Xiling Empire

Chapter 1209: Merova World

The empty space is a long distance from the border with the Empire. This area called the Far Land is actually a place where the Empire can send fleets. . In addition, the speed of the large fleet is limited by its huge size, so even with the imperial void navigation technology, it took us two full days to reach the destination under the condition of continuous high-speed jumping.

The good news is that the Merawas seem to have not been so alert. The single-order immigration ships and the missing soldiers that appeared at their borders a few days ago failed to arouse the suspicion of the other party. We couldn't stop the day when the fleet arrived, we began to blockade the entire Merova.

This is a work that requires caution, because the opponent has Imperial technology, and they have learned many things with the Empire for many years. Therefore, Sandora judged the Merova ’s void navigation and observation. The technology must be very high. If the huge fleet we bring is too frequent, the void information overflow caused by it is likely to be observed.

According to the information available at hand, the territory of the Merawas is composed of 13 universes. This is a high-level civilization across the universe and possesses support technology for the void. These traitors seem to be trying to build a magnificent kingdom like the former empire. They also have their own servants and let these servants, whom they call "slave races", support all the work of the empire except the army and culture. Six of the thirteen universes included in the Mellow kingdom are not of much value to our eyes. According to the information disclosed by those two prisoners of war, these universes seem to be purely slaves and a small number of specialty resources. They existed where they were born, they were poor and backward, and even the garrison was extremely poor. In these worlds. There are very few Merovas. And basically exist as the supreme ruler and watcher, except for them, the rest is a large number of so-called "lower races" serving as labor and "materials", we first excluded those who went to these worlds intend. Because it doesn't make much sense. The staff estimated that the battle against these worlds would only take an hour or two to end, and they could be put to the end.

The remaining seven universes are more developed and can be regarded as the "inland" regions of the Merova state. Among them, the capitals of Merova and the two universes called the "net" are more interesting. These three worlds seem to be the centers of Merovian rule and the centers of industry and military. Sandora first ordered A large number of imperial agents were sent to these three universes. Then, we randomly selected a planet in the capital universe as the first stop of our team to "investigate the enemy's situation". Of course, this random selection was also made by Miss Lin, so it probably has an extraordinary meaning ... who knows.

The fleet continued to perform tasks in the void, while the highest commander of the fleet came to the enemy planet for sightseeing. This thing really makes people can't help voicing, anyway after the transmission halo has dissipated. I couldn't help whispering "The chapters are updated the fastest": "After all, you just want to bring some souvenirs back ..."

The subject I muttered was of course Miss Lin. This girl suggested everyone to come down from the beginning. Although her reasons were grand, she couldn't hide this guy's curiosity.

"If you want to talk nonsense, go back." The young lady has long been innocent and threw a sentence lightly, and then looked at the distant scenery with interest, "Well, it looks like there is not much deviation from the calculation, let's Somewhere inaccessible. "

At this time, I have some spare time to look around. The landing site chosen by the crowd is a colonial planet in the universe of the Merova capital. It is sixteen light-years away from the Merawa capital city galaxy. It should be regarded as a village in the capital ... ...... Well, just understand it. According to the information previously scanned with the probe, the basic parameters of this planet are not much different from most high-degree ecological planets. The gravity here is slightly larger than that of the earth, but the atmosphere is thinner. The composition of the atmosphere is also very different from that of the earth. Although it can basically sustain the life of the earth, ordinary earth people should be very uncomfortable living here, but this is already quite Rare, after all, such delicate and fragile things as the living environment are extremely rare in the universe. Carbon-based support-type ecological planets like Earth are even more rare. At present, this planet is a naturally-formed life planet, which is rare. Thanks to the natural environment here, this planet is rich in native ecological structure and highly evolved native life, which were scanned by probes before landing. Where we are now is a relatively gentle hill, but the mountains can be seen in the distance, so it is roughly the border between hills and mountains. The sky is bright, clear, and a very, very pale turquoise is reflected in the clouds. This is a unique landscape caused by the natural volatilization of certain chemical substances in the planet's atmosphere that can be decomposed by sunlight. I looked around and saw that the entire area was covered by vegetation. The most kind around it was weeds, but the leaves were half slender and fluffy, and they were indigo-glossy. These plants were no more than ankles, and they were stepped on. The carpet was as soft as Sandora pulled up a piece of grass with a flash of blue light in her eyes: "It's a completely different life form from the earth, and there are several overweight elements in it. The average radiation of this planet is the earth The environment is multiple times, and it and this entire star system must have been generated in a heavy element cloud environment that has accumulated after several supernova explosions. "

I ’m not interested in the origin of the planet, I ’m just busy watching this different alien scenery. Although I have seen countless wonderful views of the alien planet, this experience of constantly witnessing the new life wonders will never let Boring. Although the planet in front of us is very different from the global environment, the landscape will not give people a lot of impact. It is suitable for tourism or vacation ... So, am I a little too relaxed? This appears to be the territory of the enemy, and it is still near the capital ...

I didn't know what was being researched on the squatting floor, and suddenly "drawn out" from my pocket, and then took out one ... took out a ten-centimeter mini Medivh! She plucked two grasses from the ground, cleared the dirt from them, and fed them to the ultra-small crow **** who was lying in her palms, holding the grass leaves and biting two bites, making a crunching sound like plastic. Then he spit it all out. Raised a small fist at Shallow protest.

I was shocked: "... why girl would you carry such a small thing with you!" It was said that Medivh should have been left for housekeeping, right? What happened to the little crow in the shallow pocket? !!

"I borrowed it from a birdie," she smiled as if she was lacking in heart and lungs. She picked up the little crow who was still "呸呸呸" and slaps her face twice. "Ding-Dang and you every day Tired and crooked together. People look very envious ... "

A small head came out of my pocket: "So Ding Dong is the best! Everyone loves Ding Dong!"

I was shocked again: "... why did you follow me! Didn't you hear Bingtis say that the Protoss can't get involved in this ?!"

Dingdang poked at the edge of his pocket and turned to look at me in a difficult posture: "Dingdang knows, so Dingdang will sleep hard when Ah Jun fights, and definitely won't help ..."

"This ... how did this happen from the beginning ..." Sandora was still busy examining the planet's environmental parameters. At this time, I looked at Qianchan and me and a small three-inch Dingxiao, "Do you still have a sense of urgency?"

"Ding-Dong acknowledged his bed and changed places to sleep ..." The little girl looked at Sandora timidly and muttered.

I said nothing and started to take off my coat, so the little thing also had the post: "It doesn't work on a hanger, Ding Dong recognizes a mattress ..."

Me: "..." You've seen the mattress on the back of the bed ... No! Is my tm not a mattress itself? !!

Looking at me with a frantic look, Sandora and Miss Lin sighed at the same time, and the latter waved their hands tiredly: "Forget it, you still hold this little thing, otherwise she can bother you Worship. Anyway, I guess this little thing is also a full-selling item. "

"Then where shall we go?" I shrugged. Put the small thing on your head, and look down on the mountains in the distance. "We seem to be in a good environment. Here either the Melova people are highly environmentally conscious, or they are a non-industrial planet. Well, Sandora helps scan where there are human gathering areas."

"Two kilometers away from the east, there is a small settlement," Sandora pointed at the foot of the mountains, "the probe has stepped forward to investigate the situation, it seems that it is a place where the Merova tributaries live, I saw the pure-blooded Meroi. But ... there are various strange things on this planet, "The World of Merings, Chapter 1,209 of the Spirit Empire," and there are a lot of interesting sights. "

"What?" I looked at Sandora curiously.

"No," Sandora smiled mysteriously. "You'll know when the past passes, Merova ... what a boring guy."

I shrugged my shoulders unknownly, and immediately walked in the direction indicated by Sandora. The distance of two kilometers is not too far. The scenery of this place is pretty good. You can walk to Quandang for sightseeing. Qian Qian and Lin Xue immediately followed them happily. They went out and had a heart to play, and they never had serious times. It just seems that the interest of the two short melons, Pandora and Huesca, is not high: they have always had a beautiful expectation in their hearts, that is, to lead the fleet to fight with the rebels immediately, and now this beautiful dream seems to be slightly Postpone it for a while and don't know if the dwarf winter melon's frenzy of war has been rescued. Information gathering and early deployment should be common knowledge of marching and fighting? Because it is a small machine, wasn't the thinking circuit installed enough when the uniform was born ...

Sandora has spread the probe across the planet, and she has always had a weird smile on the way to analyze the pictures passed back by the probe and ask her what happened. Instead of saying this, I dismissed a few myself. The probe went out to explore the mind of the detective. What should I say, Sandora was probably finding something interesting, so I had to keep this mystery for a while, and wait until there was any surprise in the settlement. Lin Xue is really the same as going out to swim in mountains and rivers, holding his own data terminal to shoot everywhere, still facing himself, taking pictures of himself on the background of mountains in the distance, I took a look Look, I found that she is hanging on the Xl Shadow City channel, and there is a line under the photo just posted: I am in the heart of Merova, the enemy did not find us, this feeling of going deep behind the enemy to swim in the water Excitement ~~ Ask for attention ~~

I was expressionless: "... your number of fans has exceeded the screen length, still beg for fans?"

"You don't understand the fun of playing Weibo," Lin Xue said decisively. "Talk about the Shadow City Weibo channel founded by Qian Qian. You can find her."

I turned my head silently. I found it shallow and ran to the bushes not far away to pick up the leaves. This girl has always been doing this thing along the way: just like Shennong tasted Baicao, pull up those weeds and weeds that look strange, except that Shennong eats it by herself, and she is the little crow that feeds her arms. It is said that this kind of mini crow **** who is smaller than Ding Dong is a bunch of silly guys, and has no memory at all. As long as it is something that is shallowly fed to the mouth, the little guy always refuses to grab it and puts it in his mouth, but basically every time he crunches two bites and then spit out all: the planet The plants growing on it obviously didn't suit this little guy's appetite. Qian Qian has been tireless. So the little babies in her arms walked away all the way ... saying that this stubborn and stubborn character was really inherited from her mother, the little crow can't sleep even if she doesn't make a nest in the bed now ... ...

"Spirit Empire" As for Liliana, who was the last of the crowd, this girl didn't have a mouth open all the way, she muttered to everyone, preaching her great plan of using religion to counter all Melova's servants: This guy's occupational disease has been committed again. As long as he enters a new world, and the creatures of this new world are smart enough to understand her teachings, then Lina will fall into a thorough missionary frenzy, and sometimes I ca n’t bear her. She really wanted to put Ah on the cross. It was burning on a firewood for two days ... It was too disturbing.

In this way, walking all the way. When the sky was a little dark, Sandorah's settlements finally appeared in the eyes of everyone: the settlements were originally located in a slightly depressed area, completely invisible from a distance.

Standing on the high ground on the edge of the settlement, we looked down at the village below. Everyone fell into a dull state except the two who knew everything about Sandora and Lin Xue.

Including that Li Lina who hasn't talked so much all the time.

"This is ... this is the planet ruled by a super-civilized colony capable of trans-universe colonization ..." Looking at the village built from rough wood and adobe below, the primitive tools visible everywhere in the village, and the clothes Dressed up as an indigenous people who ran out in the Middle Ages, Li Lina was stunned. "You believe that this is a Melova film base, I believe it, and I'll take a costume film here ..."

Scratching her chin lightly, she thought again: "Perhaps this happens to be a backward mountain on this planet? Isn't there a tribe of primitive people on the planet now!"

"No, the whole planet is like this. Ninety-nine percent of this planet is populated by humans. This is what it looks like," Sandora exhaled. "This is a planet that has remained in its original stage, The highest creations of the indigenous people here are still wheels made of wood and wrought iron and human-powered mills ... they don't even know that the planet under their feet is round. "

"But ... what's the matter ..." I found the situation in front of me difficult to understand. If this is just a forgotten planet in the desolate corner of the Melova universe, then everything is easy to understand. Most of the forgotten planets in the backcountry have not been baptized by advanced civilizations. They have just developed from the tribal stage and have a large number of such planets. It doesn't mean that as long as the universe ruled by the empire, every surviving planet in the universe must be able to punch Nandou Altman and kick North Tanamaker, there are a lot of clan and tribal stages in our database. Or it is normal for civilizations in the conquest stage to survive in the Empire. But this one ...

"In the fighter's coordinate library, this planet is clearly marked as a directly controlled planet, that is, the Merawas directly rule this planet, and a long-term planetary government has been established here," said Miss Lin with Interesting application, "However, you see, the indigenous imitation here" "Buddha lived in the early days of the feudal era. The Merawas deliberately kept this place in this state, what do they guess?"

"Let's take a look. Lin Xue's suggestion is correct. The Merova style is really ... interesting." Sandora said lightly, jumping off the high ground first, and a flash appeared directly at the village entrance.

The crowd followed closely, and a group of people came to this small settlement. I was not worried about the disturbance caused by the sudden behavior of my own group: Sandora's hair shone in a not so obvious golden light, She has distorted the perception of all nearby sane creatures ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now what she lets the other person see is a camouflage made based on the subconscious mind of the affected person. This is a way to make full use of the other person's brain supplement to achieve camouflage. The skills that face ordinary races can almost never be seen through.

Two or three Aboriginal people who passed by the village with their tools saw us, but the other party was not surprised at the appearance of so many people out of thin air: In fact, in their eyes, our group is likely to come naturally from a distance When they came over, they used brain supplements to correct all the contradictions in front of them.

A male villager and his companion in a dark brown coat with a dark face, looking forty or fifty, said something, carrying the tool in his hand (maybe some kind of farm implement? Although it looks like a wooden stick with an iron hook) Came to us, and spoke kindly: "Are you a traveler? It's getting late, come to the village for the night?"

Before we even spoke, the other party nodded: "Oh, that's the case, that's no problem, I'll go and tell the village chief."

The villagers turned away, and Sandora shrugged at us: "What are you willing to do? Our actions will always be reasonable in the eyes of each other."

… So I often say that Sandora's ability is a bug that cannot be overturned when facing a weaker enemy! To be continued.

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