Xiling Empire

Chapter 1123: 23 things about Miss

I didn't expect our trip to go out, and it took almost two months to add up before and after. When we set off, it was still the winter and the moon and snow, and when we came back, we were over with winter eyes, judging by the calendar, we were coming. Spring season-of course, there is still a breath of cold winter, and it is said that this year's cold winter in K City is quite serious: Lin Xue said.

That must be serious.

I would feel annoyed by staying at home for a long time, but I have been busy outside for a long time, and I feel no one is comfortable at home. Although there are tall and gorgeous palaces outside, and towering castles, but there is no home This comfortable atmosphere, at least from my point of view, is still comfortable sleeping in this bedroom of more than 20 square meters-more than 20 square meters, this is not small.

And I think that the people around me must be similar. The so-called people are grouped, and none of us is a type of brain that will hurt the details of food, clothing, housing, and transportation, even if Bingtis has been in obsidian since he was a child. The goddess of evidence who grew up in the palace is also happy to squeeze Sandorola on a sofa to grab the TV remote control-of course they have to do something different after grabbing the remote control. After going home, the first thing the mercury lamp does is to put its big box solemnly under the window, and then stand on the box and say to me seriously, "The next time I won't go out with you, my adult job is really boring!"

It seems that she has become accustomed to the life of being classified as a "child" with the little girls.

The next day when I got home, Miss Lin sent me a spiritual connection. This girl grievously told me something that she liked: after disappearing countless times, without night or day, and with her parents and other misdeeds, our Miss Lin was finally banned by the parent committee. The sponsor is her father, her mother is responsible for reviewing and executing, and Mr. Lin is the third-party witness. He is expected to be banned for at least one week. In other words, she didn't want to slip over and eat rice in a week. When the young lady mentioned this to me, she was full of grievances and murmured for a long time. At first I was sorry for her, but soon I figured out what happened: Father Lin had already acquiesced in the world of Snow Girl's chaos, and he would not let Lin Xue run outside at this time, in fact I just want to keep my granddaughter quiet at home for a few days and be with my family. In fact, this is just human nature. Perhaps our family is used to the stimulating life of being able to fight soldiers or save the world or hold multi-party talks with God every three to five, and we can participate in the battle outside in the rain and blood for months. Then go home and continue to watch TV with the seeds. But this is a non-human daily life, but most people can't accept it. After all, Lin Xue's family is still normal humans-at least her parents are. My girlfriends have n’t seen anyone for months. If it was n’t for Lin Xue ’s many previous medical records, plus Mr. Lin knew something about the inside story, I ’m afraid I can see Lin Xue ’s photo sticker on the legal system at this time. Absolutely capable of posting tracing notices to the United Nations.

of course. It can't be said that there is no information at all when the "travel" in a different world. Lin Xue will also contact her home through the Empire Network and make a phone call to report her safety. Sometimes I also video chat with my parents-of course, do video processing when chatting, after all, if Lin Lin Lin sees her daughter riding on the nose of a dragon 100 meters high to chat with herself, it is estimated that after returning Not only can I see Lin Xue's head shot while the legal system is in progress-but no matter how I contact them, after all, my daughter is not around, and my family is thinking about it.

What's more, our "travel" was still stuck in a knot. We went out these two months, Christmas has passed, Spring Festival has passed, and even the Lantern Festival has passed, and she has not been able to go home. You say it ’s not bad What? I also clearly remember that when I was in the Dragon Kingdom not long ago, the young lady had a video call with her family. The opposite scene was a family reunion. She was absent. Lin Lin put the dumplings she wrapped in front of the camera. Lin The touching scene where the wind lit two candles beside the dumplings-later Lin Feng asked his dad to drag it down for repair. At that time, the young lady's attitude was rare and honest, obediently listening to her parents, watching the whole family eating dumplings, and eating Dragon's barbecue with Xiao Xue-of course, watching from Lin Dalin and Lin Ma Here, Lin Xue was sitting in a hut full of exotic ethnic customs and eating big cakes with two African girls: the young lady told her mother that she was conducting a social inspection in a school in Papua New Guinea.

Of course, Lin Xue herself knew what happened to her being banned. She was too busy to talk to me for a while. By the way, let me listen to her brother Lin Feng's tragic call: The kid was thirty years old. There are two candles in front of my sister's dumplings. You said this creative ... Keke, you said this awful power, it should be that he was cleaned up by his dad and then cleaned up by his sister. Lin Xue, but the black belt came several times ...

"That's right, wood," when the hang up, the young lady suddenly remembered something, "I remind you, Qian Qian also ran away with you crazy for two months, did not go home after the New Year-Xu Uncle, take care of yourself ... "

Lin Xue broke the spirit connection, leaving me here to stun.

For the past two months, I have been immersed in the glorious cause of dedication to the well-being of the empire, and I have forgotten it too-well, although the first half of the sentence can only be said to be self-proclaimed, the second half is absolutely true .

In fact, apart from seeing Lin Xue and his family contacted, I really didn't notice if I had reported peace to Uncle Xu a while ago. With this girl's uneasy personality ... this thing is too tempting Disturbed.

So I rushed downstairs without saying a word, and found that Qian Qian was lying on the sofa, letting Ding-Dang jump around on his stomach, and when I saw such a raging appearance, Qian Qian immediately bounced off the sofa. By the way, he grabbed the Ding-Dong that hit the air and placed it on his head: "Ajun, what's wrong with you?"

I hurriedly told her about Lin Xue, and then euphemistically said, "You didn't go home for the New Year, so Uncle Xu didn't say anything?"

Shallowly stretched the voice, "Oh", then rolled his eyes and looked at it: "Ajun just remembered now? It's okay. I called with my dad during the Chinese New Year ... Hey, Ajun, people are just informal Bar, isn't it lack of mind? "

Me: "..." Why is it so strange to say this from a shallow mouth?

"That's good. This year's situation is special. I can't help it," I scratched my hair and smirked. "Isn't Uncle Xu explain?"

Shallowly muttered and muttered there: "Communicate. He hasn't been home a few times in the New Year since he was young. When I called, he was digging the grave of the pharaoh's ancestor on the Nile bank. After your daughter throws it at you ...

Hearing, she was full of grievances, and her grievances did not accumulate overnight, as a child of childhood. I know a lot about the situation of the shallow and light family. Uncle Xu belongs to the kind of person who is totally indulged in his career-directly speaking is a workaholic. It is not that he does not care about his family. But once you work, you will completely forget me. From small to large, until those years when she was temporarily separated from Qian Qian, Uncle Xu worked outside almost every year, and it was no exception for the holidays. Growing up in such a childhood, I believe that if it was not because of lack of mind, she would have entered the rebellious period in the fourth grade of elementary school, and finally settled in which youth behavior correction center-she also thinks that she is not lack of mind Here it comes.

And now I'm grown up. Qian Qian also understands his dad, although occasionally complains. But it's just irritating. I thought about it and calculated when I would be free. Rushing Uncle Xu back to her home with Qian Qian during a short break, at least to prove that I took good care of this silly girl after Uncle Xu handed in to Qian Qian.

I firmly believe that, except for myself, Uncle Xu cannot find the second person who can take care of this amazing girl in the entire void ...

Just thinking of this, in the corner of my eyes, Xiao Xue was walking across the front of the door, tiptoeing. She was wearing a beautiful snow-white thick velvet sweater and a tender yellow skirt. Below was a black tight Pants and a pair of newly bought small leather boots, dressing herself like an ordinary female high school student ... well, it is said that she is really in high school now, and this looks like going out to play, so I can't help it He yelled, "Xiao Xue, what are you doing?"

After calling, I suddenly felt weird. In this tone ... why is it so like the worried dad who entered the middle-aged state in advance and stopped the rebellious girl who wanted to sneak out of the room at half past ten?

Xiaoxue knew that he was found, and he took his footsteps, turned his head and spit out my tongue: "Hey, Dad, I'll see my mother."

"Oh, you go, come back early ... what are you talking about ?!" I just said that I generally reversed the taste and jumped up from my chair. "She is now locked up at home! You are so Slamming past? "

"Dad, you have to have confidence in me," Xiao Xue smiled confidently, "I lurked in a fleet for so long in the base of the fallen apostles and managed to pry back a fleet. I have a solution-hehe, I can also see Grandpa and Grandma by the way, ah yes, and Grandpa too, do you think I would scare them? "

I twitched at the corner of my mouth. This girl's behavioral style and strong execution power are exactly the enhanced version of Lin Xue and shallow mixing. No matter what she comes up with, it is so unexpected, but one thing is Definitely make it clear: "Do n’t make a fool of yourself. Although your grandfather knows about my mother and you, I do n’t know there is a granddaughter like yours, and the family still does n’t know that your mother will lead a group of people every 30 minutes It's about going out and punching another group of people. "

Xiao Xue put out her tongue: "Know, I just went to see it, I'm curious what my mother looks like at this time."

Watching Xiao Xue organize her clothes there, I suddenly thought of one thing: "Yes, can you tell me a little bit, at that time, your grandfather and what were they doing?" I was curious for a long time Now, because of the information revealed from Xiaoxue, I and Lin Xue and Qian Qian will also be frank with all relevant parents in the future. Then, in the end, Lin Xue and Qian Qian ’s family will have to be packed into the empire. Within the country, and according to Xiaoxue ’s lawless character now, I estimate that this big family will be harmonious in the future, and I am curious. In the future, what are the parents doing-because no matter from what point of view, their daughters must be I can't control it ...

"I know dad, you can't help asking," Xiao Xue smirked at me as expected. "But I really dare not say more about this topic ... Well, I think about it, maybe I can say a little bit, my grandpa and grandpa retired at home to support them for years, and Grandpa Xu was quite energetic. He was already digging around at that time The alien ancestral grave is said to have been planed out of Altman's ashes ... "

Me: "..." Everyone: "..." Shallow: "... My dad is awesome, right?"

What is the future of this lie—I should say that Uncle Xu really deserves to be able to raise a girl like this, who is almost made of special materials?

"Dad. Can I go? I still want to go to my mother's dinner!" Xiao Xue chopped up the door frame with anticipation, and I had no way at all about this extra-large girl who escaped the bar, only I could glance at her: "Remember to come back at night, don't go to the US embassy, ​​don't bother your mother, and give me two bottles of soy sauce at home ..."

Xiaoxue waved his hand impatiently, while tilting one foot to tie the shoelaces with one hand. Then the aunt exclaimed, and rolled out from the gate. All of us parents looked at each other inside. My sister touched my shoulder with a little anxiety, "Ajun, are you really assured that this child is running around?"

"Do you believe it? Even if we tied the girl with a thick fist on her neck, she still appeared in front of Lin Xue on time?" I glanced at my sister. "Since the day I met, I have no plans to control her. In addition, , I'm also curious that Lin Xue wants to see her daughter suddenly jump out like this ... don't you think this is fun? "

My elder sister couldn't help but give me a glance: "Just take your time, Lin Xue will be banned for a week. She must know that Xiao Xue was put in by you. She will definitely ask you to duel."

I think about it too, but immediately there was a countermeasure: "It's okay. At that time, I will transfer the contradiction to the bear child king. I will mix Xiaoxue with her male and female doubles to beat Xiao Xue. The young lady's temper is gone."

Bingtis looked at me with an admiring look: "One daddy who is changing the law, one who doesn't hesitate to hang a girl, you are a perfect match."

I will take this as a compliment, and then the old **** leaned on the sofa to watch the mercury lamp and Lina grabbing the handle of the game console, and by the way, waited to see when Lin Xue contacted-according to Xiao Xue ’s Understand that although the girl's behavioral style has escaped, she also has the side of talking and saying that if she doesn't run around, she must go straight to Miss's house, so I won't be able to receive Lin Xue's desperate communication soon. , And the young lady will definitely announce that he is duel. Now, the only thing I was curious about was how Xiao Xiao ’s child was going to mix in the Lin family mansion, but she personally said that she would meet her “Grandpa, Grandpa”, and according to her personality, this “meeting” was definitely not After stealth, it was so simple to follow all the way behind-as long as she did not land in the landing cabin directly in front of Mr. Lin, it was considered low-key.

Lilina, who was grabbing the game console with the mercury lamp, threw away the handle and pinched the former arm pointing at this side: "Hey, your dad is really awkward-ha, you are dumbfounded! The palm is out of reach and the cube is out of reach key!"

The mercury lamp pressed the handle of the game console almost the size of her half a head, and then hula rushed to sit on my stomach: "Stupid stupid! What about my special handle? Are you hiding it?"

I took out a small handle specially prepared for her sisters from the slit of the sofa. "Lilina hides-you really don't remember. Just play for two hours and eat on time."

Mercury lamps happily plugged in the handles and started to continue their endless street fighters with Liliana. These two are always fighting and arguing. From the real world to the game, it never seems to get bored. After a while, two dwarf winter melons came out in front of the TV, exclaiming and shouting, and the big sister even rushed upstairs, who was busy studying cross-stitch. I looked at the crowd. Trying to rub the killing Lina and the mercury lamp, I found that the skills of the two were not ordinary, and all operations were completely random. The two were more and more frustrated, and they continued to move forward in front of the screen, as if this could make their characters respond to a higher level, but in front of the TV is so large, they naturally inevitably started to push Pushing, finally, just like the results of playing games together in the past, they ripped off directly in front of the screen. While two dwarf melon rolled on the floor, the two Chunli on the screen actually had big eyes. Waiting for meover with small eyes ...

The elder sister came down from the second floor, and a collar grabbing Lina and the mercury lamp, went upstairs.

And at this moment, the snarling of the young lady finally came from my spiritual connection: "Wood! You asshole! Did Xiao Xue let you over!"

"She's here with you? It's pretty fast ~ www.readwn.com ~ I immediately cheered, and it seemed that Xiao Xue had really upset her mother with expectations," It's okay, I'll tell her, absolutely not Talk to your parents, she just wants to see you. "

"Yes, you're good to tell-that **** girl might as well talk to my parents! No, she has started talking now!" The voice of the young lady sounded really anxious, and she was about to run away.

"Um, what the **** did that girl do?" I was finally curious, wondering how the genius girl Chen Xiaoxue successfully mixed into the Chen family's mansion-well, as long as you confirm to know Lin Xue, it is not difficult to go in Yes, how did that strange girl introduce herself to her future grandparents?

"She said that she was a classmate I knew while studying in Bavaria! And she announced that she had a crush on Miss Ben for half a year when she was in Bavaria," Lin Xue gritted her teeth. "Now she caught all the female creatures in my family. Sister-except my mother, but including me! "

Me: "..." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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