Xiling Empire

Chapter 1334: I also had a day of being bombarded by a floating gun! ?

The battle had entered its final phase, the fallen apostles were completely defeated, and there was no capital to come back. The Glow Circle formation just destroyed the enemy's last batch of resistance gunships and killed all the enemy's shield nodes. After losing the joint shield, the fallen apostles were divided by the Empire's assault fleet into a number that could not be taken into account. One hundred areas slowly hanged. The most important reason why Sivis did not use heavy fire to saturate the fallen apostles who have lost their resistance is that I intend to capture the enemy's high-level commander alive-so to tell you, since the Carlo brothers were captured alive, I Already addicted to this, to deal with the mysterious mysteries of the gods, brewing a fallen conspiracy of great conspiracy, catching a living is more valuable than getting a hundred dead.

Not to mention this time we had a chance to catch an emperor alive: it made me very excited.

Sandora and I took the assault ship and jumped into the enemy's home. Because the enemy's gravitational trap generator and shield node were almost killed by the glow ring, the assault ship jumped and flowed in this area. Unimpeded. The glow ring is really a good thing. It is almost a meat grinder when killing **** enemy soldiers. When the assault ship passes through the battlefield, I will always see the enemy ship passing by suddenly shrinking. Into a small spot, and then exploded into a small flame: Sivis is directing the Seventh Fleet to **** us, and before landing on the dark planet, he and Sandora must try to save their strength, because Haran will not Seeing to be caught.

Fragments of battleships floating in space and continuous flashes of explosion flashes continuously outside the porthole, and the assault ship has entered the enemy's last gravitational trap effective area. Now it is traversing a wrecked area by conventional navigation, and the ship's mainframe is agilely avoiding the rampant metal fragments in space. My eyes crossed this deadly wreckage. Seeing that there are still psionic beams sweeping through space in the distance, it seems that the fighting in some local battlefields continues. Busy battlefield reports can be heard on the communication link. It seems that each combat team is progressing smoothly. Now the battlefield is concentrated inside the positions of the fallen apostles. It can be said that the battle has ended.

Looking at the wreckage floating outside and the dark flashes from time to time, my mood slowly calmed down. This is probably the result of my own exercise: my heart was as calm as water before the battle.

I suddenly thought of something to be happy about. So I touched Sandora's arm: "In fact, thanks to Harlan's reset, our losses have been reduced: the second battle ends faster, whether it is the Hesse tribe or the empire. Neither army suffered as much loss in the first battle. "

This is something that I just thought of. In the first battle, although we were almost going to win, we suffered a considerable loss when dealing with the King Admiral formation, and the Hessian tribe suffered an almost crushing counterattack. . After Harlan reset the battlefield, the Imperial Army and the Hessen tribe were fully resurrected, but only the regular units recovered on the fallen apostles, and one-third of their Admiral battleships were still paralyzed. And in the second battle, at the prompt of Xiaoxue, we adopted a more effective tactic: storming Levallet's Ring of Return at all costs, which caused the fallen apostle to collapse faster without losing the highest commander. In the end, Harlan's returning ability instead saved some losses for the Imperial Army and the Hesse tribe: although not much was recovered, the result itself was quite ironic.

"Harlan probably didn't expect the prophet's power to be so strong that he could see through his weaknesses within minutes," Sandora said with a faint smile, "and his ability to reset did not work for something of the level of the King. But Almost all units of the Imperial Army and the Hessen clans are effective, he is self-defeating ... and so on. I suddenly felt that although his army had returned to normal in combat consciousness, Haran himself did not seem to be sober, logically speaking He should not make this mistake. "

Sandora really cared about the problem, and began to meditate there, and finally she came to a conclusion: "Well, Harlan is still asleep, he just saved all the enemies and then let his army Dead again ... "

Personally, I think Sandora's summary is very accurate: It turned out that there was such an oolong behind the fierce battle just now? !!

The assault ship passed through the sporadic crossfire zone and finally came to the dark planet without any danger. The planet has now split into a pile of pieces floating in space, but weirdly they are still connected in pieces. And there is no scattering like the normal star explosion, only to see that the glory starship is not a "natural celestial body" in the world. This broken planet is full of horror rifts that run through the entire planet. Through these rifts, you can see the dark red flash of the planet's core, and the lightning jumping vertically and horizontally between the fragments of the planet. I control the spacecraft to enter carefully After reaching the Grand Canyon directly below the Earth's core, Sandora focused her mind on the surrounding environment. When we had sunk near the Earth's core, she suddenly said: "It's near here."

I found a prominent metal platform nearby, parked the spacecraft, and then stood down with Sandora for the first time on a glorious starship belonging to the fallen apostle.

This metal platform looks as if it is part of a broken flyover. One end of it is in the middle of the sky. Below it is the dark red planetary energy core. The other end is connected to a black warship corridor. I looked around, filling in my head what it looked like before the tear. The internal structure of various glory starships is different. The glory of Huesca is a hollow fortress with complete military facilities. The glory of Sandora has only light and energy, and the glory of Haran is like a giant. No Bully Spaceship: We are now located inside this broken planet. From the fracture zone on both sides, we can see a lot of structures similar to the battleship corridor, but the interior of the glory starship is not theoretically stationed by ordinary soldiers. Where is it-is it used when Harlan sleepwalks?

"Be alert, I think he's here," Sandora said in a spiritual connection. "And I'm awake."

I don't know what Haran would look like now. But in theory, an emperor has just been knocked out of glory. It ’s definitely better than ordinary officers: According to Sandorah ’s metaphor, the glory starship is just a dream for the Apostles to distort reality. (This metaphor is a bit problematic, but Sandorah is so used. (Details), I boldly guess that Haran's current level of weakness is a bit similar to hypotension after getting up ...

Then I prepared for battle according to this standard.

"This place looks weird. Is that what happened after the glory was destroyed?"

I observed the surrounding environment and found something strange: the edges of the broken planet fragments were shaking, and the farther away they were, the more obvious the shaking was. The metal overpass under our feet is very "real", but the alloy cliffs hundreds of meters away are blurred. This phenomenon seems to have just occurred: I did not find this strange situation when I drove down the spacecraft. In addition, I also noticed that the broken ground in the far distance is gradually becoming transparent. There is a fragmented floating island floating about one or two kilometers away from this place. Through it, I even see an explosion in the distance. flash.

"The Honor Starship is a product of twisted rules. Therefore, it will not leave a wreckage after it is destroyed, but slowly 'collapse' in the real world," Sandora easily scooped a fragment from a nearby alloy cliff. With one hand, this black alloy that looks solid and incomparably turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared into the air. "When it gradually collapses. The glory starship will produce various anomalies, and due to the microscopic And macro-scale inversion, these anomalies will present a variety of scenarios depending on the observer, and it is not surprising to see anything. In fact, the scenarios you see and the scenarios I see will have slight deviations. Everything here is somewhere between real and illusory. Don't worry about what you see with your eyes. "

I nodded my head, and decided to set aside such details. And just at this moment of slackness, a flash of light suddenly passed by!

"Fuck!" I subconsciously made a sound, and then avoided the flash extremely thrillingly, the latter swept from where I was standing, leaving a scar on the alloy overpass that almost cut off the bridge, and finally bombarded On the distant cliffs, a violent explosion was triggered. There was a rush of dull roar echoing in the thin gas environment inside the broken planet.

Immediately afterwards, a chain reaction-like explosion began to occur in all directions. The broken planet plate seemed to be bombarded by something invisible, and it was clear that Sandora and I were in the center of it all!

The already fragile alloy cliffs were violently impacted, as if a collapsed beach castle was violently shaken, and large pieces of metal fragments fell from the upper edge of the crust like a heavy rain, all the way to the hot, **** core of the dark planet . Everything was shaking in all directions. Sandora and I had to simply leave the ground and fly in mid-air to stabilize their bodies. Soon I noticed that there were more anomalies around the world: gravity was disordered, and the torn alloy cliff was twisting. Deformation, the surrounding space and optical phenomena also seem to be out of order. Those falling metal fragments are constantly changing in size and shape during the fall. I realized that it was an optical "perspective phenomenon" after a few seconds. Out of control. The surroundings have become upside down and chaotic. If, as Sandora said, the Starship Glory is a "Hilling Dreamland" used to distort the real world, then this dreamland has become a nightmare, and it is in a state where it will not wake up Chaos.

In this chaos, I heard Haran's voice, calm and clear, appearing directly in my mind and Sandora: "You are looking for me, aren't you?"

"You are finally willing to come out." Sandora completely ignored the disturbing scenes around her. She looked not far away from a tall figure that was gradually emerging from the air: Harlan.

This is a tall and strong middle-aged man, wearing the full suit of Emperor Hilling on regular occasions: the emperor's uniform, belt, command knife, and sabre-for the apostle of Hilling, the more formal the more necessary Full military equipment. I once saw Harlan ’s message video in Green Star ’s database. His real person seems to be more indifferent than the video. Now the fighting desire and cold look in Haran ’s eyes are not in the image that day. -Of course, this may also be related to the abyss claws that Sandora just exposed and my void form ...

I found that after Harlan appeared, the speed of collapse around the world slowed down. And when his figure completely became solid, the disordered gravity and upside-down optical effects also returned to normal. The almost completely collapsed cliffs quivered to a standstill, and even some metal fragments that fell to half were returning to their original positions: it seemed that the appearance of Haran's body had slightly restored the "coldness" of this dark planet that was collapsing. .

"I didn't expect me to be today." Harlan looked unnerved, even though he was in a terrible condition, and visually could not beat either of me and Sandora, "Ha ha, it's been quite long Time, the first act you see when you wake up is that your army is under pressure. It ’s really bad. "

Sandora's eyes changed slightly. The other party seemed to confirm a fact, and then she smiled lightly: "You can't run, the outside space has been blocked by layers, but I guess you definitely don't want to surrender."

I nodded afterwards: "You have the right to choose to resist, anyway, we will hold you to life can not take care of themselves."

Harlan didn't say a word, but stepped back a little, I think he should zoom in. So I was ready to fight, but the attack method of the opponent made me stunned: hundreds of space vortexes suddenly appeared in the air in all directions. The first thing we faced was the overwhelming floating cannons!

Hundreds of rectangular floating guns the size of Alto were lined up in a wall and bombarded at the same time with Sandora and me, and Harlan took the opportunity to retreat quickly, where he passed. The space is unbroken, and a large number of fixed turrets and floating guns emerge like ghosts emerging in the dark, and the number seems endless. I instinctively opened up the shield to resist, and after a while, the speed at which the shield was consumed was astonishing: these planktons were far more powerful than they seemed. And after a large number of turrets are stacked together, the power is far from simple.

The alloy cliffs behind us were instantly smashed by violent artillery fire. The violent explosion completely covered my sight. In the violent flashes and annoying metal fragments, Haran's figure was no longer visible. I could only determine the position and status of the other party through mental force scanning. I was a bit crazy: " Why does this fighting method look so familiar! "

"The apostle fighting with the floating guns and the battery array was not just Pandora," Sandora's half body had turned into an abyss form. She released a gray-black shock wave, tearing the most powerful group of floating guns, even in the There was a 100-meter-wide exit on the siege net, but within just a few seconds, the siege net was blocked by more anti-aircraft guns.

Harlan released not only a floating gun, but also a small jump interrupter and a gravitational trap generator. These devices have limited impact on me and Sandora, but they are still very annoying. Of course, the more annoying is the huge number. Turrets-they are more powerful than Pandora's turrets, and their attack attributes are complex. There are some devices that are not turrets mixed with them. They are small-scale mathematical rate effect generators. In order to offset the confusion caused by those things, I Having to release the Void Realm is obviously very labor-intensive: the physical energy that we just fought against the King Admiral Group just now hasn't recovered, which is really a humiliating situation.

I now understand a little bit how embarrassing those who have been crushed by Pandora's firepower. Once the number of such things as floating guns is overwhelming, it is definitely a nightmare battlefield. They can attack without dead ends, and they are extremely agile. And the quantity can be replenished at any time. You have to face the dilemma of being unable to evade and being bombarded throughout the entire process before winning. All your actions must be carried out against the fire. The power of individual floating guns may be limited, but they can display fleet-like combat power in a cluster situation, and the various turrets made by the Apostles of the Spirit are never pure firepower. It is a super-dimensional attack. At the same time, I have to deal with not only artillery, but also the continuous structure of space!

I also have to face Haran ’s weird abilities: I do n’t know how to describe Haran ’s power exactly yet. He is a bit like a combination of Pandora-type fireman and storm commander. Powerful bombing and information control like the Return of the Ring. Now that he is out of glory, his returning ability still seems to be effective. More and more floating guns have been destroyed by Sandorla and me. I found that Harlan had the dilemma of being out of stock. After careful observation, I was sure he recovered his loss!

Of course, being bombed like this is certainly not an issue, so Sandora and I were ready to find a chance to break through, but this seemed to be a little difficult: the planktonic array was extremely flexible, and the encirclement formed by them was extremely flexible. Each individual turret had Jumping ability, Sandora and I chose the wrong direction for the first time, and the speed was not fast enough. As a result, the firepower net intertwined by tens of thousands of planktons plowed more than 1,300 kilometers of crust, and we are still in The center of the firepower network.

The stormy artillery is still bombarding continuously. As far as the line of sight is concerned, the earth has no place to stand. I am responsible for providing defense and using energy to seduce the number of these floating guns (the latter is nothing). Effect), Sandora used her powerful power after the abyss to destroy the shock waves everywhere. We swept across the cracking earth at dozens of times the speed of sound. Harlan ’s gunfire seemed to be wrapped in storms and thunder. Tornadoes are generally close behind, and I figured it out a bit, and found that I had already orbited the planet almost ...

It seems Harlan has the upper hand now, and he is chasing after us, but Sandora has no frustration at all. She even always smiles coldly, because actually Harlan has no chance of winning. Dora's purpose now is to consume the remaining energy of the opponent. I can be sure: Harlan is almost at the end of his crossbow.

This is for a reason-so far these floating guns can only be regarded as "threatening" to Sandora and me, but they are not lethal. Even the high-end weapons are only conventional artillery. Pandora has a large Stacking higher-end equipment, does Harlan only have a floating gun? As an emperor, if the other party only has these floating guns and the auxiliary "reset" ability, it is obviously not enough, so the other party is probably really strong and capable: he should have a big move and should have used it.

It was another continuous explosion. I seized the opportunity to use energy to detonate and destroy the turret position on a nearby floating island ~ www.readwn.com ~ Before more turrets were blocked, I pulled Sandorah Break out of the encirclement.

Almost at the same time as Sandora and I rushed out, countless space cracks appeared in all directions. More anti-aircraft guns and jump interrupters began to try to block this space. Sandora seemed to be tired of this messy battlefield. The golden light behind her instantly stretched to thousands of kilometers: "Dead must obey my orders!"

Everything around was abruptly still. The will of the spirit grabber swept through everything like a wind, so all things in the world, whether spirit or spirit, declared obedience.

Including dust and Harlan's turrets.

I look around, this place is beyond recognition: the broken planet plate has been blown up into countless fragmented floating platforms, and there is no longer a little bigger thing that can be called a floating island. We were unknowingly shattering a large piece of the planetary plate under the previous indiscriminate bombardment and the continuous shock waves released by Sandora.

What's more worth mentioning is that half of them were fried by Haran himself-he was really **** himself. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read m.)

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