Xiling Empire

Chapter 1201: Missing device

This data terminal, "Sandora lifted up the shiny hexagonal sheet in her hand. This ancient device, which has been at least tens of thousands of years old, was wiped and looked brand new, reflecting the sparkle as Sandola's hand moved. Glorious, "It has a special mark on it, an absolute permission sign. If you didn't guess wrong, it was your sister's use that year. "

I was stunned at that time, and then reacted there for a long time. Suddenly I remembered that my elder sister thought that it was the emperor of the 15th day ...

Okay, I almost forgot about it. The main reason is that the older sister usually looks at children in addition to doing housework at home. She is basically ignorant of politics and military affairs, and she also left the shopkeeper in the relevant department. I forgot that she was still so famous. I took the small device identified as a data terminal, and tried to activate it according to the general data terminal startup method. This thing is different from my usual model. Probably the magic-powered data terminal has a special architecture. . I fiddled with it for a long time, and the only result was that this thing was polished by myself, and the front was already able to show the figure.

"... Um, sister, how is this used?" I turned to ask my sister for help. My sister took the terminal and fiddled with it a few times, and wiped the back of it to show the figure, then frowned and said, " Well, it seems that the usage of the normal model is different ... "

"Isn't that yours back then?" Asked shallowly, looking into the mirror on the shiny shell of the data terminal and holding her hair.

"The problem is that I forgot," my sister stuck her tongue out. "I only knew something vaguely about the events of that year, and I still‘ see ’with the help of Lin Xue. I have no impression of this thing at all.”

"Look, maybe it ’s too long to have a little problem. It stands to reason that this can be started intelligently," Sandora watched as the few of us had been messing around there for a long time, and couldn't help but came over, and She tossed with the small device in the palm of her hand, and the latter remained motionless. "Um, it looks like it needs some drastic measures."

Immediately after that, she tilted the data terminal at a forty-five-degree angle on the table next to her ... and then the gadget lit up.

I: "... this is ok ?!" Dare to "forty-five-degree blow" this home appliance repair magic skill is still a void general skill!

"Well, it happened, it happened. It may be that the external sensor is a bit out of order. It was self-healing after a strong stimulus," Sandora sneered. Something is stored here ... "

"Ahem, it was something the emperor of the 15th District saved in that year." The older sister couldn't help but muttered next to it. "That was a thing of my life and it has nothing to do with me."

"Don't pay attention to the details." I said casually, and put my head together with the others. A large crowd gathered beside Sandora, watching her manipulate the old little device. The flames of gossip are burning, almost burning the sky. Everyone is now controlled by strong curiosity. The information that may be stored in this little thing is so tempting to us. Qian Qian also creatively put forward a hypothesis: "Well, you say, will there be the picture of Sister Chen Qian in that year?"

"Do you think they are as indifferent as you?" I slapped the back of this **** the back of the girl, and then took the opportunity to kick Ilson out of the circle. "Well, in case. Irrelevant personnel avoid it."

"Very good, very good, I'll go by myself," said Uncle Kenther, raising his hand without waiting for me. Then swayed aside and went to the corner to draw a circle with 123.

Bingtis turned his head and looked around, and suddenly hesitated: "You really can play anytime, how could you be such a majestic and educated goddess who knows you ... oh, the picture comes out."

The data terminal may still have some problems. The holographic image it produced in mid-air began to shake violently for a while, and was accompanied by a burst of noise. However, it quickly stabilized. What appeared on the screen was a heroic young woman wearing a gorgeous but simple women's trench coat. Her black and straight long straight hair fluttered in the wind, holding a command knife in her hand. Above the ship's bow, it seemed to be overlooking the battlefield. There was a long sound of "Oh-" around, Miss Lin couldn't help but look at her older sister: "Use your whole body image as the boot screen ... Did Sister Chen Qian have this hobby?"

The elder sister's face turned red. It was very embarrassing. She has always been a low-key and down-to-earth person. She obviously felt that this was a certain degree of shame and waved her hands in panic: "This ... it's all about the year, where are we? remember."

"Don't make trouble, maybe there is important information here," Sandora waved and let us calm down, while searching the data terminal database, "Well, let me see ... Sure enough there are multiple permissions, if you do not have access, just All I can see is that your sister's costume is playing here in a loop. Ah Jun, press your hand on it and see if your identification code can be used. "

Although I felt this was a little nonsense, I still pressed my hand on the data terminal according to Sandora's instructions. When I didn't expect it, only a moment, the data terminal heard a soft beep: "Authorization is complete, the database is open. . Welcome back, Your Majesty. "

"Look, in the face of Void Bio-level fake ID card technology, the identifier of this gadget is just like silly x." Bingtis pointed out sharply, I suddenly burst into cold sweat: she was a fake of the new empire suddenly Is the originator of the Zheng Dynasty an Emperor?

I felt for a moment that my outlook on life over the past four years had been subverted, and I was afraid I would not be able to look directly at Sikaro ...

"Do n’t bother you, I have found the root directory," Sandola fiddled with the data terminal with one hand, and used her free hand on my head and Fedith's head: she also learned this trick recently, probably to let The bear child at home forced him, "Well, your sister's habit of using the terminal in the last life is not very good ... Is everything placed directly in the root directory ..."

The older sister immediately turned her head: "Don't look at me, I don't know anything."

"Generally, no confidential information will be stored in such terminals, but the life log of an emperor is sometimes more valuable than confidential information. You can see here that the records were organized once a year or so in the fifteen days before the disaster. In the large-scale battle against the abyss, the participants at the time had a large number of servants. The leader of the servants was the Merawa ... The surviving fleet of the servants after the battle was less than one fifth ... ... then I should have heard about this war. This was a big battle between the 15th and 86th days. But I was not involved at the time. I was busy clearing the border conflict. "

"You are pulled out every three to five to fight the kind of genocide that is not good enough, and the Mellows should have reversed." Bingtis once again pointed out that Sandora was intolerable and slammed into this female hooligan. On the shoulder: "No one takes you dumb without talking, and the loss of the Empire Fleet is not much smaller."

Sandora quickly browsed through the messy information in the data terminal. As she said. The older sister's habit of using electronic products in her last life is very bad. This may be related to her own mysterious side (the curse is a special advanced unit on the mysterious side). The members of the mysterious side are a bit messy even if they use their own equipment, so It is not easy to sift through something valuable from these records. In the end, Sandora simply connected the data terminal to her own thinking module. Start reading the database directly: it will be more efficient.

I took a look at my sister: "Sister, you seem to have this problem in your life, you look at the data terminal you are using, I can't find a song ..."

Miss Lin looked at this in shock: "... So you use high-tech stuff as mp3?"

"Better than her," I pointed to not knowing what I was thinking. She smirked shallowly, "She hit Super Mary with the host of the Admiral of the Empire, almost a dozen or two hours, and nearly drove that host crazy, and then the starship jumped out of the port ..."

Ms. Lin started to look at me like she looked at monsters: "... when I first got the data terminal, I was still a baby, and wiped it three times a day ... you tyrants broke out ..."

A personal data terminal will definitely not store anything like military confidential scientific research files. This small device basically stores some of the things that the sister wrote down everyday, and the density is not very high. Daily reports and the like--these reports may have been significant. It even dominates the fate of life, death, and survival of countless living beings in several worlds, but time has wiped everything out, and now they are worthless. Like no one knows the story, most of the names they mentioned have long since vanished. Sandora looked at the reports waiting to be reviewed. In the end, he could only sigh gently.

"Is there so much work that was not completed in the past ..." My sister lowered her head slightly and said softly, I couldn't help pinching her hand, and the latter looked up and sent an indifferent smile: "It's okay. Just a little bit Sigh. "

"It looks like there is no valuable information ... but it can be used as historical data or something ..." Sandora dropped the data terminal in disappointment, and frowned suddenly when she was about to turn it off. "Huh? What is this?"

She found a to-be-deleted file that was randomly dropped aside, quickly restored the file, and placed it on a holographic projection. What appeared to us was a very weird device that looked like a device An abstract sculpture composed of a hemisphere and a large number of concentric rings, the surface is covered with flashing lights and spikes of unknown significance. This device floats in a dark, which may be space, or it may be an alien space assembly site commonly used by the empire. Judging by the size of the small working platforms and people around this "abstract sculpture", this thing should be hundreds of meters high. In my impression, I have never seen such a facility ... well, sure, the new empire has never made a similar thing. Of course my knowledge may not be enough, but she was also confused about this stuff by the look of Sandola's face. After zooming in several times in a row, the details of this device were completely in front of us. Sandora inferred from her common sense: "This seems to be a communication device. I saw something like a multiplier, but it The architecture is not very ... well, I found out that there is a log file generated at the same time as this image. "

Sandora found a log that might accompany the image. Here is an excerpt from this document:

"(Time is wrong) The last batch of envoys of the Protoss are said to have returned without success. The empire has adopted a unilateral blockade and exclusion attitude against them. It is unprecedented and difficult to understand. Perhaps the star domain will not send more envoys because of them. The expedition cycle is also approaching ... (data corruption) As of now, the warnings of the fifteen-day zone are still ignored, and they (which should be referred to as other emperors) stubbornly adhere to the conclusion of the Empire's ultimate computing system and believe that the entire plan Stability is still above the threshold ... Lei Ji's premonition is getting stronger and stronger and can no longer be ignored ... (Data corruption) Once again, a deep dive, this time brought back a sample that is said to be of great value. The sample is named en -166, uploaded to the public database. Due to the emergence of en-166, the active behavior of the opposite shore civilization has had a predictable impact on the whole plan x. Nowadays, the focus of a lot of research has shifted from the distortion of the void to the subject of deep diving. They are very Optimistic that this is the dawn of an end to everything. I can't understand why the most intelligent group of creatures in the void will fall into this fanatic at the same time. State and firmly believe that the end of the abyss has come. The protoss has not ended this war with hundreds of millions of years of expedition. The course of our civilization may exceed the experience of the Father God? But the work of bridging must be continued Whether it is to end the abyss or establish a joint suppression mechanism, or to maintain an active advantage in the unpredictable future. It is necessary to establish a stable relationship with the other side, and it is best to advance in progress. The deepest point of the 15-day zone commitment The development of communication arrays has made great progress. The idea of ​​forcing the use of ordered signals to break through the abyss interference is indeed problematic. Sivis organized a shallow sampling and found that the disordered signal encoding can also be interpreted. The “unordered” itself is used as An information element ... (data error) The prototype has been manufactured, only about one-third of the expected power, but it has far exceeded the existing deep diving equipment. Occam stated that the prototype will be installed directly on the deep submersible ship. For the next deep dive, he hopes that the current power is enough to break through the critical point and have a dialogue with the other side ... he is too happy It ’s disturbing, just like the emperor to whom he is loyal. Then wait for Occam ’s submersible to come and take this prototype. The subsequent research and development work can be brought to the attention of Sivis and Aurelia. I should focus on Lei Ji's vague premonitions ... (data error) What the fifteen-day zone can do for the empire. Perhaps there are many more ... (data error, the following cannot be read). "

Massive information, um, the amount of information is quite huge.

"The Fifteen Days Zone is also involved in part of the research and development of the deep dive program ..." Sandola murmured. "... It is not incredible, the 15th Day Zone is only opposed to the x-ray project of the x. But There is no clear objection to the dive program itself. "

I sorted out the information disclosed in this document and looked at my sister: "In the 15th day of that year, a prototype was created in the area, which is an array of communications used on deep submersible ships. This gadget may even break through the critical point. And that civilization on the other side get in touch!?"

The older sister gave me a slanting glance: "Ajun, how many times have you said. Don't look at me, I don't know anything."

“No one knew about the existence of this prototype before!” Sandora suddenly mentioned a situation that we have n’t noticed yet. “The development of the prototype involved Sivis and a group of scientists from the old fifteen days zone, and the concept is now broken. The status has been lifted, and it is reasonable to say that these related materials have been unsealed! But Sivis did not report on the prototype ... There are no records related to this device in the database. "Sandora said, shaking The data terminal in his hand: "Except for this information in this device. This is abnormal. Now the new empire is restarting the deep dive plan. All old records, as long as they are related, have been screened out, but only This communication array is missing. "

"It may be the sequelae of conceptual fragmentation." I worked hard to organize intelligence that I didn't know much about and related to conceptual fragmentation. "You also know that after the conceptual fragmentation is removed, a small amount of information is still lost. As a result of thousands of years, the void erased some information. "

"Well, maybe this can be explained, but I think there must be a direct reason for the omission of this communication array," Sandora frowned. "This is too important ... this is an important device on a deep dive ship! It turned out to be It was completed in the fifteen-day zone! I never thought that the fifteen-day zone would participate in all of this ... wait, where is this prototype now? "

"Isn't it taken away by Occam?" Shallowly interjected. "It's written in the diary."

"No, the prototype of the deep-submersible ship fell into our hands, and it has been fully scanned. I'm sure there is no similar device on it, and this prototype has not been transported away," Sandora said in the data terminal. She gave it to her elder sister, and she started pacing herself. "Okam didn't have time to take this device ... it should be a high priority task for him, but he was delayed by something. Here, the dive boat ... "

Sandora said here ~ www.readwn.com ~ our few eyes fell on Vizca involuntarily, I covered my face and knocked on Vizca's little head: "This ancient mystery is tossing It's clear ... Deep submersibles and Occam's guards were drowned by Viskar when they went to the fifteen-day zone to get equipment ... "

Sometimes Veska was crazy, but at this time, he was not stupid. He immediately realized that it was a good thing he did then, and immediately lowered his head and muttered, "Brother ... I'm sorry ... I was in trouble ...

"No, maybe it's a good thing," Sandora waved. "Don't forget that the deep dive ship was destroyed before we got this document. Fortunately, Occam was blocked by Visca that year, he didn't It ’s too late to take away the communication array, otherwise this precious prototype will definitely be blown up with the hull before we realize its value. The imperative now is ... ”

I immediately took her second sentence: "Find where this thing is!"

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