Xiling Empire

Chapter 1187: Ultimate skill

(Every month before the 10th is counted as the beginning of the month, unswervingly ask for a monthly pass ~~ Although it is only the 3rd today)

Damage definition system, a special shield specially designed for giant starships. It is essentially a mathematical law device. Its magical ability allows any conventional attack suffered by it to be directly defined to a theoretical minimum. That is, even if Xinghe's main gun is bombed, it can only produce 1 point of forced blood deduction on the damage definition system. Therefore, this shield gives the old empire's planetary warships unprecedented unprecedented defensive power, and specifically restrains those powerful artillery that can threaten giant starships. However, this protective device is not invincible. Its nature is destined that it can only be used to deal with high-power shelling. In the face of small-power attacks, it is powerless. Therefore, it is the best weapon for star warships with damage definition systems. It's not the Xinghe Cluster, but the overwhelming little gray machine.

"Warning, a jumping response detected in physical space! Enemy commandos are about to arrive on the battlefield!"

The early warning system was once again a sirens masterpiece, and the Admiral Empire and all other warship ports and ejection channels on other large mother ships began to prepare to meet the enemy's commando force. The metal continent on the surface of the Warsong began to roll like a ripple, and the anti-aircraft gun positions at various levels hidden below the land were raised to the surface. The silver-white starship seemed to be plated with a lead-gray coating. These air defenses Some of the guns were originally included in the Warsong, and some were only added recently. Because the new empire has not yet been able to create a second Warsong-class starship, it can only do as much as possible with the existing ones. This starship was strengthened. Considering that the only shortcoming of Warsong was the inability to face cluster attacks, he ordered it to be transformed into a super hedgehog like this-for this reason, Warsong had to be deactivated for a few minutes. Kind of weapons, but in fact this has no effect. Those weapons were seriously damaged. When we dragged the Warsong back, Tavel announced that they could not be repaired. It would be better to remove them and install more reactors. Let the anti-aircraft gun positions on the surface of the planet work.

Against a deep space background. The bright flashes of artillery provided cover for the less visible space cracks. Large black assault ships and individual warplanes emerged from the darkness under the cover of these artillery fires, and the target clearly launched an impact on the Battle Song. It was completely impossible. The counted small and medium-sized powerful artillery poured down on the shield of the star battleship like pouring rain, and the large ripples that were instantaneously excited even made the surface of the starship appear misty. Obviously the focus of the enemy's attack now is the Warsong, the starship that threatens them the most. The fallen apostle ’s understanding of the damage definition system is as clear as we do. They know what the fastest way to consume this shield is. Seeing the enemy ’s overwhelming commando force instantly covers the entire Western Hemisphere of the Warsong, I am sure the fallen apostle again The ambush was prepared for a long time ago-but which part went wrong? !!

"Come! My ship's cannon is hungry! This ship now has ... a super battleship with a tm main gun! I'm afraid of a hammer!" The lunatic shouted on the radio channel. Regardless of her shield flashing into a snowflake point, the whole body of anti-aircraft gun fire was fully opened, and the enemies hovering in her orbit were reduced in pieces, but even if she attacked, it would be difficult to keep up with the enemies. Successor forces. Soon, Warsong's orbit was about to be completely occupied by the black and red abyss warships, and even the wrecked wreckages of the warships began to fall to her shields-if it was normal, the wreckage would be to the starship. It will not cause any damage, this is not even an attack, but the enemy is a fallen apostle! Their spacecraft with abyss energy, just contact, is enough to cause basic damage to the damage definition system, "Fuck. Too much! Like a fly! Is it coming to death piece by piece ?! Alas, unexpectedly They are all gravity-isolated, and gravitation doesn't work! "

"Boss, there are too many enemy forces, and we are in a disadvantage!" Sikaro's voice came from the communicator. The situation on their side is also not optimistic. The combined shield of the reloaded defense fleet is extremely effective at intercepting heavy firepower, but they lack effective offensive means, with the increasing intensity of the enemy's attack. The sturdy line of defense made up of frontiers is already under pressure, and in the direction protected by Sikaro's fleet. Enemy commandos have also appeared. These commandos seem to want to bypass the West Carlo fleet. Their target must be a gravitational trap generator inside the position-once that thing is destroyed, they can be directly in the Imperial fleet. This array of firepower and suicide forces, the Empire will have to fight.

In order to prevent these assault troops from threatening the gravitational trap generators, West Carlo's fleet had to allocate a portion of its firepower to deal with the small spaceships that were fleeing around. Their already insufficient counterattack firepower became even more stretched.

I turned my head and glanced, and sure enough, Pandora and Huesca had almost turned their faces into buns. Both were now fully armed, and the 1000-mm guns in their hands were buzzing. From the beginning of the battle, the two lunatics I wanted to rush out, but considering that before the arrival of my reinforcements, the Imperial fleet must save the fighting power to fight long-term war, I forcibly held the two dwarf melon, now it seems that the time is almost the same: there is no more in the West Carlo With the help of someone, the gravitational trap generator is really dangerous.

I held the heads of the two little guys and faced two pairs of war-fighting eyes: "Go to the frontier defense line. Remember, you are protecting the gravitational well generator, not just bombardment by fire, except for gravitation. The enemy ships that are threatened by the trap generators are left to you and left to the seller-save energy and protect yourself! "

"Relax, brother! I have battled!" "Hmm ..."

After two answers, the sisters had disappeared in front of them: they ran out by direct teleportation.

A moment later, a burst of explosive flashes appeared in the position of the reloaded defense fleet, and the assault force that was about to hit the gravitational trap generator was torn to pieces by two sudden killers, and then a large number of floating guns Began to fill the frontier-level firepower gap, and at the same time, the sisters Pandora also began to release those unmanned warships in their own space: Although these warships have limited power, they are the lead wingman and deal with the more war-fighting individual warplanes and assaults. The ship is enough.

"Sister Pandora's battery life is a problem. Although I temporarily held the situation, I'm afraid I won't be able to support it for a long time," I looked at the communicator. "Communication center, how is the interference problem?"

The person in charge of the communication center appeared on the projection. Behind him is the busy Central Command Hall: "Your Majesty, is breaking through the interference! It has been found to send the law, and it will take about ten minutes."

I can finally breathe a sigh of relief: "Very well, remember to send at a low speed, we just need to send back a navigation signal! Don't do anything else. Don't let this channel be locked again by the enemy."

"Overseer. How is your situation?" I looked at the communication screen of the Avengers. Warsong was now busy dealing with the small aircraft. I'm afraid I didn't have the time to respond to myself, so I found the really reliable commander of the Avengers. .

"The enemy's main force is locked. They are hiding in the depths of the universe and can only be dealt with by overtime firepower. We are now facing about twice the number of enemy forces, and the delay is not good," the Grand Overseer said calmly. The sound came from the communicator. "In addition, Warsong has been pinned down, and the incompatibility between her core and the warship has not been fundamentally resolved. Now that the battle load is too large, the second lunatic is likely to be out of control ..."

"Put your mother's fart! This ship can be fully opened without driving!" The neurosis even had time to monitor other channels. "This ship will burn the universe to show the generals! Boy, if this ship was the one who led Those **** were baffled at this time # ¥% ¥ # (* ... ¥ & !!)

When I heard such a suspicious system noise mixed in the lunatic's voice, I almost jumped up: "... give me stability! I will put you off with the broken reminder before playing offline!"

"This ship% ¥%… ¥ # ¥ #… 知% ¥ # said it!" When the lunatic spoke with very serious system noises, mixed with completely unrecognizable phrases. This makes people startled: she is the biggest ace in the fleet at hand. If this product really crashes, I'm afraid it will be more fierce today.

Fortunately, the lunatic was indeed the lieutenant of Husca that year, and she quickly adjusted her condition. Began to fight with peace of mind, and I focused on the battle reports sent back from the various sub-fleets: Although I can't compare with the professional commanders of Emperor, my training and Sandora education over the past few years are not blind. I am no longer the rookie who was at a loss on the battlefield. At least, there is no problem in analyzing the situation in front of the report.

Overall, the situation is not good. Very bad, and the situation is rapidly deteriorating over time.

We faced an ambush, so we had an absolute downside from the beginning. Although Xiaoxue's ability did not let the fleet be fatally hit in the first two waves of attacks, it was an indisputable fact that the fleet was at a disadvantage. Now the area where our army is trapped is at the border of the fallen apostles. If you haven't guessed wrong, this desolate universe is even one of the outposts of the Abyss Empire, and the nearest garrison here to the new empire ... forget it, you can't count on it. The number of enemies should be four times or more of our army. Considering the elite advantages of the Avengers and Warsong, the enemy's comprehensive combat power is about twice that of our army, but all signs indicate that the number of enemy forces is rapidly increasing. They After discovering that the first wave of attacks did not achieve the expected results, more fleets must have been mobilized. These fleets may have been prepared or mobilized nearby: after all, here near the border of the fallen apostles, the enemy has an absolute geographical advantage. There is still one thing that cannot be determined, is whether the enemy has prepared strategic weapons. If the war starts in the enemy's territory, this danger must be considered. The imperial fleet is likely to be within the enemy's strategic weapon range. This is Because I thought of the dying garden system in the shadow space, the coverage of the dying garden system is the whole empire, so will there be similar things on the side of the fallen apostles?

Now I can only hope that the world is far enough away, not to fall so desperately into the enemy's strategic weapon range, that would be a real joy.

"The flanking third revenge angel-level formation suffered a fierce blow! We lost the heavy fire output!" The overwhelming voice of the overlord heard that the enemy chose to use a suicide assault ship group to impact the planet after finding that the war song could not be destroyed with heavy fire. The battleship, and the original heavy firepower began to focus on the highly vengeful fleet. After supporting several rounds of powerful attacks, Rao ’s powerful T2 battleship finally began to be continuously injured.

"Report a battle loss!" I said immediately.

"The four ships are silent and there is no sign of soul upload for the time being. The remaining battleships are repairing themselves and have basically lost their combat power."

"Let them withdraw, hate level (frontier-level t2 version) fill the line of defense, delay time. To protect yourself, you must wait for reinforcements!" I said quickly, "Communication center, how is it ?!"

"Breakthrough interfered! The coordinates of the attack have been returned, and the reinforcements have set out."

"Ajun. It's me." As soon as the communication center reported back, Sandora's voice sounded in the spiritual connection. "I'm leading the fleet, you must hold on! Absolutely hold back time!"

"Rest assured. I still commanded this level of battle," I answered in a confident tone, but my brows were still locked after hanging up the communication. "This will not work, the enemy's follow-up fleet will continue. There are still enemy forces here. Within the territory ... this is useless even if reinforcements come over. If you can't find a way to break through, you can only be trapped here. "

"Head, there must be a Void Navigation Jammer system somewhere in the universe, and it is a super strong position type, otherwise it would not be possible to trap the entire fleet here," said Sikaro's voice, and he did not expect the key moment of this old boy. Really can't drop the chain, "It should be all right to kill that one-is there any way for the princess?"

I immediately turned to look for Xiao Xue's figure. But the daughter who was still standing in front of her and scolding Fang Yan was now gone.

After some searching, she finally found her near the gate behind the officer's platform. The girl was squatting in a corner that no one could see, and a black cat was crouching in front of her.

Father God's daughter, Cindia ...

"Hit me. I almost forgot this child!" When I patted my head, I felt that the bad situation was getting worse. Her father just handed the child to her hands in peace, and I twisted my face and took the child. Fall into the encirclement of the enemy!

"I know, I know. Let's talk," I don't know what Xiao Xue said to that Cindia. In short, the black cat waved its front claws humanely, and then returned to the shape of a little girl in a twisted shadow. Her eyes fell on me. "Uncle, are we in a dangerous situation now?"

"Um, it doesn't matter, it will be okay," I know is a child who is said to be more spooky than an adult, but still can't help but use the tone of facing children, "Relax, the soldiers will soon arrive ..."

"The 22nd gravitational well generator was hit! The 24th gravitational well generator was overloaded! There were holes around the flagship!"

"Warning, a close-space tear is detected, and a high-energy response is coming ... anticipation of evasion is invalid, and our ship is ready to resist impact!"

"Boom!" Along with the attack, a violent shock came from under his feet at the same time. The imperial general rushed out a few kilometers away from the gap in the space that suddenly appeared in front of the pendant arm of the Empire. It was not a torrent of psionic energy but a dozen special To deal with the mothership ’s x-3 gravedigger super heavy missiles, the high concentration of phantom crystal mixed with the power of the abyss caused a huge explosion that caused the hundreds of kilometers of Empire Admiral to violently shake, and suddenly the alarms everywhere in the battleship Sounded again. Fortunately, the shield of the total flagship is very powerful. This attack was carried down, but more ultra-heavy missiles and assault ships rushed into the battlefield under the cover of the front attack, directly approaching the emperor's flagship!

"Close artillery positions meet the enemy! The cross arm battleship port is open and all frigates attack!"

"Fast up that loophole!" I said quickly, and at the same time switched the void form, and within a short time, the void field spread around the center of the Empire, and suddenly fell into the void environment to let the fallen apostles attack. The fleet covered their heads for a moment. They probably never faced this incredible power, and when they found that their ship's shield was rapidly overloading, it was too late to withdraw, and the weak individual warplanes were almost all struck by the void. Spikes, the assault ships that fortunately rushed to the safe area were dropped by the large group of frigates released by the Empire, but this was only the result of the first wave of attacks. As the gravitational trap generator was destroyed, more enemies The ship began to charge into the emperor's position through the cracks in the space, and half of the spacecraft rushed towards ...

Scientific research ship? !!

"Their goal is a scientific research ship." Xiao Xue's words flashed in my mind before, and I was suddenly surprised: "Key protection scientific research ship! Scientific research ship, you immediately transfer the test samples to the flagship!"

"The restart of the twenty-fourth gravitational trap generator was successful! The new gravitational trap generator is in place, and the gap has been filled!"

"Hoo--" I finally heard the good news, and I was relieved, but then re-entered the battle. Although my void power was strong, in this case, it was difficult to deal with the fleet-level confrontation. After all, both belonged to Greece. Spiritual technology, the battleships of the fallen apostles are not paperless. At this moment, I felt someone dragged his arm and looked back, it turned out to be Cindia.

"Uncle, you are undressed ~ www.readwn.com ~ The Protoss princess said blankly," And you have no face. "


I did n’t smoke you in the face of your dad, you know? You bear!

"Uncle, I can help." Cindia said a word immediately afterwards, and I froze.

"I have an ultimate skill that can probably turn things around." Cindia said calmly. Although on the battlefield, surrounded by artillery, and the alarm sound filled the eardrum, the child showed a calmness completely out of shape with me. Maintaining the void area near the flagship, while looking at this weird kid: "Really? Is it dangerous to you? If there is any danger, children can't join the heat ..."

"It's okay, it's simple," Cindia nodded strongly. "I'm ready."

After making sure that the child was not lying, of course I nodded in agreement, and then saw Cindia take two steps back, took a deep breath, and suddenly a strange wave of strength radiated from her body, and then she opened her throat to dry stand up:

"Daddy !!! Help !!!!"

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