Xiling Empire

Chapter 1085: Silver Dragon

The silver-white dragon is fixed on the ground by the power of the crow god. Although there is no barrier above it except the purple and black halo around it, this dragon is obviously temporarily unable to fly (in fact, the opponent is afraid that all the forces are It was sealed because I didn't feel any magical power from this dragon, and it is said that the dragons in this world should be extremely powerful casters.) It has impacted around several times, but every time Teleported back to the center of the seal-has that silly bird gotten so advanced now?

Surrounded by the seal is a group of crow spirits, a pure energy creature formed by shadow debris falling from the feathers of Medivh. These crow spirits are the messengers of the crow gods and the holy beasts revered by the crow gods. , They are not smart. In my opinion, it is probably the IQ of ordinary birds (after all, it is the clone created by the stupid bird that still counts his fingers), but they are very persistent in accomplishing tasks, little crow. Before leaving, they confessed these avatars to take care of the "guests", so they collected mountain-like nuts and grass seeds from the nearby valleys and wilderness, and threw them into the halo sealed with silver dragons. This is probably a flock of birds. It is the normal feeding method, but for a dragon, it is almost equivalent to being insulted by the eight generations of ancestors, so the silver dragon has been cursing and protesting from beginning to end, and keeps dropping to the side The nut was thrown out, but because of the presence of the seal aura, the nut thrown out by it would instantly return to itself ... gradually. This unlucky dragon is more than three meters above the ground.

When I landed with the crow in my arms, I saw this scene. What a human right to bear to see ... Dragon rights trampling.

"Cough." I dropped the silly bird to the ground and coughed awkwardly. The dragons are indeed the five keen pie. Despite being bombarded by the nuts of the spirit of the crow and my own anger, I immediately heard my cough. Suddenly, he turned the huge head over and stared at it with a dark golden erect pupil. Then he saw the little crow picking stones from the ground.

Silver Dragon yelled, "Bastard! You inexplicable little demon! Quickly let me out! I am an envoy sent by the Dragon Kingdom! How many times will you understand! You cannot insult an envoy to '蹭The evil of rice ', this is a great insult, I want your human king to apologize for this rude behavior! Ah, and these **** strange birds, stop! Let them stop immediately! I am allergic to nuts! I am a noble dragon and a polite gentleman. You ca n’t do this to me! Knowing this would make Susan's violent madness an envoy. I ’m almost fed up ... ”

"Ga!" The little crow suddenly jumped up and rushed to the silver dragon. He almost put his own face on the other's nose. Then put a black stone on the tip of the other's nose, "Gift! Welcome to Medivh's territory!"

Both Yinlong's eyes could not wait for one, and finally saw what was placed on the tip of his nose, and suddenly burst into anger, with a strong gas in his nostrils, and his mouth was about to roar. The silly bird responded very quickly at this moment. . And not accidentally misunderstood the other's mouth opening, grabbed the black stone that was used as a gift, and threw it into Yinlong's mouth: "Ah. If you want to eat, let's eat it. Sister Sandora usually also always They eat a lot of strange things. "

"Cough ... cough ..." Yinlong grunted and swallowed the stone into his belly, and immediately coughed, struggling to retaliate while rocking the mountain, "You little devil, I won't give in Yes, when I find a way to restore my strength, I must ... keke, who will help me to take out the stones ... keke ... what the **** is this aura, and where does my dragon breath go ... ... "

I finally couldn't stand it anymore. I reached out and tossed the messy silly bird aside, let her stay still, and waved to disperse the halo shrouded around Yinlong: "Oh, what, open your mouth."

"Ah?" I'm afraid that Yin Long, who was ignored by himself at the beginning (what happened to my heart when I thought of this sentence?) Suddenly came out, subconsciously opened his mouth and was surprised, so I gave it smoothly. A black cloud was thrown in its mouth. Yinlong stayed for a few seconds, suddenly began to smoke in his throat, then rushed to the side and retched frantically, and finally spit out a cloud of unknown substance that was smoking. Just forget it, "This ... what did you give me just now? I seem to see hallucinations, another world ..."

"Sandora ’s special 05 caliber intensive pop-up hybrid coaxial piercing braised beef noodles," I glanced at Yin Long sympathetically. "There is also a 47 mm caliber fragment that kills tea eggs." Actually, I want to say you This guy thinks it cheap. What I prepared is already the most lethal Sandora high-energy cooking that I can find out. I still have two high-energy directional siege bean paste bags in my pocket. .

The silver dragon was full of smoke in his weak mouth, and gasped with a surprised look at this side: "What's that? There's something on the mother continent that can make the silver dragon immune to all toxins. It's bad? Alchemist? "

I suddenly felt that this guy was not very intelligent ...

"Oh, in fact, I'm a half-owner of this place," I thought for a while, and thought it would be better to position myself as a half-owner. Strictly speaking, this is the site of a little crow, although she sees me As the host, I still feel embarrassed to take this place as my own, "I'm very sorry for this stupid bird's move, you saw it, she's just a child."

"Child?" Silver Dragon swept back and forth with scary eyes as she slowly regained her strength. "She defeated a dragon! And only used two sneezes! Now the motherland children are so powerful ? Are we so isolated from the world? "

"It looks like you haven't even heard the word" Crow God ", so you just rushed to the Crow God sect." I sighed and watched the silvery white monster more than ten meters long in front of me curiously. , I feel that the situation seems different from what I expected. Why are the dragons in this world ... so different from the dragons in the usual settings?

The astral dragon gods are left alone. Judging from the information that I have been in contact with at present, the Dragons are basically all a group of very proud and powerful guys, and they are used to being incomparable in front of mortals. They are talented and have a long life. A dragon can even be a youth The entire civilization history of more than one race, so most of the dragons who traveled out were both proud and well-known masters. They are used to walking with their heads up. Disdain the mortals on the ground, the nostrils often face the sky at a forty-five degree angle, and when the wind blows, it will immediately sip a nose ... this should be the case.

However, the silver-white dragon in front of you, how to say, although the appearance is the same, but I always feel that the other side is a bit too good to speak. So tossed by the bear crow, this bear child, if set as usual. The other party should be leaping like lightning at this time, soaring into the sky. Then shouting at "stupid mortals" while bombarding us wildly. Finally, let the two crows sneeze to the ground again, and the equipment that bursts the ground is right. Is this the normal dragon setting? Why is this temper so good?

"Crow God? What is that?" Yinlong looked curiously. "Did the mortals of the mother continent create a new deity? The creatures here are so strange that you need to create a faith every three to five. You ca n’t do more. Interesting thing? "

"Ga!" The little crow screamed dissatisfied immediately, seeming to strongly prove that the crow **** itself is very interesting. I dragged her back and introduced to Yinlong: "This is the Crow God. The full name is the God of the Crow, and you are overthrown by a god. It should be enough. You said that you were an ambassador. What ’s the place, do n’t you know who the other person is? ”

The native dragons of this world will send people. This is not unexpected. I can probably guess the reason for the appearance of this silver dragon, most of which is related to the "half dragon". It just seems that the envoy sent by the dragon is really weird, and now I almost doubt whether the other party is a real dragon. According to a record in this world, the Dragons are quite terrifying creatures to the indigenous people here. When I think of the panic manifested by the civilians in the port of Sendu on the day when Lin descended, I can judge the local dragon in this world. Certainly not a friendly neighbor to the indigenous peoples here. That's the theory-I'll just say this for her when Tavel isn't there.

"Ha? God of the crow?" Yinlong looked at the little crow jumping around on the cliff like the living hell. "What happened to the mother continent in recent years ... such a little girl is also admired as a god? Although It's really amazing. "

"Ahem, the question of the crow **** will be said later," I waved my hand, "you mentioned that you were an envoy? Why did you come here?"

Yinlong looked at me with huge eyes, and seemed to be weighing whether he could just say these things to the person in front of him, but after seeing the little crow jumping about in the distance, he made up his mind and nodded Said: "My family heard that the half-dragon of the mother mainland suddenly received the favor of a golden two-headed dragon, and was deemed to have the blood of the dragon. Soon after, all the pure blood royals in the dragon were in the fantasy. After receiving some kind of "revelation", the spirit of the dragon's ancestors told the royal family that a long-lost bloodline was found on the mother continent. The half-dragon people were identified as a branch of the dragon family. These things greatly affected our family, so the leaders in the family An envoy was sent to investigate the truth of this matter. During the investigation, I saw a large number of half-dragons migrating in this direction, so they arrived. "

I thought about it, and finally decided to remind the other party: "Oh, what, you should be an observer? The words of the envoy should be assigned to a certain force or a certain person, and the contact person who executes the communication person is right. You Did you come out to contact someone? "

"Ah?" Yin Long hesitated, and then he didn't know where to find a huge hard-shell book, and mumbled with the short forelimbs. "That's it? My wife said me when I started It ’s the envoy. She should have been traveling the mother continent hundreds of years ago. She should n’t be mistaken. It ’s not clear what is written in this dictionary. What do you create so many meaningless words? Okay, it's almost all right ... Oh, I found it, the envoy, it's really the same as what you said, then it seems I'm wrong. "

Then Yinlong solemnly introduced himself again here: "Hello. Human, I am the observer sent by the Dragon Kingdom to investigate the Half-Dragon incident. You can call me Char, of course, this is not my real name. , You may not understand the meaning of the Dragon pronunciation. "

Me: "... Okay, you can call me Chen Jun. The bear kid who is frantically digging over there is called Medivh. It doesn't make any sense to you. This town is the territory of the Raven Gods. Also The place where the half-dragon people lived recently, if you want to find out about the half-dragon people, it's the right place. But before that, I still want to ask, what, this world ... I mean you dragon family Is it all like you? "The dragon with a good temper in front of him was so curious!

"How is it possible?" Yinlong shook his head immediately. "My dragons are of many varieties. They are as different as the ethnic groups on the mother continent. I am a silver dragon. It is an elegant and gentle race among the dragons. Quite embarrassed "

Me: "... forget it, I'll take you to see a few people first."

This weird silver dragon is a bit subversive to my conjecture about dragons in this world, but according to the other party, his temper may be related to his own race, maybe other dragons are different. Since the other party came to investigate the matter of the half-dragons, it would be more appropriate to introduce him to Saina and Lynn. It seems that the dragon is not hostile. And as I guess. The silver dragon, who claimed to be Chale, mentioned that the "Dragon Kingdom" had been inspired by the spirit of the ancestors in the illusion.

That soft dragon **** sister is quite skilled in her professional field.

A silver dragon flew from the mine to the town. Of course, it caused a huge commotion among the townspeople. Before, Char had no time to show up in the town. Just over a dozen kilometers away, the silly bird running out of Huanhua was stunned, so this was his first flight to the "Holy City". When Yinlong came over the town square, the residents of the town had all ran out of the house, looking at the sky with a shocked or shocked expression, and soon, another group of townspeople appeared on the other side of the square. It is a group of half-dragon people.

These half-dragons have gathered from the outside world in the past two days after the first 100 or so pioneers were sent out. Now the holy place is the only safe haven open to the poor in the entire south. In addition to the revelation of the dragon god, countless pilgrimage teams of half-dragon people come here every day. According to the probe observations sent by us, the south There are countless pilgrimage teams in other regions of China, and even the northern region has assembled a large number of half-dragon free people. They would rather give up the relatively wealthy northern life and come to the wilderness to find the real home of their race.

Seeing the appearance of these half-dragon neighbors, the civilians who were still a little scared at first seemed to understand something. They were not so nervous. Only the church knights of the Crow God. ) Guarded in front of the Holy Tree and Raven God's Feather Altar more steadily, without wavering. This is where their duties lie. Second, it may be to defend the honor of their own Raven God believers in front of the dragon. Believers who are supported by religious forces are spiritually powerful guys in all senses.

"This is ... what happened?" There was a girl's voice beside her, and Saina whispered in surprise. A large group of us stayed in the Crow Temple next to the square. Of course, the movement here attracted everyone.

I quickly talked about the situation in the spiritual connection, especially focusing on how a stupid silly bird caused a three-view crash level error in the words "waiting". I just said half of it, and Lilina Spike slipped back to the Crow Temple, she was afraid of being beaten. This is.

Well, I couldn't escape the fifteenth day of the first day. According to the familiar smile on my sister's face, I knew that Lina's fat meal was already doomed.

Saina and Sona had a surprised look on their faces when they heard the arrival of the silver dragon, but nodded quickly, then took a deep breath, and walked toward Yinlong Chaer with a serious expression.

I'm curious what these two half-dragon girls think now, but unfortunately I don't have the ability to read the mind, but I'm sure they are in a very complicated mood. At the same time, Yinlong Chaer also widened his glasses and looked curiously at the two half-dragon men who were walking in front of him. Then he lowered his upper body and said in a rumbling voice: "Well, you two, I am Seen in the scroll ... Ah, what about my scroll? "

"Ga?" The crow suddenly screamed, then patted his head suddenly, and pulled out a scroll about one meter long from the portable space ~ www.readwn.com ~ this? "

"Yeah!" Yin Long nodded happily, then looked at me with resentment, "I took out the scroll before to ask this little girl if she knew the picture above, but she snatched it away!"

Everyone laughed awkwardly, saying that this was too normal, and you fiddled with something that the other party was interested in in front of a little girl who was only five and a half years old.

That scroll was brought out when Chale left the Dragon Territory. It was densely covered with the text of the turning in the song. The most prominent is the two portraits in the center of the scroll. They are vivid and lifelike. Chale compared the portrait on the scroll with the two half-dragon girls in front of him and finally nodded with satisfaction: "Well, um, it's you two, my tribal leader according to what they saw in the illusion The scenes, directly extracting their respective memories to form these two paintings, must be right. You are the ones I am looking for. "

"Oh-" Shakina's tail involuntarily dragged on the ground twice. "So what are you doing to us?"

Yinlong Chaer showed a contemplative look, and nodded solemnly after a long time: "I forgot to ask when I came out, but I think you must be in charge of rice?" (To be continued)

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