Xiling Empire

Chapter 1325: 1 wave

Veska really lived up to my hopes-she had forgotten all those dim things, even the cloak that she liked to wear most when she first joined the family, but fortunately she There is also an lieutenant who uses the original firmware memory method. Although the mentality of the second lunatic is not normal, at least the memory is okay. After seeing the pictures we passed, she suddenly thought of the bleak wind and blood. In the past, I missed the information returned by the circle with a red circle, and introduced us: "Look, this is the navel eye of this ship. The navel eye of this year is bigger ... ... "

The entire conference room was quiet, including Bingtis, facing the two lunatics in a horrifying manner. This one-on-one-out one has a broken mouth. The latter has not stopped meaning: "Do you look sexy? This ship was not as fat as it is now. At that time, it was good in shape. It had to have a curve and a figure, and it must have a figure. What is it like now, the waist circumference has been more than 7,000 kilometers ... "

"You ... shut up, can you listen to us?" I lay half-dead on the table, angry with the hair: I'm a bit regretful to find the second lunatic. I'm not good at calling anyone who doesn't have a door on the mouth. goods!

"Oh, you said," the second lunatic woke up from the beautiful moment of remembering her navel eyes and waist circumference. Her virtual image on the communicator has always been a cloud of no entity. Now the cloud is twisting and twisting, Then it slowly turned into a black and white Veska image. "By the way, how about the new look I made for myself? It looks better than the Second Warlord."

I continue to be irritated: "... well, well, do you remember how you and Huesca brought this Hessian tribe here? How did you find their home world and stay here again? What's next, and if this universe has been transformed by you-we found here a lot of space folds and completely closed parallel space-time with high density, these things caused a lot of trouble for the emperor, Haran is now hiding in somewhere In a different space. In addition, if you have time, by the way, why did Veska suddenly come to be his savior— "Speaking of this, I could n’t help but look at Veska, and the little girl finally came from her own space. Zhongfan vacated the black cape that she liked to wear, and she is now dressed as she stood in front of the holographic projection, posing in the same pose as in the photo. Then let a group of small players play the game where everyone finds the differences. "I really don't understand why Huesca would still have a good time."

"Tribe Hessen? What's that?" The two lunatics stunned, "We were still bringing people?"

Me: "..." This answer is so energetic-did every leg of the Destruction Legion have a clear head from top to bottom? !!

Fortunately, the memory of the second lunatic is still okay. She carefully checked the information in the core of her memory, but it can be recalled that after the destruction of the army's rumbling army, there were still several layers of refugees hanging on the spaceship. The old driver took people!), "Oh, when I think about it, it's taking people, but they didn't call the Hessen tribe. They were called ... Well, it's another name, not important information. So I did n’t record it. I probably changed my name after the new world took root. It ’s a normal phenomenon. Changing the name after the end of the world is just like going abroad to make a face after winning the prize ... "

I don't know where she got this messy knowledge! And is there any connection between these two things in addition to the similar actions?

"Hessen tribe ... Um. Let ’s call this ship too," the second lunatic opened the box and began to chatter. "It seems to be a group of very interesting guys, but the general did not have much contact with them at the time. The army was in the old empire Hunting outside the border-this is what we said in the past, that is, to go around and see if we can find a few waves of small eyes and shoot a few guns, then the generals have this hobby. Then we found the world. At that time That place is apocalyptic, and you know the general's temper. She likes to watch the end of the world. So we watched in the void for hundreds of thousands of years ... "

"Wait!" I almost pestered my head on the table. "You squatted outside the barrier of the world for hundreds of thousands of years just to see how a universe collapsed little by little?"

"Yeah, idle is idle anyway," said the second madman, who took it for granted. "The general likes watching the end of the world, big tears, big collapses, heat and coldness. Slow disintegration and rapid disintegration. And After the world barrier was broken, it was swallowed up by the void, and various doomsdays. At that time, when such a good thing happened, the legion was squatting outside the world barrier. Our ship will bet with the generals to see the universe. How long can I last for a long time, sometimes encountering the slow death, the general can watch the bridge for over a million years without blinking, and let the silly soldiers help her blow the ashes every day ... "

The house full of people looked at Veska, who was having fun with a group of small children, with an horrifying look. The latter was completely unaware that she was inverting the pictures brought by Sandora one by one. Dress yourself up like you were then, and continue to play with everyone to find the difference.

Suddenly I felt sore—the second lunatic told a story that sounded ridiculous, but I could n’t laugh at all. How much loneliness did Wiskar have in the past, and he took this as his only hobby? She didn't understand what is happy or sad, she lived purely to live, and acted for action. It was really difficult for the second madman to accompany her for so many years.

"Ha, this ship is made by a general, and it should have been with the general," the lunatic disapproved. "Although it is indeed a bit boring to see the end of the world ... don't say this, anyway, the Legion was waiting for the universe as usual. It completely collapsed, and then the general suddenly saw what she was interested in, that is, the Hessian tribe. They didn't run away, and nearly a third of the people died in a blink of an eye, so the general let the army enter for fun.

The elder sister's logic was obviously normal, so she was puzzled: "Catch up? Why? Make up?"

"Need a reason?" The second lunatic's logic was obviously not in a normal person's style, so she was puzzled. "The general said: let's go in and run a circle around the margins of the universe, so the army will enter."

Everyone: "..." This is the truth of the year.

"Then a lot of spaceships rushed towards us," said the second lunatic, "Well, there are a lot of them anyway. At that time, the general didn't say to destroy those things, and our ship thinks those spaceships look pretty. , So they dismantled their engines and tied them in strings to hang on the body. At that time, the larger sticks in the legion did this, but the ship was the largest. There are six strings on the ship's upper deck! "

Suddenly, in the conference room, the sound of ping-pong banging his head on the table. For the first time in my life, I heard that the quantifiers of a spaceship can be said by "strings". At first I thought that there was a problem with the translation of the records of the Hessian tribe. Now I see that nm is true: the neurosis of the Destruction Legion really drew the spaceship of the Hessian tribe and tied it with a string. Now, the reason is that the spaceship is more beautiful! Now I can fully imagine that the second lunatic essentially regards the suicide forces of others as a necklace, and she is now a planetary warship and went to the asteroid belt to collect ice ore and make a star ring to make a straw skirt for a reason. She is very good at doing such sensational things. As for the second lunatic, she was still mumbling: "Speaking of which, the ship did not even think of it at the beginning. There were people in those spaceships. They hung on the body for several days before they noticed this. Those bracelets and anklets were thrown away. "

At this time, the people in the house were no longer talking, and even the shallowness of ADHD was sitting and listening honestly: She probably finally met a guy with a big brain and a fight with her own fighting power, and felt very admired.

"How did you finally think of saving people?" This is my most curious question, because no matter how you look at it. The Destruction Legion of the year was not like a guy who could do good things. A group of squatting outside the barriers of the world, watching the race inside with cold eyes, how long can the clean cold-blooded war machine die in the end of the world, can you count on them to be kind? I take care of this sensible and observant Veska who knows how to protect others, but her black history of that year cannot be denied ...

"Reason? You speak strangely. Do you need a reason to do something?" The second lunatic also asked me, "The general said to bring those people, we will bring them, and then to a world that no one has ever visited. General Then suddenly asked my ship. Why was there so much debris in the fleet-she had forgotten that she had ordered them to take them-so we threw them out. The general did not leave when I left. Knowing what she thought about, she made people throw some unusable junk to those mortals. That's the whole thing. Oh yes, the general told the mortals that they would go back: we I found that the universe ’s life is approaching, and the end of the world will probably not take long. The general will definitely lead the legion to come back and watch. Now think about it, this should be the only time from the beginning to the end that General speaks to those mortals, and she told them in total A few words: "

"Go along and don't follow me."

"Don't be rotten. Hold on."

"I'll be back by then-you go away."

"What are you guys, and why are they on board?"

The story of the second lunatic is over. From the perspective of her, the entire history of the Hesse tribe is recorded. It can be heard that needles were falling around. Bettis suddenly struck my arm: "Look, you shouldn't ask the cause and effect of this history: you don't know your sister's brain is abnormal?"

I focused my head, in fact, this truth should have been thought of: there was no reason for Weiska to save the Hessen tribe. Even when she was doing this, she suddenly forgot what decision she had made, so that she was surprised that The refugees who were taken to the spacecraft asked what they were. In this case, it is better to study the issue of chickens and chickens by asking the roots of how the Hessen tribe was rescued and the motive of the Destruction Legion to do so.

At the time, Visca was better than shallow. Shallow can only be said to be a little wild, and his head at that time was almost Brownian ...

"That's why we think too much," Sandora shrugged a little bit, and she was just like me. At first, she thought that the Hessen tribe dared to have such a big relationship with the Destruction Legion. How many old secrets can even reveal a bit of the history of Vizkar that year. As a result, they are purely the "goods" stuffed into the warehouse when Vizz is unconscious. I don't know the truth. What if the people of the Hessian clans were still loyal and waiting for the return of the generals: just treat this as a black history and never mention it again, "but anyway, they have a relationship with Huesca. This war protected these people as much as possible, and then accepted them into the imperial family as one of the old family members according to the New Empire Code. "

There is no opinion from everyone, anyway, the more servants are better, the Hessian tribe now seems to have average scientific and technological strength, but for the servants who rely heavily on the technical support of the empire, their level of civilization is very easy to improve, and They also had a great deal of hard work in the face of the last days: if they passed on this spirit all the time. Maybe it's also a good group of guys, at least in line with the values ​​of the Apostles of the Spirit.

In fact, I just had some ideas about this Hessian tribe. I think they have unexpected development potential: according to their encounter, this species is a miracle in terms of survivability. They were sent hundreds of thousands of years ago— — According to the insane situation that was present at the time. That was at least 700,000 years ago, and I can imagine that the lunatics of the Destruction Legion absolutely did not know how to prepare comfortable living environments for the guests. When these mortals were taken away, Veska certainly did not help I tried to pack my luggage, so this species has almost developed from zero again since then. In this barren and cold world, the difficulty of surviving is conceivable. We assume that Huesca has left them sufficient supplies for a short time, but under the premise that a warm sun cannot be found in the entire universe. Learning how to live before supplies run out requires a strong survival force.

Born at the end of the gradual collapse of the universe, once as Don Quixote challenged the windmill, it faced the assault of the void and was pinched and tossed by the killing machines of the Destroyed Legion. Such a throw, now they are still alive and well, and they are happy to live in another doomsday-what a magical and fatal species! I think the only difference between them and the magical third brother is probably the Ganges River ...

I was so emotional. Huesca finally got tired of everyone to find the difference. She ran to me in a black cloak that hadn't been worn for years, and lay on the front of the communicator with me to say hello to her lunatic: "Hey. Lieutenant, have I really helped these people before?" "

"Exactly, Your Excellency General—Aha, it feels so good to hear your voice. The South Pole of this ship is shaking with excitement slightly. If you have any doubts about this history, the core of this ship's memory has The video record of that year. "

"No need," Veska shook his head whistling, and then grabbed my arm with a look of excitement. "Brother, I did good things then! I did good things that year!"

I do n’t know what expression to use to answer Veska's excitement now, or to continue to lament the fate of the Hessian tribe-a magical species that can hardly fight the front of the Destruction Legion and can not be beaten from beginning to end. Ah, this nation grew up in the Indian divine oil, right?

"But I'm curious, what exactly does this Hessian tribe want to do now?" Sandora turned off the projection device, and tapped her finger gently on the desktop. "From Haran to enter this world, to Emperor also flock in, All of them are acting in a high-profile manner. People of the Hessian tribe should have seen this for a long time. There is no reason for a civilization that has developed to the top of the universe to not have super-light-speed deep space observation technology. They have not even sent a representative. What are you doing. "

I nodded with deep conviction: "And they should know the Empire battleships. There was no reason why the Vespa spacecraft was not recorded as an image of worship. Now this situation is as if God had arrived at the Vatican. No one saw it ... "

Just after half of what I said, I was interrupted by an emergency call from the command center:

"His Majesty, here is Sivis. The indigenous peoples of this world have behaved abnormally. They suddenly assembled an innumerable number of spacecrafts are marching towards our military positions! It is expected that the leading troops of the other party will contact our army within a light distance! "

So everyone in the entire conference room had a "lying?" Look ~ www.readwn.com ~ and then hurriedly ran to the bridge.

When I saw the detection images from deep space probes and early warning radars, to be honest, I was a bit shocked.

Each group of pictures comes from a different airspace, and there are thousands of such pictures-in fact, the huge projection in the center of the command hall and the holographic projection on the command seats around it have been occupied by these pictures. The almost endless black battleships are gathering, they emerge from every corner of the universe, from every space fortress and red dwarf shelter of the Hessian tribe, even from some we have not even noticed before Emerged from the ancient and icy dust mass. These warships are not good-looking, and they are all gray and black. Their shape is almost the simplest geometry like the ellipsoidal spacecraft we used to collect p-03 radiation energy. Most of them are cylinders and ellipsoids. It's like the overwhelming Armstrong Cannon flew over ... that's what it meant.

I have an idea-did the Hessian smelt the only remaining material in the universe to make a spaceship? !! What's going on in this number of bedrooms! To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile users, please go to m.


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