Xiling Empire

Chapter 1339: Encounter in a dessert shop

(First of all, I wish everyone a happy National Day, and envy those who have a long holiday-then ask for a monthly ticket ...)

After the problems in Far Xinjiang were resolved, it seemed that everything I had to deal with suddenly increased. I only took a two-day rest at home. The work reports from the lower-level information network were marked as "urgent and need to be reviewed by the royal family." His plan was piled up in front of himself. After the daily affairs were cut off, the rest were basically related to the recent incidents:

We have to start a new exploration of the universe where the material of our hometown was discovered. The second batch of scientific research teams will set off in 24 hours to go to the remote territory. Tavel has organized the original working group and added a dozen more. Into the mass projection, she intends to turn the universe upside down in one breath and prepare for the later "world traction", because Sandora plans to drag the universe into the empire for long-term observation. Give up to find the coordinates of the home world.

The immigration work of the Hessen tribe has begun. We plan to build three gates of the world to meet the needs of immigrants. Because the population of the Hessian tribe is very large, and the planet fortresses they make will also move to their new homes, so the second And the third World Gate is large and may take a few days to complete, and now in use is a fast-laying small world gate to bring the Hessian advance team to their new home: one A carefully selected universe that has just officially started and all resources are in a 100% state.

Speaking of these "mass-production universes", the new empire is no longer the kind of poor and poor that it used to be. We have many rich and rich worlds for our families. A large part of these new worlds were made by the Empire in the past two years: generating an information singularity. Then accurately guide and catalyze it into a universe, in fact, the technical difficulty is not high. The name God of Creation sounds very high-end, but according to Tavel, as long as you master the formula of information deduction and can create the most basic "point", making a world is no more complicated than making a gun. How much, most of the processes can be automatically completed by the law of the universe, and the catalysis can be easily done through the characteristics of no time axis in the void. Through the void equipment, billions of years of universe evolution can be directly collapsed into a few seconds. Formed "Conclusion State". Tavel just couldn't understand how Ding Dang's creation test for tens of thousands of years came from ... Well, we don't discuss this issue. In short, in the past two years, the Empire has begun to make a cheap and easy-to-use "commodity universe". ; In addition, there are some new worlds that are supported by Starfield Protoss friendship-well, in fact, they are the private property of Protoss sliver quintessentials. They finally seem to feel a bit uncomfortable eating and drinking in my house, so they cannot use themselves Some of the universes that have not yet started to give the empire as rent, can we not talk about this rent problem?

The new home arranged for the Hessian tribe is a stable universe with rules that are highly similar to their "old home", because this race has passed the advanced stage of universe exploration. It is not necessary for them to adapt to the law of the new world again. Next, the Hessian tribe just build a home in their new world and merge into the Empire's main information network as soon as possible, and wait for the stable operation of the transmission channels connecting them to other worlds. This race has officially become a member of the Empire family. Sandora arranged the "mentor" of the tree elves and the civilized community as the leader of the Hesse tribe. The former has good affinity and has contact with the old empire. Most suitable as a guide to welcome new brothers. In fact, the tree elves are almost active when almost any race joins the Empire camp for the first time. After introducing this family to the new members of the Acer World or the Empire family, they are always used to say " So welcome to my new home, my brother / sister ". This has basically become the new standard rhetoric of Empire. The Civilization Community is somewhat similar in character to the Hessen tribe, although the latter looks more "magic". But most of the two places should be harmonious. For Hessians, in a strange environment, it should be easier to meet a group of people with similar personalities.

Later, we will also deal with the collection of Harran's remnants and the reorganization of fallen apostles such as Haran and Zadom. Although the number of fallen apostles we captured on the battlefield is limited, it is related to the size of the entire army In contrast, in fact, the number of fallen apostles captured by God this time can be described as unprecedented, except for the last feat of Xiao Xue deceiving the entire fleet from the enemy's base camp this time. This time we captured the largest number of fallen apostles. It may be limited, but the number of soldiers and commanders adds up to hundreds of thousands-can you imagine how many large playgrounds can be filled with so many people spread out? When talking about helping the people count, they directly used the football field as the unit: we captured the commanders at all levels of half a football field, the royal guards of two football fields, and the ordinary soldiers of many football fields-this is Shallow words.

Speaking of, the last half of the army that Xiaoxue deceived was Harlan's subordinates, and the first person captured was Carter Carlow, who was also Harlan's subordinate. The Vincent Carlo and his fleet that were captured last time were also Harbin. Lan's subordinates, this time we not only arrested Haran's subordinates, but also took hands to catch Haran himself. What is the sympathy that suddenly came to my heart ...

In short, there are quite a lot of things to be arranged. At the level of ordinary soldiers and middle and lower commanders in the old Haran Ministry, I intend to arrange a part of the abyss army under Huesca. Counting this batch of recruits, Huesca's army will be completely Take shape, she and Pandora have a complete general independent legion (independent of the major legions, the rapid reaction, the elite legion directly under the command of the imperial general), which is undoubtedly in the current imperial wars and slightly tense forces A great help. Another part of the abyss apostles can be blended with the existing abyss army of the empire. This part of the army is still independent of the major corps of the empire because of its special nature. They independently implement some of the apostles dedicated to the fallen apostles. Combat or reconnaissance missions occasionally cooperate with the regular army. As the conflict between the empire and the fallen apostles intensifies, the gap in this special task force has become increasingly apparent. There is an urgent need for fresh blood.

Leadership apostles such as Harlan and Zadom, of course, are best to continue their careers. Lead the soldiers to fight. The size of the abyss troops is getting larger and larger. The abyss apostles have become a non-negligible group under the new empire, but the high-level commanders among them are scarce (after all, the capture of a leader is sometimes better than the capture of 10,000 soldiers. Difficult), these troops are usually under the control of Huesca, but to be honest-I don't think Huesca is better than Pandora ... the latter still has at least a sense of generals. Huesca's biggest hobby is Squatting at the corner to count the ants and chat with the shallow-bred Brazilian tortoise, I really feel that Harlan and Zadom's occupation is too timely!

It's just that Harlan's opinion still depends on his own thoughts, in case this man, like Belavila, planned to retreat for three or five years. Put yourself on a long vacation for hundreds of days, then I ca n’t help it anymore ... After all, people are more or less the former emperor, and the last time I was fat, I still lose my heart ...

At that time, Harlan should be tied back and let Xiao Xue do it. The girl didn't seem to be conscientious.

But there is also exciting good news in the middle of these troublesome things, that is, the King Admiral formation ...

Harlan's Royal Admiral formation is definitely a generous gift, and the gadget has been coveting the new empire for a long time-for a while I dreamed of turning the hula hoop. The days after Harlan's King Admiral formation first appeared on the frontier battlefield. This time we finally got a complete sample of this super battleship. With the ability of Tavel, she will soon find a way to copy this spaceship, and then we can finally work on the short board of the super battleship and the fallen apostles. Tied it.

Of course, due to the fierce battle situation, the emperor failed to capture all the King Admiral battleships in Haran. Except for the four King Admiral cores that were disarmed by me at the beginning of the battle, the remaining super battleships were basically completely destroyed or self-destructed during the fierce battle. Only two severely damaged warships survived, but Tavel and others concerned have been overjoyed. Four complete cores, and two prototypes that were damaged but not irreparable. At noon today, Sandola took six bowls of rice for the pictures of these spaceships. You can see how much these things mean to the empire. Tavel is now organizing her trusted senior assistant to repair the two broken ships. She herself dismantled the four cores herself. The glasses lady was completely immersed in the ocean of **** and circles ... she sent me more than twenty technical reports that I could not understand at the end. A word: if your Majesty can't understand, just write and read it, and the subordinates just express their feelings.

Although I felt like there was something worth voicing, I still happily wrote "read".

Things outside the Royal Admiral's fleet are less enjoyable: Emperor's battle damage report, the periodic table of the legion's recovery, spy reports from the fallen apostles 'borders: recent enemies' activity seems to have shown signs of strengthening again, and Sandora's "Ancestral Revival Plan." It seems that Her Majesty has begun to resurrect her ancestors with confidence, but before the plan began, she encountered tons of technical problems. These technical problems were also summarized by Tavel into dozens of incomprehensible reports. The above also summarized briefly in a sentence: If your Majesty does not understand, please put it aside, in short, it means that the resurrection failure rate is more than 90%.

I don't know if Sandora can accept this failure rate.

I sat in the study and read the report from noon after lunch. I did n’t move until the sunset outside. When the bell of the nearby middle school came quietly, I felt as if I had finally become worried about the country and the people. Good leader-the kind of premature aging camel who lost his hair and eventually had terminal illness. Although I don't think I can get terminal illness, this mentality really can not persist. Looking at the little crow who is catching mice outside the window, the shallow crow who is catching the little crow, and the sister who is catching the shallow, I am very impatient. I started to pull my hair, one by one, and I wished that everything in front of me would be done automatically in an instant. Holding a comic book larger than herself and watching the afternoon, the little puppet noticed the movement here, and flew over immediately. After all, there was a snack for this girl, she decided to help--

She helped me pull my hair, tweaking my hair ...

I can't understand how this strange group of strangers around me usually have a reflex arc, and the shallow virus spreads widely. Brain pumping is getting more and more wow.

"Go and go. I'm busy here."

I tried to remove the puppet from my head. Put the little **** the table under her ribs. Speaking of, this little guy did n’t seem to be doing anything with the adults this time, at least the little crow and the little bubble also sneaked through the door ... I mean to help find Harlan ’s clue, and save the army valuable time. This SD doll was busy watching the fun and fighting with Li Lina from beginning to end. To say that the only thing she did was to lead her three-headed Mengjun to help the Hessen tribe to treat the wounded and repair the spaceship after the battle: the little ones who were only half a meter tall were agile. The work efficiency is very high, the most important thing is that they are born with a passion for drilling pipes and various spaceship fracture zones. All are good seedlings for engineering soldiers-I mean without getting stuck.

But even though he didn't do anything serious, the puppet himself seemed quite satisfied with the expedition, and he didn't get upset after returning.

"What business are you busy with," the little puppet walked on the table, "you have been half an hour ago."

I thought about it and found that I couldn't refute it, so I just put the contents in my hand. Putting the doll on his shoulders smoothly: "Well, let's go up to Shadow City."

The little puppet was just trying to get attention. She probably did n’t ask where and what to do, so the little guy immediately rejoiced and held my head and twisted like a steering wheel: I ’m glad she did n’t plan to give me There was a mirror in my ear, and the girl sat on my shoulder all day. Now that I'm getting into some weird habits, I was scared when I saw her holding this car magazine last time ...

When I thought about it that way, I heard an exclaim from my shoulder: "Fool, bend down ... wow!" "Bang!"

"Angina! Come and fix the door!"

Ten minutes later, I walked along the bustling and lively streets of Shadow City with my doll. The SD doll on my shoulder was trying to pull out all my hair, and found that it was more difficult. She started holding my head around, and we met a lot of acquaintances along the way. The old residents of Shadow City had already pretended that the Emperor was out of order, and it was no wonder that they came up and said enthusiastically, "Good afternoon, my lord "" Your Majesty came out with the little princess again? "" Your Majesty was bitten again? "" Your Majesty is still bitten? "

Such things make people cry.

I looked up at the sky, Gaia's majestic figure still drooped to the sky, but at the end of the distant skyline, there was a new thing, that is a huge and unforgiving cube-well, it is part of a cube, Due to the location problem, half of its figure is still covered behind Gaia. On the side of Shadow City, only a right-angled pyramid with an angle and an angle can be seen from the curved earth edge of Gaia, that is, the front The "General Star" dragged back from Hessian's hometown these days, and the cube "Planet" beaten by Veska in the past, now this square planetary hall that is forcibly fixed by equipment and frame is hanging beside Gaia, With Gaia and Shadow City floating in the mainland, the strange Samsung system was formed. I now understand what the madman said: I don't even know what the use of this block planet is. It is definitely not suitable for living. Due to its shape, only the central part of each face has normal gravity. At the position where the cube is close to the ridge line, gravity and the ground are almost forty degrees. As a tourist attraction, it can also be used as a tourist attraction. You can see a lot of strange scenes here, and you can also experience a kind of mythical story of "going to the end of the earth, seeing endless space in front of you, and another vertical field under your feet". Anyway, the shallowness is already planned. I'm working on a tourism project, building a bunch of parks and playgrounds on the box General Star. Of course, there are still many things to plan, so don't ask the specific details of this tourism project ...

Unconsciously, I left the bustling commercial street with my little puppet. The latter didn't like to be lively, so everything I saw on the commercial street looked like a lack of interest, so I picked up a quiet place to walk At the end, when they noticed, the two had arrived near the military zone: the most secluded here.

Not far away is a quiet path. At the end of the road, there is a small shop that is incompatible with the surrounding military buildings. The sign in front of the shop simply says a few words: Xiaoxi Dessert Shop ~ www.readwn.com ~ I thought about it, I think it has something to do with me always walking around here with Sandora. Under Her Majesty's reflexive training, I can now go to this place with blindfolds ...

"Stupid, I want to eat!" The little puppet grabbed my ear, "Hurry up!"

I learned to be smart this time. When I entered the door, I held the doll in her arms to prevent her from meeting: Of course, there was another reason. When the boy was more than ten meters away from the door, she jumped down and sprinted. I was scared.

With a pleasant wind bell, I walked into Sylvia's dessert shop with the doll, and it was as quiet as usual-you have to say that there is no business. The evening twilight of the Shadow City artificially spilled into the shop through the large glass windows, letting this small space linger in a lazy and comfortable atmosphere.

Silver-haired Sylvia was lying at the table near the door, sleeping in the dark.

Opposite her was a tall, slim, long-skinned girl with a strange face. The girl had a sign on her chest. The name was crookedly written on the sign: Hilling. (To be continued ...)

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