conflict with the crow **** believers-of course there should be no conflict, the crow **** sect does not establish a country, naturally does not mind who established the country there, the dragon **** deities believers should basically be half dragons, and the crow **** sect Believers are basically other races, and this is less conflicting, let alone we allow polytheism. "

Sagina and Sona's eyes lit up, and the new home portrayed by Lilina gave the two half-dragon girls a flame called Hope for the first time. I looked at their eager faces ~ www.readwn.com ~ and smiled. Although they are still a little confused about fate and the like, their previous chaotic days have ended. The mission of leading a race to rise again is extremely difficult, but backed by the power of true gods, perhaps the half-dragon of this world. People can get over their heads soon.

"Then the rest is to go to that Sky Tower," the elder sister said in a loud voice and diverted our attention. "Who has any questions?"

"We have!" Saina said hurriedly, and she held up the huge golden dragon scale in her hand: the "sworn stone" given by the dragon god, and said troubledly: "Lin ... er, goddess, this should be How to use it? "

By the way, Lynn just gave them a piece of scale as proof of making an oath, but this thing is so big, it looks like it should be able to be used in some other way. I saw Lin tilted her head and thought for a while, then suddenly ran over happily, took the dragon scales in Senna's hands, pointed to the middle, and said, "I give you a suggestion, put a handle here, you can be a shield Make……"

Sure enough, it is a shield mother!

(It ’s really cold this winter ... especially Tangshan.) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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