Xiling Empire

Chapter 1183: hold fast

On the officer's platform, a group of people gathered in front of the holographic projection, staring with wide eyes and small eyes. The picture shows the scene where the engineering exploration machine was attacked, but how the scene looks weird: a model that can't see it at all, Just as if several self-regulatory machines were pieced together randomly, the general "weird guy" was the attacker. It wielded its working arms and drove away our detective machines. This is all the "attack" behavior. Even the ship-borne mainframe that had issued the alarm before seemed to be a little embarrassed at this time, and he closed his mouth and stopped silent.

She flipped her eyes to look at the ceiling at a forty-five degree angle, and didn't know what to think, anyway, as usual, she was the first one to react when everyone was still: "Ajun, take that Pick it up? "

...... The logic of this girl is a black box. No one will ever know the operation process. The result is very fast anyway.

"Is there a way to bring that ... that monster back?" I asked the people in the monitoring group, and the person in charge of the latter immediately gave a positive answer: Although the attacker looked strange, the "combat effectiveness" was really worrying. It seems that its most powerful weapon is the two squeaking beam knives. Even without sending soldiers, several engineering scouts on the scene are enough to deal with this funny attacker. After receiving the order from the monitoring team, the engineering exploration machines that had been in a passive defense state immediately turned to attack, using their robotic arms to control the movement of the "enemy". The two engineering exploration machines opened the road specifically in the front, using them to The towing beam of the band forcibly dragged the strange attacker towards the mothership, and the scene looked really strange, as if a bunch of toy soldiers were fighting-although the combat effectiveness of these toy soldiers would be thrown on the earth Considerable enough.

Basically, as expected, the strange thing resisted very fiercely. When it found that it was about to be towed away, it even exploded a stronger force than the attacker just now. Waving in the air is the same as Qianshou Guanyin. I can almost make up a series of waaaaaaagh from its movements. I dragged the long sound lightly for a long time and dragged my arm: "Ajun, is it protecting? Those suppression towers? "

"It looks like this." I was also thinking about the origin of this weird thing. It looks like it should have been a self-disciplined machine for engineering. It was later converted into this look by a poor engineer who did n’t know, and it was very likely that it worked here tens of thousands of years ago when the universe was not abandoned. One of the self-discipline machines, maybe our reconnaissance machine's act of dismantling the abandoned suppression towers made this self-discipline machine think it was destroying the public property, so it rushed out to protect its treasure? Probably no other explanation.

No matter how fierce that weird resistance is. In the end, it was dragged by brand-new exploration machines that far outnumbered them and were motivated by many times. A group of self-disciplined machines fighting together rushed into the mother ship's storage port, and when our engineers rushed past, they were still fighting fiercely: using their working arms to ping-pong each other, the degree of attack Even the shield could not be activated, but it was quite lively. Followed up like the smithy.

The engineering soldiers took a lot of effort to separate these little guys (including one big guy), and finally had to use an energy impact device to paralyze both sides of the war before they could get it done. It is said that after the working arm was paralyzed, the strange-looking attacker was still hissing to his enemies, but unfortunately. Its enemies are a group of self-disciplined machines with no thought. After completing the mission, they returned to the hangar for maintenance.

We sent another batch of engineering exploration machines to recover the parts of the suppression tower, and the weird thing was sent to the laboratory in the scientific research ship. When we rushed past, the scientists were already busy doing a full body scan of it. Already.

"It is based on a complete self-discipline machine as the core, and a large number of miscellaneous parts are stitched together to form this." The technician responsible for examining the strange body reported his findings. "These parts are very messy, not only There are standard accessories for self-regulatory machinery. There are also backup energy tanks for soldiers, processing modules for production lines, and it even carries a shield generator assembly for a single soldier fighter on its back. This shield generator is almost It's a third of it. I don't know how this modification is done. "

I turned to look at the "captive", who was now restrained by several energy suppression devices. Lying on the platform honestly, it looked very listless, and we finally had a chance to see what this guy looked like. A normal self-regulatory machine is the size of a child's torso, but its main body is almost the height of an adult. Coupled with those messy working arms, this weird thing takes up almost as much space as a car. Its "torso" is stitched together with a lot of mess. I don't know how to tell which one is the core of its "original", only the scientists present probably know how to tell it. Damaged areas, potholes, peeling coatings, and even signs of melting can be seen everywhere on its shell. At the same time, a large number of repair marks can also be seen on the shell. This is a serious out of service life and The self-disciplined machine in working condition, but it still persists to this day after tinkering. The modification may be a technically lame engineer, but it may also be a creative genius. We now have a question I don't understand: how does it survive in this environment?

"The environment here is extremely dangerous, the energy storm is above, and the gate of the abyss is below. Although the pollution level here is relatively low due to the dynamic balance, it is also an absolute pollution area," I feel very puzzled. "Such a 'small 'How can a robot's protective ability survive this place for tens of thousands of years?'

"Perhaps it will hide in those restraint towers when it is in standby," the Schilling Technician next guessed. "Suppressor towers are devices specifically designed to continuously operate near the gates of the abyss, and their working life in the abyss It is very long, and there is a certain space inside for temporary observation equipment or personnel. Perhaps this self-discipline machine has found a shelter suitable for it. Its energy problem is probably also solved there: it is equipped with There are too many additional components, and its own energy core cannot support so many devices, so it probably has a place to 'charge'. "

"Then go and find out," I connected to the instruction hall and ordered them to send more probes to search all the suppression towers to see if they could find the "nest" of this strange guy. "Okay. This is really It's amazing that you will encounter such a ... guard. Now I am completely interested in it. "

The weird thing that surprised everyone was lying on the platform, and occasionally gathered all the power to twitch. It seemed to be resisting the scanning of nearby scientists, and I ordered not to dismantle it for now. And don't do any damage. Because it is likely to hide an incredible secret, and look at it from another angle ... I think this is a dedicated guard. Although it is strange to put such adjectives on a self-discipline machine, I still think so More appropriate.

At this time, Qiandan took advantage of people's inattention. Before I got to the scanning platform, I didn't know what to study on the shell of "strange things". After a while, I cried out suddenly, "Ajun, Ajun! Look at this, look at this! This is new!"

Everyone went up and took a look. The original shallow refers to a obviously non-original protective plate, which is located in the center of the main body of this magic reform autonomy machine. In my opinion, this protective plate is indistinguishable from the surrounding patches and parts, but when I touch it lightly with my hand, I firmly conclude with a cold voice: "Refitted two years ago."

"This is ..." The Father and God gave me a puzzled look.

"She's talented, so I can watch the flow of time," I tapped her head when she returned to her usual appearance, and her eyes fell on the scanning platform again. "That is, this machine has been repaired recently. I always thought that it was the engineer who made changes to the universe's resident scientists before it evacuated. Now it seems, isn't it ... "

This piece of engineering robot has traces of recent modification and repair! There were only two possibilities. Either the person who converted it to this patchwork look was alive, or it was ... it made itself like this!

Everyone looked at each other. No one can think of this simple reasoning, but except that Father God and Pettis are not experts and may not understand how strange this is, everyone else is very clear: self-discipline machinery does not have this ability.

Obviously. There are countless mysteries in this magical self-regulatory machine before us, but it is even more obvious. The other party can't communicate. As soon as the energy supply is restored, it will immediately toss and wants to return to its own job. Therefore, we decided to change the method to explore the secret of this strange thing: connect its core directly with the data reading device.

The technicians adjusted the output of the restraint device and the energy suppression device to the maximum to prevent the target from suddenly resisting and causing unnecessary damage. Then they began to carefully cut each other's protective plate: the reason for taking such a primitive method to dismantle is Because the technicians found that the messy modified body's protective plates were welded together in a crude way, the locks that were originally used for disassembly and maintenance were long unusable. With the layers of worn-out protective panels and strange and strange parts, God knows where to get the non-original parts were removed, the magic change self-discipline machine (in other words, has this already become the name of this strange thing?) The shimmering light The core of the computer was gradually exposed to us, and the assistant technician next to it immediately connected the data interface that was already prepared to the processing module near the core and began to try to synchronize the access permissions of both parties.

The working arm of that weird self-regulatory machine shook a few times, which was the last resistance, but as its core was shielded to an isolated operating environment, the guy finally quieted down, and the slight sound of the mechanical parts in the body completely disappeared. The flickering lights on the surface of the body gradually extinguished, as if dying, but "the dying" is only its torso, and its core has been placed in an operating environment that is far more efficient than its original processing substrate, and Began to run quickly. Looking at the scene in front of me, I scratched my hair lightly: "Ajun, how do I feel so alien?"

Me: "..." Forget it, this girl thinks that what is what, studying logic with her is just like letting Ding Dang read a lot of Ph.Ds., from a world view, it is full of irrational irrationality ...

At this time, the host in the laboratory has successfully established a connection with the self-regulatory machine, and has quickly cracked the other party's not-high-level firewall. Synthesizer began to announce its work progress: "Synchronization of access rules ... 10%, 30%, 70% ... 100%, the target processing core has been cracked, and data reading has started ... The data environment recognition is completed, the xl-z-12j engineering modified self-discipline processing core cannot determine the system version. The underlying database integrity cannot be determined , Unable to determine the integrity of the logical system-ignore all authentication errors. Conclusion report: The handler has mutated, there are traces of recompilation, and there are signs of self-evolution. "

I thought about it and patted the shoulder of the nearest technician next to me. Then he pointed to the host in the lab: "So what. Could this person say something I can understand?"

"That is to say, the operating system it uses is not the original version," Huesca said. "If it is recompiled, it should have been modified by the outside world. Then it started to evolve itself."

I should have known it earlier.

At this moment, the external reading device seemed to read new data from the core of the self-discipline machine, and issued a weird squeak. The operator in front of the terminal looked at the data displayed in front of him and said strangely. : "The core is still running autonomously? Strange. Obviously, it has switched to a pure read-write state. It is logical to lose the logical output ..."

"Does it want to talk?" I suddenly came up with such a thought, and the more I thought about it, the more likely it was, "No matter what the core outputs, it is translated in logical language."

After the host computer translates this mutated basic language, it is still very fast. Soon, a line appears on the data terminal: "... patrol, maintain, repair ... protection suppression tower ... return to work. Suppress the door ... "

This is a sentence that loops from beginning to end. I thought about it: "Is this the only idea?"

"It seems so," the senior technician nodded. "Its master set these work instructions. It has been performing the task to this day. As for these messy modifications, it should be to complete the task and extend its working life. It does it by itself. "

"The burden is on a self-discipline machine?" I felt incredulous. "Are they no more advanced equipment?"

"If the original instructions required only to provide evacuation time for local garrisons. It is still possible ..." Only half of what the senior technician said, he was suddenly interrupted by the communication from the Command Office, which was originally dispatched just now The scouts looking for the "nest" of this self-disciplined machine have found that they found a small workshop inside a psionic suppression tower that is about to go out. There are a lot of scattered parts in the workshop, and they have been modified by clumsy methods. According to the recording equipment found in the small workshop, the used charging card slot is the "nest" we are looking for.

Soon, the workshop where the “strange thing” in front of us was home, and even the entire Pyramid Suppressor Tower were packed and dragged to the Gnako of the scientific research ship. Various parts and workbenches in the workshop were After being transported to the laboratory, the on-site technicians found several wreckage of the self-regulatory machinery that had been disassembled into pieces, and the memory core of these wreckages.

After putting all these pieces together, we finally found the original order left when the local garrison of the old empire was evacuated.

Because the stability of the abyss gate has fallen to a critical value, the world has lost its deep diving environment, and the evacuation is decided according to the instructions of the superior. Twelve self-regulatory machines and an unmanned mother ship remain, responsible for continuously controlling the gates of the abyss, and will come to receive them after the start of the second phase of the test project.

The above is an abbreviated version of the original order, stored in a self-regulatory machine with only the core left.

"It turned out that the people who evacuated here left a total of twelve self-regulatory machines and an unmanned ship," I said to myself. "It looks like there was a second-phase project originally, this universe is not Abandoned completely, only temporarily suspended. The self-discipline machinery left here is responsible for continuously controlling the gates of the abyss, waiting for the personnel of the second phase of the project to receive it-but the people of the last phase of the second project did not come.

"Why?" Asked shallowly.

"In terms of time, what happened to the empire at that time," I sighed, "then this place was forgotten ~ www.readwn.com ~ I can probably guess what happened afterwards. The self-discipline machines here and the engineering ship will naturally continue the original order until they are all scrapped. In this way, the gate of the abyss suddenly broke out at some time during those tens of thousands of years, and then immediately suppressed. The mystery can also be explained: it must be the efforts of these self-defense guards.

"It looks like there is only one left in the end," Bingtis looked at the "strange thing" lying on the test bench. "Body knows where all the parts on it came from, and it is probably in his partner. After we scrapped them one by one, it was taken down and installed on ourselves. It looks like it was patrolling just now, and then we thought we were attacking the suppression tower-this guy's recognition ability must be gone. "

For a while, I felt a lot. I did not expect that a self-discipline machine would do this step. Yes, it is just a self-discipline machine. It is a robot that is not even a war fighter. It has no personality or intelligence. Maybe even if it does what it is today, it doesn't realize the existence of "self". All it does is just to complete the task, plus a little unknowable mutation, it persists to this day. Anyway, its mission is complete, the gate of the abyss is still under control, and it waits for the respondent who is 70,000 years late.

It's time to evacuate. There's nothing left to do here.

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