Xiling Empire

Chapter 1141: The true face of the chaser

"Why are people wearing the Empire logo appearing in the communication screen?"

The commander of the Fifth Fleet, a spirit creature called Cocokina, suddenly changed his tone, and said solemnly and solemnly that all three eyes of the spirit body had become brighter than before, and had brought a kind of Lilac halo, what kind of mood change does this expression mean? Surprised? fear? anger? doubt? Or both? We don't know yet. We can only determine one thing, and the situation is really complicated. //

No one at our scene wore an imperial uniform, but Tawil ’s communication screen was hovering next to the “Parliament”. She was wearing a uniform. From the perspective of the shooting of communication equipment, it could be clearly seen from Cocokina ’s side. In the eyes of Tavier in the uniform of an imperial researcher, in his eyes, the parliament is keeping in touch with the Fifth Fleet and communicating with the empire ... well, this is actually the fact. It's just that this fact is really not time to be exposed.

"At the Naard Council, I don't think that the monsters who lost their minds will become your new allies, but you do need to explain it." It seems that seeing the "Council" has been slow to respond, Coco Keina finally can't help but break up again It was silent, but before the "Parliament" spoke, Sandora stepped forward and said, "Commander Cocokina, I'm glad to meet you. Introduce yourself, I'm Emperor Hilling, Sandor La Kelvie Eurazis, one of the rulers of the new empire, as you can see, the empire is now standing with the Fourth Fleet. We belong to the same camp. "

No one expected (including me) that Sandora would suddenly stand up. And tell the story so clearly, let alone the drowsy "Parliament" and the senior officials of the Fourth Fleet around, Coco Keina across the video is also stunned. I guess he was completely unprepared to accept this setting. After Sandora's voice fell, he started to flash in there, and finally spread out his "hands" that are much wider than humans, and made for us A chaotic gesture: "What's going on? Has the Fourth Fleet finally fallen into your hands?"

"Sooner or later, you need to make things clear. If you wait for the Fifth Fleet to evacuate to the border with the Empire, then let them find those Imperial Stations. I'm afraid things will be more troublesome," Sandora whispered to the "Parliament", then looked back at the communication Device. "No, just the opposite. We just protected the Fourth Fleet from the monsters in your mouth."

Cocokina leaned his upper body in the direction of the communicator. His erratic "face" was greatly enlarged on the holographic picture: "Imperial man, what are you talking about?"

"The empire in your memory has been destroyed, and it has completely collapsed," Sandora responded with a calm tone of water. "Now the land is no longer, and the surviving Apostles of the Spirit have been split into two parts, one of which was chased and killed in the past. Your fallen, the rebels to us. And we are the second force, the new empire that has been reconstituted. Unfortunately, we are alone and alone. And most of us did not until a few years ago. Waking up from a long sleep, there is nothing you can do about you. Now the new empire is gradually rising and is committed to destroying the rebels who have plunged into the abyss, and within their ability. At the same time, the world suffered by the fallen Provide asylum. The Fourth Fleet is already in the New Empire camp, and not long ago, they received your distress signal. This is the rescue plan now. This is all you want to know. "

I have a hard time seeing an expression on a face with three more bulb eyes than jelly. Cocokina ’s body language is also inexplicable to us, so no one knows that the other person heard these words from Sandora. Doubt or simply refuse to believe. His erratic spirit energy regularly shrank three times, and then focused on the "Parliament": "On the Nad Council, I hope to get your testimony. The credibility of this matter is really lively. suspect."

——In fact, his verification does not make much sense. The "Parliament" has stood with us. The answer of the former is definitely yes, but he still hopes to get the personal recognition of his old friend. So "Parliament" nodded firmly: "I can swear to the ancestors of the Nader, the emperor's words are true."

At the same time, we heard the explanation of the "Parliament" from the spiritual connection: "For the Allen spirit, the highest attitude to show credibility is to swear on the spirit of our ancestors. Regardless of the race Saying that the weight of this oath is as important as that of the Allen spirits is already the most powerful move to show my attitude. "

Cocokina's eyes flickered, and the three rays of light finally fixed in a very dim state: "For many reasons, I should believe you. And it was really impossible for those monsters of the past to talk to me with this rational attitude, They also don't need to set up any kind of scam ... then, trust is temporarily established, and the emperor of the new empire. "

"Wow, it's so easy to plan to pass?" The shallow whispering sound, as always, sounded at a critical time. She also held a huge ninth-order Rubik's cube in her hand, a posture ready to spend most of the day, "I You'll listen to me when the toys are ready? "

Sandora drew the naked eye from the corner of my mouth, and I hurried Shallow to the side. In fact, Cocokina believed that our words really surprised me so shortly, but it didn't take me a moment to understand the reason—in fact, strictly speaking, no mutual trust has been established between the two parties. Cocokina's current performance is entirely because-there is no choice.

His broken fleet is being pursued, and if there is no way out, he will be destroyed 100%, and our side can give him at least 10% hope.

At the same time, as he said, the completely irrational fallen apostles would not trap him in such a troublesome way (he doesn't know yet that those irrational lunatics really turned into nothing Don't use the most cunning villains), and the Nader Council is willing to use his best sincerity to guarantee Sandora's words. In this case, whether he chose to continue to lead the fleet, or cooperate with us, of course, it goes without saying.

As for the hatred of the state that was chased by the Apostles of the Spirit at that time-of course this situation will not disappear, but both sides are wisely not discussing this issue at this juncture. I believe that after the Fifth Fleet has successfully escaped from danger, it is time to put this issue on the table and study it.

"Now I want to know the overall situation of your entire fleet, the working parameters of the Void Jumping Device. Your precise position."

After the two sides had established basic trust, Sandora immediately turned to the support of the Fifth Fleet and asked the other party's status in detail. in my opinion. It is basically impossible to support the Fifth Fleet-it is too far away. Even if the Empire is now the most advanced void development team, I am afraid that it is too late to give all the officers and men of the Fifth Fleet the opportunity to burn the pillars.

Sandora knew this, of course. So in her question, the option of letting the Imperial Fleet rush past the reinforcements has been eliminated, and she tried to guide the other party to get rid of the chase first.

"We have begun uploading technical information about the fleet, which is expected to be completed in two minutes. I must first explain that the Void Jump system used by the Fifth Fleet has been out of repair for many years, and it is difficult to guarantee how long it can operate in this full power state. Now The slowest large ship among us has an information offset correction of 6% per jump, and the jump interval is eight seconds, so the fleet can only move at this speed. We lost nearly half of the supply of resources in the attack-they Originally, on the planet of the homeland, only a small part was transferred when the attack arrived, so many spacecraft are now almost empty cabins, relying on the ecosystem inside the ship to maintain the life of the crew. But the ecosystem of large ships has just restarted, Before that, they have been shut down for a full 100 years. Although there is no problem at present, it is very likely that the disaster of the ecological cycle will suddenly occur ... "

While Cocokina communicated the status of the Fifth Fleet to us, Sandora and the online team of Tavel scientists were also analyzing the starship data from the other side. Although there are many professional terms that I don't understand, I also know that Sandora's face, the Fifth Fleet itself is not very optimistic from the situation of the spacecraft. She suddenly waved and interrupted Cocokina ’s words: "I see your ecological cycle system data. Some of the systems used in Alpha-class starships are very dangerous. These systems are nearly one-third of the fleet. Members provide life support. "

"... Yes, our engineers have discovered three dangerous faults. They are doing their best to rescue those failed atmospheric regeneration towers, but we lack spare parts and they are all left on our planet."

Sandora frowned, looking at another set of holographic projections beside her, which showed the working data of the dying garden system.

"The distance is too far, the strength of the positioning signal is insufficient, and you are crossing the quadrant boundary area. With the current transmission stability rate, we can't even deliver the smallest rescue device ... Unreasonable transmission requires a stronger guidance signal."

Cocokina didn't seem to have any expectation of receiving the aid equipment of the empire, so it didn't matter that he was disappointed. He just nodded calmly, and then said that those ecosystems could persist for a day or two-the implication is If a day or two cannot escape the pursuit and find a safe docking world, the Fifth Fleet will have to give up nearly a third of its members.

Unlike the empire, they have the "second jump" technology to directly transfer units from one ship to another in the void, and their current status of the spacecraft cannot maintain a sufficiently large order field in the void to make good use of small The transport ship has completed a large-scale personnel transfer. Unless it can be docked in a safe world, the crew who are trapped in the starship that is about to collapse will be hopeless. In general, the situation of the Fifth Fleet is now many times worse than that of the Fourth Fleet when we met with us that day.

"In short, the fleet is now following the navigation information you provided. At present we have not seen any signs of pursuing troops, but they have certainly not given up," Coco Keener glanced at an information terminal next to him. His tone shows that he is not optimistic about the status quo. "But it seems impossible to evacuate to the nearest safe area you identified in a short time. Our evacuation at that time coincided with the territory of your new empire. Opposite directions, but now the distance between the two is too far away. "

Tens of thousands of years ago, when the fleet of exiles decided to leave separately. All fleets chose different void quadrants as targets, of which the fourth fleet's target was close to the territory of the new empire today, so they could stray into the macro world channel, but the route selected by the fifth fleet was exactly the same as that of the new empire. Staggered (well, at least they did not choose the route of the Second Fleet, according to the "Parliament", the route that the Second Fleet chose at that time completely contradicted the territory of the new empire today. If the Fifth Fleet went that way, I am afraid They can't run back for thousands of years.) Perhaps the territory of the entire empire is not as far away as the "distance" between the Fifth Fleet and us.

If it is within the Empire. Due to the connection between the world gates of the world, even a large void sailing can almost arrive instantly, but outside the empire. Without the gate of the world, relying on the spacecraft to jump little by little, the time it takes is amazing. I called up the Void Territory map compiled by Tavel, and input the coordinate signals of the Fifth Fleet to try to find a closer route. This territory map is not a "map" or other graphical interface as people think. , It is a table-like thing composed of countless points with footnotes, because it is impossible to determine the position of anything in the void, and it is naturally impossible to draw a map of the void territory like a map. Each of these tables represents the world All points can only express their relative position with the capital universe by "information offset", but below the points of the Fifth Fleet. I can only see a long list of numbers, and even a series of ellipsis ...

I even suspect that they will not necessarily be able to reach the empire border for a few years.

"To retreat temporarily according to the planned route, I'm thinking about how you can cross this distance without delay," Sandora bent her index finger against her chin. She seemed to have an idea, "Maybe there really is a shortcut ... give me some time."

"Who the **** are you chasing after, is it ... a vassal of the old empire?" My sister certainly couldn't help much, so I can only ask other questions that we also care about.

"It's them-those minions," Cocokina's voice was irresistible, but then calmed down. "I don't know who they are, but I can confirm that they are a vassal of the" Old Empire "in your mouth. We saw something like the Crystal Crusader emblem on their spaceship, but ... I think you will be interested in these images, This is not the same as the normal Empire flag. "

Cocokina said, sending a set of pictures, it seems that they were taken on the battlefield in high orbit, the background is basically a large fragment of shipwreck, and the planet on one side of the picture can be seen On the edge, because of the high-speed movement, the picture is a bit fuzzy, and I can't distinguish which of them comes from the Fifth Fleet and which comes from the hunter. In these pictures, the most conspicuous are some airships with arc shells and large areas of golden paint. These golden round battleships that look quite a bit sticky are what Cocokina calls a pursuer. My elder sister enlarged one of the clearest pictures. Finally, we found the crusader emblem of the empire on the bows of these warships-strictly speaking, what looked like the crusader emblem.

The prototype of that logo is obviously the emperor's emblem, but its color has changed from blue to pale gold, and the sharp crystal spikes have been modified into a crescent shovel-like arc. On the background of the logo, you can see To two crossed scepters.

The entire mark seemed to me indecent, and her sister frowned: "How did they make the emperor's emblem like this?"

"They changed the emperor's emblem without authorization ... normal servants would never do this, which is a great taboo." Sandora woke up from her contemplation, looking at the incongruous golden emblem with surprise, and I suddenly felt someone grabbed the hem of the clothes.

Looking down, it turned out to be Pandora.

It is said that the girl's sense of existence is really too low. She came with us, but because she didn't say a word from beginning to end, she was ignored like a porcelain doll placed in the corner of the house. Her existence It ’s not as high as her own sister—Visca was ordered to sit in a chair no more than ten minutes ago because she tried to remove parts from a nearby modem. Many people took strict precautions against her and had a high sense of existence. With it.

"Brother, those spaceships ... meet!"

In my curious gaze, Pandora finally spoke, as always, succinctly, "Merova!"

I thought about it, and patted Pandora's head: "Can you say more?"

"Fifteen days, servants, Merova!"

Everyone was quiet—well ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone who knew what the 15-day zone was was quiet.

I was frustrated for less than two seconds, and finally responded, calling the chief scientist on-line directly: "Tavier, search the database immediately, and search for the Merovans in the new data entry after the concept was broken."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Tavel responded, and a few seconds later, a lot of data began to blow out in the holographic picture around us. A clear picture and text from the old empire database were listed in detail. The intelligence of the old empire called the "Merovars", and those with sleek shells and gold-painted, luxurious and impetuous warships occupy more than 50% of the picture.

"Melowans, the fifteen-day tributary race of the old empire, one of the oldest vassal races of the empire, has experienced the era of great pioneering and survived all wars, and its comprehensive strength ranks first among all tributary races of the old empire. The old All information on the vassals has been lost since the collapse of the empire and is tentatively extinct. "

The systematically synthesized sound read us a brief introduction to this race.

Sandora slowly shook her head: "No ... they are still alive, and ... may have betrayed." (Welcoming your support is my biggest motivation.)

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