Xiling Empire

Chapter 1341: The two emperors met historically

(It's only number three today, so let's keep asking for monthly tickets ...)

She said she wanted to do something for the fox, but I really ca n’t remember what this guy could do to help her—she confidently declared that she was a goodwill ambassador between Monster Town and the Empire. I believe this. From the perspective of a mascot, her ambassador is really friendly, but besides that, she can do something about her life ... is it worthwhile to be a monster?

She had fallen to the point where running Avalon and fighting with the dog had returned her!

Of course, the dog's name was Cherberus. That ’s why—Ding Dong did n’t know from which of the earth books he saw the name. The little thing felt very prestigious, so he made a real thing in his own amazing biological laboratory. Mythological creatures guard their temples. I have seen that dog, and I know that it is higher than the front of the Harmony on its stomach, and the ball is four times the size of my fox fairy. Dingdong designed it with three heads. It ’s the same, but the power is also considerable: the first head can produce both absolute zero and absolute high temperature breath, the second head can devour space or create any kind of extraordinary material that Ding Dong has set for it. The third head will use Conquering Sichuan Sings-I really don't know which nerve of Fox Girl is not well developed, even fighting with such a monster. Ding Dong is also a **** no matter how bad he is, and his biology science is even worse. He graduated with high marks in biology. Although she often creates strange and weird species, she must make things that can be used to care for the temple. Last time she planted her garden with trumpet flowers that would sing "忐忑". The temple guards fell for more than half of the three days. You know ... I pulled this dry hair.

I carried the fox's messy tail. Help her organize her woes: she still enjoys it.

It can be seen that the god-creature creature fighting with her was actually quite hand-to-hand. Kerberos is a temple guard as intelligent as humans. It knows that the fox is not the enemy to invade the temple, so it did not ruthlessly ... the mouth, the fox looks embarrassed, but basically the hair is a bit messy and the clothes are a bit dirty. My self-esteem is a little hurt, and I guess if the fox goes to give two flesh and bones as a gift. The two canines are still good friends. I took out the small hair brush I usually used to massage the wings of Alaya, held the fox's big tail on my leg, and tried to imagine them as grass carp waiting to be descaled: It was easier to start with this, while enlightening her with fluff "How do you say you don't want to go to provoke the temple guard? How good is the relationship between the temple and monster town?"

The relationship between these two units is really good: the guards of the temple go up and down, from the warrior to the god, the biggest leisure after work is to go to the monster town to find two taverns to soak in half a night, and the monsters near the water floor and the holy water two Mao Wuyi bottle. Buying three bottles and one free bottle of life, except for the harsh monks who have strict rules and regulations, two groups of people are eroding like old spies-so the fox must not be in conflict with the temple guards.

"That big dog ate my dinner," said the fox lazily, comfortably swapping a few tails in my hands for the most comprehensive care, "I took it back to my friends for food .As a result, when passing by the temple, he was eaten by a big dog without notice. "

As soon as I held the brush's hand stiff, my expression calmed down: I never expected that a thousand-year-old demon fox and a god-made creature would be dim, and the cause turned out to be a basket of box lunches, no matter who they were. I only have six words-look at your success!

Fox has now evolved (or degraded) to the point where she has no sense of the surrounding atmosphere, and she doesn't think there is anything wrong with her. Lying on the sofa and stretching a lazy waist, the demon fox girl was as comfortable as the old rich little woman carrying a cigarette bag. She put two tails on my legs and waited for combing. The three tails were wrapped in buns and a can of eight treasures, and the other three tails were playing poker with Xiaoxue, playing backgammon with Lina, and scratching herself. Itching, the last tail also rolled away the remote control that was originally in my hand, now she is slamming the channel, looking for the animal world on TV. At this time I was finally stunned: With this bunch of tails already lively like Nezha, what if it will evolve into a ten-tailed fox in the future? Having been pampered at home for so long, this girl has finally developed a bunch of egg-ache stunts. She will not get quality projection, otherwise this skill is at least three generations' direct blood relatives ...

With the ability of the prophet to be more important, Xiao Xue had the advantage that the fox did n’t know how to play poker at all. In three rounds, she killed her all-purpose opponent to lose her helmet and discarded her armor. She finally threw the poker on the coffee table in a boring way, and spoke earnestly Looking at the fox maiden: "Sister Fox, you can't do this-how do you eat rice with my dad, how can you fight with the temple watchdog-and have you lost?"

I heard the words look sideways, but I never expected that Xiao Xue, who seemed the least reliable, took the initiative to exhort the fox, and it seemed that he was usually too prejudiced against this child, who said that Xiao Xue didn't do anything ...

"So I'll go with you tomorrow, Sister Fox, I will take revenge for you!" Xiaoxue assured accompanied by his breasts, Master Fox Fairy happily threw his tail, and he was so forgotten that there were even two tails around my neck I swayed hard, and I glared angrily at Xiao Xue: The bear child had not seen it, so he had to hold the poker bully Lyn and Uncle Kenser.

I can only look at the demon fox girl angrily-she really didn't see it, because this guy finally found the stage where the animal world is being played. Although it was a video I didn't know a few years ago, the fox looked at his own kind in The TV is still full of interest, and Mr. Zhao Zhongxiang tells us the story of the Northeast Asian fox with a magnetic voice and eloquently: "Spring is here, the red foxes are ready to form a family. They are close to each other. The tail is wrapped around the partner's body as a sign of relaxation and intimacy ... "

I found that the pile of fox tails that almost entangled me all of a sudden received all the same as an electric shock, and then the adult Fox Fairy changed as solemnly as the junior middle school child who was caught by his parents while watching a movie On the stage, I think the next show is not more suitable for her than a movie: A wrinkled Northeast professional fox farmer is telling a TV reporter: "This fox is all a treasure. If ordinary fox fur meets market demand Relatively high ... "

I grabbed Master Fox Fairy's head: "Calm down! You have become a fairy!"

Lord Fox Fairy was not as manic as I thought, her ears were weakly pulled down. With a sense of decadence in the 1920's and 1930's, he slowly slipped off the sofa, and ran to discuss with Xue Xue about revenge for Cherberos tomorrow.

I gasped in the back and felt deeply that it was a miracle that I could serve these thoughtful creatures at home with thoughtful affection. The complication of family members has led me to encounter difficulties that are difficult for ordinary people to understand. Today's professional fox farming is still a trivial matter. Similar to the introduction of Mexico's Doll Island on TV, a small cost-effective film that drives evil and ghosts, and the Warrior Tulong The stereotypes of fantasy, as well as the savage American Heroes vs. aliens-now except for the superficial. Our family has stopped watching science fiction and fantasy movies at all. At the time when the little crow became a god, I and Sandora almost ordered to be stationed next to KFC around the world-the main reason why this plan was not implemented was that McDonald's occupied all the places. The second reason was that the little crow did not know fried chicken wings and chicken legs. : She doesn't recognize cooked poultry ...

I'm worried, I'm depressed, I feel the pressure of life is huge, and I drag my hair down one by one, seeing this scene, the little puppet will come to help again: she crawls on my shoulder and starts to drag one by one My dad's hair ...

In the end I gave up completely. I no longer think about planning to get something for Master Fox Fairy: In fact, my thoughts went off the topic ten minutes ago. Did anyone discover it?

So life is going in such a busy and messy rhythm-Sandora and I are busy, the gang of living treasures at home is messy. Dealing with tons of official business every day, but also taking the time to stop the group of combative and lacking fairies and monsters from going out to destroy the world ... In fact, it is quite fulfilling.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. After the war, the urgent affairs to be dealt with were finally settled. The two large world gates on the Hessen tribe began to operate, and they were moving. They were moving on a large scale. action. Because they still have a lot of star fortresses moving together, the tree elf ambassador who serves as their guide is stunned. That ambassador has never seen such a heart-wrenching race as the "building ship obsession". The reverse transformation of the fallen apostles was also completed. Thanks to the efficiency of the "Internet Mounting Method", hundreds of thousands of fallen apostles restored their nature in just a few days. Now Sandora is putting these soldiers into the General Guard of Huesca and the Independent Abyss Regiment as I planned. Tavel is tearing down the core of those King Adventists with interest. For the time being, leave the list, the resurrection plan of the ancestors, and the network snooping plan for the spirits are left out. In short, the projects that the crazy scientist is simultaneously executing are in an orderly manner. Only the coordinate backtracking of the hometown world still made no progress. The engineering forces almost turned the universe that had briefly met the hometown world, but the coordinate remnants on the world barrier seemed to have been wiped out by the void. They found nothing and temporarily Sandora has no plans to return the engineering unit to the voyage, but I think there is very little hope of relying on this clue to find the home world.

The last thing to notice is that Harlan has recovered.

Harlan lay in the repair facility for almost a week. The physical repair was actually completed the day before yesterday, and the rest of the time he was busy reconstructing his soul: fighting the soul grabber, the most terrible damage was the soul. This part of the damage is more difficult than repairing. Fortunately, Harlan is very powerful. In the state of damaged soul, he is holding on like a person who is nothing. At the time, I did n’t expect that he had only Half of the soul is left.

Now that the old emperor has finally recovered and was discharged from the hospital (isn't that strange?), Out of the host ’s etiquette and the conscience of the white-hearted man at the time, I had to personally greet him, so I arrived at Shadow City early that morning.

Harlan changed into an emperor's uniform and looked more energetic than he was a few days ago. He was already tall and his face was typical of indignity. Now he recovered from the heyday and came out of the repair facility. Doubt whether he was really lying in the corpse a while ago. When Haran came out, he was accompanied by several royal guards, but when he saw me, he immediately left the soldiers behind him and strode with a smile on his face: this mighty uncle. Even with a smile on his face, he looks like an old lion.

"It looks like a good recovery." I tapped Harlan's chest, feeling like hitting an iron plate-oh. Really hit the iron plate, there is a decorative shield in front of his clothes.

Harlan retreated subconsciously, shrugging with me: "I have a psychological shadow on you now."

I laughed, and the two looked at each other with a smile and gracious enemies. At that time, the white **** probably didn't pursue it, did he?

"This is the Shadow City?" We retired all the accompanying soldiers, and Haran followed me to the assembly square of the Shadow Fortress, looking at the magnificent scenery around and the faint Gaia land in the sky, Haran was a little admired. "Reminds me of the glorious days of that year ... Well, it looks much more comfortable here than‘ there ’.”

"'The other side'?" I raised an eyebrow. "The home of the fallen apostles? I think so, and you certainly don't usually pay attention to the greening and city image building. To be honest, I really can't imagine what the city built by the fallen apostles looks like. It seems that after being polluted by the abyss, the fallen apostles lost interest in everything except for the destruction everywhere? "

Harlan shook his head: "It can't be said exactly ... but ... forget it. Basically that's it."

I came to Haran, mainly to discuss with him the later construction of the Abyss Independent Regiment, and let him help him to be the highest commander of the Abyss Fleet. As I said before, the number of Abyss troops under the new empire has almost increased. But senior commanders had little fresh blood to join. Neither Huesca nor her lunatic lieutenant could share this position, so it would be very important for Harlan to come back. Whenever possible, I hope that the commanders of the Abyss troops will still be these former fallen apostles. After all, only they know the strength and fighting mode of this special group of "Abyss Apostles".

Another important thing is to understand what happened inside the fallen apostle half a month ago. And what happened to Harlan ’s series of unusual military operations.

I wanted to find a good place to talk about things. I had planned to take Haran directly to the headquarters. But a mass production host who walked in front of me changed my mind: this little host was holding a piece of cake in my hand, and I instantly thought of a good place ...

"Go, take you to meet someone," I reached out and pointed at the gate of the fortress. "She's right next to the military zone. You must be startled."

Now that the production shift time for the production hosts has passed, Silvia's only business in a day is over. The small shop in the corner of the military zone is as usual shrouded in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere, and Haran looks Watching with confusion, I took him to such a "civilian facility" that was incompatible with the surrounding buildings and atmosphere, and finally couldn't help saying: "How can this be in a military control zone ..."

"To tell you the truth, I have talked about this several times," I said as I pushed open the glass door of the shop. "Her way of thinking has always been a mystery, and probably she thinks that the business meeting in the military zone better."

"I didn't mean that ..." Harlan wanted to explain, but I waved and interrupted him. With a pleasant wind bell, the fragrance of the pastry came to us. We came to the shop and saw that Sylvia was sitting behind the counter, holding a small book in her hand, and I went forward curiously. I found that she was looking at the pastry processing manual with illustrations, one for three or five dollars, and the housewife ’s favorite gadget. She took it so seriously that she did n’t hear the guest entering the door: Of course, it is also possible I have heard it, but she hasn't responded yet.

"Sylvia," I knocked at the counter. "I'll see you."

After a long time, the silver-haired girl slowly raised her head, and after seeing me for a while, she showed a child-like smile: "Ah, Chen-are you here?"

Haran's eyes rolled round, and he pointed at the silver-haired woman with an incredible expression on his face: "Bay ... Bella Villa ?! Are you still alive? Have you been brought here?"

Sylvia froze for a while before starting to look at Harlan curiously, then she frowned slightly, and seemed to be examining the part of the memory she shared with Bella Villa. After a long time, she clapped her hands happily, one every second. Literally said slowly: "Oh-Haran-Hello, I haven't seen you in a long time, Bella Villa is sleeping-"

Harlan's eyes were almost bulging ~ www.readwn.com ~ He looked at the former fallen emperor who was already dull enough to be sent to the sanatorium, and stretched out his hand for a long time, but didn't know where to start. The time finally came when it was time to do business, so she took out a small box of snacks from the counter with a silly smile and pushed it to Harlan: "Do you want to taste it-I made it myself, new product- It's a self-confidence ... children love to eat. "

Harlan blinked, and suddenly sighed sadly, looking at my eyes: "I know your reverse transformation ability is special. It needs a‘ hit ’to take effect, but—”

Harlan raised his arm and pointed at Sylvia with a simple smile on her face: "But don't you think you're getting a little heavy?"

I didn't respond for a moment, and then jumped my feet after a few seconds to explain: "She's not stupid!"

I just wanted to give Haran a "surprise", and by the way observe if anything interesting happened in the historic meeting of the two fallen emperors, but I didn't expect this to have a big impact on Haran: he felt that Sylvia It must have been purified by the prodigal like he was punched back, and he felt that I had started a bit harder: Sylvia now looks like she has been beaten stupid ... (to be continued ...)

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