Xiling Empire

Chapter 1166: A lack of mind is the only way to become a god?

Basically, most of the mercury lamps have been twirling around for half an hour, as if there were nails under the buttocks, until her artificial elf finally wiped the keyhole clean. In the process, Liliana was pinched by me. The colorful Mary Su Wenxuan who was carried in the basket for half an hour—the two little dwarfs each have their own hell, the difference is that the former is deceived because of routine, and the latter is deserved.

"Boss ... Boss ..." Lirina poked her head out of the basket and looked at me with tears. "I can't carry it anymore. I want to eat for a while ..."

I dropped the guy who was not straight Pandora tall from the basket and threw it in front of the mercury lamp: "Hurry to apologize."

Lirina tangled a bit, turned her head to look at the basket and looked at me again. She seemed to feel that the life in the basket was more miserable, so she bowed in front of the mercury lamp honestly: "Sorry, you shouldn't squeeze your shampoo into your keyhole. dew."

The mercury lamp is directing his artificial elves to scrub in the keyhole, humming comfortably, and hearing a word is a response, then the two little girls who are older than the industrial revolution look together for a few seconds. Then sparks splattered again.

"Oh, the two of them have a good relationship." The elder sister chuckled aside and chuckled with a smile on her face.

I looked suspiciously at my elder sister: "Where do you see that the relationship between the two of them is good? Every time I meet, it's like meeting Obama."

The elder sister raised a finger and shook it: "The mercury lamp never listens to anyone other than your family, and Lilian never pranks on strangers. With that child's personality, all non-lethal jokes are only for the family."

I was sweating coldly: In other words, did Lirina treat both outsiders with a kind attitude, or was she decisive in killing?

Perhaps my sister sees things more thoroughly than I do, especially when looking at the problem of this kind of distorted personality of bear children with mental retardation in the later stage of lack of love. I didn't see that there was a star-point match between Lina and the mercury lamp. Let my sister explain it this way, I don't think I really do. Think about it too. With these two people's irritable tempers, if they are really hostile to each other, they would have been dead forever. How can there be a daily slapstick scene? The mercury lamp was tossed by Lina every three to five. Although there are some reasons why her brain is not as good as the latter, it may be that she also feels fun, and Lina has been beaten because of bullying the mercury lamp for an average of three days. Sometimes I was grouped by mercury lamps, sometimes by the whole family). She still enjoys it so far. If it hadn't opened a strange line like Ilson, it was only her reason.

When I think about it that way, I immediately feel refreshed. Seeing that the world seems to have a different color, the matter between the two most cuddly bear children around me is not a problem. Turning around, Mercury Lamp and Liliana were ready to tear apart again. But this time I watched with a happy mood. So the two girls were scared by the creeps I watched before they could fight, and finally pulled back and whispered into the corner of the sofa, whispered and looked at me secretly, and looked at them ... forget it, I'm sorry Say.

The difference in the world tour between three and five makes our family have unprecedented resistance (or should it be called resistance to wear?), So even after just experiencing such a big thing, the family quickly returned to their respective tracks and continued What should I do in my daily life? The surface looks completely heartless. of course. In the process, we will not waste everything. Sandora is supervising the construction of a new deep dive ship, and her sister is assisting Aurelia and Tavel in a mystic research and development project: studying how to curse The power has been transformed into mass production equipment that can be used by individual soldiers. Lin Xue comes to the house every day to check in on time just like the punch-in sign. By the way, she tells us the future interference line she just saw and can use, expanding without knowing it. The advantage of the new empire in the final victory in the future.

The Sisters Pandora and Huesca spend half of their day in the headquarters. The Sixth Fleet has had several brief exchanges with the enemy in the border area of ​​the fallen apostles. Although the fighting scale is not large, the fighting is frequent and the scope of friction The breadth is already unprecedented. After a series of military operations. The Sixth Fleet had roughly sensed the situation in the Borderlands of the Fallen Apostles, and they were preparing to make a real attack before evacuating. And Sister Pandora and Huesca were devoted to this cause of justice with great enthusiasm. After returning from the headquarters every day, the first thing they did was to study a war plan in a decent way. But unfortunately, I think that all the battle plans developed by these two lunatics are the same. They are roughly divided into three stages: in the first stage, the fleet is rushed up to Yaya; in the second stage, the main fleet follows up 揍Ah; in the third stage, the convoy and the main fleet merged together to take a chance.

Both of them can study such a battle plan for half a day. It seems that Pandora's external thinking circuit has irreplaceable value, and Veskar lacks such a thinking circuit. It is no wonder that the army will be hit by the army after a gap of three years. Annihilation: The madman with the last name Chen is not as good as Visca.

These two days, Lina seems to be very busy, but not busy preaching the goddess of life, but busy instilling all kinds of strange and weird knowledge into the little crow, "About God's Self-Cultivation", "On Why Someone Does Not Believe You "," On how to let him believe in you when someone doesn't believe you "," On how to let him believe in you if you still don't believe you "," Decisive Doom ", various courses take turns, that fake loli The archbishop seems to have been completely immersed in the tireless pleasure, but what makes people helpless is that the little crow himself is quite interested in these nonsense things, holding a small book all day behind "Sister Liliana"- — Although she can't write. I had the intention to pull the little crow out of Lilina's claws, but Bingtis told us that Lilina's lesson was basically useful-the schedule was a bit problematic. Considering that we couldn't find a second person to teach the little crow how to be a god, we could only let Lina teach that.

Of course, after Lilina ’s lesson every day, it ’s still necessary for me or my sister to reshape the three views of the little crow. The silly bird is very good, and she listens more than listening to Lilin ’s gods. Sister and me, this is the only thing to be thankful for.

And I focused on the placement of the Fifth Fleet.

Cocokina and his fleet have received the first round of emergency repairs in the giant Star Harbor of the Pan-Galactic Civilization Community. They should be grateful for the unique technological mix-and-match technology of the civilized community and the ethnic system that encompasses thousands of life forms (the latter gives civil society engineers an enormous advantage in repairing various life support equipment), which puts them on the verge of Several of the largest colonial giants that were down were able to operate for an additional month after repairs. This month can just give more buffer time to the new Eden Federation, so that the latter can deepen more federal giant ships to meet the needs of the Fifth Fleet. The colonial giants of the New Eden Commonwealth have been abandoned for almost two years before. They were left after the withdrawal of the Klua. At that time, after the human and Protos races re-established their homeland on the planet, those were once The giant ships used as space refuges have been parked deep in their galaxies, serving as monuments. In Renault's words. They never thought that these monuments would one day come in handy again.

In some ways, I think the experience of the New Eden Federation and the Fifth Fleet is slightly similar. The former also experienced a thrilling escape, and since then have spent the most difficult time in space asylum and home reconstruction in their history. Although the fleeing of the Federation was almost a blink of an eye compared to the 10,000-year long journey of the Fifth Fleet, the end result was that the New Eden Federation was the only one of the many vassal races of the empire to have experience in building colonial giants and space shelters. Although the Civilization Community is somewhat similar to the Fifth Fleet in terms of racial composition and technological structure, the former has absolutely no technology such as colonial giant ships.

In my plan, the Civilization Community and the New Eden Confederation will work with the Empire. Taking on the heavy task of supporting the Fifth Fleet and even the entire exile community, just like the Empire ’s high-profile intervention in the Fifth Fleet ’s assistance operations, they must also act high-profile, and in the process I have planned some other vassals. Races will also be involved: the Azeroth Salvation Army, the Vedis Corps, the Church Corps, and dozens of other Army Corps Servants who have been managed by the Ministry of Military Affairs (they have been in contact with the Empire during these years. A powerful and newly promoted Macro World Army ... well, in fact, all servants are considered Army Army, but these small legions are more complicated), and they have to be more or less involved in assisting the exiles, and Soon, aid supplies carrying the emblem of the empire and the various world logos of brothers will continue to flow into the material distribution center in Kailudak, and will be further distributed to the exiles.

These plans are made by myself, but they are definitely not hot headed ideas. At the beginning, Sandora was puzzled, because my plans were more or less inconsistent with the results of the discussions with the parliament that day. And to Sandora. My plan is full of useless details and will "waste" about 10% of the resources when uniting various servants. What the empire could easily solve by itself would be decentralized to dozens of vassal worlds, which is some kind of waste. But I have my own considerations.

As it was clear from the beginning, the empire's assistance to the exiles is actually a trivial matter. For the current strength of the new empire, it is simply a piece of cake to let all the exiles eat and live in a good house. The entire assistance itself Its symbolic and political significance is far greater than its material significance. Although I am very cold-savvy about things like politics, I still know the words "to draw people's hearts". So at the beginning our goal was not how to save as much money as possible in the aid process, but how to reverse the relationship between the exiles and the empire as much as possible in this rare opportunity to aid.

So it doesn't matter if you invest a little more resources for this: I firmly believe that it is worth the money.

What I want to build, or more directly, "show" to the exiles, is not just the affinity side of the new empire, I also want them to see the state of the vassal race of the empire now, and let them know why the empire His servants always use the "brother world" to call the hometown of their comrades-in-arms. Let them directly contact the imperial family members who are fighting side by side and supporting each other like brothers, and ... slowly let their people subconsciously put themselves into these family members.

The power of insidiousness is terrible, especially the insidiousness of the entire population.

I am very clear that tens of thousands of years of exile and brainwashing hostile education can produce a deep sense of inherent concepts, so no matter how hard the Empire works, there will be an upper limit on the relationship between the two parties that can be reversed in an aid operation. However, relative to the Empire itself, the hostility between the Empire's dependents and the exiles is almost zero, if this assistance is used. Letting them establish a good relationship with other vassal races will undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on future development, and it will have a very long-term beneficial effect: they will not accept such assistance at one time, nor will they have contact with several vassal races. Will be just once. One of the best ways to let the exiles understand the current empire is to let them start by understanding the environment under the rule of the empire.

So the whole plan is to transform the charcoal delivery in the snow into the charcoal delivery in the snow ...

After knowing my follow-up thoughts, Sandora naturally had no opinion, and even expressed great support and surprise. In her words, I did not expect that someone who treats eating as a dogma of life would even There's such an old-fashioned side-let's just listen to it as a compliment to myself. And Lin Xue's evaluation of this is even more powerful: she insisted that I was usually tired of Lilina for too long. Sanguan has received some kind of pollution, and now he has learned the shaman ...

Cut, this group of people in the snow sent charcoal to warm people's hearts, promote positive energy, promote social civilization, build a body, promote the harmonious new empire of the empire, and establish a sound standard for the five good youths of the empire's humanistic care system.

It was the end of a mess of work for almost a whole day, basically the reports about the exiles and the battle reports from the Sixth Fleet and the border areas of the empire were basically in the brain, just like this time of day. I need to lie on the balcony for half an hour of photosynthesis facing the sunset to cool down my brain. Sandora is not back at the headquarters. She is always busier than me, but I guess she will appear before the meal. She is always noisy and Lin Xue disappears at this time. I do n’t know where to go. Somewhere crazy. There was only a Bingtis beside her: This female hooligan almost did nothing every day. Although she claimed that diligence and love for the people was a good god, I could see that she was dangling most of the time. Or go out and buy things by the way.

I don't know how she manages her world: even Ding Dang five people watched the report more than her.

"It's a leisurely day, isn't it?" Brentis leaned on a chair, and La Ladi put a pair of long legs in stockings on the balcony railing, and a few silver-white metal pendants on his boots in the setting sun. The bottom was shining, it can be said that the girl should have no restraint on her. There was nothing at all, "still quiet here."

"Just be quiet by yourself," I have to make great determination to avoid being disturbed by this female hooligan: the body of this product is too good, and I don't know if it was intentional or what. There is no concern at all in front of me. "Our whole family is going crazy."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a bright laugh coming from the living room: Lin Xue and Qian Qian returned. Tingjingjing seems to have just gone out shopping, now they should be giving gifts to young people.

There was quite a lot of movement in the living room, and a group of people were joking around without any psychological pressure, as if the empire was peaceful.

"... You said how could our family be so heartless and under such pressure?" I asked a question I had been troubled for a long time. Don't look at me, I usually mess around with them, but I really can't understand this phenomenon.

"It's very simple, which shows that you are naturally capable of adapting to any kind of change of affairs, which is a good thing, especially when you have lived beyond the life of a mortal and really started your immortal life, you will find that you are usually unconscious How important it is to have no lungs, "Bettis rummaged on the chair to find a more comfortable posture, and almost half of them were in the air." Ambition is a necessary quality for immortals, because you have endless Time to experience endless things. If your own state of mind is always tense and sorrowful and sometimes depressed because of foreign objects, it wo n’t take long for you to go crazy. So you must learn to make your heart more than Everything is stable. Eventually, you can smile and save the world with a smile in the face of the end of the world-and then you have done great work. Rich feelings, especially negative feelings, are the virtues of mortals, but they are The deadly disease of the immortal, a guy who often gets into negative feelings or depression is not qualified to live forever. "

In the most unreliable state, I can always say the seemingly philosophical strange talk with the most unflattened attitude ~ www.readwn.com ~ This may also be a major feature of Bingtis. I looked at the female hooligan in surprise: "Your argument is interesting."

"In terms of experience, the body has created 4,365 intelligent species and more worlds, of which 90% have become extinct after evolution: even one-fifth is the body itself Move your hands. You know, birth and decline are inevitable experiences of evolution, and the eternal nature of the gods can hardly be copied. If you do n’t learn the attitude of life without mind, how can you be an eternal guardian? ”Bingdi Spoon twisted for a long time and turned to look at my face. "Just remember, don't drop the chain."

I thought about it, and I couldn't find an argument that could refute this guy: because she lived for a real price ... well, well, let's not talk about this. But I still don't understand: "As you say, people who are heartless and lungless can live forever. How do the Apostles of the Spirit explain it? They are serious one by one. Most of the Imperial soldiers are thrown in Hong Kong. Those guys who can be set up as long as they are black and white, are they heartless? "

This time, Bingtis really thought about it seriously, and then told me: "Actually ... As early as tens of millions of years ago, the Apostles of the Spirit were the most indifferent race recognized by the whole void ... because they only had 'fight' With one eye, isn't that heartless? "


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