Xiling Empire

Chapter 1071: Holy capital

When we were far away from the town, we met the welcome team running out of the town, men and women, young and old, and mighty. They saw a giant crow quickly approaching from the sky in the town (it must be said that Medivh became a crow **** with a wingspan of two or three hundred meters and was wrapped in lightning storms and flames. The signpost, she has to fly high enough that you can see from two hundred kilometers away, and then happily rushed out to greet. I believe the **** of the crow must have given them the speed of flying birds: when we were still in the sky, they had just come out of the town. By the time we landed, these people had gathered two kilometers outside the town.

Hundreds of men, women, and children stood a few hundred meters away. When they saw a group of people jumping off the back of the crow god, they were obviously stunned. Obviously, the setting of "going on a trip with God" was very local. It's still not easy to understand, but after seeing the vanilla, Liliana and older sister in the crowd, the expression on their faces is still relieved: at least the situation is not too bizarre. I looked at these welcoming crowds, and saw that every face was filled with excitement and excitement. It was a sincere feeling from the heart. No matter how bad Lilian's personality was, at least she really brought a good life to these people. . The faces of adults in these people are weather-beaten, with traces left over from years of labor in the mines and nicks left by their lives. Little children are basically embarrassed: they grow up in the mines. How good at greeting strangers. Some people wore black robes. The robe chest is prefixed with two hanging ribbons. I now know that these two ribbons are the mark of the Crow God. The color of the ribbon represents the class in the church, like vanilla, which is the highest level of gold. . Of course, Liliana and Little Raven also have the same clothes, but they should be considered outside the scope: one is the image spokesperson of the god, the other is the goddess herself. What do you say they follow to make fun ...

"Greetings to the goddess!" A grandfather with gray hair who looked very imposing in the crowd (how did he deal with the grandfather for a while) stepped out of the crowd, first bowing to the silly bird who was recovering human form, then to vanilla Bowed respectfully, "Under the pope."

Vanilla took a small step back in tension, apparently still not adapting to this identity, and then stiffened her neck and returned a gift: "Oh, nah. I have worked hard these days." Well, at least when I say these few words The expression on his face was calm.

"Two sage lords." The old man turned his head again to Li Lina and her sister. He bowed ceremonially and thoughtfully, and then did not miss even the catwoman whose name was always forgotten. "And Her Royal Highness, all the way."

The catwoman stood upright, her ears straight: "My name is Rabbi!" I looked at her inconceivably: Oh, this is still a maiden? Liliana will toss! Was she ridiculous in making these titles?

But looking at the Protoss quintessentials one by one seemed normal, and Uncle Kenther even nodded slightly. It seems that the set of things that Lina is tossing about is really that, at least it looks quite appropriate.

"He is one of the several great priests of the Crow God sect." Li Lina introduced me to this thoughtful etiquette with a spiritual connection and looked not like the old man of the mine laborer. "He used to be a small nobleman, but was later scammed and exiled here. The most literate person in the town can only let him be the main sacrifice. In fact, it is reliable, but sometimes it is rigid and special. Regarding etiquette: He hasn't changed these problems for seventeen years. "

When Li Lina introduced me with a spiritual connection, she was not idle. She pointed at us and introduced it to the old man. The first one introduced me: "You should give him a gift. This It ’s the Lord of the Ravens and the father of the gods in the Holy Spirit recorded in the scriptures. "When she said this, her face was particularly energetic, and I was almost calmed by that serious look. When I looked at me with awe and respect, Lilin went on to introduce the others, "This is the aunt of the crow god, this is the aunt of the crow god, this is the second uncle of the crow god, the third uncle of the crow god, and the young aunt of the crow god. , The big cousin of the crow god, the aunt of the crow god, the crow **** ... "

I should have noticed something wrong the first time! Just let this girl say "Father of the Gods" to calm down and did not respond ...

"In short, the situation is jealous." Li Lina took a look at me with a grievance, and then told the stunned Raven gods to fight back to the "holy capital". On the way, she introduced us to the special society in the southern region. The environment comes, of course, as well as the development and current status of this city where the Raven God originated.

"Holy capital", this is a name that has gradually become known in recent days. It sounds so windy, I am afraid that not many people will put it near an abandoned mine, and the population is only a few thousand (a few days ago) ) The ruined town is linked. When the name was finalized, even the residents of the town felt a little dumbfounded, but after all, the name still spread. Now, several people near the "Sacred Capital" Towns and cities know about the miracles that suddenly appeared in the long-depleted "Black Sand Mine". The miracles are spreading, the holy trees appearing in one day, the endless food and wine given by God, as long as they follow the teachings of the God of Ravens You can get rid of the sacred realm of sickness, the harvest of grain one day and one night, and the sacred barrier covering all the invaders by relying on only one feather. The story is more bizarre than the one who extolls these things But one by one vowed: This will inevitably attract more and more people's attention.

In addition to these mythical legends, of course, people who spread these stories from the "holy capital" are also residents of the original mining towns, but now they call themselves missionaries. These miners and farmers who have done most of their rough work nowadays Wearing strange robes, carrying the Bible of the Raven God (although most of these novice missionaries would not even write their own names), they went around the towns and towns to proclaim the power of the Raven God, for the poor and the poor Homeless people provide medical medicine and food for free: these three things are the least valuable for those who come out of the holy capital. It is something much needed in the nearby run-down town.

The missionaries transformed from miners and peasants certainly seemed full of disobedience, even though they were wearing academic robes and holding descriptive books in their hands, but this could not conceal their vulgarity and habitual life. Way, yes, you will see the novice missionary of the Raven God Squat sitting on the stone beside the road to read the doctrine, and with the surrounding poor, use hard biscuits dipped in salt crumbs for lunch and pray for divine power. The Bible here is taken upside down-all the above behaviors make people from the northern high society sneer. But it made the local civilians very kind. Perhaps this was a good thing. As a result, the missionaries of the Crow God were able to better develop believers in the poor society. And their divine power is not covered: even if they take the Bible upside down, they can still get rid of all diseases and possess divine power. What could be more convincing than real miracles? Their contrasting style of the poor is a better contrast to their own power.

Under the dual power of miracles and missionaries, the Holy One has gained great fame. Now one after another wanderers from other places come to this place, most of them just want to try their luck. Because it is said that the Raven God sect will provide food for passing fugitives for free (limited supply. After that, you will have to rely on labor in exchange for living supplies. You ca n’t let the Raven God sect cultivate thousands of lying in the holy tree and wait for mold Slacker, right?), While others are out of curiosity or have nowhere else to go. No matter what reason people come here, in the end, 99% will choose to stay: Compared to any other place in the South, this place visited by God is full of incredible hope. At least here, you do n’t need to be hungry. Belly.

So far. The small town of Shengdu has already accommodated an additional population almost twice that of the indigenous people, and the expansion of the town has been in full swing. Outside the wasteland, new construction sites and open-air workshops can be found everywhere, as well as simple tents built by outsiders. Generally no one dared to set up a tent outside the city wall overnight. Because dangerous beasts sway in the southern wasteland, the territory occupied by the wolves is larger than the area of ​​human activity. The only exception here is that the entire mining area is protected by a huge divine shield, let alone the beast, which is the north. The troops of various nations attacked, I am afraid that they will be torn to pieces by the storm released by the shield. As long as you are inside the shield and accept the teachings of the Raven God, you are safer than anywhere.

And such a huge flow of people, even the construction of private cities did not attract the attention of any local official department, which of course made me very curious. After some inquiries, I learned that this was due to the special living environment of the southern region.

The south is a barren and illegal place, where most food cannot be grown, rivers are scarce, and the largest plain is the Gobi that is not suitable for survival. The soil is mixed with metals harmful to crops and humans. The economic source is limited to several types of minerals. For hundreds of years, the Principality of the North used it as a place for discarding minerals and various wastes. The wastes here include heavy prisoners and unsuccessful failures in political struggles. Nobles, of course, also included slaves who were exiled to mine sentient beings. You can find the simple towns that have gathered overnight because of the veins, and there are human settlements that are depleted and worn out. "Exile", "slave", "lifeless pariah", the three systems have accumulated countless homeless people for the southern region. These people are used as tools to send to the mines in large numbers. The fate of life is bound to the mine veins. Together, when the minerals dried up, the authorities didn't even bother to demobilize these deserted people. They would only transfer local supervisors and soldiers, as well as their belongings, and leave most of them abandoned. Of course, out of the so-called "kindness" of the aristocracy, they will leave a year of food and the like. By the way, a "free mining license" will be issued to the civilians left behind, allowing the remaining people to freely mine abandoned mines. What's in it: if they can find anything else.

This is the absurd status quo of living in the southern region. It can only be said that one world has its own rules.

There is no clear division of sovereignty in the south. It is nominally managed by the northern duchy, but this management has been rendered useless. The number of abandoned people in the south is increasing, which has also weakened the northern duchy's control over the country. The embarrassing situation caused by the accumulation of hundreds of years, up to now, this place has basically become self-reliance ... Uh, no king, but it is indeed self-reliance. So this messy social environment gave Lina an opportunity. Of course, the rising half-dragon race also has a chance.

Not only did the clergy come out in groups to welcome us (well, it was a bit awkward to say these two words directly) (... what is more awkward to say these four words!), But also in the city. Ordinary residents, even children who run around with adults, can see that the Crow God is not very organized. After all, the main members of this sect are now concentrated in the peasant and miner class. This is certainly not class discrimination. It is just undeniable that such a staffing component is far from sufficient for the development of a sect. Lilina feels that the immediate task is not only to expand the influence of the Crow God, but also to attract intellectuals and aristocratic classes to teach. Coding and preaching in high society can provide great help, the latter can give green light to the Raven **** sect in many fields, and now a group of carefully selected missionaries have traveled to the north. According to the information sent back, they are doing well. The biggest good news is that Saints will soon be able to teach an extra group of teachers who can teach children to literate: this is much needed here.

Lilin dismissed the believers and civilians who had noisy behind them. Show us a tour of this fast-growing town. The current Shengdu feels like a magnified version of Sentu's dark alley area: dilapidated, cluttered, dilapidated, and unplanned.

The whole town looks like peeled orange peel from the shape. Several large areas are separated by a piece of wasteland, which is irregular and connected only in the middle. Except for a better circle of buildings around the square in the center of the town, everything else is called "house stacking." Dilapidated wooden houses and stone houses are built in a chaotic manner, and few straight roads can be seen. Gray and black are the main colors of this town. The houses and pavement here are covered with black-gray rock powder from the mine. The gravel used for paving the ground is **** as a by-product during mining. This is still a better place. The pavement in many places has not been treated at all. The exposed dirt is potholes, and the area is black with greasy sewage.

"This is the case in the mining towns in the south," the sister sighed. "The people who build these towns only need one thing: they can live. Anyway, there is no more support from the northern Principality, and even if it is built, There is no more economic value, so this is the case. The large houses in the center of the town were the original supervisors and soldiers. They were the emperors of all the mining towns. They were sent by the northern duchy to slaves and exiles. Supervise mining operations and leave without hesitation after the mine has dried up. "

"But it's different now than before!" Lilina happily pointed to the side. It was a construction site. A large number of seriously collapsed houses were being pushed down. A dozen strong townspeople were preparing for the construction of new houses. , They cut huge wood and stones on the spot on the wasteland, using ... with iron or even palms? !!

I finally noticed this wonderful detail. A bare-faced uncle with a black face put a piece of wood on a shelf, then raised his right hand and prayed loudly: "Ga! Supreme Mighty Crow God! It is a steel gift to your believers. Bless you with strength and magical sword! "Then a split of the palm, a flash of cold light, really a flash of cold light, the edge of his palm was floating with a layer of metallic luster, extending to half a meter away, here The wood was cut under the cold metal cut.


"There is a lack of tools here, but the speed of construction is faster than any other town," Vanilla said happily, with a red glow on her face. She rarely spoke actively, but this time she couldn't help it. "Everyone depends on the **** of the crow." Blessing, it becomes powerful, steel is added, and no sturdy tool can be compared with the power of prayer. The only thing that is a bit unfortunate is that not everyone can get the power they need. Those who can participate in the construction are still Not enough. "

I nodded: "I know, praying with this silly bird is a bit of a lottery ticket. Maybe you are strengthened."

The little crow heard me calling her a silly bird, and immediately pursed her mouth: "Ga!" She could still hear what the silly bird meant.

You can see the scenes of hot labor everywhere in the town, rebuilding houses, repairing roads, and making tools. If this dilapidated abandoned town is completely different from the rest of the south, it is that everyone here sends out from the inside out With great enthusiasm and happiness, they are full of hope for the first time to build their own house so motivated and firmly believe that they can finally build a rich home with their own hands. Along the way, almost every person I met stopped to pay tribute to our group of people: Of course, they greeted the little crows and vanillas. I do n’t know how Liliana did it, she was really stupid. Birds and herbs have gained such high prestige. If the Raven God itself is a majestic god, this is a good explanation, but the current situation is that apart from eating, sleeping, and selling adorable things, the only thing that Raven God can do is to bow his head to the ground. Looking for small stones and collecting firewood sticks to set up a nest for myself, can such a guy really gather prestige?

In the final analysis, I can only say that Li Lina is quite good at flickering.

In the end, we came to the central square along the only road in the town. This is the "holy place" of the town. Only the aboriginal people of the town can approach it. The homeless people who have recently come to "pilgrimage" from other places can only be outside the town. The fate stays, even if the food is collected by the townspeople after they have collected it here. After all, two of the most important holy things of the Crow God sect are stored here: the sacred tree and the crow **** feathers. No one dares to let the person who is still unknown is casual. near. Around the square, we saw the first "Knights of the Church" team organized by the townspeople, which was impressive: The Church Knights holding a pitchfork and a miner's puppet were absolutely unprecedented.

"Their combat effectiveness is not worse than that of the most powerful barbaric knight in the north. The pitchfork thrown by the church knight can penetrate the fifteen-meter-thick boulder wall," Lilian nodded her greetings to those Raven Gods in black robes. , While whispering, "Although they are a bit broken now, but their weapons and equipment have been made soon. Everything is building fast here. By then, the Cavaliers of the Raven Gods will be the most powerful in the world. Soldier, if you think about it, you have more strength than the Mammoth, and you can also instantly see Shadow Arrows and Lightning Chains ... The power of the Raven God tends to fight. "

Tends to fight ... I suddenly thought whether the Raven God Sect can fight with the Raven ...

Just then ~ www.readwn.com ~ A burst of excited shouts from not far away interrupted my thinking. Looking forward, I saw a group of children running through the alley in front, and then our team The cat-girls here happily greeted them.

"Mr. Rabbi! You are back!"

"Teacher, is the big city fun?"

"Teacher, we have finished all those words!"

A group of tattered, but elated children gazed at each other, and a few of us suddenly became a little dazed. At this time, Lina seemed to suddenly think of it, and suddenly realized: "Oh, forgot to say, this cat is one of the only two teachers in the town now, responsible for teaching children to read and write. The other teacher is The old man we saw a lot before. "

Lin Xue smiled openly: "Wow, I really can't see it, the cat is quite close to the child, it is usually like a stuffy gourd."

"Only those kids can remember her name." Her sister covered her face and couldn't help sighing.

Everyone: "..." (to be continued)

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