Xiling Empire

Chapter 1357: Upload

"Is this the completion of Soul Law?"

I feel nothing abnormal on my body. Only the hallucinations of the moment just now are still fresh in my memory. If I recall them, the hallucinations just now are so real, even the fragrance of Bingtis seems to be left on my chest-but that is just hallucinations In the sight of Sandorah's onlookers, the two men with the same spirit never moved the place, and the ambiguous ten-second hug never happened.

"I don't know ..." Sandora looked up at me and Bingtis. She was an expert in soul science, but she was only half-knowledge in the field of theology. That seems to be the same thing. "

When I was active, I didn't feel any discomfort in the presence of an extra person in my soul, and I don't know where Bingtis is now-is it really hidden in my soul as she said? So why can't you feel it?

As I was thinking about it, I suddenly felt a voice coming out of my mind: "Do you think that the law of the soul is the upper body of the ghost? What else does it feel like-can you usually feel your soul?"

The voice is obviously Bingtis, but it's completely different from the brain conversation usually used for spiritual connection: the voice is not "from others" but from my own thoughts!

Just as if I was schizophrenic for a moment, I felt that a certain part of my own will suddenly and spontaneously activated, and then organized the sentence belonging to Bingtis, so that I did not think the sound in my head was Bing Tis's, on the contrary, felt that he was somehow talking to himself in his mind!

If it weren't for his own half sense, he could clearly distinguish the tone of the female hooligan, maybe he really thought he was schizophrenic. Only then did I realize what is the difference between the law of the soul and the so-called "spiritual accommodation". After the law, the two souls are completely different from each other. If the second soul speaks in your mind, you will not feel that any foreign matter has entered your body at all-without this feeling at all, you will feel that it is one of your own thoughts!

No wonder I don't feel the presence of Bingtis. At first I thought she would look like a rayer in my spiritual world. Once in my heart, I could see that she and the lynx angel were running happily holding hands. In my boundless mind-now it seems that I take it for granted. The law of the soul is something deeper. Alaya can only be said to be a boarder in my spiritual world, and Bingtis ... now she has Became part of my spiritual world. The former is equivalent to the tenant. The latter turned directly into a brick in the house.

But Bettis said another thing is true: Sympathy does not cause confusion between the two personalities. I can still determine which part of my mind is my own, and which part of my thinking is Bettis. The former is clear. And keen, most of the latter only have a vague feeling. It is thought that unless one side of the same soul voluntarily opens his heart to the other side, the two parts of thought cannot be completely read from each other.

Just as I was thinking about it, Bingtis said again: "Oh my go, it feels weird-dare to love this is the body of a man? The lying trough is too esoteric ... I'll wait to see you ... ... "

"What the **** are you doing ?!" I jumped in place, and for a while I felt that goosebumps all over my body were emerging endlessly, as if the female hooligan was entangled in my body like a water snake, "I warn you. You Count sexual harassment ... "

"Harassing your uncle, now that our two souls are the same, you can also see the body of the body, and you can even drill in to control it-believe it or not, I tell Sandora this. She can eat you raw!"

I was stunned by the hooligan act of Bingtis, and I could not help refuting: "Aren't you afraid that Sandora will eat you by the way?"

The female hooligan disapproved: "Okay, you dice, I cut. The two of us were sprinkled with the same pot of pepper noodles in front of Sandora ..."

...... I think it's really tiring and criss-seeking with this goods. She would have strengthened the firepower of the top half of her mouth. Now I still use my mind as the main battlefield in my soul, occupying all the advantages of the right place, the right place, the right place, and the feeling of arguing with her is just arguing with myself. In these few words, I'm so tired that I am split ...

"Ajun, what are you doing?" A call from the real world finally relieved me from the embarrassment of arguing with myself. I looked up and found that Qianchan was holding her arm, and looked at me curiously. The head of his head, "You suddenly jumped up."

I thought about it and didn't dare tell her that a female hooligan was sexually harassing her husband, but Bao Xiang shook his head solemnly: "It's okay, familiarize yourself with the feeling of the same law of the soul and wait for uploading ..."

During the conversation, I saw Bingtis again—the one standing in front of myself, the Bingtis body that had been in a state of chaos temporarily. Her words still echoed in my head, so I was curious to try to communicate with that body. .

A slight dizziness struck, as if being thrown into a tumbling tunnel, and then I found that my spirit was divided into two strands, one in a normal position, and the other ... but through a weird perspective Observing his own body, as if looking into a mirror, he was standing in front of and in the mirror at the same time.

I froze, realizing that another part of my soul was looking at my body through Bettis' eyes.

This relationship is a bit tangled-I suggest that you formulate a relationship before trying to read these paragraphs.

I understand that Bing Sister was amazed just now, because I found that I had two bodies at the same time, and one of them was a breast-pumping lady who could not see her feet: I almost didn't master the balance of the new body! It's really hard for Sister Bing to walk so often. She just lamented that she was so esoteric ...

There is a proud voice of a female hooligan deep in the distant consciousness: "Make your mouth full of artillery, don't look at yourself as a woman ... Have you ever seen such a full woman!"

...... I don't know how the brain nerves of that female hooligan are connected, wouldn't she feel embarrassed!

"Ajun, what are you doing?" The shallow voice sounded just right again. I quickly regained my soul and returned to my eyes, nose, nose, and mouth, and heart. Bao Xiang solemnly explained to the shallow animal like a curious little animal. "Nothing, keep familiar ..."

"This item seemed to blink a moment ago. But it hasn't moved yet," Sandora said while the laboratory equipment was being adjusted and had nothing to do, she researched a dull look from the soul-like ice discus, and she was curious. Squeezing the latter's face, it was found that the other party had only a very weak instinctual response, "Well, it looks like it really doesn't respond much to external stimuli."

Then what happened was very impressive. Suddenly, she stepped up and twisted Bingtis' chest, and her voice was particularly confused: "How on earth does she grow ... and she hasn't put anything on yet!"

Sandora continued to twist Bettis's face: "Make you owe!"

Lin Xuemo left silently. Just when I thought she was a good person, the young lady brought back a box of paints ...

The desperate voice of Bingtis resounded in my mind: "You uncle of his uncle, quickly stop your wives!"

I was surprised: "Can't you control your original body? I seemed to be able to control at the same time ..."

"Small tm nonsense is now the deputy soul! The deputy soul has no human rights! The deputy soul ... Sandora has the ability to stop **** the old lady's mouth! Shallow, shallow put down your sinful claws! What are you doing, put the old lady Take care of your body, it's not like saying good! "

Bettis' mourning continued for a long time. But in fact, they did n’t do anything irritating-in my opinion this is just a little joke between the girls, which is roughly equivalent to putting a small note on each other's face while a good Ji You is sleeping, I can guarantee that everyone who has lived in a dormitory has done anything worse than that. It ’s just that some things are pitted and watching her body pitted without feelings, and it feels different, not to mention that the female hooligan has always pitted others. How could she have been today ...

Eventually Bingtis gave up, she turned off her five senses to the outside world. Entering the sage mode that is still as if it were a mountain, leave me a sentence: "... next time I will never trust your family of evil spirits."

"The equipment is ready."

An announcement from the laboratory assistant host Wujing Furu finally ended this small episode, and also saved Bingtis' body: Qian Qian had planned to write the Yellow Crane Tower on the head of Sister Bing, but fortunately she took the exam Thirty-two points. Otherwise, she must be left with money at this time. Tavel stepped forward to help me prepare one of the access bays. This magical female scientist stayed attentively at work during the scene of the loss of the exercise just now, and even all her quality projections did not have a squint. I admire her.

I tried to lie in the sliding coffin-like access cabin with the usual mindset, and Tavel hurriedly debugged a series of things. No mechanical device can be seen in this access cabin, and the inner wall is smooth, which is exactly a whole crystal liner. As some people have said: the ultimate direction of technological progress must be simplicity. An original nerve intervention device may be covered with electrodes. , Stinger and scanner, but a device capable of uploading souls looks like only a layer of smooth crystal shell, and even its operation panel is just a holographic screen suspended outside the cabin-which makes this stuff even more tm like A coffin ...

"The upload process may be slightly dizzy, which lasts about a minute, and if you feel any additional discomfort after one minute, please jump out of the network immediately: as long as you have a clear mental instruction to jump out of the network," Tavel said softly, I can see that she is a little nervous: Now the National Element is the first user of the experimental equipment she made, and she is not sure how effective this equipment is-because I am the only one who can use all the features of this thing People, this will undoubtedly put a lot of pressure on Tavel.

"It's okay, I believe in your skills," I said easily, and found a more comfortable position in the coffin, while Sandora and Qiandan surrounded them to help me sort out some messy clothes, Sandola even apologized on her face: "Ajun, it should be me by your side, but ... this time I can't help anything."

"Um, it's okay," I thought about it, still couldn't help it, "what, you step back a little ..."


"I looked like saying goodbye to the body ... Tavel, you can't change the look of this device next time?"

Everyone: "..."

The lab assistant host just right once again interrupted the short-lived embarrassment on the scene: "The network status is normal, the transcoding system is running smoothly, the redundant components are passed, and uploading starts in a minute."

Tavel began to close the crystal cover of the access cabin: "The compilation system has selected the appropriate interface for you. The abstract data on the network will present an image that can be understood by the real world in front of you. You can personally understand the specific situation. The environment there will not be too bizarre. In addition, Hilling is already waiting for you on the other end of the network. She is also responsible for your connection with the real world. We will communicate with you through her ... "

The last few words of Tavel were obscured. The crystal cover of the access cabin was completely closed. Through this layer of translucent hard material, I saw that the scene in the laboratory became more and more blurred and distorted. Those familiar things seemed to be turning into strange spots and bands in their eyes. And his consciousness is quickly sinking into an abyss. I silently waited for the minute of vertigo to end, and suddenly I remembered that I seemed to have forgotten to ask how long this task would last-I wonder if I can catch up with lunch at noon.

I'm really too long with Sandora ...

"Icetis, are you there?"

"Here it feels good, just a little dizzy."

"That's good-come on together."

Then the last light in front of my eyes disappeared with vertigo.

The feeling of rapid fall lasted for about ten seconds. It is also possible to have only a moment: anyway, in some specific situations, people always feel the illusion of time. I noticed that my eyes were brighter again, and that vertigo was over. It seemed that the upload process was completed smoothly and there was no so-called extra discomfort. I tried to open my eyes. The first attempt was unsuccessful—because my soul was still accustomed to having a body to command it, and now I was on the Internet in the form of a ghost. "Open your eyes" turned out to be a false proposition because of the absence. I thought about it, ignoring this discomfort, just a simple mental hint:

I want to see, I want to see. I can see.

So glorious before the eyes, a strange world is overwhelmingly covered with their own sight: the spiritual world of the entire spiritual group of the apostles of the Spirit, a vast land ...

Looking at the sight in amazement, I felt that I had come to a fantastic fantasy space. Under his feet was a flat ground where the margins could not be seen. The material of the earth is not earth or stone, it looks a bit like plastic. With a beautiful color mixed with lilac and blue, this land has almost no undulations around us, but far away from the sight, it seems that there are straight "cliffs" rising from the ground-looking from a distance as if There are many cube pillars vertical on the ground.

This space does not have the sky in the normal sense. It should have been expected. I did n’t expect to see the sun, moon, stars, and white clouds in this spiritual network. Another piece of inverted ground, which is very different from the flat ground under our feet, is that the ground in the sky is composed of countless uneven squares. The cross-sections of those squares look the same because they are so far away. Far away, I don't know how large they are, but they will be quite huge when they get closer. They are squeezed next to each other without leaving a gap between each other, just like square chopsticks tightly stuffed in a chopstick cage, forming uneven "mountains" and "troughs". Their color is Similar to the ground under our feet, the same mauve or blue color looks a bit like plastic.

I looked up for a long time and finally determined that the "sky" is not static: the bars of varying lengths that make up the sky are constantly expanding and contracting, and there is a certain regularity, so the shape of the sky also changes. The mountains and troughs moved slowly, forming an extremely slow but large-scale surge.

A slow swell upside down.

This is all the scenery we can see in this place where we "landed". It is a bit ridiculous, and it is quite difficult to understand. I can't think of the same situation in any place other than the spiritual network. And according to Tavel ’s theory, in fact, what he sees in front of him is not the true “look” of the spiritual network. This is a scene that can be understood by real people after being translated by transcoding equipment. What kind of scenery the spiritual network is probably outsiders can never see, that is something that only Spirit can enjoy.

"Say, how long do you plan to watch?"

A slightly unpleasant voice from Bingtis came from the side, and I returned to the spectacular and weird sky surge, and saw that the Bing sister beside me was already fully armed: wings fluttered ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ The holy bow is on the hand, and an arrow condensed by the holy light is placed on the bow string.

"Yeah, when did you get out?"

"Of course, you will be detached after uploading. You can't stay in a man's body all the time-she's not a idiot."

I: "... you say it again?"

"This place looks spectacular," Bingtis didn't take the righteous words on my face seriously, she analyzed her surroundings, and suddenly frowned, "The good Spirit will wait here, Where is she? "

"I've been here all the time." The voice of Xi Ling suddenly came from under my feet. I immediately got excited and jumped more than two meters after I hurried. Then I saw that the place where I was standing just now became unclear when Like an LCD screen, a square picture about half a meter long is embedded in a series of flowing green data streams. On the picture is a smart girl with short black hair. I judged for a while and thought that I might step on Hilling's head just now ...

Why does she appear as a two-dimensional picture!

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