Xiling Empire

Chapter 1189: Is it still overcast?

ff37; ww.ff35; ff18; xff33; .ff23; om0f; 8bf4; 66f4; 65b0; 6700; 5feb; 0f; 8bf4; 9605; 8bfb; 7f51; After several consecutive jumps, the fleet finally reached the void and quiet area safely, After confirming that there is no material world within a jump distance, Sandora uploaded from the flagship of the Third Legion to the bridge of the Empire Admiral and joined us with Lin Xue and her older sister. No wonder the timing and position of the reinforcements was so perfect, so Miss Lin came along.

A fierce battle is finally over, the impending ambush of the fallen apostles was extremely hardly defeated by the imperial fleet, and everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, even the heartless and shallowness scared the expression on his face. As soon as my sister appeared, she grabbed my arm and dragged it aside, and confirmed it up and down several times, and then patted my chest in fear, "I'm scared to death, you're fine ..."

"It's okay," I smiled a little tired, and I didn't hurt myself, but in the late battle, because the gravitational trap generators collapsed one by one, I had to cover the entire fleet with the void space for several hours, and I had to deal with it accurately. The enemies among them are not small, but in order to worry my sister, these things should not be said, "The two little lunatics are really worrying, look at their status."

I said, my eyes fell on the seat not far away. Sister Pandora and Weskar were sitting side by side in a large chair to rest. They were all embarrassed, covered with black and gray, and the seams of battle light armor continued. A small spark cracked, it was really difficult for this body protector to be completely scrapped. The two sisters were a listless look. The severe overload of the components and the insufficient power of the energy furnace made the two lunatics finally quiet. There was still a whimper of heat on their heads, and Xiaoxue's pranks usually baked bread on Pandora's head. Extreme efficiency. Noting the sight of my sister and me, Veska turned his head immediately, and opened his mouth to smirk at us-by the way a black smoke ring.

Probably the rhythm of helium flashing again in the late battle. Cat pupil Loli was speechless. She held up a sign with a line of characters on it: "Brother, I am very happy!"

It is estimated that the only guys who are very happy at the scene include these two war madmen.

The Protoss quintessential troopers and Ding Dang are resting on the other side. They are not imperial, but they are very active in the fighting just now. I even wonder if it is after a long meal. These guys have almost forgotten their nationality. For the first time, Ilsson's golden armor showed a tattered appearance. Because of his bold and provocative heavy firepower, he was almost killed by the fleet of the fallen apostles. Now this goods looks like a flee from East Africa. The tribe prince who came out, while waiting for his armor to repair automatically, he helped Monina to treat the injury with the Holy Light. As for the original team nanny, it was already almost consumed in the previous battle. Now the little thing is following The stunned dragonfly lay back and forth on the arm of the chair. There is no usual appearance of jumping around, even the wings are crumpled. Uncle Kenther looks fine. Now I'm busy attracting Lin's attention with ragdolls and other gadgets. In the late battle, the dragon **** girl was confused by a jump warhead, and a head in the form of a two-headed dragon was shocked momentarily, and now it has entered a state of mental disability. Bingtis should be the only protagonist in the Protoss slivers. As a senior Protoss, she is not so easily exhausted in the face of this battle. Now that female hooligan entangled Sandora, it seems that Showing off her heroic performance in the battle, Sandora looked helpless and big-headed, and kept throwing her eyes at me. Seems to be looking for a chance to get rid of the immediate trouble.

The following instruction hall is still busy. Now there are no alerts from the ship-borne mainframe and calls from the damage management departments at all levels. It seems to be quite quiet. The emperors are busy counting the damage, collating the information collected during the battle, and commanding. Renovation of damaged areas at all levels of the Empire. Even if the battle is over, a lot of work won't be completed so quickly.

"The preliminary results have been calculated." It seems that Sandora finally got rid of the entanglement of Bingtis and came quickly to me, holding a data terminal in her hand. "You can see for yourself. All I can say is OK Yun. "

I quickly scanned the statistics, which described the best results that the fleet could achieve after a large-scale ambush: the enemy was obviously well prepared and invested a considerable number of mixed fleets. The Imperial fleet was caught in the material world Immediately encountered violent attacks and various targeted raids, such as the assault group facing the Battle Song and various harassing forces used to divert the firepower of the Avengers. As a result, half of the Empire fleet lost its combat power at the end. One third of the warships were completely scrapped. If it was not for the Spirit Apostles to have soul uploading technology, the losses in this battle could almost be described as tragic. However, due to the existence of the Prophet profession, the Empire fleet prevented the most dangerous attacks to the greatest extent, and summoned reinforcements at an unexpected speed. At the same time, the active Protossian slivers of five and the strange fighting power of the Avengers t2 battleship were probably It was also beyond the expectations of the fallen apostles, so that the enemy suffered almost the same loss while achieving great results. It can be said that due to the two elements of prophet + elite, the Empire Fleet roughly offset the enemy's ambush in this battle. Advantage,. However, in the final analysis, this offset is temporary and partial. As the battle progresses, the empire fleet's combat power continues to weaken, and the enemy's successors continue to follow up. Our losses are still getting bigger. Fortunately, in the end, God the Father entered in a timely manner. It should be the key to turning the situation around. Due to the huge disparity in numbers and the blocked retreat, the Empire Fleet might have been completely defeated, but the Father God ran directly to the void jammer that crushed the protection of the fallen apostle heavy soldier ... that thing is undoubtedly a strategic facility The key to ensuring the smooth progress of the ambush was found and crushed by the Father God in less than a minute. I can only say that Cindia's big move is really powerful.

The amazing result of the Father ’s amazing pinch is definitely much greater than that he rushed out to help us fight the spaceship. The ambush battle of the fallen apostles was destroyed and turned into a conventional encounter. After Sandora's reinforcements were in place, they finally Choose to give up.

"What a big loss ..." I smiled bitterly and shook my head. "The enemy has died a lot, which is probably the only good news."

"To be honest, it has been countless times better than expected," Sandora exhaled. "Did you know that it might have been overwhelmed by the entire army, do you know that it is now evenly matched? I have no higher requirements for such a result. And more importantly, we have collected a large amount of information: the actual combat information of the fallen apostles, this harvest is very important. The enemy is the first time to fight with the emperor of such intensity. They have revealed their main force, more than ever. Many battles have been exposed. The fighting methods, combat effectiveness, and arm combinations are finally clear, and more importantly ... "Sandora said here, and suddenly her mouth turned up:" They exposed two hidden things. Arms: space twins and armored scorpions. These two arms have not been used by us, and they have almost been ignored by us. Now it seems that they really retain most of the information of the old empire. Armored scorpions do not say. When exposed, its strategic significance drops several grades in an instant. I think you should know why. "

Sandora's interpretation made me clear. At this time, the isolation gate at the rear of the officer's platform suddenly opened, and a rapid metal friction sound came from behind the door. A tall figure wrapped in the smell of smoke appeared before us, just from the scientific research ship. The Scorpion returned, Vija.

"Wei Jia, you should go to rest first-look at your injury." I frowned, Sister Scorpion was not in a good shape now, and her mechanical scorpion part burst with bright sparks everywhere. The damage to the machine must be quite serious. The human body in the upper body has several very serious wounds. The cool armor, which is not much larger than the shoulders, was not covered by the wound. The wound was cut by the enemy's scorpion. With a faint blue flash, its size was almost shocking, a long brown hair scattered over the shoulders, and his face was covered with gray soil and even molten metal that solidified after melting. Such a Vega is almost as if it had just been slain from hell. Although I know that it is inappropriate to say this on this occasion, I watched a woman appear so bruised in front of herself. I was really uncomfortable—especially she was loyal to herself, dragging her wounds in the marching ceremony.

"These injuries can be ignored. The armored scorpion's protection and vitality are super strong," Weijia moved his arms indifferently, and those **** wounds could not see anything like blood flowing out-the armored scorpion should also be Without blood, "belong to report some things, the scientists of the scientific research ship said that the two space twins took a lot of things before running away."

"Take things away," frowning, feeling a little uncomfortable, "what?"

"Everything is messy," Vega's rough leaves were exposed, and she probably didn't quite understand how valuable the laboratory stuff was. "The enemy probably wanted to grab the information, but after the black scorpions rushed in, a The engineers who evacuated before they exploded holding the lab host, so they started grabbing samples and other equipment. Basically, the things that can be cut off in the experimental section were taken by the two guys who ran faster than anything. bought……"

"Including a sample of en-166 ..." I understood it all of a sudden, and gritted my teeth. "The grandchildren!"

"En-166?" Sandora glanced at me puzzled. "What?"

"Ten thousands of years ago, the first sample taken by the old empire from the other side, the predecessor of Hesuo," I quickly introduced the matter of en-166. "It seems that the real purpose of the fallen apostles turned out to be that ?! They paid such a big price just to grab a pile of sand? "

"It's not what they expected to pay such a high price," Sandorale thought. "In addition, I don't think they know about the en-166. According to Vega's report, the space twins removed the experimental module. It can be said that except for the entire spaceship, the enemy did not distinguish at all, what was grabbed, so they probably are not sure what they can find. "

"But they are sure that the Imperial Fleet must have found something vital in that wreckage of the world," the elder sister suddenly said. "So the ambush was organized, and their original goal was to **** samples?"

"If this is the case, I can only say that they have a general who is very happy," Sandora's mouth raised again. "If you just want to grab the sample, they don't have to develop into such a fight at all. It seems that they still want to put the whole The Empire fleet was destroyed together. As a result, they suffered almost as much damage as the ambush. "

"Anyway, I was severely overcast this time," I felt very upset. "The fleet was lost, the samples were taken, and compared with these losses, even if the Legion of the Fallen Apostles was eliminated, it was difficult to recover ... whispering sound."

"The sample taken was just a part," Xiao Xue said, reminding him, "Before the scientific research ship was attacked. The sample was divided into several parts and transmitted to other ships."

As Xiao Xue reminded me, I remembered that I had indeed given such an order at that time. I did not expect that an order under urgency at the time also played such a big role. So, most of the samples of en-166 were preserved. ,just……

Some things that were intended to be monopolized eventually fell into the hands of the fallen apostles.

I shook my head, trying to calm my mind again. The exhaustion of the battle made my spirit a bit unstable, and now thinking seems to be constantly impetuous. This fight. Judging from the loss of the fleet, the two sides are almost a result of interchange. The emperor has a certain disadvantage. From the perspective of intelligence, we have collected a large amount of combat data of the fallen apostles, but also leaked en-166. Some samples even fell to the enemy. In my hand ... Personally, I now eagerly rush into the abyss empire and kill the fallen emperor who organized the ambush directly on the ground. But intellectually, he has only one choice--

"Repatriation, refurbishment, preparation for war, and-increase the proportion of R & D department. Now the fallen apostles have the same samples as us, we must grab the enemy."

Sandora glanced at me silently. A faint smile suddenly appeared: "It's really growing now."

"Yes?" I was surprised, and felt like I just said something for granted: after all, from the current situation, the only option to continue to increase the empire power and curb the development of the fallen apostles. In addition, all I can think of is to open the fleet with red eyes and go back to find a place ... that way I have to lie back.

"Although it is not enough, it is already good," Sandora said quietly. "We must not only prepare for and speed up R & D projects, but also consider changes in the situation in the future. Today ’s encounter is a confrontation between the two sides. You can probably understand what this means for the largest battle of the year. In the future, the military operations of the fallen apostles may be more and the scale will be larger. The harassment of the Sixth Army on the border has not been very effective, and according to this time It is likely that the enemy ’s surveillance on their borders has increased. The emperor ’s actions in this area are under their surveillance. Therefore, the Sixth Army must be withdrawn, leaving only the original abyssal fleet to continue surveillance. The role can be enough. The garrison in the empire border world should be increased, and a batch of military world gates should be added to ensure that large-scale attacks can be dealt with at any time. The mysterious side of the data restoration and finishing work has been over half, and now factories at all levels have been started, priority must be Add mysterious units and equipment and intensify training for the First and Sixth Legions. Father God's shot means the Protoss officially declares war with the fallen apostles This may make the latter very fearful and restrain their own military operations in a short period of time, but they know that most of the Protoss forces have now been mobilized by the expedition, so restraint is also limited, and the delay is long, it is difficult to guarantee. They don't jump over the wall. This is something to consider. "

I breathed a sigh of relief, and I felt that my most thankful thing was that Sandora was around.

And ... many others.

Looking over the officer platform, I began to look for the figures of Lin Xue and Xiao Xue. Today's crisis finally passed through without any risk. One of the biggest heroes was the prophet Chen Xiaoxue. Although it was a bear child, I felt it was necessary. Praise and praise her. As a result, she saw the two girls in a corner. It was a surprise that Miss Lin seemed to be teaching her daughter. Xiao Xue kept her head down and said nothing. On the opposite side, what's the matter?

I walked over quickly, and the lady immediately turned her head, feeling: "Wood,"

"Um, what's wrong? Xiaoxue made a mistake?"

"As a prophet who followed the army, the fleet went all the way into the enemy's trap and made a warning five minutes in advance. Is this wrong enough?" The young lady was annoyed. It is necessary to ensure that the prediction is turned on all the time. The effect of passive prediction is often too late to respond! If this child has half of my ability, this will not happen! "

"But I really only have half the skills of my mother ..." Xiao Xue muttered in a low voice, "And when you were a kid, you never said that the prophets in the army must be fully capable ~ www.readwn.com ~ grows so big It's the first time I've heard ... Isn't this going to be exhausting ... "

"Honestly obedient!" The young lady roared Hedong's lion, Xiaoxue hurriedly lowered her head again: the bear child who was not afraid of this day had a little awe to his parents, "I should have known that this child was not reliable If I could take a closer look before I leave ... "

Even if I heard this myself, even though the young lady was training her children here, in the end ... she was just complaining about herself, because she didn't calculate everything in place, so the fleet suffered an ambush or something. With a strong personality like Miss, I should have thought that she would have such a mood. It's just ... Xiaoxue, the unlucky bear child, was shot down.

As I was thinking about it, Xiao Xue suddenly blinked here and said in a spiritual connection: "Dad, go first, I know what happened to my mother, she will be fine in a while."

Me: "..." this child!

ff37; 9; 30fb; ff3520xs.ff43; off4d; ff55; 247b; 0f; 8bf4; 66f4; 65b0; 6700; 5feb; 0f; 8bf4; 9605; 8bfb; 7f51;

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