Xiling Empire

Chapter 1352: This mess

I do n’t know how many three-inch Ding life goddesses are in the room, anyway, they are already countless, these little guys occupy almost all places where they can stay, including the beams on the ceiling and the top of the wall clock. The room was relatively empty and there was not much furniture. It was originally a guest room that was temporarily unavailable-so Dingdong took it for granted as a conference room for the sisters. ※※

My sudden appearance certainly disturbed these timid and accustomed babies. They first collectively quieted for a few seconds, then buzzed all of a sudden, all three inches of babies in the room started to exclaim!

I closed my eyes and felt that I had already arrived at the vegetable market. My previous concerns finally came true: once the number of such creatures broke through, you would not be far from being debilitated. They are so noisy ...

"Quiet, quiet, quiet--" I waved my arms in vain in an attempt to calm down these little dots. In the past, when there was only one jingle beside me, it was easy to do. The movement of the little guy's voice was not more than that of a bird Scream, but now there are tens of thousands of jingle in the house, and my effort is not as much as a sneeze in the storm, and I also found a more important thing: these little things soon found out The people who came were their own, so instead of being afraid, they gathered together affectionately. I faintly saw a few more familiar faces—perhaps when they went to the realm of God and accidentally broke into the gathering of the goddess of life. Of course, those little people who met at the time, of course, they were not sure, after all, the faces of these little guys were only the size of peanuts. In this messy situation, I didn't have the time to tell them who was who. By the time the reaction came, I was completely surrounded by these three liberal goddesses, and I found that there was only a piece of green in my sight. These little girls are hanging on the shoulders, clothes, even trousers and feet. I say that fortunately they are cute, otherwise they will die once on the scene ...

"So what ... you listen to me quietly ..." I still tried in vain, and lied on my shoulders and a few small things on my head. Since I was closer, I could get away from the noise. I heard their voices: "Wow! It's the big man who came to the gods last time!" "It's a big friend of Ding Dang!" "The Father said he would call His Majesty the Emperor." "What does His Majesty do?" "No You know, it ’s probably the nickname. ”“ I ate the sugar he brought last time. He has good polysaccharides in his pocket! ”“ But it ’s not good to flip other people ’s pockets? ”“ Have you had sugar? The bubble-candy that I ate last time! "

At this moment, there were so many gurgling sounds in his ears.

At this time I heard Sandora's voice coming downstairs: "Ajun? What's going on? I heard a sudden loud noise."

I turned around stiffly like an old-fashioned robot, and almost did n’t dare to move my arms and legs—because I accidentally caught these small points on my body. I know that they are much stronger than they look, but these The slender appearance of the guy makes people treat them like porcelain. I turned to the stairs. Answer loudly: "It's okay-Ding Dong's guest is here, you're a little mentally prepared."

With that said, I walked up the stairs with difficulty, and finally those little ones were still sensible, and the little guys hanging on my legs flew away quickly, so I dared to step forward, but there were two stops on one side. little guy. They sat fairly symmetrically on my slippers, and as their steps lifted and fell, they were stumped, and I heard a strange voice on my shoulder shouting, "Lily. Why didn't you come up?"

Lili should be the name of a three-inch Ding on my feet.

Then another voice answered on my head: "Lily has OCD, she must be symmetrical with Mona!"

"What is OCD?"

"It's as if every species you make has an even number of bones, and you never go out when an ivy grows an odd number of leaves at the door. This is obsessive-compulsive disorder-Lulu knows a lot!

Then I knew that the name of another three-inch Ding on the feet was Mona. She and the three-inch Ding named Lili have symmetric obsessive-compulsive disorder; I know these little guys can never be quiet, as long as they think they have found the topic; I know that they will always have new topics. So I may soon have a nervous breakdown; I know my current look must be weird because ...

Because when she went downstairs to the living room, Ethan's calmness, she was dumbfounded.

"Ajun, you look like a treant," Sandora spit out her tongue, "a leaf in her body."

"I said, when do you plan to come down," I said with a smile and tilted my head to Xiao Bu on my shoulders. In fact, I know that these three-inch dings are not ignorant bears who are totally irrational-how do they stand against the goddess? Name, how could they not understand the rules at all? Now this situation is just that these little guys are born with a playful character. They are now a little bit noisy, so I shrugged. "I have to find a place to sit, two little things hanging on my belt. Aren't you afraid of crowding? "

Then the little guys on the body fluttered apart, except for the two three-inch Ding with symmetry obsessive-compulsive disorder on my feet: they have been straightened by the bumps all the way to the shock, and they are now optimistically immersed in In the environment of four or four shots.

I watched the music in my heart, bent over and hugged the two little guys on the coffee table, and then they jumped in place after you took turns: it turns out that even the gods, the train has been sitting for a long time Also circled.

However, I estimate that Dingdang's Mongolian ring resistance is higher than that of her sisters, because the small thing is shaken by me in a large water cup ... wash it once, and she will be turned on the table after being released. It takes only a minute to find the north, and now she can jump up and bite in two or three seconds. Obviously, the small things have been refined to the point where they can live in the center of the storm for two days without changing the color. This is a digression.

Speaking of Ding Dong, I started looking for the familiar little figure among a group of three-inch Ding, because it seemed that I had just heard the sound of Ding Dong slap among a group of slap goddesses, but the task was actually quite difficult, because these little guys were really too small. And they especially like to gather together, even stacking Luohan like everyone else, every little guy also likes the same clothes color, and Ding-Dang suddenly seems to be everyone in the middle of their sisters-so I can only put my body on one side Let ’s pick and clean, while greeting the name of the goddess: “Where are you, Ding Dong?”

I felt my fingers being held tightly: "Ding Dong is in your hand! Why do you throw Ding Dong out!"

I lowered my head, and found that the familiar Douding in my hand was my own jingle-the little guy who had been taken off his head and set aside the second before: "... not paying attention!"

"Pay attention to order, pay attention to courtesy, and pay attention to what the goddess said before leaving!"

At this time, some people in the middle of the small group finally came out to maintain the situation, and a little guy who looked slightly more stable than the other three-inch Ding flew to the top. Speak loudly to the other Douding, and the Douding quickly fell down on my sofa, coffee table, floor, and cabinet not far away, and slowly recovered quiet. The three-inch Ding flying at the top had short, shoulder-length hair, and her eyes were large—compared to her overall size—and she looked magnificent. She looked at her sister. Nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, everyone will come to Dingdang's new home for the first time. You must not give others trouble. Bells don't eat other people's fruits all the time. You need to control your meal!"

"Um, it's okay," I quickly waved to the majestic three-inch Ding in the air. "In this home, the amount of food is the only thing that does not need to be controlled." As I said, I glanced at Sandola next to me, saying that the main reason was that such topics would cause great psychological harm to Her Majesty, and her psychology A certain level of damage will cause you physical harm ...

"Her Majesty the Emperor is good!" A group of three-inch Ding took the festival with the same cheerful joy. Say hello to me in a mess, and then turn to Sandora. "Sister Emperor is good!"

"Should you call Her Majesty the Emperor?"

"Mona thinks she should call her sister."

"What about the emperor sister? It seems to make sense ..."

"Bell thinks that her sister should be called Her Majesty the Emperor!"

"Bell you are too stupid, don't talk-Rachel thinks she should be called Your Majesty! Anyway, Big Sister! Very big!"

I also found one thing. After gathering this group of three-inch Ding, they like to discuss issues very much-for any topic. They can discuss it in full swing, and for a moment forget the things before them.

But I don't find it annoying at all. Sandora also looked at the little ones with a very happy smile: The irritability we accumulated in Shadow City seems to have disappeared under the healing of these pistachios, and usually a jingle is enough to keep the family happy. , Now we have ... have ...

I held Ding-Dong in front of me: "How many people are there? I look at tens of thousands, right?"

"How can it be," Ding Dang proudly stood by a small breast that was well-developed in terms of her proportions. "It looks like a lot but actually only over a thousand. This is the first one. Other sisters. I'm rushing here ... "

I think about it too. Many times, the intuitive judgment of the number will be wrong-especially when such a large group of three-inch dices are together, it is even harder to say how much accuracy is left. I grabbed Ding Dong, looked around, and found that all the small dots are now honestly kept at a distance of about one meter away from myself: for them is a considerable distance, the little ones are standing or sitting, and there are many Only a small head came out behind the sofa, and countless curious eyes looked over here. The majestic three-inch Ding just landed on the coffee table in front of me, and bowed very popularly: "Doudou says hello to you! Doudou is the biggest sister here, so he is the team leader! Glad to be here under the emperor, my goddess My sister asked Doudou to convey it to you, but it was gone because I forgot it! "

I think the majesty of San inch Ding is limited to that.

"Well, don't be polite, just be in your own house and just play," I looked at these little ones, and some of them could not bear the patience and began to fly inquisitively in the living room. To these little guys In other words, going around the sofa is probably like an adventure. I used to have a little bit of a serious idea about "the goddess of life envoys to the empire's capital" (there is only a little bit), but now The serious assumption is that there is no residue left: these little things are here to play. You can think of them as bear children playing at home. They are the little friends of Ding Dong. The second is the goddess of life. All I have to do is entertain thousands of bear children. "Um, there may not be enough space here. After you are all together, there may be no place. I ’ll give you a ride. The portal in Shadow Space, the temple of Ding Dong is also there ... "

According to Ding Dong's habit, I know when the sticky little guy, such as the goddess of life, performs the single transmission. The habit of transmitting directly to friends, they called this "human beacon", looking at the battle before, Ding Dong should have accepted the application for transmission at home, so a large group of small things were all stuffed into this house. They probably haven't seen the magnificent sight of Shadow City yet.

However, I quickly found out that this group of little ones didn't seem like many people were listening to me: they had already started sightseeing in this large house by themselves, and the largest group followed Ding Dong, and Ding Dong was giving My sisters introduced the situation here:

"This is a TV, although I don't know what the principle is, it's great!"

"This is a clock, although I don't know what it is for, it's great!"

"This is an air conditioner. Although I don't know what it is, it is very good!"

"This is Ajun's jacket. Dingdang sleeps!"

The three-inch Ding introduced her living environment with the help of a group of sisters. Although I could not see the expression of the little guy, I could also make up for that guy's pride and pride now. A group of three-inch Ding followed Behind Ding-Dong, he kept exclaiming. They were curious about everything here, including family slippers and trash cans placed in the corner. Sandora and I looked at each other, and at the same time saw deep weakness in each other's eyes, and at this time the only few three-inch Ding who still stayed beside us were running around on the coffee table. . I suddenly remembered that I hadn't had time to ask the whereabouts of the rest of the family, so I just grabbed a little bit: "Do you know where the family went?"

"Go out and catch the other sisters!" The small dot that I lifted with my wings held in the air continued to move for several seconds before reacting. He said slyly, "Because the window was open when I came here, Ding-Dang didn't tell everyone in time, and a few sisters ran out!"

Immediately, Bai Maohan said, "Don't say it early!"

"Because you didn't ask." The strange three-inch Ding Goddess was righteous.

I said to myself that the most worrying thing happened at that simple time: these little goddesses' liberalism and super high action force are invincible! But when I got up and planned to go out to find other people, there was a sudden burst of familiar hip-hop sounds in the yard-the gang went out to catch the goddess guy back.

The first one who came in was shallow. She wore a big sun hat and a huge net bag on her shoulder: the kind of thing that children use to catch butterflies and dragonflies. She was dressed up as if she had come back from the spring tour. . Behind the shallows are a bunch of little girls at home, followed by Xiao Xue and Lin Xueniang, followed by the Protoss quintessentials and older sisters-everyone has a huge net bag on their shoulders, which is just a family group. The appearance of a spring tour. The fox and the babysitter, Gil, followed at the end of the line. Among them, the fox also disguised: the pile of big tails was probably hidden by black magic, and the head was covered with a large sun hat as shallow as the fox. Throwing the hat aside, the ears on the head trembled, as if they were broken.

I noticed that the fox's face was quite gray and a little bit embarrassed.

"All caught! All caught!" Xiaoxue shouted and threw off the shoes. She ran over barefoot and crackled along the way. She didn't know how many three-inch dices flew along the way. She put a huge insect box On the coffee table, after opening the door of the box, I saw a dozen green figures popping out of it, and then there were countless thunderous applause from the living room ... well, beeping applause.

I looked at the nets of insect traps on the shoulders of people and the insect box on the coffee table, and I felt that the three observations of the past twenty years were to this day ...

"Yeah, dad, are you back?" Xiaoxue only noticed at this time that her father and father were sitting on the sofa, and Sandora sitting on the other side ~ www.readwn.com ~ Bear child happily came over I slap it in my arms twice, "Dad, your daughter has made a contribution, all the goddesses and sisters who have run away have been arrested, and there has been no incident that caused ordinary people to collapse!"

"In fact, it caused a little breakdown," the older sister changed her shoes, came over with a troubled smile on her face, and as soon as she sat on the sofa, several little goddesses fell on her head curiously: it looks The elder sister's affinity really is quite obvious. "This season, a group of people ran in the city park to catch the dragonflies in full armour-although the little ones were not seen, the movement we caused was not small."

Lin Xue sat beside me holding a bottle of fresh orange: "It's okay, I already explained to the two reporters that this is a performance art enthusiast experiencing life ..."

I wiped my forehead with cold sweat: "You might as well not explain it."

The young lady gave me a gaze and suddenly felt something under her body, so she quickly drew a dizzy little under the bottom: "Oh! Oops-I seem to be dizzy!"

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