Xiling Empire

Chapter 1362: its stuck

The process of leaving the Rift Valley is easier than I thought: I thought that such a disorderly and upside-down space would cause a lot of trouble for myself. For example, when I wanted to leave, I found that the way out and the way down It was endless, but Bingtis had a big wing, and grinned at me in the blink of an eye.

"The real 'fracture layer' of this rift valley should be observed so thinly," Bingtis said, shaking his head and looking at the expert after he came up. "If it is two different forms of information gathering Where it meets, then this intersection will not form a channel, but a plane. This is the rule common to the dream plane and all other nothingness. So the Rift is the invisible 'ground' we just stood on, All the information based on this 'face': falling, gravity, down-to-earth illusions will all disappear after leaving this face. It is not difficult to get out of the Rift Valley, at least this is for both of us, the real difficulty is how to get over that layer……"

I was looking at the pale sky and the surrounding scenery along the road, looking for the figure of the spirit waiting in the vicinity. When I heard Bingtis saying this, she immediately tilted her glance: "You are still thinking about penetrating the black barrier, expedition to the abyss empire?"

"Can't you think so?" Bingtis slowly faded her Valkyrie equipment, the gorgeous armor skirt was dissipated in the air, and although a black dress and long skirt was a little simple, it still looked more pleasing to the eye. "You think Think, the empire's biggest enemy, the Abyss Empire, their old nest and you are separated by a barrier that is not even thick—the hidden danger is, the greater the chance, I believe that this secret passage cannot sleep every day It's not just you who eat the Fang Huahuazi, the opposite is also Fang Huahua, and it may be tens of thousands of years earlier than you. Although this thing was actively connected by the black spirit on the opposite side, the body is estimated. From After Hei Ling found that she could not control the channel, this became her confidant. Now that the opportunities are equal, you should either consider taking the initiative or make the channel as solid as possible, anyway, you can't let it go. "

Bettis is right. Under the premise that neither side can break through and control this channel, the Rift Valley / Fault Zone is the same time bomb for the new empire and the fallen apostles. As long as the IQ exceeds the feet, anyone can Imagine the destructive power of this bomb. This situation is really dramatized by the two: The two dialed dead-end counterparts resembling the heat kiln, and suddenly found that there is a portal in their respective bases leading to the other's camp. Even Sandola's cool-minded person, in the face of this matter, had to rush into the air for two hours: If a pair of faces find the way to open the door before themselves, that's a good dead ball ...

Now the side of the new empire has just learned about the Rift Valley, and the side of the abyss has known from the beginning. I believe the other party must have tried to penetrate this black barrier. And I believe that the opposite has not given up on this effort now: the nature of the Apostle of the Spirit is still in effect on the fallen apostle, and if she starts some kind of attempt, she will not stop until she succeeds.

"It's most terrible to launch an attack from the spiritual world of your entire family," Bingtis patted me on the shoulder. "The most powerful life has weaknesses. You have been hit once by attacks from the spiritual world. Don't There is a second time. "

I nodded: "Rest assured, I already have a plan. Let Tavel find a way to fix the location of the Rift Valley: Since this thing is related to the power of the void and the conception of the year, it is tantamount to a general direction. Weir's strength. Finding a way to fix it on the premise of understanding the causes of the Rift Valley should not be a problem. Next, I thought about setting up some defenses near the Rift Valley ... My Nether Power is very poisonous to the fallen apostles, the abyss Hilling now has the biggest fear of the network environment of the new empire. It should also be the pervasive void disturbance here. Start from this aspect. Let the Rift Valley solidify-at least for the fallen apostles, it is not a problem. "

Bingtis made a sigh, and suddenly remembered something: "Speaking of which, the abyss of the spirit of the abyss is very strange, very ... there is a feeling of being indescribable, she said too much to you, some information Indeed, as she said, even if leaked, it has no effect, but there is some information ... In short, she gives a very disturbing feeling, you have to be careful, and you are afraid that she is trying to find a way to mislead you. "

"You ca n’t believe it, you ca n’t believe it, I ’m not stupid, do n’t worry,” I laughed, and patted Bingtis on the shoulder. “My smartest part is knowing I ’m not smart enough, so I rarely go to smart people. when."

Bingtis smiled sharply when she heard the words, she was beautiful, and raised her hand to point to the sky: "Look! There is a girl in the sky!"

How can I be fooled and push the female hooligan side by side: "You are too old-fashioned ..." "Bang!"

I was smashed to the ground by a girl who fell from the sky. It happened so suddenly, I didn't even have time to see what the other person looked like, I felt a soft body lying on my waist, and then the spirit was shocked. Voice: "Yeah, Your Majesty, are you okay? I'm sorry there is no one in this world, I'm used to landing at high altitudes ..."

Bingtis squatted next to my face and drew a toothpick from her body to poke my nose: "Look, she really dropped a girl."

Me: "... Your uncle ..."

The topic of the Rift and the Abyss Spirit was not carried forward by such a smash by the Spirit (Absolute Eye Version). I turned around and gave the Spirit who was standing next to my head with a head down, "How can you show Prototype? Didn't you mean to guarantee bandwidth? "

"I was just idle for a long time. I optimized my focus algorithm in the network, and shared idle calculation tasks with idle channels. This way, I do n’t occupy much bandwidth. It ’s because of using this interactive interface Some anomalies. "Hilling said a bunch of terms that I couldn't understand, and then ran around me and Bingtis for two laps, and pulled out a long series of afterimages, as if the mouse turned on the track function. ——Can you just say that you are a bit stuck now?

She was dazzled by the people who came down around the ring, and I had to hold her. Now she has changed her look again. I do n’t know if she has some kind of "heart and soul rhinoceros" with Abyss Hei Ling. She has also become the appearance of the blond girl at that time. I have a moment of misunderstanding. Spirit, overlapping the elusive abyss leader in the depths of Rift ...

Shake your head hard. Throwing this unfounded association aside, I kept up with Bingtis, who had already moved forward: "Let ’s go, the mission is completed, and I and Bingtis should return to the real world in the normal network segment."

"Oh," Healing nodded, shaking a lot of afterimages again. "Yes, what's underneath the Rift?"

"..." I hesitated fiercely this time, because I didn't know how to open the mouth with Xi Ling: her abyss. It is the supreme leader of the fallen apostles, the biggest enemy the entire empire has faced (although the other person claims to be "no hostility" to the empire-but this statement is of little value), this ordinary girl who is cheerful and lacks common sense all day The difference to the opposite one is too great.

But in the end she still had the right to know everything, and as an apostle, she should have a little tolerance. So I exhaled, "It's another you. When the Empire Network was divided in two, another part of you was in the camp of the fallen apostles. She is now ..."

I told the other side about the abyss of the spirit. It didn't take long, because the spirit already knew most of the story. After listening to these expressions in a bland expression, the other side rolled his eyes and thought: "Oh. It is true. Something related to this has been refreshed in the database a while ago. Regarding the control of the entire abyss empire after the network cluster consciousness was corrupted, Likelihood, and a threat assessment report on the consciousness of this cluster. I have seen it. Did you see her in the Rift? What does she look like? "

"She's all sorts of looks, just like you," Bingtis watched us walk slowly behind, and simply walked slowly. Then she suddenly came over and interjected, "You don't seem to be touched at all? You two can be counted as one person. And even now, she is your sister."

"Oh, yeah," Hilling nodded, her eyes widened. "She is indeed my sister, and then I need to find a way to kill her, right? Can I help you? Anything you can help with research."

Bingtis also froze a bit: "Okay, it looks like you have no feelings for your own body at all, but the old lady is still worried about your glass heart. The old man over there, don't worry, don't have it in the future when you start Psychological stress ... "

"Emotional," Hilling interrupted Bettis, "I miss her so much, although I haven't seen each other since I became independent, but I miss her, and if I can talk, it is better to call her sister , But she still needs to be killed. "

I was dumbfounded: "... how can you still say this with such a calm expression!"

"Because it is necessary to do so," Hilling said with no expression, "There is no contradiction between missing her sister and needing to kill her. She is now threatening the security of the node matrix, and may be trying to destroy the ordered network. She is an attack program. , I am a network administrator, and according to the agreement, I need to kill her to maintain the agreement. "

"... I am not hostile to you and your old empire ... it is necessary to do so ... the war between you and me is out of necessity ... target, demand, execution ..."

The words that Abyss Spirit and himself had reappeared in their minds as if echoing.

The girl in front of her and the leader of the fallen apostle have the same logic, and they are shaped by the same agreement framework. They have feelings, but before that they were the incarnation of the network protocol. They would decide their current process according to a goal, and then they would execute it without any hesitation even if the system was stuck-everything is for the node matrix, and victory belongs to the agreement. .

As a real-world creature, I know there is no way to reach a mutual understanding with Hilling on this topic, but what else can I say?

The war will not end unless the fallen apostles all fall. In the foreseeable future, it will be me who is most likely to kill the abyss spirit: use the power of the void creature to interfere with the network of fallen apostles on a large scale. This is to destroy the race. The only way to cluster awareness.

Unfortunately, there is no way to know what the Abyss Spirit wants to do. I found that this accidental contact with the other party did not bring much clear and clear information. Instead, I was trapped in a more complicated mystery than before ... Sandra can analyze it.

"It's time to reach the network stability zone." Xi Ling's voice awakened himself from his thoughts. I found that the three of them had escaped from the pale data obstacle zone. The normal scenery around them could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. "I Check the nearby nodes and you can leave. "

I glanced at Schilling, thinking of saying goodbye to the abyss Schilling—

"Tell the 'Spirit' on your side if you want to approach the fracture zone. Decrease your node indexing process by one priority ..."

It seems that this is why Abyss Spirit is also a consciousness of the cluster on the Internet, but can safely enter the Rift Valley. She just has not found this pattern, or the "performance gap" between the two people has caused the latter to be unable to figure it out. This rule, it stands to reason, if this message is true, then I should tell the spirit, but-is the word of the abyss the spirit credible?

It's not that you are suspicious, but in this position, you cannot trust any information from unknown sources. Not to believe in an enemy. The Abyss seems to be different from the ordinary fallen apostle, and her behavior is weird, but I still suspect that the other party is only cunning enough to make these illusions: if you believe others so easily, then I don't know how many times.

"His Majesty the Emperor?" Xi Ling dragged a residual image and patted my arm. "What's wrong? It's time to leave the network!"

"Oh, it's okay," I shook my head in a hurry. "I think of something, but you don't need to know for now. Bingtis--"

"I'm ready," Bettis said, leaning over me. Without waiting for my own reaction, my arms have a soft body with amazing elasticity. "Do n’t think about it, just restore the initial state of the same law. After going out, take a good shower and do n’t know if your body is affected by your wives. What kind of trouble is it ... "

Bingtis's voice was getting lower and lower, and finally slowly turned into a burst of light particles, fused with my body. With her eyes wide open, Curious looked curiously, and suddenly came up and poked my elbow: "His Majesty the Emperor. His Majesty. Does Lord Bingtis need to register as a mother?"

Me: "... you don't think anything happened! Hurry up and start ..."

After that, I still could n’t help pinching my hands. The real touch just left in my hand. The spirit of Bingtis's spirit is the same ... Speaking of a cheat sheet for exam cheating, it really needs to be merged before Hug like this? In case Xueba is a man, Sister Bing doesn't feel a little lost?

The sudden dizziness made me unable to continue to think about it, and it was the same feeling as when I uploaded it to the Internet. The stun of the soul lasted about a minute, and then-sound, temperature, light and air, down to earth The gravity of the earth can also be felt in the network, but there is always an unreal sense of these tides coming from the real world. I took a deep breath with my eyes closed in this sensory storm, and felt that someone opened my face In the hatch of Tavi, familiar voice of Tavel came to his ears: "Your Majesty, the phantom returns to the real world."

"The scenery over there is pretty good, it's just a little bit monotonous." I opened my eyes and said with a smile, everyone was standing beside, and the first one who came up when I stepped out of the access cabin was still shallow and a bit energetic. The excess short-haired girl arched in my arms cheerfully: "Ajun Ajun, you look so stupid just now, as if you were in a sleepwalk. There is no problem over there. What's going on in the valley? Even the spiritual connection has been blocked. It is really worrying that when there was no spiritual connection when it was an ordinary person, it turned out that it was inseparable. What should we eat at night? Cats have cats-why don't you ignore me? "

I hug my little petite girl in my arms stiffly, and twitched at the corner of my mouth: "... I haven't responded yet."

"Oh," lightly happily bumped his head against my chest, "I also forgot what I said just now ..."

"Fuck, Xiu En's love is enough, let her go home first!" Bingtis's unbearable voice finally sounded on the public channel. She is now merging with me in the form of a soul transfer, and naturally can only connect with her spirit Others talked, "Sandora, hurry up and present me with gold! I don't know what ruins you--"

"Rest assured. I watched it and looked after it well." Sandora beckoned as she said, beckoning to the back, two quality projections Tavel led Bingtis's body: in the state of being away from the soul, Bentice's body is not completely asleep either. The female gangster's surviving consciousness controls this body and keeps it to a minimum degree of mobility: it is basically limited to this sleepwalking.

I look at Bingtis's body, it is really not as miserable as the female hooligan imagined, it looks quite normal ~ www.readwn.com ~ But the face has been scrubbed obviously: the water has not dried, and the clothes are not neat You can see vaguely the underwear straps around your neck-I can't imagine what I did with Lin Xue in the past few hours ...

"Fuck, next time you won't believe your goods," Bingtis' helpless voice sounded in the spiritual connection. "Chen, get closer, it may be a long time to separate, and it is not easy to return."

I snorted and stood in front of Bettis's body.

"... It still doesn't work, come closer."

I pinched my mouth and continued to approach, this distance is close to breathing and smelling, except for the mountains in front of my eyes is a ditch-this female hooligan is really good, her underwear is still black ...

"... Mammy isn't right ... you get closer ..."

"It's not appropriate for children to be closer," Sandora grinds her teeth, "what are you doing?"

This time Bictis's voice was silent for a long time, it seemed to be confirming something, and then shouted in sorrow: "Oh my god's holy light! O holy my god's light! Stuck! The old lady is stuck !!! "

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