Xiling Empire

Chapter 1161: Compared with dry food

"You say, what would happen if you gave it a brick?"

Looking at the distant cloud of dust in the distance, Yu You swims and ignores the colorful ball of everyone at the scene, Bingtis pulls out her golden Bible from the portable space, and drags the chain on the Bible Said twice.

"Don't be troubleful, be serious." I was stern ... Yi Zhengyi stopped the stubborn behavior of Bingjie welding the detonator saw bulb, and then looked at the ball. The two of us have just arrived and haven't officially contacted the ball, but we have seen the busy figures of the work boat and the servant soldiers. They are busy removing the self-discipline machine and some strange things from the scene because those Things have proven useless-apart from verifying how hard the target's case is and how weak your own scanning device is.

Facts have shown that although physical contact will cause some stress changes to this one-kilometer-diameter sphere, it will not cause dangers such as explosions: the other party seems to have little ability to fight back. Therefore, the staff at the site, such as Bingtis, and I withdrew the things and came to the ball with confidence. Fentiz also reached out and knocked on that big ball.

Of course, there is no sound in the vacuum. You can only see a circle of colorful haloes where the fingers of Icetis touch the surface of the ball. The material on the surface of the ball is really similar to crystals or glass that is not very flat, and the colorful floating color blocks actually move downstream of this "glass" surface. It feels like ... a hollow glass sphere filled with incompatible oil paints.

"Huh, it's hard, it sounds like a diamond." Bingtis said as he pulled out a small knife, cut it **** the surface of the ball, and quickly cut a thin layer of crystal samples. I did not stop her rushing action, because the assistant technicians of the working group had already experimented with hitting the ball with a metal block weighing half a ton and 100 times the speed of sound, and other strange "physical damage contact tests" caused at the time. The damage was more serious than Bingtis's visit here at the moment.

"Look, translucent!" Bingtis held up the slice in his hand and observed the faint halo of gas clouds in the distance. "It seemed to be a bit colored, but it soon faded after being cut off, like It ’s the same as losing its vitality ... will the shell of this thing be alive? "

My attention was not on the slice, but on the gap that was just cut on the surface of the sphere shell next to me, and that gap had completely healed in just a few seconds. This situation has been reported once by the working group.

This unknown sphere can quickly repair itself.

"Prior staff had damaged one-tenth of the sphere's shell with phantom radiation. That was a fairly large piece, but the gap also healed completely after three to four seconds." I mentioned this and put Bentice's attention drew in. "The wound you just cut took the same time to repair."

"No matter how much damage, always fix it with a fixed time?" Bingtis showed an expression of interest, then abruptly retreated half a step, a strong light of light condensed on his fist, and then a straight punch hit the ball shell. Above: I couldn't help but be embarrassed when I saw this scene. When he hit Wang Baquan with her, this guy didn't use this trick to toss people a lot!

The high-level goddess, which contains powerful holy light energy and amazing kinetic energy, is no less powerful than the kinetic warhead launched by a battleship. At that moment, the colorful sphere shell exploded, cracking out overwhelming debris and dust. Before my vision was completely covered by these dusts, I saw a spider-like turtle crack spreading from my eyes, and I couldn't help flashing an idea: "Mother, why do I have to take the 250 bring it here?!"

"Ah, sure enough, we haven't penetrated the enemy's armor-the goods get stronger and stronger inwardly!" Bingtis created a gust of wind, blowing all the dust and debris in front of him. What appeared before us was A shallow and wide impact pit that spreads out hundreds of meters, but only a few meters in depth. Fentus's punch did not penetrate this weird ball shell at all, it was more like paring an apple. Covered.

"People in the working group have tried it before." I grabbed Icetis and prevented her two hundred and five ordinary follow-up actions. "The sphere shell is only the easiest to break outside, and the harder it gets inward, Tavill calculates, if you want to completely hit I ’m afraid it ’s only possible to use the Xinghe Cannon to wear this ball, and if there is a better protection in this ball shell, I ’m afraid we have to find a King Admirer to solve the problem. Do n’t bother.

In the course of our conversation, the huge scar that spread over hundreds of meters is also rapidly recovering. At this time, it has completely recovered. As before, this thing ... uses technology that the Empire has never seen. .

"If it is artificial, is the manufacturer's technical strength higher than that of the empire?" I tried to use my analytical ability to judge the technological content of this gadget. "Our scanning equipment can't even break its three-meter depth, tower. Weir's best technicians all came, and the results were out of reach. Now it seems that in addition to the surface material seems to be very vulnerable, its core also has a considerable defense ... Lying tank, suddenly this thick sense of pressure is what What happened? "

Just as I was analyzing it, Sandola's voice suddenly came from the spiritual connection: "Ajun, maybe it's not the case."

"Ah? What else have you found?"

"It wasn't me, it was Ilson who found something there," Sandora said. "Now we think that this thing may touch the abyss ... exactly, it has something to do with the gate of the abyss."

Sandora's voice dropped, and Bingtis was shocked at the same time, and the latter looked at her right hand with a sad look-she just used this hand to hit a punch on the mysterious sphere: "Is this the case? Are you going to chop your hands? No ... Chen, let's have another fight, our bodies may be infected again ... "

Once again, I deeply doubted why I had promised to bring this two hundred here!

"Sandora, you point it out, Fedith is ready to chop his hand." I calmed down from the shock in the beginning. The reason why I regained calmness so quickly is because I know there must be a post : Of course, I didn't feel the abyss from the big ball in front of me. This is the most important reason to calm down quickly.

"Oh, wait, I'll talk when she's done."

Bettis: "... Do you still want your family's dry food?"

Can you stop talking about dry food? Sandora's phrase "with the Lord's dry food", do you emphasize to this point?

"Well, this is the case. Just now 123 checked his world management system again. This time, he also searched the background logs that have not been checked before, and found a log labeled as" false alarm. " Pause with Bingtis and talk about the business. "The log shows that a short time before the return of the Fifth Fleet, the world management system detected that the door of the abyss was opened, but this alarm only lasted for a moment, and then the world management The system scanned the alarm area, but found nothing that touched the abyss. In the end, the world management system listed this event as a false alarm and automatically transferred to the background. Due to the extremely short duration of the entire process, the system did not stay at the front desk. No trace of it. Ilson didn't notice it when he checked the log for the first time. "

"Then the area where the alarm was made was ... here?"

"! It ’s a pity that there is no prize." This time it was Lin Xue's voice. "Obviously, the big ball in front of you is probably attached to the abyss, so it is conceivable that conventional measurements are invalid for it, but it is also obvious that the sphere itself has no abyss response. Now, that's the case with us, you can continue now. "

Bingtis and I stared at each other with a big eyes. The latter thoughtfully looked at his right hand for a long time: "That is to say, the body does not need to be chopped for the time being. However, the body will never touch this thing next time! By the way, Chen, aren't you saying that this product is coming for you? You chat with it, you tell it to look at it and dare not agree. "

"Chat, I can't think of it." I shrugged with sorrow and put my hand on the ball beside me. "How do you let me chat with a ball? The only talking ball I've known in my life is only better than Burrow, why don't you pull him over to see if this thing is his second wife who has been separated for many years? "

"End of hibernation, signal source detected, verifying user ..."

"Bingtis, what did you just say?" I looked curiously at Sister Bing who was circling in the same place, and the other person stunned: "Ah?"

"What's the end of hibernation" I touched my head "Isn't you talking just now?"

Bingtis shrugged inexplicably: "Probably the ball said."

When the female hooligan said this sentence, most of the time she just talked about it, but it made me suddenly stop: Because I think this TM may be true! As soon as I thought about it, I immediately looked at the spherical shell with a slight arc around me. This layer of frosted glass-like hard shell looks the same as before, and a few centimeters below its surface, the dazzling color is still changing. Swimming slowly, I tried to put my hand where I was, but this time, there was no strange sound in my mind.

"Hey, won't it really be what the ball just said?" Bingtis watched my behavior strangely, and I waved at her: "Don't talk, I'm focusing."

It ’s focused, but I do n’t know what to do. The sound in my head came suddenly and was out of my control. I do n’t know which previous action suddenly caused the reaction of this sphere. There is no way to repeat that action. I can only put my hand in the previous place, struggling with my mind, Qingjin.

"Looking at your expression should be difficult to give birth." The only function beside Bingtis, a non-functioning guy, is to talk about the wind and talk to people-especially after she decides not to touch the ball that is unknown and may touch the abyss. "What was thinking in your head when you heard the voice just now? Maybe that's the key."

Well, in addition to the cool words, this female hooligan seems to be able to say something meaningful: she thinks that maybe something I thought before can resonate with the ball. This sounds very mysterious, but it seems impossible. In the final analysis, isn't the inexplicable connection between this ball and me a mysterious thing?

"What I was thinking about?" I searched for my recent memory, "Biberu?"

no response.

"Beberut's second wife?"

Of course, nothing happened.

"Bibru is a talking ball?"

This time Bingtis responded: "Are you TM not to mention that the football that scared the ball after watching a football game?"

"Well, I was just thinking about how to chat with this ball ..."

"The signal source is detected again, and the identity of the user is being verified. Please do not interrupt the connection." An abrupt voice reappeared in his mind: non-male non-female, electronic synthesis, as if the robot accent simulated in the old-fashioned science fiction film same.

I: "... Did you hear me? The ball talked again just now, it said to let me not let go."

Bingtis couldn't hear the sound, so she blinked in a fog, then nodded her head: "It seems the key word is chat? Isn't this gadget a walkie-talkie?"

"The user ’s identity has been verified, the confirmation has arrived at the recipient, and the receipt report is being returned ... error, the return failed, unable to contact the initial station. Execute the second set of solutions: directly lift off the protective layer. Please pay attention to avoid the fragments ... ... "

If I still do n’t understand what is going on at this time, then my brain can basically return to the factory, so now I grabbed the arm of Icetis and ran out, but my reaction was still slower because we were beside us The layer of crystalline spherical shells close by is already full of cracks, and it spreads and expands rapidly at an alarming rate. The dazzling light burst out from all cracks in an instant. In the next second, there is only cracking in sight. Countless crystal fragments and Bingtis looked surprised.

My subconscious action is to throw the rogue goddess behind me-I would do it no matter who the other party is. But the next moment, I saw a layer of dark and wide wings blocking my eyes: Sister Bing opened her wings and protected both me and her from behind. This guy's arrogant voice still echoed in my mind: "Hah, let the old lady hide behind the man, this TM is 100 million years ago!"

The words fell, and the crystal fragments that were cracking and splashing around us had also ended the strongest first impact. Only the small pieces of stars flew into the distance, Fentish folded his wings and started to jump up and down: " Sink, Sink! Sister-in-law's delicate and lovely wings! All TM inside is glass **** ... Sister-in-law is allergic to dust! "

It seems that the explosion just now was not as severe as expected, and you can see if Bingtis was jumping around.

After the flying fragments and dust around the place subsided a little, I noticed that there was something dark in the distance and emitting red light in some places, so I cursed in the past: "Originally this is its body?"

It was a shuttle-shaped object about five or six meters long. I could not see what material it was, but it was not very hard to touch, and it felt like it was somewhere between plastic and metal. The surface of the shuttle-shaped object is pure black and very smooth, but there are ring-shaped slits at each end, and red light with constant brightness is emitted from the slits. I tried to push the "shuttle" with my hand, and the latter immediately flew forward: it seems that it is not the same as the big ball. This shuttle can be taken away.

"Hoo ... probably cleaned." Bingtis fluttered as he shook his wings, like a falling chicken that was drying off the drops of water on his feathers. "You are fierce, a ball that the main gun is not necessarily able to penetrate, let You slap it away ... Yeah, what's this? Is there such a thing left after the ball blew up? "

"Probably." I reached out and knocked on the surface of the shuttle-shaped object. I felt that the mystery I faced was nothing more than a diameter of one thousand meters and a long axis of five and a half meters. I didn't know more after that, and After the big ball exploded before, I can no longer hear anything like system authentication user authentication from it. "Let's bring this back ..."

"Ajun, what's going on with you?" Sandora's voice sounded in her head at the moment. "We just detected an explosion."

"The ball is gone, but I found a shuttle. The good news is that this shuttle can be taken back. The bad news ... the bad news is that the ball is gone."

"Shuttle?" Sandola was confused by what I was not talking about, but still said, "Anyway, you're all right, let's stop talking about the ball and bring back what you found."

"Don't expect to touch this thing with your body." Bingtis flew outside without waiting for me to open, and I couldn't help rolling my eyes: "How many times have you fought against the abyss ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ As for? "

"Nonsense, it is a job need to die with the abyss, and it is a personal preference to maintain disgust with the abyss. Are there any reasons why you are here to let a weak woman touch this thing?"

I silently looked at Bingtis, who was hard to touch with normal women except for chest and face. I felt that I would not be able to look directly at the words "weak woman" from now on.

In the end, I had no choice but to drag this unknown shuttle-shaped object back to the research ship: I didn't even dare to put it in the carry-on space. After all, this thing also touches the abyss anyway, who knows if touching it will infect it?

After returning to the research ship, we took the unknown object directly to the sample analysis center. Sandora and a group of experts and scholars were already waiting here. Bingtis came forward with a big grin and recruited Sandora. One side pointed to me: "Here, your family's dry food."

Then he pointed to the black unidentified object floating behind me: "And what your dry grain picked up on the road."


Is this product more competitive than dry food? !!

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