Xiling Empire

Chapter 1179: Dead Workstation


Chapter 179: Dead Workstation

"It may be spectacular later," said Xiao Xue, holding my hand, mysteriously. The mysterious look on the bear's face made people curious. I know it must be her looking through her special eyes. "Nothing", but I did n’t ask much because I knew that the child had a problem with her mother: I never said that I knew it, I never said it myself, and said it comprehensively and vividly. Yes, basically you are flickering.

Engineering ships began to place probes with transition functions throughout the space. These probes instantly reached the end of this small "universe" with a radius of only tens of thousands of kilometers, and formed a spatial distortion generator with no array symmetrical distribution. These generators Its role is to "invert" space. Space inversion is a technique that sounds very unclear but actually ... In fact, the simplest description of it is: suppose space is a Rubik's cube, it has infinite orders, and the observer is a A creature that can understand the neat picture, if the side of the magic side to the observer is disrupted, this face is incomprehensible to the observer. Normal space is orderly, equivalent to a neat Rubik's cube, and the observer is a conscious creature located in the space. Under normal conditions, all information will be presented to the observer at the same level, such as mass, light, gravity, These adjectives that you are familiar with and can be used to describe foreign objects, they are usually on the same "level", so that you can feel that this is the neat state of the Rubik's cube. The inversion process is to disrupt this neat state. After an entity is inverted, it is equivalent to the scrambled face of the Rubik's cube. All the information drifts to another place, because the observer lives on the "current level". Biology, so to the observer, what is reversed is equivalent to disappearing.

The process and result of this is obvious. You only need to shift a value slightly to make the Rubik's cube fall from the "tidy" state to the "untidy" state. This operation is usually used to hide and protect important facilities because it has good encryption: as long as you do not master the algorithm, you never know which side the thing you are looking for has been flipped. For low-dimensional observers, The object in the reversed state actually enters a space that is always one-dimensional higher than your perspective. High-dimensional space has countless possibilities (think dimensional difference database), which is equivalent to a chaotic Rubik's cube with countless orders and countless faces. And what you're looking for is among these countless-so as long as you don't have the same algorithm on hand to perform the cracking operation, the chance of finding something hidden is infinitely close to zero.

Therefore, although the protoss' technical strength is not bad, they are also puzzled in the face of an empire facility that is solidified by the end of the world and is always in a reversed state. Master of Mathematics, Niu X, right? But without touching the game, can he know how much a 90-level naked mage does not open the buff and return blue every second ... well, don't pull it.

The space distortion generator has completed synchronization, and has begun to “pull” the dislocated space back to its original position, as if a messy Rubik's cube is rearranged and tidy. Anyone who has touched the Rubik's Cube knows that although it looks very exciting Large, but as long as you understand the principle of the Rubik's Cube, it is not difficult to reform it, no matter how high the order of the Rubik's Cube, the algorithm of the reforming process is the same, at most it will greatly increase the workload. Empire ’s anti-phase technology is an encryption method that protects against the outside and the inside. In the beginning, no one thought that the Empire would be split and deal with its own day, so many things that use encryption algorithms can be used by the Empire device. The cracked space is an example of the inverse space in front of us. In less than two minutes, all misplaced spaces are marked out and then pieced together.

For a moment, the hidden truth appeared to us.

A **** vortex with a huge space that seems to devour the entire world occupies all our vision ... No, this is not just a vortex, but a storm that stretches for thousands of kilometers! The chaotic and crazy blood and black colors are twisted to form the eye of the storm, and all of us are standing in the middle of this storm!

In the previous second, there was only a cloud of chaotic and dark air. In the next second, I was in the eye of a storm that could force a normal person out of claustrophobia and vortex phobia. The visual impact was huge. Rao has been to a storm planet like the Fog Star, and was shocked at the situation, which was even more exaggerated—it disappeared in front of us a few seconds later. Reappeared, and then patted the chest in fear: "Hoo ... switched to Li personality and went back to the spacecraft to drink a cup of tea, listen to light music, and sleep again after watching two movies and listening to two cross talks, and finally calmed down It's coming-there is vortex phobia. "


God the Father is also stupid: "... just for a while ... well, like you said, she's pretty good."

I knocked Xiaoxue's head lightly, knowing that this girl must have been thinking badly before I wanted to see how my dad was scared, but it ’s a pity that although this earth-shattering **** storm is indeed very exciting Liver tremor, but I have seen a scene that is even more liver tremor than that. It is said that Tai Shan collapsed in front of him with a ruthless character who can not change his face with his eyes closed.

"What the **** is going on with this storm?" I couldn't help looking at God the Father, but the other side gave a bare hand: "You ask me who I ask, this is your thing-I'm here to lead the way. "

Well, I forgot about it. It seems that it is still necessary to contact the expert team. The response from the expert team is that they have sent engineering machines into the storm wall to investigate. The big **** vortex in front of them makes the experts scratch their heads. In their impression, there are no facilities in the empire to produce this kind of scene, so many scientists suspect that this was originally supposed to occur in the normal facilities of this universe, causing There was an energy storm. Due to the influence of the end of the world, everything in this universe was fixed like a snapshot within the hours of the end of the day. Even with this energy storm, it also circled for tens of thousands of years in an antiphase state.

The few of us hovered in mid-air. After adapting for a while, this huge vortex had little effect on our visual impact, but its blood red color was very uncomfortable, but just after I thought about it, It wasn't when wearing sunglasses to protect the body and mind that the engineering machine heard the news: they found a workstation with energy response inside the storm wall. If you guessed it right, it should be the research facility that the Empire built here.

Everyone immediately took the engineering spacecraft to their destination, and soon we crossed the endless storm wall and entered a more crazy area. I noticed that at the moment of crossing the storm wall, the detector of the engineering spacecraft showed a very high energy reading, and the energy read was very strange. From phantom energy to ordinary electromagnetic energy, everything was doubtful. Is the storm a microcosm of the end of the world: at the moment when the universe collapses, all the energy in this tens of thousands of kilometers of space is absorbed.

Within the storm wall, of course, the torrent of energy that is swept up is countless times more powerful than the eye of the storm, and it contains a large number of torrents of material debris and elementary particles that cannot be analyzed. Maybe everything in the world is shredded to the extreme. It's a red and black tornado. Fortunately, these things that swept away were not a threat to our shield. We arrived at the miraculously surviving workstation under the welcome of a seemingly spectacular energy storm: it was a six suspended in the air. The side building is large in size. It is estimated that there is a complete residential area inside. Based on the complete platform at the bottom, it is originally a space building. Its anchoring system must still be in operation, because the entire workstation remained stable during the surrounding hurricane, just like an isolated island in the tide. The engineering ship found a universal locking port suitable for connection at the end of the platform where the hexagonal building is located, but soon we found that the locking port was damaged, and the workstation itself no longer responded to any external signals, so the final solution was us Leave the ship hundreds of meters away from the workstation and approach the target with a dog planer.

... no wonder! Anyway, it's an obsolete workstation and it's a big deal. After smashing the locking port of the workstation platform, the engineering ship and the space station formed a dumbbell-like assembly, and we reached the site platform through a twisted and broken suspension bridge.

The entire forced landing process was perfect, which made me find the feeling of a blockbuster-it would be more perfect if I didn't hold the camera lightly all the way.

Wearing protective light armor all over, assistant technicians and engineers with strengthened shields came down from the spacecraft, quickly and orderly assigned their respective work, and began to inspect this large abandoned workstation: in fact They are the real protagonists of this mission, such as exploring ancient facilities to study old empire machines, measuring data in the core of storms in other worlds, which sounds extremely sophisticated at first sound. It is certainly not something we laymen can handle. Yes-even the Father is here just for fun. We followed the engineering ship and said that it was the leader who went to the front line to direct the work. The annoying point is ... shall we pick up the good words?

"It should be part of a larger space structure. Look at the broken long bridges at the end of the platform." Xiao Xue pointed at the far end of the platform, and in the direction of her fingers, she could see the extension of the platform where the workstation is located. Several gray-white alloy roads have been produced, but they have all been torn. The opposite part of the road has nowhere to go, leaving only twisted metal stubbles. The pipelines are protruded from those stubbles. Under the stimulation of the energy storm, there is some resonance. And squeaking sparks.

Veska has been constantly pulling probes out of the carry-on space, and at this time he has followed a large group of buzzing bees (I am sorry to say that they look more like flies) behind him Then, these probes disappeared neatly in front of our eyes, Cat Loli explained: "I will take them nearby and see if there are other workstations. Since this site has been saved, maybe there are other survivors. What about it-brother, am I smart? "

As soon as Visca's voice fell, Pandora started to put probes in a mess-sometimes Pandora is indeed not as good as Visca's head, is this because the former's stuffy gourd properties are too serious?

"The energy storm here was supposed to be an abyss suppression system," a senior technician sent the latest detected data. Looking at this report, Xiao Xue analyzed it very well. "Now there is no way to explore the machine. It's near the bottom, but there might have been an abyss door, which was the entrance to the deep dive. The storm body was built around the abyss door, and it is estimated to be in a "self-mirror" state ... Oh, that is, No matter which direction you enter the storm, you will find that you are facing the upper entrance of the storm. This is a suppression system designed for the special "eternal two-dimensional plane" state of the abyss gate. It has in many directions Countless bodies, collapsed into a single 'direction' with different observers, to maximize the suppression of anything released by the abyss. This system is not very common, because the erection is very difficult, and most The gates of the abyss do not need to be so long preserved. "

It usually looks like two or five thousand or eight hundred thousand, but I did not expect that Xiaoxue, the bear child, knows a lot about this. Perhaps, as she said, she began to receive the full set of elite education that the imperial princess should receive from an early age. A real elite of the royal family, not selling cute vases-this is the only thing I feel happy about this child. Of course, I'm not pleased: In order to give her this level of elite education, what kind of tutors did Lin Xue and I find for her ...

Because the energetic storm that swept through was also interspersed with a large number of unknown material particles (estimated to find all types of material in the entire universe?), After the wind formed hit the shields around everyone, the material particles Decomposed to form a faint halo, like a beautiful iris coating. Through this thin layer of mist, I looked up at the workstation in front of me that had stood for tens of thousands of years in the storm, and suddenly found It had a blue flash across the top.

At first I thought it was an illusion, but soon a second flash appeared again. Against the background of a black and red storm, this blue light was particularly noticeable, and now it is certain that it was emitted by a facility at the top of the workstation Light.

"That place is still functioning—" I pointed at the top of the workstation. "Maybe it's a protective device, or I can't explain how this workstation is saved to this day."

Just then, the engineering soldiers also sent good news: they found the entrance to the workstation.

The entrance is hundreds of meters away, and it has been buried by a large number of collapsed alloy plates and unidentified black crystalline materials. If it is not for the credit of the scanning equipment, perhaps no one can think of the passage behind the pile of garbage. The engineer commanded the self-discipline machine to cut and clear all the obstacles at the door, revealing a hexagonal alloy gate—perhaps the deposits played a certain protection role. This gate seemed to be much newer than the surrounding walls. Of course, this doesn't make much sense: According to the damage level of this broken place, this door is just new, and you can't swipe your card at this time.

An assistant technician removed the data interface next to the gate, connected his scanning terminal and data interface, and reported to us after half a minute: "The internal defense facilities have been taken offline and can directly damage the large ..."

"Boom!" A loud noise interrupted the last word of the assistant technician. The alloy gate broke a large hole under the bombardment of conventional artillery, exposing the dark corridor inside. Pandora embraced her door, a treasured cannon. In her arms, she wiped the muzzle, then gave me a stern expression-she wanted to pull back from Huesca in action.

Me: "... Okay, go ahead, pay attention to safety, and don't throw bombs anywhere."

Entering from the gate, there was a dark corridor first, so the Father God personally came to say, "Let there be light." This made me feel very moved, and then led by the structure of the workstation scanned by the sentry probe, The group proceeded towards the first room suspected of having important equipment. There is a faint and weird gravity in this deadly huge building. It seems that its gravity generator is still struggling, but the gravity it produces is forty-five degrees from the ground-so we have decisively shielded the gravity field here In any case, the impact is not great. The long corridor was so deadly silent. The original howling wind was isolated from the distant entrance, as if it was coming from another world. After leaving the black-red and depressing sky background, I feel that the interior of this lifeless workstation is more comfortable: although if possible, I still hope that these two things are quickly resolved.

The engineering soldiers and Schilling technicians were divided into more than ten teams according to the staffing ratio of three to one ~ www.readwn.com ~ As we passed through the forks and divided the troops, soon we only had the last group of staff left. Now: They are the senior technicians and the best soldiers in the team, and they will always advance with us in the next time. The probe has roughly figured out the structure of the workstation. It is a four-storey building with a small number of floors, but the floor height is exaggerated-maybe this is because there are some special facilities inside it that take up a lot of space? God knows. The workstation was supposed to be five-story, but the topmost part was damaged, that is, the level of the suspected shield generator is further up, and now there are only some fragmented crystalline domes. This is regrettable. Because according to the structure of the workstation, it is likely to be where the important observation equipment is located, and its damage means that a lot of data has been destroyed by the energy storm.

The Protoss quintessence group, the Father God, and several Protoss scholars follow us all the way. Except for the Fives group, everyone has a curious look on their faces: they probably do n’t have much contact with Imperial technology. They were all very weird. When Bingtis reached out and pulled a protrusion on the wall next to him, he took a slap decisively: "Don't you behave like a bun?"

Father God laughed embarrassingly, um, especially embarrassing-these majestic gods on weekdays are really cute in front of their own people, they are a bit too cute! Can the uncle over there stop taking pictures like Qian Qian? ? You are God!

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