Xiling Empire

Chapter 1105: Secret of authority

"Can you tell me about the new empire?" Aurelia "looked" at us, seemingly full of expectations.

"Of course, we said as we walked." I answered with a smile. Aleria was basically answering everyone's questions before. We learned a lot about the old empire from her mouth, but did n’t mention the situation of the new empire. Alleria knew that another part of the mother star had successfully recovered. But knowing nothing about what happened in the outside world, her memory ended as of the day when the concept of the parent star was broken, and it was still incompletely restored-she did not know what she would think when she knew the status of the new empire.

Although the new empire was only four years since its establishment, what happened during the period has been twists and turns, even called the magnificent, the return of Sandora, the re-connection with the Protoss, the battle of the Templar Archives, the current servants, Shadow City, Macro World, those exiled empire vassals and survivors around the former empire, I am afraid that these things can not be said for three days and nights. At this time, I am very grateful for the special ability of the Apostles of the Spirit. Relia can directly read the data packets shared by Sandora-basically 90% of the information about the new empire "tells" her directly, and the only thing we need to explain is the database. Some minor issues that cannot be documented.

The splendid civilization of the Apostles of the Spirit is still continuing, and now there are signs of recovery, the empire is steadily developing, and re-establishment with the Protoss ... these are all good news for Aurelia. But at the same time, there was something that made her feel heavy: the appearance of the fallen apostle.

"The abyss did not destroy everything in the old empire. Perhaps it was precisely the power of the Apostles of the Spirit that led to such a result. After being directly impacted by the abyss, some of the apostles did not die, but survived and became stronger. , And full of madness. "On the way to the central relay point of the Forgotten Gardens meeting with the giant guard, Sandora finally talked about the fallen apostle, her voice sounded very low, and whenever the topic was raised, People feel heavy, "So far, the world that has been destroyed by the fallen apostles has reached a three-digit number, which is still under the condition of the protoss deterrence and the joint suppression of the new empire. They destroy the world. Extract the heart of the world, A more ambitious plan is being prepared. But no one knows what those crazy people are doing. They may want to re-establish the 'empire', build an empire completely in the abyss camp, or they may want to destroy all order in the void You also know that individuals infected by the abyss are unreasonable. Even if they can think, their Test mode has also been unable for us to understand. "

"But it can be confirmed. There should be a total black hand behind the fallen apostles." I added and explained the information that I currently have: the fallen apostles as a whole are under the control of a rather mysterious and powerful guy. All their actions were carried out in accordance with the "great cause" formulated by "that adult."

"Time is passing, it is really time." Aurelia sighed softly, "I did not expect that the outside world has changed in this way, have the fallen apostles ... Hilling Apostles who have fought the abyss for hundreds of millions of years will leave. At this point ... To be honest, this is not very acceptable. The strength of the new empire is not enough to completely destroy those rebels, right? "

"I'm afraid ... this is the case." I paused and still had to nod. Although I do n’t want to admit it, the power gap between the new empire and the fallen apostles still exists. After all, the other party occupies all the resources and technology that have remained after the collapse of the old empire. Even if it is just a ruin, it is better than zero. The beginning of the new empire is strong, and the star protoss is also restrained by the abyss forces around the void, and the help that the new empire can provide is always limited. Although the current situation can be said to be a deadlock that is evenly matched, in essence the new empire is always at a disadvantage.

"But now we have the big deal," Liliana jumped over joyfully, and while we were telling Aurelia about the new empire, she was also pestering her sister and Monina to tell her what happened in the assembly hall. As a matter of fact, this girl's ability to accept those bombshells is extremely strong. At this time, she has digested the evolving identity of her sister and Lin Xue, and has begun to aggregate how much benefits the empire can get from today ’s big discovery. "It turned out that the boss only had high technology and could not fight against the fallen apostles. Now that we have found the mysterious information, the boss will soon have a lot of magic corps, and then we will be awesome? "

As Lilina reminded me, I was full of anticipation. My eyes gradually lightened, but Aurelia slowly shook her head: "I'm afraid it won't be that easy-I have read the information shared by Her Majesty Sandora. Although I did n’t have access to the database of the new empire before the permission system was rewritten, and I knew very little about it, but just looking at those materials ... There should n’t have been a lot of magic units on the fallen apostles. No, I'm referring to the mysterious power of the Legion. "

Suddenly, Sandola's face changed, and she instantly thought of something. She said with a calm face, "What does this mean?"

"Conceptual splitting is more than just splitting the parent star into two halves. It's so simple to store them separately," Aurelia "looked" into Sandor's eyes, "to make two parent stars with the only true attribute at the same time stable. Existence, the derivative effects to be carried out are extremely extensive. With the home star in the fifteen-day zone as the center, all the 'information' radiated from it will have a decreasing decline phenomenon. A specific example is: the secrets studied in the past fifteen-day zone The technical knowledge will disappear in the entire void. The large-scale use of mystic knowledge in the fifteen-day zone instead of the self-developed mystic knowledge will reduce the effect in the void. The fifteen-day zone has previously saved relevant information, but it has not been used on a large scale Knowledge will become incomplete in the void, and so on, as long as it is information that once touched our world and was 'eliminated' after the concept was broken, it will not be spared. "

"So there are very few magical units in the fallen apostles' army. Although theoretically their power in this area should have not been affected much," I opened my eyes inconceivably. "After the concept was broken, you indirectly destroyed the mystery of the fallen apostles in advance. The side force ... No, it is to abolish all the mysterious knowledge derived from the fifteen-day zone of the entire void! "

"That's it. Because of the existence of the Empire Database and the Spirit Network, any piece of information stored in various celestial areas is inextricably linked to each other. It is impossible to delete a part of the information in the fifteen celestial areas separately. The whole body can be said. It can be said that in the entire void, the mysterious knowledge of the "concept split" of the year is very small. I think the knowledge of the old empire mysterious department retained by the outside world should be even the total of that year. One-tenth of the amount is less. This is why we have spent thousands of years and paid so much, but in the end we can only retain the next capital, or more strictly speaking, we only retain the second half of the planet- Compared with the territory of the entire empire and the power of the Apostles of the Holy Spirit, don't you think half the planet is too inconspicuous? "

I scratch my hair. to be frank. I did n’t realize this at first. I think it ’s quite amazing to keep the mother star. Who thought that the mother star is actually small and inconspicuous in Aurelia ’s eyes ... It is estimated that the scene is just as shallow as mine There is the same degree of insensitivity in this respect. For us, as long as the distance is beyond the third ring, the size of the world is not a concept ...

"All we know now is the mysterious power of scale, only the Ravens of the New Empire. The others are piecemeal knowledge," Sandora thought. Confirming Alleria's statement, "We didn't really notice this before."

"Raven ..." Aurelia patted her wings. It seems to be lagging in memories. Since the world was "eliminated" in the process of conceptual separation, all the terms we know are already "outside world" to her. It is not easy to recall, but In the end, she remembered, "I remember, the leader of the Raven is an emperor named Bellavira. The Emperor-level Spirit apostle can save most of the information disturbances below the void. It is understandable that the outside world is preserved, and the fifteen-day zone itself did not have much intersection with the Ravens at that time: the main high-level mysterious combat force here is the Spirit Angel. "

"I can see it." I mumbled, thinking of the city of angels being reorganized seen in the assembly hall. It is said that there was the place where angels were made in the fifteen days of the year. Just looking at the scale there can imagine the year. The spectacular sight of angels flying in groups on the mother star. Think about it. Thousands of mass-produced Alaya flew noisily at high altitudes, facing the rising sun, seeing off the sunset, and lining up in the breeze for a while. These s, lined up for a while ... Can't think of it anymore.

"So, once we have completed the recombination of the two parts of the parent star's information, the fallen apostles' side will also recover the strength of the mysterious system." Sandora frowned, and she began to imagine various bad situations.

"Basically," Aurelia nodded, "but this process will take place in a subtle way. The fallen apostles should first find that the mixed apostles of the Spirit Spirit are gradually recovering their strength, and then be identified as' The damaged 'memory core starts to read out the data one by one. At this time, they should try to recover the secret knowledge they have recollected, but there is no doubt that even if they are fast, they will be slow in this respect. Let's take a step. This is our only advantage. "

Sandora and I looked at each other and thought, saying, "Then it's better to prepare everything before reorganizing the two parts of the parent star. Regarding the dissolution of the concept, in addition to requiring someone to activate this command knife, you also know What? "

I pointed at the commanding knife in the elder sister's hand, this knife exudes a slight halo in the elder sister's hand, and accompanied by a kind of low sound that is almost inaudible but does exist. It was performed before it was substituted into the hall Transformation has now become a part of this world. When the monarch of the past fifteen days pulled it out again, this knife will reverse all the information in the whole world. This is an automatic process. Alleria said that she was very It's hard to explain the principle to me-well, I still have a little regrets about this.

In addition to this knife, I want to know what else will affect the reorganization speed of the two parts of the parent star. I remember that in the assembly hall Rio Lelia once said that the parent star on the technology side also left Here comes the "key" to break the conceptual split ...

"I don't know what went wrong." Aurelia's face looked confused. "In fact, in the original plan, the surviving apostle or protoss should be the activation of the mother star-I didn't offend you, But why did you activate the parent star? "

Everyone was quiet, and no one thought there was a problem here!

God, how many mysteries are there to be solved? !!

"Surviving Apostle or Protoss?" The elder sister spoke first. "Why? Shouldn't Ajun activate the mother star?"

"Your Majesty, you may have forgotten it. But just think about it: even if you plan boldly, you dare not include the existence of" Void creature "in the plan? This existence is completely impossible to predict, A void creature cannot appear in the home star activation condition! "

Everyone looked at each other, and finally realized this crucial problem: a void creature coincidentally restarted the technology side mother star, which was a zero probability thing from the beginning! Gaia was responsible for the activation of the parent star on the tech side, and she identified the work before the concept was broken, at that time. There may be various activation conditions in her recognition library, but it is absolutely impossible to include the option of void creatures!

"Eh. What are you doing so much?" Bingtis finally couldn't stand the serious atmosphere on the road, and the fire jumped out and patted me on the shoulder. "Anyway, it has happened. Listen to the thoughts of his body: At that time, your sister, the emperor of the 15th District, went to the depths of the void to find you, didn't she? "

I do n’t know, so I nodded, I do n’t know where this crazy female hooligan is again.

"Then no one knows what you talked about. You and your sister were born on earth as mortals, didn't you?" Bingtis said, pointing to Qian Qian and Lin Xue again. "You two will buy one and get two for the time being."

"Um, it seems almost the same." I continued nodding. Qian Qiang hit me with Lin Xue.

"Then this kite said just now that the awakening condition of the mother star on the technology side is the surviving apostle or star protoss, that is to say, at that time, it was not shallow and Lin Xue. The only person on the earth who is qualified to wake the mother star is your sister. But in the end your sister's authority came to you somehow! "

"You mean ..." I scratched my hair. "My emperor's authority was actually my sister's last life?"

"You have a good understanding," Bingtis snapped. "I guess this is the emperor of the fifteen-day district at that time-that is, your sister planned for her last life. Of course, she may still be from this world. Without this intention, after all, she set up a mysterious side refuge here, and the original plan was to return, but there must have been some accidents when you two negotiated, and she decided to temporarily change the plan— "

"Transfer the emperor's authority to me?" I scratched my hair, and then suddenly stunned, "Uh, no, I remember that the fifteen-day district accepted me as emperor because the nt authority of the heavenly district was blank, and my soul characteristics were just right. In line with this authority, I do not recognize that I am the emperor of the 15th District ... "

Bingtis gave me a glance at white: "Is there a difference? The emperor in the fifteen days is not nt authorized? This is just to explain why you have an identification code for the Apostle of the Spirit. It did not say that Gaia was able to Recognize that you have inherited NT permissions from the 15-day zone. "

Aurelia slowly nodded: "It makes sense. In the original setting, if the technology-side mother star was activated by a surviving ordinary apostle or astral protoss, then the newly activated mother star would not have the emperor's authority, because we cannot put This crucial position is given to uncertain people. The emperor's authority will be temporarily delegated by the arbitration agency. According to your statement, after the activation of the fifteen days zone, an emperor was directly recognized, which can only explain-"Aule Leah looked at it, "indicating that you have inherited your authority."

I pointed at my nose and felt a little cyanotic, and Lina jumped out of the opportunity: "Will it be the boss who fought in the void with the emperor of the fifteen-day district and then fled to the earth after killing and seizing power? The emperor's ghost stayed behind and hunted, and eventually all turned into humans on the earth. As a result, the enemy turned into a family, and all kinds of chances happened to coincide ... Wow! "

The one-meter-nine-year-old girl crossed a short arc in the air and planted her head down into the sudden pit that appeared next to it. This pit that appeared just right must be the curse effect of her sister. The depth was exactly one meter. Liliana Head down inside, only a pair of feet wearing big-headed princess shoes kicked outside.

"The child wants a brighter question!" I went up and lifted Li Lina's feet, pulled her up and said to her face to face, Li Lina strove to press her skirt-despite her small body It ’s really nothing to look at—while flirting with a gaze at me: "I ’m an adult ~ www.readwn.com ~ I have a wealth of experience, you can let me down. Boss, if you want to see others, you do n’t need to be so numb ……Wow!"

Liliana's bizarre interruption was the end of our serious discussion, and everyone shrugged silently, saying in unison: "This bizarre!"

Only Aurelia didn't know about us yet, and still explained very seriously there: "Fighting is impossible. In the face of a void creature in the cradle, Her Majesty has no possibility of fighting it at all, theory Except for long-distance conversation, we ca n’t even get close to it. The scum of the protective void can break down any ship in a few minutes ... "

I listened attentively: "Oh, I was so powerful then?"

Monina smiled slightly: "That's it. The father and **** occasionally mentioned the particularity of the void creature. This is a time when the baby is not born. It is worse than after birth. It takes tens of millions of years to become a mother. The same special powerful race, the main reason for this phenomenon is that the void creature has a particularly powerful mother ... "

Everyone was shocked: The girl was still so silent, but it was a shock! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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