Xiling Empire

Chapter 1336: Various recognition ...

Dark and icy space, fragmented battleships, and occasionally a flash of light across the darkness, which was the last battlefield that was sporadic. The dark planet under our feet has completely disintegrated, and there is no dark red core left. The glory starship, which was an overhead creation, left no residue after the collapse. It dissipated like a nightmare in the cold reality. It's hard to imagine. Just a few minutes ago, there was a space entity with a diameter of thousands of kilometers and composed of broken star skeletons.

Haran was wearing a tattered military uniform, and the wound on his body had not healed. He stood in the air like this, looking at the scene in space with a calm expression, looking through the positions of hundreds of thousands of kilometers, looking at his glory and power. Eighty percent of the army has now become debris. The shattered starship wreckage and the flashes of the distant theater of war were reflected in his dark eyes, and the old emperor shrugged: "That's how it ended."

"Sorry, we have to destroy most of them," Sandora replied in a spiritual connection. She rarely apologized, but she had to face this former colleague who was almost wiped out by the new empire. Don't say sorry, "Spirit soldiers are almost impossible to capture. The number of soldiers we can successfully capture and reverse each time is extremely limited. I personally hope to restore the minds of more compatriots, but this is not realistic."

"It's okay, being purified by the psionic energy may be a relief for them," Harlan was very calm, "I have a lot of questions-what did you do, why did I suddenly" recover ", how exactly did you avoid that year That disaster ... and what happened to the sting I just suffered, it seems that I have a lot to learn. "

When Harlan mentioned "how to escape the disaster of that year", Sandora showed a clear look of loss: she had hoped that she could learn more information about the disaster from Harlan's mouth, and revenge. The army was blocked by the "barrier" in the truth of another world, but now it seems Harlan's understanding of these is also limited. After a while. Sandora relieved her with a smile: "The fallen apostles in the eyes of the new empire have always been mysterious and secretive. There are a lot of secrets that seem to be in your eyes. The new empire is similar. We will explain to you clearly, and I It is recommended that you transfer your memory to somewhere else. According to past experience, the local memory of the fallen apostles will disappear after a period of inverse transformation. The reason is unknown, but it seems that an adult behind you is responsible for all The fallen apostles moved their hands and feet. "

Harlan froze for a moment, then flashed some light in his eyes, and it seemed that he had begun checking his memory. However, no matter how you back up that memory bank, you can only save money. We have tried many times, and we are very clear about the laws in this regard. After the "recovery" of the fallen apostles, they will soon lose their detailed memory of their life under the "lord", which was very fast at first, and it took only a few seconds. The speed slowed sharply until the end of a few days, and the most crucial core issues: the roster of fallen apostles, military strength, and the map of the abyss empire were deleted in the first few seconds. Bella Villa and Carter Carlow and others have not been able to restore this part of the data, indicating that the deletion is performed at the bottom of the system and there is no room for salvation.

I looked at Harlan with a little regret. After all, I still had a fat meal for others: Although there was a reason for it, I always felt a little bit sad. To be honest, I felt that I was a villain: "So what, just hit Hi. I did n’t notice that you already Sober up ... "

"Does my recovery really have something to do with what you just did?" Harlan backed up his memory bank and set his eyes on me. Today is the first time I have met him face-to-face, but we have done it before Several encounters without encounters: each encounter is thrilling. Blood flows into the river, and I don't consider myself a hero. But he did feel a little regretful about this with Haran, and he was probably the same, "It's strange, I don't understand why I have to do that to wake up the polluted apostle, saying that it is fighting, there is no lethality, you seem It wasn't even intended to hurt anyone, it was more like ... making trouble. "

I said to myself that when it was dueling with a female hooligan, it was so good for the two to meditate, and the fame of the third person in the void was so solidified into a set of eight punches, but I guess Harlan couldn't understand the allusion. , So I can only smile with regret: "The reason is very complicated. Anyway, a guy like you who is polluted and has strong mental strength, I have only this trick available, but next time I will pay attention to the patient's expression. -I just didn't see that you were awake ... "

Harlan silently, the psychologically shocking scene was still lingering in his mind. I don't think I should mention it, so I quickly shifted the topic: "There is another good news. Zador has been taken Captured. "

Zadom, the first general in the Haran Army-probably equivalent to Pandora's value to the emperor. The difference between the two is that Zadom is obviously not the one who threw the circuit of thinking outside. I believe Haran must be very important to Zadom. Everyone who trusts most of the Emperor Spirit is undoubtedly his general, and there is no exception in the history of the Empire.

For Haran now, it is undoubtedly the most exciting news that his general is still alive.

In fact, when Sandora and I came to arrest Haran, another group of horses was dedicated to dealing with Zadom. We are not worried that the latter will run away because it is impossible for any General Schilling to leave his own. The emperor fled alone. Responsible for catching Zadom is the Protoss sliver quintet and Xiaoxue. The first five are 1t, 2t, 3t, 4t and dps (Bingtis-although she can really ridicule, she is still a dps). That ’s a small map. The six players were very powerful. Especially, the firepower of Bingtis definitely hit Zadom and there was plenty of money, so their arrest was very smooth. In addition, as Xiao Xue also inherited my mantle, Zadom's reverse transformation was also relatively smooth.

——I mean Xiao Xue didn't meet too much resistance when hitting the sandbag. According to the news from Bingtis, they hoisted Zadom to fight, which is inhumane than Sandora and I.

Harlan's face looked overjoyed, and it seemed that he did not expect the arrest of a leader-level general in addition to himself: the difficulty of catching a leader-level apostle was obvious: "You must have worked hard, Dom is very powerful. "

"Sneak attack and slammed the black hand behind the stab with a stab knife. At the end we sent a female hooligan here disguised as a messy abyss to distract Zador," I recalled what Bingtis had just passed to myself. "Battle report", "Overall smooth."

Harlan: "..."

The last bit of sporadic fighting has finally ended, and the service echelon has begun to deal with the battlefield. Some people may think that this kind of space war is not necessary to clean up the battlefield. Anyway, the universe is so large, and the space trash is not in the orbit of its own planet. It is highly undesirable that the battlefield where the emperor and the fallen apostles fought must be cleaned later. The wreckage floating here is either full of phantom energy, or there is an abyss reaction. These things are destructive to the world, especially the latter. If an ignorant alien race accidentally ran into this world and retrieved a wreckage of a warship with abyss responses, the consequences would be even more unimaginable. We have fully seen the trouble caused by littering of incombustible garbage everywhere in the old empire, and now of course we will try to avoid similar "legacy problems". Cleaning the battlefield does not necessarily require the recovery of all the debris here. But at least you need to use special methods to neutralize the psionic energy or the abyss attached to those things, so that the rest is metal fragments, and it doesn't matter if they are left.

The sight of the wreckage in the sight made me feel a little bit painful. How I wish Harlan could open up now and reset the two warring parties-but it is not possible to think about it, things are not perfect, first Not to mention Harlan's glory form has been blown. Even if he can open a big one, it is estimated that everyone will play another game, and the result will not be better than now.

"Are you ready to meet your new friend?" Accompanying Harlan in memory of the British soul who died in the war, I invited the latter. But soon my eyes fell on the other person's brutal scar. "Um ... don't you deal with this injury first?"

Harlan smiled indifferently: "Can't die, just leave it like this, it's normal to come down from the battlefield with some injuries."

I looked at the opposite space through the big hole in Harlan's chest. Feeling a burst of cold sweat on the forehead, God knew what kind of injury was serious in this guy's eyes. However, the other side's injury was caused by Sandora's abyss claws and my void power. It was really troublesome to recover. Seeing him really did n’t matter. ), I will not mention this stubble, after returning to the repair warehouse first.

We waited a while to confirm that Haran ’s mental state was completely stable—you should also remember that mental instability will occur for a period of time when the fallen apostles were just reversely transformed, although Haran seems to be normal all the time However, this is because his normal personality is extremely firm, but his mental instability still exists-then he returned to the bridge of the Empire.

The command hall is still busy. Commanders at all levels are counting the damage of each unit and assigning post-war damage control missions. From the dark and silent space, they suddenly return to this warm and bright place. I can't help taking a deep breath: Although breathing is not necessary Yes, but after more than 20 years of human beings, it is still used to panting.

Harlan seemed to think that his experience in this more than an hour was still a little weird. He blinked and looked at Emperor's command center: "It's hard to imagine that not long ago we were enemies, but now I'm standing in your command."

Sandora calmly said: "After the demise of the empire, many things have deviated from the norm, and many things have never been imagined before, such as gunfire on the battlefield. By the way, I still remember what you just said ... "

Harlan's face suddenly became particularly subtle, and I still remembered his words: "Look at your ghost now! You are the same as all of us!" This is definitely a powerful mockery for Sandora.

"Sandora pays more attention to her abyss," I sent sympathy to Harlan. "It's superfluous to say what you just said ..."

"Forget it," Sandora waved her hand suddenly. "It's not a 'special' concern. Seeing that you're going to repair the warehouse for at least a week, let's think nothing happened. Like everyone else, What you did during the Corruption period will end with that battle just now, and you can start again. A small part of the new empire now is the former fallen apostle who has been transformed. This matter will be explained after your injury is restored. You will meet many old friends and look forward to your new life. "

Harlan's sharp and serious face finally showed a complex smile. He knew how much weight was behind the so-called "write-off" and "restart", so he couldn't say too much, but just told me and Sandora nodded. At this time, the gate behind the officer's platform suddenly opened, and a small group of people came in noisily, walking in front of it was the biggest-voiced Icetis. She finally closed her scorched wings, and is now talking to her. Ilson was bragging around him: "I said it to my old lady. My old lady is an acting genre, and just now Zadom almost had to fight alongside her ..."

Bingtis was followed by a tall, strong, middle-aged man wearing a black military uniform of the fallen apostle, and his face was somewhat withered. He heard Bingtis' bragging content and his expression was cloudy. Could not help but interjected: "Then you hit me down with something-what exactly do you use?"

Bingtis came out with a star brick, and the middle of the brick has been sunk a large piece: "The old woman ’s bricks have no false hair. Within five meters, even the old monsters in the Pantheon cannot hide, you Be more tender-oh, Chen, we are back and tell you about this. This is Zador, this is the brick that I just smashed.

The first time I saw an introduction, I also introduced the bricks in my hand. This female hooligan would have a fetishism on the bricks more seriously?

"Your Majesty ?!" Some downcast Zadom suddenly looked up and saw Haran standing not far from him, straightening his body immediately. After the military salute, the momentum of his body instantly changed back to a strong and brave general, "Zadom reports to you!"

"It's nice to see you alive-disbanded, General."

Xiaoxue watched for a long time with a strange expression beside him. Only then did you walk up and say hello to Harlan: "Ahem. I haven't seen you in a long time, Uncle Harlan, I haven't seen you in all senses ..."

Those of us who knew Xiaoxue's origins were immediately stunned, and then wanted to understand a large amount of stuff, Harlan was slightly wrong, but he quickly recognized Xiaoxue: "You ... you copied it at that time ... "

"I'll take your fleet," Xiaoxue's eyes fluttered, "Thank you for speaking. If you didn't try to copy my dad, I wouldn't have found a more suitable time-space entry point."

"Your father?" Harlan turned in a fog, "What the **** is going on? I remember this girl ..."

"She is my daughter-in-law," she said. My head slowly rose up. The explanation of this question really tested people's logical abilities. "You tried to copy me, and it turned out to be my biological daughter."

"I know the copyman plan, this sly girl--" The expression on Haran's face was not known to cry or laugh, and he pointed at Xiaoxue. "She ran out of the copyman's experiment cabin, with the power of void Residual response, and expressed cooperation. We always thought that the replication plan was successful, but she lied to everyone, and finally pulled my fleet away. I still don't understand how you can do it! Copy the void The biological plan is so impervious that you can arrange your daughter near the most protected laboratory? "

"She didn't arrange it for me," I explained Xiaoxue's identity with tears of laughter. "It's her own arrangement-you can call her Xiaoxue. On the normal timeline, she is not born yet. She is Projected from the future. "

"Reversing time and space?" Harlan looked at Xiaoxue inconceivably. "This is impossible. The continuity of time is only meaningful in a closed universe. For the void, each world has its own time frame of reference. There is no such thing as reversing time across the void ... There is no such thing as a "time axis" on the void level. What is she ... "

Xiao Xue murmured as soon as she poked, "Uncle Harlan, you are left-handed, you have obsessive-compulsive disorder, and you must walk the same number of steps on the left and right feet every day. In addition, you like to eat the waterless rounds made by Aunt Sylvia cake."

Everyone at the scene opened their mouths in surprise, Harlan stunned: "The first two are right, but what is the waterless bun? Who is Sylvia?"

"Oh, that's the future," Xiaoxue scratched her hair. "I did project from the future anyway. As for the timeline problem-because I didn't involve the timeline at all, the Void Catastrophe is me. Springboard ~ www.readwn.com ~ Of course you do n’t have to worry about this, anyway, you will know in the future. By the way, thank you in advance for giving me pocket money in the future, although every time you give it to my dad Report ... "

Harlan: "... It seems that I have a lot to learn. How amazing are you ..."

Not to mention Harlan ’s surprise, even I have never thought of Xiao Xue's future situation with him. Now think about this Nima is absolutely deserved: If Haran was successfully arrested by us, then he will be Definitely a member of Shadow City, but also a guy who can have a close relationship with our family: just like Sylvia, such an inference, in the future, Xiao Xue is basically what Harlan looks at growing up ...

Xiao Xue was able to hold this secret all the time. I probably didn't want to interfere with the event line. I suddenly looked at the secret of this bear child, and then started to think about how many secrets this girl has hidden. I don't think about half of it. Dare to think about it!

Anyway, I can only confirm one point: When Xiaoxue cheated the entire fleet from Harlan, it seemed that he was not softened, this child ...

Calm, smart, thoughtful, and able to be 100% unemotional when Harlan was an enemy, she was not just as simple as a bear child.

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