Xiling Empire

Chapter 1195: Trap?

In the setting sun, the twilight is approaching, and a group of little ones have played their strange and weird games, and finally they are willing to calm down. Most of them gather around the older sister to listen to those equally strange and strange fairy tales, and some are in Studying their own affairs. Mai Diwen has five or six hand-sized mini Madiwen on her body, running around like a mothership, bending down from time to time to pull a few weeds from the ground to feed those little ones lying on her shoulders, those The hand-sized mini Medivh is like a fledgling. In addition to its appearance, it is exactly the same as the bird in the life habits. In the face of the weeds handed to them by the wheat Divin, these little guys will even scream in excitement. , Holding the grass stems to cheer up-they seem to have expanded their recipes again, from vegetable leaves to most green plants. Based on the observations of these two days, I have determined that wheat Diwen will even give his "children" "Feed the leaves and grass seeds, and those who do crow gods refuse to come to all these foods: except meat, that thing is still strongly resisted.

This frustrated the little crow who was still obsessed with voles.

Li Lina is also not interested in fairy tales-she is a professional fairy tale editor, and basically all the fairy tale books in the family flow out from her, so this guy did not follow the small group. This little dwarf seemed to be in trouble. She placed a small chair beside me, sitting there like a melancholic girl, with her elbows on the little round table in front of her, and holding her cheeks with her hands. The most striking thing was her head. There was also a green and tender grass, and I had been watching this strange hunting scene for several minutes with amazement. Make sure that the grass is growing on top of her head, and it looks like a part of her body, twisting along with various expressions on this girl's face-this is the first time I have seen green dull hair in my life , And visual inspection of this dull hair can also carry out photosynthesis.

I reached out and yanked the grass on Liliana's head, and found it quite solid: "What airplane are you doing?"

"Little ... the experiment failed." Li Lina continued to support her cheeks like a melancholic girl. Because of her height, her feet could only dangle in the air, and she looked very upset. I couldn't get it before ... ah. It hurts! "

I gave up the urge to pull the grass down, and said to myself that I would never lack such a strange commodity ...

"Maybe it was a fork in the effect of 'eXP + 5'." Lilina thought about it for a long time and finally came to a conclusion.

Then suddenly a cry came out: "Master Ga!"

As soon as I heard this unique language addiction, I knew it must be a little crow. Turning my head, she was standing beside her. There are two little crows on each side of this girl's shoulders, plus one on top of her head. A total of five little crows have a weed in their mouths. They chew the grass stems in a uniform motion. Five pairs of small black eyes were watching their master curiously at the same time. It looks funny and fun-like a hamster.

The little crow held a small shiny ball of light in her hand, and it seemed that she just wanted me to see this. And it really caught my interest, it looked like a magic product: "What the **** is this?"

"The letter from the vanilla!" Said the crow cheerfully, holding the small ball of light in front of me: this action almost fell the hands on her shoulders to the crow gods, "It came from the temple, Lily Sister Na's method can be used! "

I froze and turned to look at the other side, Lina, who was busy with the sadness, while she touched the dead hair on her head that could be used for photosynthesis, and explained indifferently: "Prayer system, it looks like a bird Power has formed a stable system on the mother continent. And it has been written into the world's bottom data. Believers can send important information to the hands of gods through prayer. This is the basis of a mature belief system, like a backbone network. It is estimated that It won't be long before the Raven God sect can end this blessing as if it were a random lottery. Well, anyway, as long as the boss knows that the bird has grown again. "

I glanced at the little crow in surprise. The latter was rubbing the small light ball in his hand and muttering, "Master, this looks like an egg!"

"Hmm--" Liliana nearly slipped off the chair, and she turned her head to stare stunned at the collar that was flashing red light on the little crow's neck. Can't help but patted his chest. "Fortunately, we found out in time that this bird's eggs were impulsive, or something might have happened!"

Bingtis didn't know when she came over, she heard us talking, and thoughtfully looked at the little crow: "Well, I can already accept prayers, and it seems that the strength is sufficient to respond to any prayer, but the mind It's too immature, and it might not be a good thing to let her establish a dialogue with believers now. This bird needs education. "

"Just wrap it on me," Liliana's head of grass stood upright. "Now the bird can only hear the prayer. As for how to respond, it is still fully automated using the simplest feedback mechanism without her participation. Let the Pope train her to become a qualified deity--give me a hundred or two hundred years, and I will be able to do it. "

"That body is responsible for researching an operating system for her," Bingtis also showed interest, rubbing her face with a small crow, "The body is a technical house, and I will definitely make you a set of this bird. Can manage the terminal! "

I quickly waved my hand to interrupt Sister Bing's delusion: "You save, you forgot that you are from the astral **** system? Your operating system is not compatible with the spirit **** system at all, is it good?"

Fudges froze, scratching his chin: "Oh, you don't say I've forgotten! I'm in the astral **** system."

Me: "..." This is going to catch up with Gang Gang. Are you saying this enough before you break down?

However, Bingtis's words also reminded himself, and it seems that the things to be considered have increased: the issue of the construction of the Greek gods. The little crow is growing at a rate of hormonal growth. She has already had religion and deity in less than a year, but we haven't figured out her full power map yet, although there is a long-term and several Ad hoc research teams are tracking the growth of young crows. But the pressure that this bird brings to them is probably not less than the deep dive plan. I wondered maybe I need to take the time to go to my mother mainland again to see the situation of the Crow God sect, and also say hello to Senna. But before all this, I still have to solve another trouble.

As soon as my heart moved, I made a call in my spiritual connection.

"Ajun, are you calling me?" Sandora appeared with a twist of space, and asked curiously, I handed a small note (in other words, why is King Huron and his father a problem? Are you used to using small notes to pass messages?) Pass it over: "Look, it just came from the opposite side of the void more than an hour ago."

"Opposite to the void ... the signature of King Huron?" Sandora took the note and swept away, exclaiming suddenly. "Wait a minute, the people above are ..."

"Merrowans," I stood up, exhaling a long breath, "referring to the whereabouts of Merova."

"Did you let King Huron help me to trace the Merovas?" Sandora looked at me unexpectedly. "When did I don't know what happened--not to say that I can't deal with Melova temporarily? Are there troops? "

"Just the day before yesterday," I spread my hand, "Did I tell you once. When I last picked up the Fifth Fleet, I went into that weird" Easy "state. Then I encountered a walk Sheila. Later, I thought it was very interesting. I tried a few more times, and met Sheila again the day before yesterday. Then I asked her to look for the Merova trail. "

"Wait, say this ... At that time, the Fifth Fleet was actually in the Huron Protoss?" Sandola immediately thought of this, with a look of surprise, "No wonder ... it was such a distant place. Ah, when I left I was kind of in a hurry. I did n’t expect us to make a lap around the territory of the Huron Protoss. Now I suddenly feel a bit sorry ... ”

"No, I haven't arrived," I waved my hand, "It's quite far away, but after I came back, I talked with Father God, by the way, I compared the empty map in the hands of the Protoss, and found the refuge distance of the Fifth Fleet at that time. Huron's border is within a quadrant unit-although I don't know why Huron has never found the Fifth Fleet. But I think it should also be within the sphere of influence of Sheila, so please let her stay in the world where the Fifth Fleet stayed Searching for clues to the Mellows around. After all ... although we ca n’t send troops, it ’s not a problem to leave those Mellows alone. I ’m not sure. If they happen to be within the sphere of influence of the Huron Protoss— —Even if it's just next to each other. That's good news, at least it can grasp the whereabouts of the rebels. "

Sandor nodded and said: "I say, it is the communication network of the void creatures ... you are really interesting. So, in the end, King Huron did not find any traces of Merovians?"

"Sheila is quite real. She searched Huron's entire area, and then extended the scanning range to the limit," I frowned slightly. "That is, all areas where the Fifth Fleet had been active at that time were scanned once. No traces of the Meroi were found at all-this is completely different from what we initially guessed. "

Sandora had understood what I meant, and her expression was serious: "That is to say, the Mellowans did not establish power near the refuge of the Fifth Fleet at that time, and their nest was not there ... The army traced the past. "

"Basically," I looked up at the night sky as if I could see the Merova's lair from there, "the possibility of the Merovas living near the Fifth Fleet Sanctuary has been completely ruled out, then the rest There are only two cases: first, they are in a completely unknown corner in the void, and we may never find the rebels in the future; second, in fact, they are not far away from the hiding place, just in the old Near the ruins of the Empire ... "

Sandora followed my thoughts and said, "In the blank space between the three empires of the new empire, the fallen apostles, and the astral gods, there is a place where no one has ever been involved ... This possibility is better than the first Several times more likely! "

"So I'm struggling at this time. Isn't sending a reconnaissance ship to scan the whole country," I said, scratching my hair. "Also contact the Father and ask him to help scan the border area of ​​the Protoss. The blank area is also to be investigated. In addition, the worst case is what the Merawas should do if they are hiding near the fallen apostles' territory. I don't think that the fallen apostles will respond to our call to search the whereabouts of the rebels. They are busy The great cause must not be taken care of. "

Sandola frowned for a moment, then decisively shook her head: "No, you can't do that, you'll be scared."


"Now we're not sure how much the Merovah inherited from the old empire, and how vigilant they were," Sandora looked into my eyes, "but it is certain that once they find that the empire has made a comeback, definitely He won't come up and be beaten up. It is absolutely necessary to flee the first time-at that time, it will not be easy to destroy the rebels. According to my experience, all rebels are usually best at escape. "

I agreed with Sandora, and then asked her thoughts: "So, how do you find the Merovas?"

Sandora thought for a moment, and opened the holographic projection at will, which showed a void territory map converted into an intuitive view. The Protoss territory, the new empire and the fallen apostle territory are located on the center of this overlapping territory map, and the periphery is Large areas with no space for data. Sandora pointed to the blank areas and said, "The place where the Merovah hides is even here. It will not be near the three major forces. If they had a little caution when they rebelled, they would choose to stay away from the old master. Territory. So they should be in these blank areas now. These locations are all we have not been involved in now. Without clear world coordinates, it is impossible to find an exact world in these blank areas even with imperial technology. It is not advisable for the reconnaissance ship to scan or overload the dying garden. It is easy to be detected by the other party before we find the rebels. They occupy the home court advantage in information response speed in these blank areas, and considering them With the massive legacy of the old empire on hand, it was originally the oldest servant who had been in contact with the empire for the longest time, and had 70,000 years of research time. They had a high degree of mastering the technology of the empire. Therefore, the possibility of its successful escape was extremely high.

I looked at the map of the void in front of me. This picture is not the real void, but it can intuitively show the range of void that the current empire can reach. Sandora is right, the void is wide, even the protoss ca n’t Master it all, what's in that big blank area. It's a complete mystery to us, and once they start scanning these areas, the Mellows are likely to run away-they have Imperial technology on hand, so maybe they also have world drift technology. So they might even pack away with their own universe. In the face of this possibility, we must adopt faster and more ruthless means ... directly lock their world coordinates.

"It would be nice if I could catch a few Merovas alive," Liliana said, scratching her head and listening for a long time, and finally could not help but interject. "Then the Pope can be responsible for extorting a confession by torture."

"Well, it's rare that you mentioned the idea in the first half of the sentence, oh, the second half is not wrong," I said, holding on to the limp hair on Lilina's head that can be used for photosynthesis, and said casually, "How do you catch it? It's been more than four years since the new empire recovered, and the Meroi have never appeared in this area. The void is so large, maybe we won't come here to die for a hundred years ... "

"Then hang them out," Liliana said, shaking the grass on her head twice. "How did they run to attack the Fifth Fleet? Boss, don't you get rusty?"

I stunned, then stunned, happily holding Lina's collar and shaking back and forth: "Oh, I didn't expect it, you can!" The little girl's eyes rolled around, and she took my arm and said: "Let go Is there such a compliment to you !? "

I reacted and put Liliana back on the chair: "Oh, used to it, I can't help but want to throw you out as soon as you speak."

Liliana: "..."

Sandora immediately contacted the research center and ordered the restoration of the ancient dorms that had been dismantled into a piece of land. It must be restored to its original appearance, and I contacted the Fleet Commander of Fifth Fleet, Coco Kina. The most important thing in carrying out the trapping plan is that the Fifth Fleet must be involved. At first, the Merovas watched the Fifth Fleet escape from their hands with the original body. At this time, the hatred value should be full-of course, more importantly ~ www .readwn.com ~ We do n’t know how the Meroi tracked the original signal, and we ’re not sure if the dorm room dismantled once by the research institute can still issue such a guidance signal, so the Fifth Fleet itself ... ... also a bait.

"Merawas should not know that the Fifth Fleet was rescued by the empire." When scheduling these operations, Sandora also considered this issue, and I felt that this was a convenience left unintentionally at the beginning: "Yes. Fortunately, at that time, the action was fast enough, and he did not meet the Merova directly. Now the other party should not know the connection between the Fifth Fleet and the Empire. In fact, I am also curious whether the Merova knew the existence of the new empire and the fallen apostles ... ... "

"I don't know," Sandora said with a gloomy expression. "Those who betray the empire will die forever. If they know that their old master has made a comeback, I'm afraid they will erase any trace of him in the void for the first time. Instead of slamming so far to hunt down the Fifth Fleet. "

I nodded, and Sandora was right. In addition, the new empire recovered for more than four years, and the Merawas never showed up in this area, which mostly indicates that they were hiding so far that they were unable to encounter the empire at all. The expansiveness and discontinuity of the void is really the best barrier for fugitives, not only for the fleet of exiles but also for those who are dying forever-


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