Xiling Empire

Chapter 1139: I heard-I just heard

The super-intense broadcast and listening to the void has been going on for a day, and no reply has been received from the Fifth Fleet. It is because the dying garden system has adjusted the power to an unprecedented level. We accidentally found the fallen apostles in the border area of ​​the empire. A wavelet spy unit, Pandora and Huesca rushed over to satisfy themselves for more than two months of fighting. According to the one-star and two-star information found by the two-meter sisters from the wreckage of the enemy ships, and reports of spy units deployed at the borders of the fallen apostles, the enemy has recently been a bit suspicious: according to my previous plan, we have consolidated the Sixth Fleet At zero, he frequently appeared in the border area of ​​the fallen apostles. Although he did not make a substantial attack on the enemy, he did enough to attack the large army. The fallen apostles have thus greatly strengthened their border alert level, and several worlds have entered a complete blockade-it is estimated that the enemy is studying their mysterious system technology in those worlds. At the same time, they also increased the frequency of espionage on the side of the empire. It seems to want to know what is going on our side, and whether mysterious knowledge has also appeared in the new empire. However, due to long-term preparations, the enemy's spy units were basically unable to scan the situation in the empire, and even if they got a little information, it was still deliberately released by us. On this battlefield, everything is going according to plan-at least so far.

I just don't know when the fallen apostles will realize that they have been fooled. By that time, they will probably launch a large-scale attack regardless of everything. I hope that the caster army of Belavira can come in handy before then.

Set aside the matter of the fallen apostles first. What we are most concerned about is the situation of the Fifth Fleet. Since there is no new information coming, only the information at hand can now be analyzed, that is, the "clearest" video of the dozens of seconds received by the Fourth Fleet.

After the restoration of the Spirit scientist using special means and the maximum fuzzy deduction by the host of the Spirit, we finally saw a little extra from these tens of seconds of video. Now you can be sure that the image of the specific person sending the distress signal does not appear in the video picture-in this video, the voice of distress is just a voice-over. The video looks like a chaotic battlefield, and it's not like space combat. Sandora felt the hidden shadows were the sight of the planet's surface being bombarded. The video is, of course, from the perspective of the Fifth Fleet. That said, the Fifth Fleet is under bombing. The surface of the planet appears in the picture, indicating that the Fifth Fleet may have found a universe that can be temporarily settled a few years ago-or it may be that the Fleet is unsustainable in the void. Forced to fall into a universe, and its crew moved to the surface of the planet from an ecologically depleted spacecraft. Either way, they are in a terrible situation. When the planet was bombed by the space fleet. Basically, the death of this planet has been pronounced. Ground-based anti-aircraft guns have never reversed the war. They can only delay for a limited time or temporarily give the enemy a certain deterrent, especially when the defenders are at a disadvantage. The planet Bombing often means the end of the battle. So Sandora judged that by the time this distress signal was sent to the Fourth Fleet, the planet in the video must have failed.

According to the contents of the distress message, the Fifth Fleet has started a collective evacuation when its planetary home was bombed, and it is likely to be delayed for a period of time. This is good news.

After being processed many times, Sandora has repeatedly played the tens of seconds of video that can no longer improve the clarity. After everyone has watched it (except for a bunch of doll heads that can only add chaos), Expressed his conjecture about the attacker:

"I think the Fifth Fleet is probably encountering a servant army left over from the old empire."

"What's the reason?" I also vaguely speculated in this regard, but not as sure as Sandora. And I didn't know what clues made me feel this way, so I asked smoothly.

"First of all, they mentioned the empire logo, indicating that they saw something with the empire logo on the battlefield, definitely referring to the enemy," Sandora spread his hand. Explaining one by one, "But they also mentioned that the enemy's identity is unknown-the exile fleet has been hunted down by the fallen apostles for many years, they are extremely familiar with the imperial battleship, so if you are facing a real imperial battleship, you will never say The identity is unknown, so the attackers should be third-party forces with the empire logo. I can only think of the servants. According to the information we have now, the fallen apostles have not cultivated their own vassal race at all-in fact because they are now The abyss camp cannot find servants from the common race, so there is no servant in the fallen apostles. In summary, the attack on the Fifth Fleet should be left over from the old empire ...

"What is the reason for the attack?" The older sister knocked on his forehead, confused, "There is no reason. The fallen apostles chased the exiles because they were cut off because of the abyss pollution, but the servants of the old empire should not be transformed into The possibility of the fallen legion, the ordinary race simply cannot bear the damage caused by the abyss transformation. Therefore, the servants of the old empire should not attack the fifth legion because of the pollution of the abyss. In addition, there is no way to explain why both It will happen, the void is so large, the Fifth Army fled so far, and the two still met. This is too far-fetched to be explained by coincidence. "

The elder sister's confusion is very reasonable. We have discussed long ago that after the demise of the old empire, whether those servants had the same possibility of turning into the abyss camp as the fallen apostles, and later came to the conclusion-it is impossible. The Apostles of the Spirit are transformed because they have strong enough individuals and special racial talents, which spread to the early energy of the individual soldiers, allowing the fallen apostles to survive the destruction of the abyss pollution, and the energy reactor built in the different space Let them have enough energy to live to transform the abyss of their bodies into their own use, and the ordinary race obviously does not have this power. Of course, very few of them can be transformed. But the number must be extremely small, unable to form the size of a legion like the fallen apostles. Therefore, fallen servants cannot exist.

So no one knows why a group of servants who survived the old empire launched an attack on the Fifth Army-Of course the whole thing is the most incredible, or the Fifth Army has run to such a remote place, and it will still Encountered such a thing ...

"I'm a bit more curious about how the distress signal was delivered than why two people would fight." Sandola was sitting on a high chair by the window, enjoying her tea time, looking at her Shen said ruthlessly. "The Fifth Fleet is now in the depths of the void that even the Empire has not been able to detect. Even the deceased garden system can say whether information can be broadcast to that position. The Fifth Fleet sends a distress signal— —How did they do it? Ultra-long-distance cross-world communication in the void, and the need to ensure the instant delivery of information without a relay station, is an absolutely cutting-edge technology. It took thousands of years for the Empire to bring this The technology is complete and popular, and the Fifth and Fourth Fleets did not have this ability when they lost contact hundreds of years ago. They could not have made such a big technological leap. Not to mention ... the situation of the Fifth Fleet It should be worse than the Fourth Fleet, and they don't seem to have the peace of mind to develop this new technology. "

"Whew, I just came back from Divine Realm and asked you questions," Bingtis's voice sounded immediately, and she was sitting opposite Sandorah. Unlike the latter's elegant afternoon tea, this female hooligan was Hold the teapot and pour into your mouth. And the black tea was eaten with sauerkraut and sauerkraut—the goddess temperament disappeared. "The Void Node closest to the Fourth Fleet has also detected vague information fluctuations. It should be the distress signal you have on hand, but there is Things weren't quite right-the Void Node's defensive officer said that when they detected those fluctuations, the gadget had decayed to the point where no regularity could be seen. And it was almost as chaotic as the clutter formed after the world was destroyed. It is impossible for such a signal to regroup into something meaningful, let alone a small movie that can take dozens of seconds ... "

"Hey ... would you at least pay attention to the meter while drinking tea? Your black tea is an insult ..." Sandola watched Bingtis smashed the sesame cake into a large tea bowl, forehead Qing Jin suddenly exploded. For Her Majesty the Queen, such a damaging friend as Bingtis was the dark side of her life.

Sister Bing pointed her finger behind Sandora: "Okay, look at the tall samovar behind you. Where are you elegant ... I just took a trip from the **** world, okay, haven't eaten lunch yet? . "

Sandola rolled her eyes and looked silently, totally helpless to the female hooligan's style of behavior.

The elder sister thought for a while alone, and expressed her views: "In short, this distress signal is very problematic, right? Obviously it has decayed to the point where it is completely indistinguishable, but the universe in which the Fourth Fleet is suddenly changed again Stronger, will it ... be a trap? "

As soon as her sister's voice fell, the living room suddenly became quiet, and only Bingtis creaked when she ate pancakes. Then almost everyone turned around and looked in the direction of Xiao Xue (her mother was not here): "Hurry up!"

"No need, the distress signal is okay," Xiao Xue was studying the elementary school textbooks brought by Xiao Pao from the school, and at this moment did not look up. "I have all seen that the Fifth Fleet is in trouble. The distress signal must be true. Hey, Dad, you said that the picture of p-03 has been placed in picture reading and literacy since the first grade of elementary school. Is it a bit cruel? I remember when I was in elementary school at Imperial College when I was a kid. But two semi-naked men came ... "

"噗 ——" My attention was instantly cut off by Xiao Xue's sentence, "First grade of elementary school? See two semi-naked men appear on the picture and literacy? Who wrote this textbook, why is there such a thing? ! "

"Brother Haier, Dad, why are you so impure? ..."

I thought about it and decided to continue to study the Fifth Fleet. Xiaoxue's child talked too much, and every sentence should be enough for me to have asthma for half a year.

"Intuition tells me that this matter needs attention," Sandora finally couldn't stand the act of Bingtis's violent attack on the heavens, pushing her giant teapot to me, "I mean that the signal for help spreads in the void May encounter the problem of discontinuities. Its intensity has produced unexplainable fluctuations, and the transmission 'distance' exceeds the theoretical value. These anomalies should be studied by the expert team. Void is the essence of everything. It has the slightest change , We have to pay attention at all times. "

After speaking, Sandora suddenly gave a thoughtful smile: "Perhaps we have to find another anomalous" phenomenon "that has never been noticed, and the abnormality of communication between the two quadrants with huge gaps. Amplification. If this phenomenon is real and controllable, perhaps we can suddenly expand the horizon of the empire to places that even the Protoss of the Star Domain have not observed. I really look forward to something there ... "

Sandra said as she fell into her delusional state ... well, well, it should not be said to be delusional. It should be the future of the Queen from the height of the leader. But it seems to me that this is almost the same as delusion—how far is that? Let us not talk about the fallen apostles now. Even the Fifth Fleet is not done yet ...

"Children, dad! Come here, I have an answer here!"

What are you talking about? Suddenly there was an emergency call from the bubble in the spiritual connection. After listening day and night, the set of oversized amplifier antennas just received the signal of the Fifth Fleet!

The portal to the world of exiles has been open for a long time since yesterday, so we did not have to wait for a while to return to the planet of Kailudak. This time, in addition to Sandora and her sister, even the shallow and the protoss The five-members also followed, claiming to be helpful-although I really don't know what else they can do besides being able to eat and be very noisy.

The lobby of the first floor of the parliament building is very different from when we last came here. It is now packed with senior officials of the Fourth Fleet. Weird creatures of all races seem to be in the exposition. Some in the center of the lobby are temporarily installed. Functional Toberu equipment. It may be a terminal of a communication device or the like. Two Toberu scientists are nervously debugging the control panels that emit green light. Around the device, there are several holographic projections floating in the air. The picture on the projection is still a mess, but according to experts' analysis. These cluttered pictures are indeed from the Fifth Fleet.

A loli with an awl on her head bouncing around those Toberu experts, pointing and drawing, she looks more expert than the experts: "Hey! There is no clutter in the six-way band? That's an extra band, and it's filtered directly. That ’s it ... Why is the picture of the three units black? No, it crashes again! How many years have your communication array not been maintained ... Let the people in the computer room upstairs check the interface, how can I feel a noise in my head ... … Ah, it ’s okay, it ’s not a problem in the computer room (噗嗤-噗)). It ’s a bit of a bad connection here. Well, the signal from the main road has stabilized. The dying garden is synchronizing this channel to maintain the current rhythm. I am optimistic. You guys-ah! Child, dad, you're here! "

"What's the matter with the awl on her head?" Bentice said stiffly, pointing at the strange ornament on the head of the bubble.

"Antenna." I explained succinctly, seeing that "Parliament" was not far away, and was leading a group of people who looked like senior officials, so I greeted him, "Did you eat ... No, I said How is it now? "

"Council" didn't understand what I said in the first half, but I heard the second half, and nodded, "The device suddenly responded 30 minutes ago, and heard the data head that was suspected to be the encrypted cipher text of the United Fleet. This ... Is n’t the Spirit host right? She said that she and her ... daughter captured a signal source, and we are still tracking this signal source. If we can track it steadily, we can probably establish a connection. "

"In other words, can't we talk for now?" I nodded, beckoning to let the bubble come, "how's your progress?"

"It is still tracking, the signal source is very serious, and the passing away garden can only increase the listening range to ensure that the target is not lost, but the accuracy is very problematic," said Bubble, turning his head slightly. Awl, "Boss, you know, everything in the void depends on the representation of information to maintain their order, and the Fifth Fleet is now fleeing. They run from one quadrant to the other. The information representation of the fleet is of course. As it has been changing, each time the dying garden sends a feedback signal, it will be doped with a layer of encrypted 'shell'. I have to crack this layer of 'shell' to make a call to the other party. At that time, the target is transferred to another The information outside of their fleet has been refreshed, so the calls made here will be blocked ... "

"... Say something I can understand."

"The voice of the Fifth Fleet can be heard here ~ www.readwn.com ~ but they can't hear us-oh yeah this critical moment is not enough bandwidth," bubble said, suddenly stomped his feet, and then walked away He pulled out another awl from his pocket, and "Zizi" slammed it into his head. "Huh ... Luckily, I have prepared for it so much better."

Everyone: "..."

I still understand the situation of the Fifth Fleet, that is, they do not know that someone is trying to talk to them, and it is naturally impossible for their external signals to actively pair with the receiving antenna of the deceased garden, so for the entire system, they Just sending in one direction. Due to the extremely long distance, even the deceased garden system, the signal source of the Fifth Fleet can only make one call at a time, while the latter changes its information representation at all times. The penetrating report written for the previous second The text will be masked by the newly formed information in the next second. This kind of communication dilemma will not occur in the world, and there is no need to worry about what the Empire Network can cover. If both parties have a unified message conversion rule agreed in advance, it can also be avoided, but now, due to the cross Problems such as excessive quadrants, the power limit of the dying garden, the uncoordinated message format between the two sides, and system delays were all mixed up and completely exposed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)


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