Xiling Empire

Chapter 1087: Can we finally communicate?

"This is the weirdest feeding method I've ever done." I couldn't help talking to myself as I watched the rising mist and thoughtful angels "charging." Of course, no one responded to himself. Little Bubble was busy playing, Ji Bing was busy playing with Little Bubble, the mercury lamp was crying and played by Little Bubble, and Alye was still lost. The only thing that didn't do anything was the luminous substance in front of me, still a nerd.

When the radiant energy field was generated, the entire room was shrouded in a faint blue-white mist, and the missing angel was in the middle of the mist. As she came into contact with some of the "FM energy" in the mist, she was covered There are crackling sparks up and down, I can't see if the other party has been successfully charged, but Alye next to him is now the same as the light bulb, and the angel sister looks at her arm curiously, Then he pulled out a large crystal cover from the carry-on space and buckled it on his head, disguising himself as a desk lamp.

I: "... what are you doing?" Actually, I want to say: Was the girl in a shallow possession for a moment? !!

In the face of my amazement in the spiritual connection, Araiye's answer was particularly honest: "Brother Monarch, Mother Lin Xue said that in order to improve her sense of existence, she must learn to sell Moe in front of you.

Is this cute? This is a malicious sell! Immediately I was swollen with blood, this is how it makes people unable to vomit, can't look straight at and can't evaluate ... Selling cuteness! Sure enough, except when working, is this angel sister used to be a mascot for pistachios?

Alaya was entertaining himself. I ’m still observing whether there is any change in the missing angel in front of me. Fifteen minutes have elapsed from the start of charging. The other party has no movement except for a slight increase in brightness. According to my own feelings, The energy response is indeed much higher than at the beginning, and this improvement is stable: maybe she successfully stored a part of her energy in her body? I have optimistic conjectures. But these energies don't seem to activate the thought thinking of the Angel of Thought. She stands as always, when I close the pan-energy field. The other person just turned into a bright light bulb.

Xiao Pao noticed the change here and immediately hurled a cheer. The octopus usually hung on the angel of thought, humming around his chest. The mercury lamp finally released was rushed out of the room without a word, maybe it was the older sister who sued.

"Still nothing," I stepped forward, pinching the wings of the miss angel, "Do you really want to become a kite?"

-And then become a rope angel. Did Alaya win the title of Cordless Angel?

This is the second half of the sentence that I didn't say, because I felt too curious, so I groaned. Otherwise, Arayer, who was listening next to it, would definitely take it seriously and write the name of the cordless angel in his database.

"That's right!" Watching the little bubble happily tossing back and forth on the missing angel. I suddenly decided to take another stimulus, so I patted Little Bubble's head, "Baby, can you take out what you got from this sister before?"

Xiaobuo looked at me with a crooked head: "Chu ?? Gu ¥% @ #% ¥ ##% # @!"

"What did she say?" I asked Ji Huan, who was packing toys not far away, for help.

Jier Jiamei said without hesitation: "If you provide Sister Jill with three emperor-level feasts every day and honor her as the great queen, give you the Holy Light Sword and Orb."

"You will be pickled only from Wotou tomorrow, and you will never be allowed to buy new clothes with my money."

"I'm very sorry. Actually, she wanted Araiye's feathers because Little Bubbles liked things that would glow, but Araiye never let her move her wings arbitrarily, so this became the little princess' best wish Add your own punctuation. "

I turned to look at Alaya, and the angelic sister suddenly froze. Tears clinging to his wings: "Only ... only one can be pulled, and there can't be the tip of the wings. There is very sensitive ..."

"It's done, do you usually have less feathers when you hit the tree yourself." I waved in front of Angel Sister. Grab her wings at the moment when the other person was stunned, and quickly dragged a cocked hair: According to experience, this feather itself is about to fall off.

"Wh-" Angel Smaw gave her a slight flick, and found that she just scratched her hair after pulling out a feather that was about to fall off, with a strange expression on her face. ? "

Me: "... Aren't you awake to something weird !?"

Little Bubble happily took over the hair of Araiye, then handed over the previously seized Holy Light Sword and Arcane Orb, holding the long feather himself to play. I scratched at the two things in my hand, feeling light and light. They were all condensed by light and energy, but they felt texture. This holy light sword is a weapon with the same style as the one-handed sword commonly used by Araiye Ping, except that there are a lot of complicated runes missing from the sword. The halo blade with a blurred shape indicates that this is a disposable consumable, and That arcane orb is even stranger, it should be an explosive, it will burst immediately after you release it, but the bubble does not know how to toss it, it has completely solidified into a crystal ball-like object. About this magical phenomenon, I also discussed with Sandora in the morning. Sandora thinks that this may still be related to the special talent of Little Bubbles. The child is good at distorting information, such as making himself unpredictable. If it expands, maybe her influence will spread to other things she has touched. The information of this arcane orb must have been modified by the super-evolved little host, because Little Bubble thinks it is a toy, so it really becomes a toy now.

Maybe I should have time to test how well the little bubble's ability can be achieved. Although the protection performance of the host is usually very strong, it relies on a strong shield to resist it, like her. Just because you "think", you can "think of it" in a certain form of attack has never happened. But this one was set aside in advance, and I focused my attention on the thoughtful angel in front of me.

"Here, this is your thing, don't you always think about it?" I waved the holy light sword in front of the other side, trying to get her attention, "Cough, move your finger a bit. Just filled you just now Electricity, always change a bit? "

I waited patiently, one minute passed, three minutes passed, the miss angel was floating in the air, still like a fixed shadow, but just when I was about to give up. The other party finally had a little movement: her head was slightly tilted, and then she tried to raise her arm-this movement was very slow. So much so that I felt like I even heard a "creak" sound from the other person. But in the end, she succeeded. She put her hand in front of me and made a begging gesture.

The moment when I handed the Holy Light Sword to the opponent's hand, the light on the miss angel seemed to flicker slightly. She clenched the sword and held it to her chest with slow movements. The action was like a mother holding her child, and then I saw an incredible scene: this ancient remnant, which should have no consciousness, bent down slightly over here. Gently nodded.

I asked in surprise: "Are you thankful?"

The other party nodded laboriously, as if he could fully understand what I said. And made an accurate response to this.

It's done! It's that simple? !! I felt overjoyed. I never imagined that the way to make this miss physical activity would be like this, give her a little energy, and then fulfill her wishes! Thinking of this, I took out another thing at hand: the crystal clear mutant arcane orb: "Here, this is also yours, sorry, my daughter grabbed yours ..."

However, just as I was about to give such a thing to each other, Araiye suddenly said, "Wait a minute, Brother Monarch!"

I looked at Alye strangely, and the other person pointed at the magic ball in my hand: "If she gave this to her, would she just ascend to heaven because all her wishes were fulfilled?" Reliable, but then think about it, I rub, what if I really do?

So looking at the miss angel who is close at hand and has extended his hand again to make a begging posture, I feel caught in a dilemma, although the word "ascension" that Alaya thinks about in his head seems not so reliable at first But after thinking about it, this thought angel has been around for so long after leaving the energy supply of the Phantom Tower. This is a matter of unexplainable reason in itself. Who knows whether she has been so long because of obsession. And, after returning to his own long sword, the opponent has obvious signs of activation. Obviously, the opponent's activity is directly affected by his obsession. Then what will happen after this obsession is fully satisfied is really unclear. .

"Sorry, I can't give you this for the time being." I thought for a while, and decided to wave my hand to the angel who missed him, and the other side still stretched his arms toward this side with a persistent look. To be honest, if it wasn't for the other person to have a pair of holy wings and a comfortable light shining on her body, she looks really weird. Full of resentment, no face, clinging to the outstretched arm, and adding one to this condition, I can think of more than 20 horror movies just by looking at the silhouette.

After the arcane orb was taken into the carry-on space by himself, the thought angel in front of him finally lowered his arm, probably because he lost his focus. Now her logic seems straight and very short-range, but despite this, I still feel a kind of frustration and loss in the other person. This may be an illusion, but I still apologize to explain it: "Don't be too frustrated, mainly because I don't know what your conditions are to maintain the form, I'm afraid to give it to you, and you just dissipate like that."

I didn't expect to get the answer from the other party, but it was a little surprising that Miss Angel still responded a little. She fluttered her wings slightly, and the light on her body flickered a few times. Although she didn't agree, at least she said I understand what others are saying. I was glad to see this scene, maybe after some accidental hits, the other party was already able to communicate.

After pulling this thought angel to the chair next to it, it took a lot of effort to guide the other person to sit down. I sat opposite her and spoke in a friendly way: "Now we may be able to communicate. First of all, we No one is hostile to you. We know what you and your companions are guarding, and what you protect is also our most cherished thing. Although there is a misunderstanding between the two sides, I hope you can understand. As long as the situation allows, we Hope to be friends with you-can you understand me? "

The miss angel slowly shakes his wings, still like that, neither agrees nor disagrees, just expresses that he is listening.

"Okay. I'll take it as you understand it, or else I can talk to myself," I scratched my hair, thinking that I could normally communicate with a stuffy gourd like Pandora. What a challenge for a shadow? "Everyone is still trying to communicate with you. You don't seem to speak. But I think I will soon find a way to understand you. We are Empire people, do you remember? Hilling. Hilling Empire ... ... Okay. It seems you didn't respond to the word. What about the apostle? Don't remember ... Then there is another word, Abyss, do you remember the abyss? "

A strong reaction that completely surprised me appeared, even though the miss angel, who did not respond to the word "Hilling Empire," immediately showed a strong impulse when she heard the word Abyss, and the light on her instantly flashed. Strengthened several times, followed by a violent electric arc on the hand. It looked like she was ready to enter the battle-I hurriedly held her hand down, suppressing the opponent's energy response.

"Okay. Quiet. There are no abyss. There are no enemies here." I froze this thought angel until I felt that my opponent's hands no longer released arcane energy. "It looks like you have basic communication skills and remember Against his enemies. "

The following was a difficult and limited progress communication effort. In the end, I still could n’t hear any answer from the other party ’s mouth, flipping the dictionary, indicating characters, recognizing graphics, etc. I could think of all the methods I tried and all failed, I asked the other party She absolutely understood the matter of the Phantom Tower, but refused to answer at all: I was not sure whether she really did not know it or consciously kept it secret. However, this communication attempt is not completely without progress. At least I know that this thinking body has a certain thinking ability, can understand others' words, and occasionally makes active activities. Although she has not revealed any secrets yet, she has responded quickly to what I said, such as now:

"My name is Chen Jun, do you remember?" I said.

Nostalgic angels would shake their wings slightly, indicating that they understood, and then nodded after a few seconds of delay.

It is this level of communication. Although the progress is not great, I feel that at least in a sense, I am already familiar with this thought angel. At least she was happy to respond to my voice and didn't show hostility, didn't she?

Time passed quickly. When I ended my communication with this thought body, I noticed that night had fallen out of the window, and I didn't know when it was dark: this may be due to the brightness of Alaya and the thought body. The reason is high, it seems a little overcharged before charging them both. Fortunately, Arayer said that she can control her own light emission, but this miss angel is not enough. I am afraid she will stay on like this until she uses up the extra energy in her body: like an 80-watt energy-saving light bulb .

"Ajun, come down for dinner, why are you still here ..." While I was studying how to turn off the light bulb, the door was suddenly pushed open shallowly, and her cheerful voice came to an abrupt halt, Then stared blankly at the luminous body in the center of the room, "Wow, Jun, have you finally found her switch?"

"Don't make trouble, charging too much." I rubbed my shallow hair and gave her a brief overview of the results of this afternoon's exchange, and she immediately showed a particularly happy expression, "Wow! Ah Jun is really powerful- But let ’s hurry up for dinner. Today, Sister Chen Qian personally cooks, I have your favorite dishes, although they are made with the materials of this world. By the way, do you want to bring this special bright? Always think you should let It would be appropriate for them to eat with us, or else it would seem innocent ... Oh, she doesn't seem to have a mouth, so forget it. "

Me: "..." Was the girl's logic racing back and forth for several rounds before I spoke? !!

When I went to eat, I announced the new changes of the miss angel. Both Sandora and Bingtis showed great interest in this and praised my strong affinity and discovery. Only Lin Xue thought At the same time, it also fully proves someone's powerful skills in hunting all female targets. In the opinion of the young lady, the thoughtless angel who can almost have a fight with Ji Shuang is obviously attributable to the female creature, so she Was successfully tuned by someone ...

"That's it," the young lady pointedly pointed at me at the table. "You wood now finally includes lighting equipment and kites in the hunting range-I thought that poultry was your bottom line."

I sandwiched a piece of fried meat and stuffed it into the mouth of the young lady: "I can't stop your mouth from eating."

Before leaving it aside, Lin Xue would definitely not accept this kind of intimate behavior of feeding at the table, and most of the time she would rush to rinse her mouth while holding "good disgusting" (actually waiting for the flushing on her face to fade), But now aside from a little blush, the young lady has become accustomed to this. The only variable is that there is now an extra mouth bound to Lin Xue on the dining table-Xiao Xue gathers together happily.

"Dad, and me?"

"Eat it yourself!" Lin Xue and I took the bear child back with unprecedented tacit understanding ~ www.readwn.com ~ and smiled.

Very good, now I feel like a husband and wife ...

"Well, speaking, hasn't Lin come back yet?" I looked around. There was a spot on the table, and the Protossian quintessential group of people who were always eating together was obviously missing, and Lin was not here.

"She? Most of them are still in the half-dragon area," Bingtis said casually. "The silver dragon named Chaer seems to be staying here for two days. The half-dragon people have held a banquet for their kins, Sajina and Sona. They all ran over to participate. This is not bad. Originally, the body was still worried that the dragons in this world are disobedient diehards. I did not expect that the two races are quite harmonious now. It seems that it is not necessary for Lin to go to the dragon kingdom to reduce the punishment . "

This female hooligan just uttered a very serious word, right? !!

But while we were chatting about things related to the half dragon people, a glare suddenly appeared in the restaurant, and Lin's figure emerged from the air: she came back.

And with a weird expression on his face. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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