Xiling Empire

Chapter 1314: Fairy child

In fact, to be honest, I almost forgot that when I set out, I was still shallow, until the report on Tavel came to an end, and I had nothing to do for a while, then I suddenly thought: oh yes, I seem to still bring With that offline king ...

In fact, I do n’t blame me for that, because Qianchan is just like Bingtis, and it ’s fun to follow. When the spacecraft just arrived at the port, the first thing she did was to run along with the bear kids without a trace. Guess. What is she doing?

With a bunch of little girls pushing stones at the edge of the asteroid belt, it looks like the childhood has not passed yet.

How does this connect her to this operation ...

But fortunately, this is in line with her positioning at home: the biggest function at home at ordinary times is to accompany the crazy girls, and she successfully became the child king of the family with her full enthusiasm. Established absolute authority over the little girls, and she was responsible for bringing the children, but in fact also ensured the controllability of those little guys from the side. So most of the time, I'm pretty supportive of playing with the children-of course, there is an important reason is that I can't stop her anyway ...

Instead of taking the shuttle, I used a short teleportation to run to the margins of the asteroid belt and meet them shallowly. This group of large, medium and small mad girls found a dense celestial place on the edge of the asteroid belt to serve as their temporary playground. Here I saw a scene full of innocence:

The little crow is in the state of the crow **** as I expected. She always has to restrain her energy and move in a mortal posture. Now she finds a sufficiently open field. The first time is to let the crow **** form out through the wind. . A giant crow with a wingspan of several hundred meters is roaming the asteroid belt for her favorite activity: picking up stones.

Meteorites with a radius of a few meters to a dozen meters are just the right size for a small crow. She could easily peck it with her beak, or grind her mouth shell on it. In a non-gravity space environment, these piles of stones that will float out will make the bird excited. She is trying to collect a bunch of asteroids of the same size and spell her name in the air-if she can write She will succeed.

Lilina and the puppet are pushing two hill-like asteroids to chase each other in space. I haven't known how long the pool game has been played; small bubbles are floating around in space to collect small meteorites. Then pinch them into a variety of very regular shapes, and then transport them all to a nearby giant pumice stone with a flat surface; Veska is working on the pumice stone: the material she collected with small bubbles Mixing the adhesive to build the castle, four towers and three-quarters of the city walls have been completed. The castle is visually larger than Neuschwanstein by one round. When Huesca placed a stone larger than Xialidu at the top of the last tower, Little Bubbles excitedly floated around the tower several times, then solemnly took out a flag from the portable space and inserted it. On the spire of the tower. Then the two little girls began to go further-visually at least a few hundred kilometers away-to collect stones and prepare to continue to expand their fortress.

This is the first time I've seen an asteroid that can play out of a beach castle. Those bear children who can only dig a hole at the door, plan a little soil, pinch two mud cakes, and still have a look on your face!

"Ajun, Ajun, look at Huesca and Xiaopao!"

A shallow teleportation jumped next to me, happily gazing at the spiritual connection, and then pulled me to find a place to "foot" on the nearby asteroid-although I don't understand it in this gravity-free environment. What's the point of stepping on an asteroid that gravity can basically ignore. I patted my shallow head smoothly, watched her hair fly in the gravityless space, and then looked at the group of crazy bear children with interest.

The chase between the puppet and Liliana has been going on for some time, and now I can't see a little tiredness. The asteroid belt is not full of dense stones in space as many people think: in fact, there are very few areas that are enriched to that extent. Most areas of the asteroid belt are very empty, even in celestial bodies. In dense areas, the distance between two larger meteorites is often more than ten kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers (this is still a very dense situation). Of course, there may be clusters of small stones around some large meteorites, but they are generally distributed in a small area, so there is plenty of room for two little guys to play around. They used gravitational traction beams to capture the nearest asteroids, and then smashed these boulder-sized space boulders at each other. At first, they simply pushed the asteroids behind and hit each other, but soon they They found that the gravitational traction beam in their hands could be used as a chain on the meteor hammer, so they used space anchors to anchor themselves, and began to pull the huge stones with gravitational traction in the space: it was like throwing a chain ball.

Avoid the opponent's meteorite and catch the opponent's meteorite. Smash it back-this is basically how weird little girls play.

But whether it's Lina or a little puppet, the accuracy is quite poor when using this high-tech equipment. They are almost throwing asteroids within a radius of 200 kilometers nearby. If they are far away, Place, you can only see the asteroids in this area ramming like a wind. The good asteroid brought the two little guys who were playing hard to make Dongfanghui Needle City feel. Anyway, I was scared to see it beside me: I was not afraid that they would be hit by a meteor, but I was worried that these two guys would smash the little bubble and the castle that Huesca just built: that castle is built on a large asteroid. Although it looks really like a pile of broken stones, I think If it were smashed, neither Huesca nor Little Bubble would be quiet all day ...

If Phillips is on the scene, she must sigh again: "The children of the fairy family really have high energy."

"So why did these two fight again this time?" I turned to look at it briefly, and asked in spiritual connection. The "war" between Liliana and the puppet has become a daily routine, and even now I am too lazy to persuade the fight, even if the fight between them has been upgraded from scratching their hair and dragging their ears to throwing grenade and plasma bombs to each other , And today escalated to the celestial collision, I still do not bother to persuade ... anyway, they are all demigods. This little bit of noise will make them move a little bit, and it won't hurt them.

And more importantly: the relationship between Liliana and Xiaodeng is actually not as bad as they seem. They are beaten, but they should still be in the same family ... probably.

Shallowly, she rolled her eyes and recalled, then pointed to the little puppet who was holding a dozen asteroids in a meteor shower. "Lilina found a small lamp. Say:" Let's fight? " The small light nodded and said, 'Oh.' So the two started hitting people with asteroids. "

Me: "... have the relationship between these two finally evolved into this weird state !?"

I just sighed here and saw the meteor shower thrown out by the puppet finally hit it once: Liliana failed to be struck by the face and uttered a silent exclaim in a vacuum. Then she followed a large number of meteorites. The block was smashed into outer space.

The meteor on the front face is as small as half a basketball court, and its structure is fragile. After hitting Li Lina's face, it was broken into at least two hundred pieces. I had two emotions in total. The first was that the two guys absolutely had to fight dark today. The second was that Li Lina's face was really good defense. The armor piled up to at least six digits.

At this time, the little bubbles and Huesca who ran to find "building materials" finally came back. They were pleasantly surprised to find that there had been a lot of fragmented meteorite fragments in the space that had been collected. They felt deeply about their castle. Expansion is expected. But I was even more shocked by the building materials these little girls found hundreds of kilometers away: they each carried a space boulder higher than Burj Khalifa. This is the "little stone for the beach castle" found by the two little guys. To be honest, at first I thought that these two asteroids floated over by themselves, after all, the proportion of small bubbles and visca sticking to their surface is not greater than a jingle lying on the forehead of Zeus, if you do n’t take it seriously can not see……

Little Bubble and Veska carefully placed the two asteroids higher than Burj Khalifa near their "construction site". After comparing the sizes, the two little guys found that they needed to be cut, otherwise it would be too big Easy to use. I had originally thought that Veska would pull out something like a beam cutter, but this move beyond the little girl shocked me again: she waved at her "castle". A reluctant Pandora flew out of it, and the sisters exchanged. Pandora flew to the middle of the meteorite without expression, and smashed a hammer-instantly breaking the thing into several pieces. After being processed in accordance with the law, Pandora smashed both asteroids into small pieces with a mallet, and Huesca and Little Bubbles began to happily continue to build their big house. I was spoiled by Pandora's mallet a few hundred meters away. A look of blood, all sorts of messy takeaways.

"They negotiated and couldn't use high technology," Qian Qian also explained to me, "Weska proposed. To build a castle by hand, the base of the castle you saw was smashed out by Pandora ..."

I'm almost stupid: "... Ah?"

Watching those young people use various high-end methods to show that "the children of the fairy family play different games," I think it's a miracle that I still have three views. But I also feel a bit relieved: Pandora is an awkward guy who rarely takes the initiative to relax. She only reluctantly participates in those "naive, young, prank, and waste time" only when she is dragged by her sister Games, like processing a castle with a mallet now ... although the expression on her face is as dumb as ever. But I can still feel that Pandora's mood of joy is fluctuating, and if she is not herself, she is very happy. In fact, she will never participate in such activities.

This war-killer loli can relax occasionally, and I'm glad.

Of course, more importantly, her life-threatening hammer finally found a place outside my stomach. When I saw those asteroids that were crushed by Pandora's head, I felt that everything in my stomach was cramping ... ...

"Unfortunately, Xiaojing has no interest in this." I checked the movements in my spiritual sea, and found that Alaya was sleeping with a small lighter "girl", so I was a bit sorry Said quietly. Remove the special loli that can not be regarded as a "child" in essence. The little girl who is the quietest and most non-existent in the family should actually be the little girl who stays in my spiritual world with Alaya all the year round. Although she occasionally ran out to play for a while, in most cases, Xiao Jing would quickly lose interest in things in the physical world: her fun always came faster and faster. For more time, she would rather sleep in the spiritual world, or learn something weird with Alaya, such as maintaining the wings, etc. Alaya has always believed that Xiaojing can one day be like She grew wings like Unvina was convinced that she could learn to lay eggs.

I don't comment on this, Anvena and Alaya have the same natural spirit. I have given up on correcting them for a long time.

"Ajun, you said that after our children were born, would they be as active as they are?" Qian Qian suddenly leaned in gently, and the lazy voice of the girl sounded in the spiritual connection, but what she said was a little bit Not lazy. It is indeed shallow, she is indeed shallow, and it is not surprising that she jumped on this topic at any time-seeing the group of bear children who turned upside down in the asteroid group like the melee devil. She just thought that she would have one and play with them.

The first time I thought of it was Xiao Xue, the most daring and most abusive bear child I've ever seen. Xiao Xuexiao and Xiao Xiaoshan-Let's ignore our naming ability, we don't need to question the destructive power of this crazy girl. The core figure of the future princess alliance, the three princesses of the spirit protoss who are famous in the entire void, is this fighting power a joke? Not to mention, Xiao Xue can run through time and space. It is said that Xiao Qian's time force played a leading role in it ...

Thinking of this, I nodded firmly to the shallowness: "Others dare not say, our children are absolutely incomparable in vitality. I believe your genetics ..."

After thinking briefly, I asked the next question: "Ajun, do you say that we are no longer humans now? Are our children related to genes? And according to Sandora, you as Nether creatures, genetics are not ancestral ... "

I wiped the sweat on my forehead: "Probably the information perturbation of the Nether creature will dominate, and that thing seems to be the 'gene' of the Nether creature."

I think about it again, the question is not over: "Ajun, do you say it will be ten months when I get pregnant? I'm afraid I'll speed up the fetus. I don't know if it will work ..."

I almost cried out: "Why are your questions today so high-powered?"

You see, talking to shallows is always such a dark tide, you never think of where the idea that is turning in her head comes from, although the time with her will be very happy. But this doesn't prevent her from being able to struggle in three sentences ...

I hurriedly shifted the subject before dragging myself to study whether the DNA of the void creature was ancestral: we started to study whether the castle made by Huesca and Little Bubble was Neuschwanstein or Constantinople, Superficial tends to Constantinople, but I think the two of them are purely trying to pile all kinds of stones as high as possible: the stack of things now looks nothing like a building. Pandora was dragged by Huesca to process those meteorites, in addition to using a mallet and a fist and a flying kick. Of course, she also tried to use sticky bombs and cannons. But Husca stopped him: fortunately the latter decided to build the house by hand from the beginning, otherwise, Qianchan and I had to pay attention to prevent Pandora from bombarding the asteroid belt.

Of course, despite the fun, young people know one of the most important dimensions: they can't destroy the asteroids that may contain hometown material. Both Little Bubbles and Pandora have scanning capabilities. They will pay attention to avoiding asteroids containing hometown material being dragged into this area ... Well, at least Pandora will take care to avoid this situation. As for Little Bubbles ...

I looked at the small bubbles that were struggling to make a piece of iron-rich meteorite into a cake, and I thought that she might probably also have the radar used to scan the hometown material?

As I was thinking about how mature the little bubbles that seemed to have not grown up for more than four years were, in the end, Lina and the puppet finally returned: the meteorite war between these two guys must have spread quite a bit Long distance, just after Li Lina was hit by a meteor shower, the two of them chased a place far away in my perception. I am optimistic that there are at least a dozen astronomical units. Although I didn't follow the past, I think the two little girls must be fighting fiercely: this can be seen from their current hairstyles and dirty looks on their bodies.

Fortunately, there is not much wisdom and civilization in this stellar system, otherwise how scared the two little girls who are scrambling asteroids in space can cause panic. Do you know, optimistically, they can either be regarded as heavenly gods?

The latter is more likely.

"Boss Boss Boss Boss !!!"

Just when I thought the two little guys were ready to fight, Liliana's frizzy burst of cries rang out in the spiritual connection. She rushed towards this side with the momentum of a cannonball and was kicked by me. Before I opened it, I steadily stopped two meters away in front of me. "We found ... wonderful things!"

"Stabilize the focus, keep the focus, you are so rough and not as stable as an individual," I got up and helped Lillina pinch her head henhouse and slap at least from her head and clothes. Two pounds of iron-rich **** came, then turned to clean up the same dirty doll, who was slightly cleaner than Liliana, but she was twisting very awkwardly, trying to grab the center of her back A small place, like itchy there.

"There is something in the keyhole ~ www.readwn.com ~" said the puppet, crying wryly.

This is really an annoying factor that others cannot copy ...

"What the **** did you find?"

Due to Lilin's whimpering personality and the unreliable way of telling the information, I turned to the little puppet and asked like this while holding tweezers and digging stones in her keyhole.

It's really troublesome without gravity. If it's on the earth, I'll simply hold the small lamp horizontally and shake it back and forth twice. Basically, I handle things in her keyhole, except for the water ...

"There are ruins, there are corpses, especially big things like graves," said the little puppet, with a trembling voice, while trying to control the body from being twisted around. "The green idiot said it might be Spirit. Ancestral ... wow! Itchy! "

I shook my hand, quickly pulled out the tweezers, and held the puppet in front of me: "What do you say ?!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets , Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read m.)

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