Xiling Empire

Chapter 1154: God making trouble in the temple

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I may have been completely used to running all day long running around, and I do n’t know where I would sleep every day, so that no matter where I am, as long as you give me a level surface, I can sleep without heart: even myself and The whole fleet is trapped in the other world. I'm better than shallow in this respect: Although the girl is heartless and heartless, she still at least recognizes the bed. On the first day in the field, if I don't coax, she can hardly sleep ... oh, pull Far.

As soon as I opened my eyes, the sky was bright, and I looked at the completely strange ceiling and bedroom furnishings. It took me a few seconds to realize that I was still in the blue star church area. Here is a special "house" prepared by Ray for me and Sandora, a set of houses. The size of the house is not large, but it is almost the highest level palace for the God of War priests who live frugally, because we rejected the higher-level guest house prepared by the Blue Star Council, uh, the presidential suite-and we do n’t know the world. There is no such word, most of it is not-and she insists on staying in the church area, and Sandora also shows that she and I are rulers of another civilization, so in order to comply with the etiquette, Ray did his best for us Arranged here.

As for the reasons for staying in the church area, both Sandora and I find it more comfortable. God of War believers are more economical than full-time scientists (although many God of War believers are themselves half scientists) and parliament politicians. Mind you, they will report to God first, and God will annoy me and Sandola only when God has no time to deal with them. This made us quite satisfied. In the church area, Sandora and I could be a little quieter.

I tugged at one half of my body and stretched my waist. The reason I pulled at the other half was because the other half was still afraid to move: Sandora was still sleeping there. Unlike the usual image of standing on the officer platform and commanding thousands of horses, the queen's sleeping position can really be described as a well-behaved animal, and she will always bury her body almost completely in the quilt. Only her head and blonde hair were exposed. When she turned her face, the dazzling blonde hair that could almost be described as a foul really splashed like a waterfall and waves. Glittering under the golden sun shining through the stained glass windows into the room, just a glance is dazzling. And in the gap between the waterfall's long golden hair, Sandora showed a little side. Quiet, indifferent, and with a little unknown so if there is a seemingly indifferent smile-so I often say that Sandora is a very contrasting girl, Ling Ran and meek, indifferent and kind, **** like a wolf and well-behaved like a cat, All the elements that could form a sharp contradiction seemed to fit perfectly in her body. Oh, I missed a little, waistline and meal ...

I tried to withdraw my arm, but thought about it and kept the status quo: Sandora, who was asleep, tended to forage automatically. Although I think that she always deliberately made trouble every time, she really didn't want to be bitten by the girl's teeth early in the morning. And to be honest, just holding her like this feels good: it feels good and helps digestion. They all say that they are delicious. If it is true, then Sandora is the one who specially eats the meal ... I just woke up and my brain was out of control. It seems to be incurable.

Just then, Sandora suddenly opened her eyes with a grin, and pinched my head with my head: "Ajun, I think if I keep pretending to sleep, will you keep this posture all day?"

"Well. What I think is when you can pretend to sleep-according to personal experience, maintaining a fixed posture and staying asleep for a long time after being fully awake is the most painful thing in the world, and you usually can't hold it for twenty-five minutes."

"Well," Sandorah said, sitting upright, not caring about her curvaceous state: anyway, my husband and wife, right, "I'm not as boring as you ..."

Sandora said, suddenly tilting her head, looking at the surrounding furniture (those weird furnishings look beautiful, but I haven't figured out what they are used to now) swept away, as if Listening to something in her ears, she finally smiled with satisfaction: "I was with Ah Jun and didn't jingle in the morning and got a hole out of the cupboard. It looked like a perfect day."

Me: "..." As the smallest peasant in the family, the queen has a psychological shadow by virtue of her ability to be a ghost and no small light bulbs. Can Ding Dong be proud of it?

Everything is properly packed. The last thing before going out is to comb my hair for Sandora: I do n’t know when this is a habit. It may be that you woke up your hair for the vague mercury lamp every day after waking up. The ground also tried to help Sandora once in the morning, so this matter became logically a habit for us and became a pleasure. Although it would take a long time, both Sandora and I were happy to enjoy this special quiet moment in the morning. When Sandora's golden hair was sliding at my fingertips, I felt as if I had been with her for years. Just like a couple talking silently, they have no language and no words. As long as they can do a simple thing together quietly and quietly, they can experience the feelings of tranquility and contentment. Probably ordinary people who are impetuous cannot appreciate it— —However, it happened between Sandora and me. One is not a human at all, and one that can hardly be regarded as a "biological" until now. This is really amazing.

"Speaking of it, according to the efficient theory of the Apostles of the Spirit, it should be a waste of time to take care of hair," I wrapped Sandora's hair in a roll, and slowly let go. "But There are quite a lot of female apostles with long hair. Pandora likes to keep long hair. This detail has troubled me for a long time. "

"I don't know what you're doing all day long, nothing," Sandora lay on the table, glancing at me through the gap in her elbow. "But you're right, many female apostles take care of these details. Use a more efficient method. "

So I immediately urged to visit it: I really have nothing to do.

"You mustn't laugh anyway," Sandora seemed determined. Then she looked into my eyes and said, after getting my nod, she shook her hair lightly, and then came the moment of witnessing the miracle: the blonde hair that was a little messy because of sleeping fluttered like anti-gravity in an instant, The friction between them seems to be emptied, and every strand of hair is loosened because of this. I always said that Sandora's hair was as bright as the sun. Now I find that there really seems to be a round of sun in front of me: Sandola's hedgehog is so fast!

After a second, her hair returned, and Sandora became refreshed and refreshed. A golden retriever pointing at himself: "When you can't see it, I do it for two seconds. They are all like Pandora ..."


He looked down at the comb in his hand. I suddenly felt that the worldview had been subverted just now.

But at this moment, Sandora lay on the table again, clutching my wrist in one hand: "Although that was really convenient, but when I was with A Jun, it really took me a lot of time to take care of it slowly. My own hair is better ... In the beginning, I learned from the human lifestyle. I wanted to learn the daily activities of humans to make you feel used to it, but I do n’t know when, I feel that I occasionally spend some time in this kind of It's also pleasant in small things. "

I smiled and just wanted to say something. My heart suddenly moved.

A fairly familiar breath was approaching here quickly, and rushing straight towards the window, before I could think about who it was, I heard the sound of a click from the glass next to it: a hole was punched!

Of course, Sandora and I fell on the opening of the glass window for the first time, and found that it was about the size of a slap. The large human-shaped cave was wide open, and then I heard a soft call from a low table not far away: "Wow! I bumped my head! Dangdang bumped my head! So painful to say ..."

A green slap with a big slap clasped his head and bounced around the low table, his mouth whirling constantly.

Amazing is the jingle that deserves to stay on the earth.

Sandora and I looked at each other in horror, and the corners of my mouth twitched at the same time: how terrible Ding Dong's messy ability is, thanks to the early wake-up of both of us today, or the consequences would be disastrous—you say in case this little peasant chases me and Shan Dora asked why 100,000 of us could bear it!

"Ding-dong. Why are you here?" Sandora whispered to me secretly, turned her head and squeezed the little bit rolling around the table with her head in her hands, "Aren't you on Earth?"

Dingdang held his head and bounced twice, still found my shoulder and fell straight down in a dizzy turn: "Everyone is here, all are here, there are many people here! Bingtis suggested, since you can't get over, Then everyone will come here! Ding Dong is the first one, Ding Dong is very powerful, eh ... I have a headache ... Is it swollen? "

I took out a magnifying glass and looked at it for a long time, and said with certainty, "No swollenness-you are also a god, how can you hit a swollen glass?"

Ding Dong blinked, thinking about it too, so she forgot the scene of her head bump just now, and began to drill up and down on me to find sweets: Normally she stayed on me and had to look for food in addition to sleeping. Finally, she found what she wanted: there was a piece of fudge in the inner pocket of my coat. Ding-Dong tore the wrapping paper with his hands and feet, muttering, "Why does A-Jun smell Sister Sandora? Sister Sandora still has ..."

"Eat your sugar!" Sandora and I agreed in unison, reaching out and pressing the little thing's head into the fudge.

Just then, we heard a commotion outside, and then suddenly remembered what Ding Dang just said: Everyone is here.

Is this the rhythm of those guys who fear that the world will not be chaotic when they arrive at their destination?

But it seems I guessed wrongly. The riot outside was sent out by the church guards. Through the window of the humanoid cave that Dingdang just hit, I saw a large group of monks running around outside. At the beginning, a 70-80-year-old man is just as quick as a young man. When he crosses a flower wall, he even has a hurdle: he believes in the physique of God of War.

Sandora and I hurried out to observe the situation to see if the scourge had landed on the Blue Star bluntly. Father Lei saw the two of us and immediately rushed to throw all the guards behind him: "I'm sorry It was so noisy early in the morning, causing trouble for two guests ... "

"Don't say this. What's the matter with you?" I asked, knowingly.

"Um," Father Lei hesitated for a moment, and then seemed to feel that his **** didn't care about the details, and said frankly, "A strange creature suddenly flew out from behind the idol in the Great Temple. After the morning prayer ceremony Flying in this direction is a species we have never seen on our own planet. It looks like a dragon ... "

I quickly covered the old man's mouth: "Don't say the word in the back, you're too old, I'm afraid I can't carry it."

The old man blinked confusedly. But nodded. Sandora and I stared at each other with tears of laughter, then reached out and patted the jacket's pockets gently, a slight arching came from inside. And Ding Dong lowered his voice and said, "Ding Dong knows that, hundreds of years have passed. People in this world don't seem to know what the goddess of life looks like ..."

I thought about it, and I'm afraid that the people of Blue Star are not unaware of what the goddess of life looks like (after all, it's not a day or two for Dingdong Five to stand up to each other, I am afraid that there is still a statue of Dingdong) Think of the true body of the goddess of life only about ten centimeters ...

I told Ding Dang not to get out of trouble for a while, and urged to go to the temple to see it. Father Lei saw that there are many monks in the town, and he does n’t need to run around by himself. The gods are more or less related. So he nodded and promised, leading me and Sandora to the Temple of War.

On the side of the temple, it seems that the chaos has just ended. Many priests are whispering in pairs in the square in front of the temple. I noticed two things in my eyes. First, there was a small hole in the gate of the temple. Judging by the shape, it is a large Ding Dong. Second, there is a penetrating hole in the statue of war in front of the temple. According to the shape, it is also a large Ding Dong ...

I instantly thought of the appearance of Dingdang just holding his head and jumping around. It turned out that the small things shouted "I bumped my head" and it didn't mean that I broke through the glass. It was ... she smashed through all the obstacles in front of me, jerk! When this little thing panicked, did it break through all the way with iron head work? !!

I also understand why a clumsy unknown creature can make all the monks in the entire church area stand so close because-this unknown creature directly knocked the statue of war against each other!

This is really the thunderous Zeus water flood dragon palace. The family did not recognize the family, and they crashed through the statue of 123. The followers of 123 were arresting the boss of God of War, and objectively, the believers of the blue star still believed in the goddess of life at the same time. Yes, the chaotic scene in front of her made Sandora completely speechless. Is there anything more unexpected in this world than the gods of our family?

Well, there may be-shallow.

In the main hall of the Temple of War, only a few low-ranking priests are now cleaning up the scene: arrange the cushions thrown around, and clean up the debris that was lost during the panic on the ground, while Eva is wiping the preaching table, and in her At hand, the God of War Bible was spread out to dry: The big book was wet, as if it had been wet with water.

Father Lei knew that Eva couldn't speak now, so he turned on some equipment under the preaching stage, and the central part of the preaching stage was opened. I found that it turned out to be a screen-like thing.

"This is the surveillance picture of the temple," said Father Lei. "It doesn't matter to show you, God of War won't care about such details."

The monitoring screen shows the scene of the morning prayer rally. A large number of high-level priests are neatly praying neatly, while Father Lei and Eva are on the preaching stage. The former reads some passages from the Bible The latter chanted the scriptures in the face of the statue of war. Then after a while, the statue of war was suddenly shrouded in a layer of green light. This process only lasted for a moment. The believer praying with his eyes closed and Ray facing away from the statue of war did not notice this scene at all. After the green light dissipated, a small dot appeared on the head of the statue of war: Ding Dong.

Ding Dang looked around curiously, and found that there were devout and prayerful believers, and nodded with satisfaction. Then she flew around the idol twice, and seemed to be talking about the 123 silly hat mold sample. At this time, Eva I finally opened my eyes to see this scene, and suddenly exclaimed-and also awakened all believers from prayer.

But Ding Dong didn't care about the exclamation of the believers at all, she flew to the preaching table, jumped happily twice, looked up at the stunned Ray and Eva, and then before everyone reacted, she He jumped to the goblet next to the Bible and bowed his head to drink the holy water, which seemed thirsty. At this time, Eva also finally took action and reached out to catch that strange green creature, but Ding Dong flew obviously faster than human hands, and Eva did not train the secret technique of grabbing Ding Dong freely like me ~ www.readwn.com ~ her After knocking over the goblet, holy water spilled over the table, and Ding Dong shouted and shuffled on the table. There was chaos on the preaching stage, and then the chaos spread to the believers below. The monks rushed forward to protect the sacred preaching stage, and Ding-Dong seemed to treat this as a fun game, roaming around the main hall. , And even deliberately flew between believers, those monks were not short of skill, and they could catch Ding Dong with their eyes, but they were all struck by an arc that appeared out of nowhere when they were about to succeed, and they all drew down. On the ground-this is a divine punishment ...

The chaos lasted a few minutes. Ding-Dong jumped up and down, and the omnipresent punishment, no mortal could catch her at all. The noise in the main hall also caught the attention of the guards outside, and a church knight rushed in Looking at the situation, what they saw was a scene in which a small creature with a big palm was making noise in the temple, and they suddenly looked at each other. At this time, Ding Dang also seemed to find something more interesting. She rushed towards the screen-finally, the monitoring screen showed Ding Dang's silly face that was enlarged dozens of times, and the small thing looked excitedly. Camera, open your mouth and click-only snowflakes left on the screen.

"Finally she bit the monitor." Father Lei said dullly.

Me: "..." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support is my greatest motivation.)

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