Xiling Empire

Chapter 1304: The first cooperation between two businessmen?

Felice is one of the strangest of all the rulers I have seen. She looks like a queen, but she is actually a hawker. She is sometimes calm and wise. She is actually a hawker. She shoulders the responsibility of a nation. She is actually a hawker. She ... is actually a hawker. If Hong World has a "Kingdom King Ranking", then Felice must be among the top three and defend her life ...

The biggest difficulty I had with Phyllis was that whenever I was going to talk about business, Phyllis went to the speculative side. Of course, the reverse is also true: Whenever Felice says business matters, I may also go off the topic ...

"Oh, you guys are interested in this stone!" Sandora explained a little, and then Felice understood why she was brought in. She suddenly looked brightly at the piece that had been cut into pieces. A few meteorites, "Couldn't this be a real baby? I thought I was digging all of them ... well, I mean we don't know how valuable these stones are."

I glanced at Felice silently: "Don't pull this in front of me. Who knows that you know that you are digging all the broken stones everywhere in the universe. Ming told you this piece The meteorite is also of little value, but what it contains is the culprit that caused you to be hunted down by the fallen apostles in the four quadrants: the blackbird you are holding in your hand. "

Felice was curiously studying the piece of black hard material (?) That we cut from the meteorite sample, and when she heard it, she jumped up in the same place as she was burnt, and threw the piece of black cormorant far away. Tavel (mass projection), at a glance, rushed to rescue the important relics from her hometown: she stood still without moving, but instantly floated out a translucent shadow just like herself, this shadow rushed before the blackbird fell to the ground Catch it, and wait to walk back to Tavel. The translucent shadow is almost the same as a real person: there is only a circle of interference ripples unique to the quality projection around. Tavel looked at the newly-split phantom beside him, shrugging: "It seems that the quality projection has been added one more, go to the second armored laboratory to report."

The mass projection, which had just split up a minute ago, handed the blackbird from Sivis to the light, and then disappeared into a teleportation light.

Me: "... So your quality projection is so split up?"

"Ah, yes. Your Majesty, this is a special ability," Tavier's quality projection (actually, I do n’t even know what number it is, and I feel like I have n’t seen her for a long time). He himself, "Others don't. His subordinates transformed themselves to make the best use of all threads. The goal of their subordinates is to create a quality projection for each thread ..."

I thought about it. I think Tavill will be able to use it to fill two football fields by that time: How can I be surrounded by such a single player while taking advantage of the legion? Isn't the puppet's cute army enough?

"Such a dangerous thing ... what did you want me to do?" Felice first stared at Tavill's life, before she suddenly realized that she seemed to be in a pit. She looked at the end of the world. With the black cricket that nearly killed himself and hundreds of subordinates, he retreated calmly, "I tell you, I don't want to have a little bit with those crazy people ..."

"You take us there again. Where you find this meteorite," Sandora took for granted the horrific look of Felice, "if you can, bring back the entire meteorite there. Of course, we will send out the Empire ’s engineering ships, so you do n’t have to worry about manpower. "

"But I'm worried about safety!" Felice frowned at the time, and the whole person jumped about half as high as Pandora. "I watched a video of the battle at your border some time ago. You are at war. It ’s apocalyptic. OK, mortal races are all watching and watching. A big piece of life! Your creed is alive, you play yourself. By the way, I still play other people's lives! I feel like walking with you, I die too fast ... "

I thought about it, what do I think this guy summarizes makes sense?

"Um, I know your concerns." I looked to Phyllis, and I knew in my heart that it was a difficult errand, especially when the strange queen in front of her had a psychological shadow. Regardless of whether the fallen apostles are so persistent in pursuing a piece of homeland material for nostalgia or greater value, since they can hunt once, they can hunt second. Felice was worried about being gank when taking us to dig the stones: the fallen apostles were also apostles of the Spirit, and their dedication was definitely not lower than ours. "So, I will send you the Royal Elite to **** you, if You have found something. I or Sandora will personally take the legion to take over, how about? At that time, the fallen apostles really came, you just have to hide: at the time of the border defense war, you did not hide in the Empire Is there nothing in there? "

"Don't mention this," Philis said, "I think I'm still in my hair now. Do you have to fight with mortals as cheerleaders when you fight with gods ... by the way, or I'll give you coordinates, you Did you dig yourself in the past? "

"This is a big deal, and we don't want any instability," Sivis looked seriously at the queen of Fiji who had begun the bargain. "We want to ensure that every piece of information is absolutely accurate. Coordinates are not enough."

In fact, I want to say that it is probably enough with the coordinates. With the accuracy of the Empire Scanning Ship, it is not difficult to find a stone in the vast universe, but when I see the expression on Sivis's face, I know it is not A problem that can be analyzed rationally: All news concerning the origin and hometown of the apostles involves all the apostles of the spirits. They have to be paranoid outside of reason. Now this is what Sivis is, even if it has no theoretical impact, she also has You must rest assured that the Fijians follow.

Seeing the resolute expression on Sivis's face, the queen wondered that she had no choice but to nodded sighing: "Okay, okay, I will take you-but good escorts must have quality and quantity In addition, once you really meet those lunatics, do you mind if I drive away first? Although the Fijians are not afraid of fighting, we are really not ready to accompany the gods to fight ... "

This is of course no problem. We nodded happily.

"There is one last point," Felice thought about, "about the price-don't look at me like that, I'm a businessman."

I knew that sooner or later, Felice would shift the topic in this direction, whether as a queen or a businessman. She should always maximize the benefits that the Fiaris can get, but she has already obtained low-level arms sales rights from the empire side. I really don't know if she is still dissatisfied. The meaning of the low-level arms sales right is clear to both of us. It not only means amazing commercial value, but also means that the Fijians can play some "little cleverness", although the tracking chips on those arms have limited use cases. Fijians cannot buy and use in their own world (the worlds that allow the use of empires are audited, the world of the Fijians is not included), but I ’m sure that Felice will do her best to make her scientists Try to imitate those things. And even if they can master a little technology from them, their various technologies can go up a level. This "extra benefit" is painless to the empire, and its impact on the macro world is acceptable. So I don't bother too much. Empire's non-interference in other civilizations refers to non-disastrous interference. We can't manage this kind of influence that will not cause the end of the world. Think about it, how many censors are there in Macroworld? These censors do not theoretically interfere with the normal functioning of their world, but they are mortals after all, and the imperial code after all ignores trivial matters, saying that the behavior of these censors has no effect on the functioning of their world-is it possible? We can only try to ensure that this effect is benign.

Remember that topic about the imperial code. When the civilization gap reaches a certain level, it will be extremely difficult for the lower party to affect the higher party. In plain words, as long as the Fiery universe is not blown up, let him dry eggs ...

Oh, this topic is a long way off.

I thought about it, and suddenly my heart moved: "Well, aren't you planning to create a void consortium?"

Felice quickly nodded: "Hmm, the Felial Void Consortium, I think it is the biggest challenge of my life, to build a business empire across the multiverse ..."

"Good. The Empire will support your consortium: you can give priority to the use of cross-border doors, you can set up consortiums in various worlds and only need to apply with local outposts. In addition, we can set up a cross-Void communication network for you: You know the technical difficulty of this network, based on your own strength. Even if it can be built, its stability and bandwidth are also issues, but I can use Empire technology to help you build one. What do you think of these treatments? It is better than a hammer Is it better to buy or sell? "

Phyllis was still in a daze, and she jumped half as high as Pandora again: This time she was happy. Then she began to confirm with me again and again with an unbelievable tone, because she didn't think she could get such an excellent return just by taking the road. In short, she felt that we were planning to pack her with her deputy. Sell ​​... I don't know why she will be so persistent in selling her deputy official, even when she is in danger of being sold, she immediately thinks of binding her deputy ...

Facing the confusion of Filith, I was righteous: "You don't understand the significance of this thing to the empire. It is a hand to take the lead for you, but for us the origin of this meteorite core is of great significance. Equivalent exchange. "

As soon as my righteous word was over, Sandora began to roll her eyes and muttered to me in a spiritual connection: "Isn't that what you said just now is the consortium support plan we discussed with us last time? And we are also planning to Several consortia are being planted. "

Well, yes, the exhilarating treatments I told Phillips were actually decided before. As far as this transaction is concerned, in fact, Phillips didn't get any extra benefits, but I Think about it, you have to do this in the face of a traitor. I do n’t know why. There was no pressure in my heart when this strange Yujie was in front of the pit. There was even a feeling of upholding justice for the people.

"Then when do we leave?"

Feeling that she has become very motivated, Queen Philippe is now full of motivation and asked when to leave. She did not forget the dangerous moment when the fallen apostle chased them in a quadrant of a stone, but she used a precise business vision. After measuring my own life and the profit of this adventure, I feel that what I can earn is worth more than my life. I think I will never learn this way of thinking.

"Go get ready now and leave after lunch," Sandora replied. "I will let our most advanced and high-speed Void Shuttle and Royal Escort Guard go with you. If the world is near the far side, then you will be able to arrive before and after dinner as soon as possible. I hope to get yours before breakfast tomorrow Good news, then send someone to answer you. "

The plan of action Sandor proposed to Phyllis was very interesting. All its moments come at mealtimes ...

Felice also felt that there was something worthwhile in this timetable, but she soon exclaimed for another thing: "Let's leave at noon? Are you so anxious? I have business to talk about today."

"Business?" I was surprised this time. "Let's go. Your survival talent in a strange environment is full. Is it just a few days since your consortium received business?"

Felice smiled a little smugly, and stretched out her hand to take something out of her bag: "In fact, it is not a big deal. But it is not bad as a starter. It is the media audio and video, a strange and strange guy find We said that he could provide a source of goods and wanted to use the channel of the consortium to sell a low-cost and high-consumption audio-visual product in Hong World. He said that he was not very convenient to sell ... "

I had an ominous premonition when she didn't finish talking, and after she took out the contents of the bag, this unknown presensation was tested: Felice held several pirated disks in simple packages: wsxq . Interstellar 6, 4Dmax2077, Red Police 8, and even an installation disk for Home 9 with a bubble written on it, absolutely fine ...

The first thing I can think of is that the child's mother finally can't stand the slow game development progress and endless bounces of Earth people, and she started to make games by herself. The second thing is that Sikaro was so brave that he even dared to sell the engraved version of the thing written by the bubble. The third thing is ... the world is almost at its end.

"You look weird," Felice looked at me in amazement, and carefully put away the pile of pirated disks that looked just like ordinary CDs, but might be frustrating in terms of capacity and content. "What's wrong? Is it entertainment? Are artifacts contraband in the Empire? "

"No," I said with gritted teeth. "The sale is the contraband ..."

Phyllis: "?"

"In short, you don't have to worry much." I patted Felice on the shoulder, and said that my most worried thing finally happened: a void-first pirate dealer and a void-first traitor had a historic encounter, and They seem to be hitting each other right away. If these two people really cooperate together sincerely, then the market economy of Macroworld will really go nowhere. "I suggest you do n’t buy anything from you. Believe me, there is no genuine product in his bag. When the Earth was active, even the ID card was squeezed out by hand. Doing business with him Just wait for tons of fake goods to be killed. "

Phyllis sighed blankly, and when she saw the expression on her face that I didn't know about, I knew that this strange queen would never be hurt if she was not pitted by Sikaro once. I have the intention to send someone to arrest Sikaro and close the small black house for a few days, but when I think that the person who was stabbed by the fake is the most **** dealer in history, I feel like I ’m not there anymore Thinking, I think the reason is this: The pits between pirate dealers and traitors are better than they ran out and hurt people. What can be produced and sold in the world is not necessarily only Lin's scales. It ’s okay ...

I disclosed the identity of the pirate trafficker a little, and Felice immediately showed a terrifying look. Maybe she didn't think that the iron-hearted Imperial soldier would also appear in this weird model, and then she did n’t have to worry about talking about business today. Son: Anyway, I am her own person, and I told her that no matter what the selling day is, it is impossible to come out today. I decided to let Felice set off to lead our patrol to find stones, and then send someone to control Sikaro and talk to the old boy about the cause.

Because the departure time is very urgent, now there are two hours of preparation time left ~ www.readwn.com ~ Filisi has resigned and went to her navigator and accompanying scientists to prepare, and Sandora decides Staying at headquarters, and Tavel, they continued to study the blackbird from their hometown. Although it was just a common metal-rich ore, no matter how researched, no earth-shaking big secret was found, but it was to the Apostles of the Spirit. The significance is significant. In Sandor ’s words, even if nothing can be studied, it is good to just watch it for a while: at least for the first time in my life, I am so close to the breath from my hometown. Feeling very new to her.

Again: Who said that the spirit apostle was not rich? They're just stuffy ...

It ’s Xiaoxue. This girl followed us to make a complete soy sauce. I originally expected her prophet's power to play a role, but that blackbird obviously exceeded the limit of the prophet's power too much. The origin of the Spirit Apostle has been a time span that cannot be described by numbers. Even if Xiao Xue was driven out of internal injuries, she could never see where the "hometown world" was.

In this way, leaving Sandora in an excited state, my girlfriend and I returned home, and then saw a giant fox chasing his tail around the yard: that fox was the size of Xiali, and Beside her, there is a pile of mud editions ... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users please Read to m.)

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