Xiling Empire

Chapter 1163: bridge


When I said the two words that came out of my mind like lightning, we got an inexplicable sight.

"Remember our last dive plan?" I tried to remind Sandora. "It was just a few days. I lost sleep at night, and then I heard something messy, the sea, the other side, and There was a bridge set up-I mentioned it to you the next day, and everyone agreed that I was hearing it. "

"I feel a little impressed when you say that," Sandora nodded against her chin. "Oh, remember, this is what happened. Wait, you say the bridge ... Do you think this black shuttle is like you at the time? Does it matter what you hear? "

"Just a sudden whimsy." I exhaled, slowly speaking out what I thought of. "Now we suspect that Hesuo comes from the abyss, and that there is really a super civilization in the abyss that can make this black. Shuttle: For the time being, suppose these doubts are true. So when did they start to make the first black shuttle? Although the detector we are seeing is still a test product, it can pass all the way through the most chaotic areas of the abyss. Absolutely. It will not be as simple as the first generation product. Otherwise, the people who make the black shuttle will not go against the sky? So I guess that the first civilization of the black shuttle that made the first attempt to launch the probe should be similar to the old empire's deep dive plan. At the same time. In other words, these two plans ... are working together at the same time. "

"Based? There must be a basis." My conjecture may be so shocking that most people at the scene were stunned. Only Sandora shook her head calmly and asked her own question. "It is one of us who made the black shuttle." Knowing civilizations, they may even be at the lowest level of the abyss, where there is no connection with the world of order, and the deep dive plan of the old empire is a part of the entire plan x. How can such a huge project Suddenly synchronized with a strange civilization that is almost unreachable? "

I spread my hands: "So I'm just guessing, the specific process depends on how the experts complete it. Listen to me first: I think that the old empire and the mysterious civilization worked together on a project, not based on the conditions of the old empire. The guess is based on the information from the abyss that we have obtained several times in a row. In the old empire, I received a text message from the bottom of the abyss. I also touched something suspected of the abyss 17 years ago, plus The "phantom" that I produced last night, if these are the super civilizations that make the black shuttle, then obviously, that super civilization knows that the empire exists-at least they know that they have a group of technical strengths that are not weaker than Your own intelligent creature. Then both sides were sending probes to each other. It is mentioned in the logs on the old submersible ship of the old empire that they tried to signal the opposite side after reaching the deepest point of the abyss. Isn't that enough to say? "

When the two sides determine that the other party exists and know the other party's "location", they are constantly sending information and detectors to each other. This is what I want to say. And they do it ... for the bridge.

The word "bridge" is just the word I used to associate with the words "hearing" in the past, but these two words are now lingering in my mind. If you can really hear the accidental message from the super civilization that made the black shuttle, and the phrase "put the bridge up" is really what they said, then this must be a project that the other party and the old empire have worked together. ——Because in that hallucination, I clearly remembered that the other party said "I hope we can discuss with the opposite side how to build the bridge". It can be said that this is not only my conjecture, but it is based on a large number of known facts, but I use a sensational way to explain these facts.

Sandora was silent for a long time this time, and she didn't seem to know if she should agree with my guess. After a long time, she slowly said, "Then suppose that what you heard at the time was not hallucinations, and They are indeed related to the black shuttle in front of them, so there is only one explanation: the bridge is continuing, and the super civilization at the bottom of the abyss has made nearly breakthrough progress. "

"They don't seem to know that the old empire has been destroyed." I suddenly felt very subtle. "At the time, the empire was still working on too many big projects, and it turned out that it had lost the entire empire, but the abyss Those at the bottom probably don't know anything about it, they have been so busy launching detectors for so many years ... You said that the barrier between the two civilizations has reached such a level, what kind of motivation can make them so Desperately trying to bridge it? "

"Who knows, those who knew it all now are not dead, or have defected to the fallen apostles, and even the fallen apostles, I am afraid that they can not completely remember the events of that year" Sandora sighed. "The bottom of the abyss The guys seemed quite resilient, we couldn't establish contact with them, but the other party would probably keep working hard until they built the bridge by themselves ... "

I suddenly thought of a scene in which a large mountain isolated two people, and they were digging a tunnel towards each other, hoping to establish a passage, but in fact, as soon as the tunnel was just dug, one of them was due to a collapse accident. He died; the other person who dug the tunnel knew nothing about it and could not contact the person on the other side, so he could only wield his tools and continue digging. Now, the people digging the tunnel are getting closer and closer. As we stand on the side of the mountain, we can even hear the banging of the falling soil block ... it is the black shuttle.

"Why is He Shuo's recipient the Ah Jun? And why does it come to Ilson's world?"

The shallow voice suddenly came in, which was a bit of a break to the atmosphere of the scene. I saw that there was almost no pressure on the girl's face, and the only expression was curiosity: maybe she was super old about the history of the old empire and the bottom of the abyss Civilization has no interest at all. After so long listening, she left everything she did not understand aside. Now she is only curious about one thing: why are strangers at the bottom of the abyss sending out a detector and collecting The person wrote my name, Chen?

"Um, this is also a problem." My sister froze and looked at Sandora. "If the super civilization across the abyss continues to bridge, then the detector they launched should be for the old empire, but this detector came Protoss. In addition, they did n’t even know A Jun ’s existence, but this black shuttle apparently has an identity certificate, which clearly records A Jun ’s personal information. How can this be explained? ”

"First of all: why the recipient of the black shuttle can be a group outside the old empire" Sandora raised a finger. "In fact, it is very likely that the super civilization that made the black shuttle is even more rooted. What kind of civilization the Schilling Empire is? I do n’t know. When they and the old empire first noticed each other, the level of development of their respective abyss deep diving technology: the most advanced deep diving ship of the old empire failed to Realized instant communication with the other party, and the other party failed to send the detector over until the collapse of the old empire. Therefore, I think the two parties are more like a kind of 'communication' in the mist. Now we cannot explain the old empire and the mysterious civilization. How to reach a consensus and start to build a bridge, but it is certain that the mysterious civilization has no means to understand the situation of the empire. In this case, the "type uncertainty contact rule" will be applied, that is, two groups I only know that the other party exists, but I have no control over any other information. A communication between the two parties takes a long period of time, and the success rate of information exchange is less than 100%. Fifty percent. In this case, the exchange between the two civilizations is more like throwing paper **** to each other with closed eyes. The person who throws the paper **** does not know to whom the information is thrown, and it does not know whether the person opposite is a person or a group of people. , I do n’t even know if the person who is about to read their paper group is the one who threw the paper group last time. This black shuttle is such a paper ball. Instead of giving it to the old empire, it is better to say that it is for the group ‘opposite the abyss’. "

"For the mysterious civilization at the bottom of the abyss, all of us on the side of the abyss are the same." I followed Sandora's thinking and said, "The Spirit Empire, the Star Protoss, and the Huron Protoss, when When the information held by the other party is too broad, we are a group, collectively referred to as 'people on the other side' ... oh, this is even more wrong. Since the other party does not even know what the Spirit Empire is, how do they know me? Name? Isn't this contradicting what you said in the mist? "

"No contradiction, because you're probably the only 'clear individual' they have actually come into contact with, and understand something." Sandora looked at my eyes and said with a little smile. "I remember you more than ten years ago Experience? "

I suddenly came to understand: more than a decade ago, in the time when the bear and me were in the infinitely crazy time of the bear child, I first encountered the suspected abyss ...

Sandora smiled: "It should be 'they' successfully connected to the other side for the first time 'and you were the only one who answered at the time. Although you have n’t awakened yet, you are still a void creature, so your response that year It must be that you have successfully reached the other end. In this way, you have become the only option for 'them' to fill in the recipient, and immediately after this black shuttle arrives in the world of order, it immediately sends you a call signal. In fact, I should lament such a thing as destiny. The detector designed by 'them' should have failed because Heshuo was too outrageous when he arrived at the station, and even fell to the Protoss site, plus the strange nature of the detector We can't easily find it on the 'side', in fact it won't get your attention at all. But it happened to happen in time for the Fifth Fleet. When you guided the Fifth Fleet with the void, you heard the call-just before the energy of this thing was exhausted. "

Sandora is right, we really need to sigh destiny—to make this series of things come to light today, and if there is a mistake in any of these links, the black shuttle will not appear in front of us. Although the whole process took at least 70,000 years, it now seems that the "bridge" has been extended.

The question is, what do we do next?

"Now my head is a bit messy." My expression should be very distressed. I feel like I'm standing at a crossroads. A step forward seems to determine the future history. But there are more than 20 traffic lights in front of me. Do you think the civilization that created the black shuttle is good or bad for the empire? If they really come out of the abyss ... what kind of impact will it have on the orderly world? According to the only information, the other party does not seem to be hostile , But I always find it helpful to be cautious. "

Sandora exhaled: "It should be cautious. When two strange civilizations first made contact, it was as stupid to shake hands as to rush into shooting. Even if 'they' didn't show hostility, we had better plan for the worst. For now Look, at least the opponent ’s technology in the abyss snorkeling is better than the Empire ’s, but I do n’t know if they are equally advanced in other aspects. In addition, we ca n’t unilaterally stop the other ’s bridge behavior if their ultimate goal is to reach the ' "Across the shore", then it would be only a matter of time according to the situation of Hesuo. So in this case we can't wait passively ... Tavel, when can our next deep dive ship go off the assembly line? "

"The second deep dive ship has undergone extremely large-scale improvements and overall structural adjustments. It is still in the assembly stage of the skeleton. Due to the many problems exposed during the first deep dive, the submarine has been completely reset. Ship's energy network, so ... "

"Okay, I know. It's good to be safe." Sandora nodded. "At least there is good news. Black shuttle is obviously a more advanced detector. Try to find out if it can be useful technology in it. In addition, , If possible, as soon as possible to understand what the functions of the black shuttle are, at least I want to know if it has a data interface that can be read. "

"Yes, my subordinates understand!" Tavel nodded hard and performed a military salute.

I looked at the enthusiastic chief female scientist: "Then your task will be heavy again, and you will work hard."

"It's an honor for the subordinates," Tavel's quality projection smiled "and the subordinate's greatest interest."

The matter of Heisuo has come to an end for the time being, and then it will depend on when Tavel will understand the mechanism of this thing. Although it uses a technology we have never seen before, Sandora believes that this technology is more blocked because of the different forms of civilization at the bottom of the abyss. The technology of the black shuttle itself is still at the level that the empire can deal with, so Probably soon there will be progress over Tavel. At the same time, I was ready. When scientists confirmed that the black shuttle was not dangerous, and more importantly, after Tavel was assured that I was in contact with the gadget, I would try to contact the latter again: I always thought that mysterious civilization was exhausting It took a lot of hard work to launch a ball. It's impossible just to let me watch a smoke after signing up. There should be something specially given to me in the black shuttle, maybe a message? A greeting? Or their introduction? Everyone is curious about this.

It's time to say goodbye to this interesting world.

Although we came to the Blue Star as aliens, we also met a lot of interesting people here-especially the Gandalf grandfather who had the dream of the stars and the sea, he still wanted to leave. Say goodbye. In the past few days, because I have been busy looking for the big ball before us, we have few opportunities to talk to Joe and them. For Joe who regards alien research as the first priority in life, this is really miserable situation, and now We suddenly asked to leave, and the old man couldn't wait for a long time like a funeral test.

Before preparing to leave on the portal of the Temple, all the people we knew were present. Father Joe was being enlightened by Father Lei, while Mu stayed beside Ilson, as if listening to the revelation of the gods to himself, although The vast majority of people at the scene did not think that Ilson's goods could say anything inspiring. Eva stood in front of Monina with a somewhat nervous and restrained expression, and the two were talking in a low voice. The blue star has such a tradition that they believe that every citizen born will be sheltered by a deity, and this deity is the patron saint of newborns. These patron saints include Ding Dong team's five mutual lazy eggs and some of their high-level priests, which together add up to fifteen, and Eva was born under the shelter of the Shadow Star, so despite her A goddess of war, but sheltered by the goddess of shadow-Of course, this situation usually seems very confusing, but the people on the blue star have long been strange, and there are things that touch the five people. Isn't it confusing?

"Sister Monina likes Eva very much," Lin whispered in my ear. "Although they haven't seen each other, Eva is praying every day, so the two are very familiar ~ www.readwn.com ~ this This situation is very common. Most believers may not be able to meet us for a lifetime, but as long as they persist in prayer, they will always be with us. "

"I can't understand this feeling." The corner of my mouth slightly tilted up. "I don't understand that person over there."

I said, my eyes fell on lìlìna, which was a few meters away, and the little dwarf was pretending to look through the Bible, and there was a word in his mouth, as if he was very religious: This look is absolutely for the Mu them. The so-called peer is Enemy, lìlìna has always been in front of enemies. But lìlìna's true devotion to Dingdang has always been a mystery. Although she and Dingdang have a good relationship, does a guy who dare to open a tape recorder in front of the statue to pray instead of himself really has the concept of "religion"?

"Lìlì 娜 吗 ......" Lin, who has always been relatively soft, will also show a crying and laughing expression in the face of lìlìna. After all, in the profession of God, she is also a skilled worker, and she can naturally see how the pope is Different] "A person who is least likely to be compassionate, but does better than my best pope, probably only this incredible thing will happen to you."


I always feel that what I said is wrong!

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