Xiling Empire

Chapter 1366: Ancestors ...

The Abyss Independent Group has experienced a bumpy course of development. Although they are also warriors of the new empire, due to their sensitive identity and the huge power of the danger, the Abyss Independent Group can only develop at a slow pace. Under normal circumstances, the new empire is increasing its strength at the rate of one to two large corps per year, and the Abyss Independent Regiment has not been transformed from the first fallen apostles to the standard corps. Of course, what is more restricting the development of this legion is not its "origin problem", but our lack of a truly systematic and robust industrial system.

The formation of a standard army requires systematic industrial support, warship production, soldier manufacturing, individual equipment, shipborne equipment, fortress-level facilities, R & D and manufacturing of various auxiliary units, supporting science and technology departments, command, engineering, and service. ...... This is an extremely large system. In reality, the complexity of the operation of an army is difficult for ordinary people to imagine. It is definitely not like a mouse you can see a bunch of soldiers at the click of a mouse. Already. Whether it is the Spirit Empire or the Star Protoss, no matter how powerful the civilization, its army is built on a complex and sophisticated base. As a war race, the original "Battlefield Hosting Technology" of the Apostle Schilling has simplified this system to the limit. It only requires a single Schilling host and enough time to produce a complete military system including an industrial master. This is a von Neumann system that has developed to the extreme (of course, it is more complex, and its replication and self-evolution process are far from being comparable to the single-threaded von Neumann-type proliferation model), but even Well, the new empire does not even have an "abyss-type industrial production line" that can be used as an industrial foundation. Of course, there is no abyss-inspired host.

These two units are almost impossible to be completely captured in the kind of decisive war between the Imperial Army and the Fallen Apostles, so the Abyss Independence Regiment became the only legion in the new empire with almost no productive capacity, and they even connected to the smallest Starport No, the only thing we can do is to recharge and maintain the existing abyssalized units. At present, there are only two ways to expand the Abyss Independence Group. The main way is to capture them on the battlefield. Thanks to Her Majesty Harlan for his many previous support; the secondary way is in the absence of industrial mother machines and Schilling hosts. . Let Veska use her messy transformation technology and whimsical weapon design scheme to make some ... Um, some small units that are difficult to describe but can also fight when pulled out, but she can only make units that are illiterate and cannot be copied With the existing technology, Tavel could not recreate a level and controlled source of abyss that is the same as that of Huesca, and naturally there was no way to replicate the abyss fleet created by the latter.

The messy small units that Huesca tossed out accounted for less than 10% of the entire Abyss Independent Corps.

The awkward situation facing the Abyss Independent Group is evident.

"Manufacturing the abyss equipment is not just a technical issue," Harlan put a data terminal in front of me, and he has produced a plan including the draft of the abyss independent group and the first-phase engineering plan. There are even various production lines and their precise commissioning cycles. "I also visited the research center several times in the past two days and visited the Schilling host group. I know that you are also studying how to mass-produce abyss units by conventional industrial means- There are many soldiers in the Abyss Independence Regiment, but one battleship is almost destroyed. With the loss of several special operations against the Abyss Empire, it is now in a situation of many people and less ships. "

"Tavel can't figure this out," I nodded. "We can copy anything from the physical level, as long as there are blueprints or samples, but the abyss-shaped special units created will either collapse or fail. The authentic combat effectiveness is not as good as that of ordinary spacecraft. "

"The abyss of the spirit apostles can only use abyssed equipment. Because the power pervaded by us will seriously affect the operation of conventional equipment, and only with the cooperation of attributes, we can exert full combat power, but this equipment uses conventional means to It is absolutely impossible to make it. This is not a matter of material structure. Abyss pollution will change the operation of a spirit device from a conceptual level, "said Harlan, finding something out of the portable space. I saw that it was a weird weapon with a weird shape. It should be a melee weapon that was carried around. With a buzzing sound, the front of the fist spike suddenly stretched, and the binding energy blades with black and red lines were scattered. The air trembled slightly, with a dangerous breath on it: the abyss, but in a controlled state. "You can see with your own eyes that this is the mutated psychic energy. By conventional means, no matter how you attenuate from the void. Then you can mix it with the abyss to create this mutated psychic energy. It is not a pure mixture. It has become something with its own unique characteristics. "

The restraining energy blade on the front of the weapon was trembling slightly, and I could feel that it had already damaged the surrounding space just by placing it there: the spatial stability of a small area around the weapon was decreasing, and the normal elements in the air were changing. Into all kinds of weird materials, some smoky things emanated from the front of the energy blade, and the condensed residue slowly fell to the tabletop, which produced a crackling burning sound.

This is an abyss weapon, which has unique characteristics. They perform poorly in terms of durability and energy consumption, but in terms of absolute damage and subsequent damage, the abyss weapon has a fascinating charm. The abyss independent group's powerful "instant full firepower" "Breaking" tactics can spurt out the devastating damage within a few seconds of the confrontation between the two sides. It is precisely because of this valuable characteristic that Tavel has always spared no effort to study how to securely create more abyss arms, of course, little progress has been made.

"Only a corrupt industrial industrial machine or a Schilling mainframe that was transformed tens of thousands of years ago can make these things," Harlan handed the fist in his hand for me to see, and said, "the pollution is equal to the There is some sort of 'identification code' left in our body. Without this identification code, the manufactured equipment is not pure. Of course, your crazy sister is an exception. She infused the abyss into ordinary equipment in a whimsical way for her own use. All I can say is ... maybe her madness is afraid of the abyss. "

I was curiously studying the stab in my hand, and then carefully spread my spiritual power into it. I wanted to see where the alienation phantom started to mutate, and it cracked-this thing went out, A large opening cracked in the focusing lens, and a green smoke rose from the inside.

Harlan: "... this thing stayed with me for 127,000 years ..."

Me: "... the most historical thing on me is a pair of old slippers that have been with me for three and a half years. Then they are gone ..."

Harlan: "..."

"Well, your plan is very good. I'm a layman and I can't recommend anything. It's done." I laughed and changed the subject, because Haran apparently didn't really care about staying with him. Two Thousand Years of Fist: According to the habits of the Apostles of the Spirit. I'm sure there are at least a thousand of them in his portable space. "The industrial production line has been rebuilt, and the abyss independent group is truly complete. It looks like there are more worlds for you to prepare for development ..."

"It's all up to me to figure it out," Harlan laughed. "No one knows more about the living environment of the Abyss Independence Group than a former fallen apostle. Just keep looking forward. As soon as half a year, I will let the abyss The first fleet appears before you. "

Sending Haran, I leaned on a chair to breathe out. There was one thing to worry about: the Abyss Independence Group would then rebuild the industrial line and find its own presence in the Empire ’s “World Bank”. To build a set of things that are completely different from the new empire military system, these things are all done by Harlan himself. Sandora and I at least occasionally went to see the progress in a lively nature. This part of the thing was on the right track.

"You can't tell, you are really quite diligent and usually think that you just go to the Shadow City every morning just to show it."

"Are you awake?" I have no desire to fight back from the troughs in my soul. It hasn't been a day or two for a female gangster to break her mouth. "How are you feeling today?"

"Nothing, just be detained again, and wake up early-just to see you are busy with business. Don't bother."

I didn't expect that when a guy like Bingtis was also empathetic, he couldn't help smiling, and I didn't know if Bingtis could feel this smile: "Speaking of it, isn't it nice when you are quiet? What's the usual whimper? "

"It's okay to stick to it for a long time, and it's easy to choke if it's a long time," Bingtis's nature began to slowly recover, "I said. You don't have to stare at these reports here for a long time, right? I Fuck! You gotta die! "

My righteousness is strict: "This is the responsibility of being an emperor."

"Responsibility Mao, look at the title, look at the conclusion, the stamp is approved-no wonder Sandora is going to take over 80% of the government affairs by herself. All you have to do is use your mind to write what you have read ..."

I was suddenly softened, and I never expected that Sandora would tell the female gangster even this matter: The two of them usually make trouble, this relationship is real, how to say, this is Ji Ji spanning tens of millions of years Buddy!

"Actually, I also read the text ... Occasionally picking up the part that I can understand." The more I talked, the less I was sighed, and finally I sighed: Bingtis woke up, and probably ended his office hours. I can't imagine what it would be like to talk to this female hooligan while working in the office. At that time, you would be stunned by a stunned woman who neglected government affairs.

"Oh? You want to go out?" Bingtis said immediately when she noticed my movements. "It's okay, if you are annoying, you can keep your body silent, but it's actually very interesting to see your approval ..."

If I believe her, I will have a surname with Ding Dong!

Bring a goddess with you-it sounds very poetic-strolling in the officer's rest area, Bingtis commented on the place sternly, the evaluation is nothing more than the rigid and serious four words: she was to Sanduo that year La's base has been so badly criticized, and the military bases of the Apostles of Schilling are basically the same, and they certainly cannot agree with the female hooligans. I didn't care about her, so I took a radio that I couldn't turn off and unknowingly went to the edge of the military zone. There is a very high barrier generator spire not far away in front of me. I glanced up at it and it turned out that I saw a familiar figure: Ancestor Anthus and a few unknown people stood in the company of several royal guards. On the platform in the middle of the minaret, it seemed to be looking at the sight of the civilian area outside.

"Look, your ancestor!" Bingtis gave me a perspective, of course, and immediately reminded with pleasure.

"No, it's Sandora's ancestor ..."

"Oh, I forgot you came out halfway-hurry up and hurry up, you will see you and your ancestors!"

I have to coax this depressed female hooligan now, as long as it does not violate human morality, I have to follow her. So a short teleportation came to the minaret.

This kind of minaret is very common around the base of the base. It is an extension of the fortress shield generator, but Anthers obviously uses it as a watchtower. When I arrived, he was looking curiously at the direction of the World Tree. The shadow that stretches like a mountain makes it difficult for everyone who comes into contact with it for the first time, and the ancestor is no exception: he has never seen such a large plant. Behind Anthes stood several people I didn't know, male and female. They were obviously not apostles of the Spirit, and they didn't have such a strong energy response. These people's clothes were very similar to Anthes: seeing here they could almost guess the identity of these people.

The Royal Guard sensed my arrival for the first time, and immediately turned around to salute. Anthers turned around and heard me, then looked at me with some surprise: "Her Majesty?"

"Uh ... how can you say that I am so awkward." It was a strange feeling that an old ancestor who had once ... Considering that the average age of the people around me is already in units of billions of years, I will not worry about it, "these are ..."

"Old guys who just woke up," Anthes seemed to be feeling better today, though still gloomy. But at least with a smile, "We're looking at this strange city ... an eye-opener."

"Captain, don't take me when you say the old guy, I'm still young." A woman who looked less than thirty looked at Anthes with a little dissatisfaction. I knew this was also one of the ancestors. She Like everyone else, he maintained his face when he was frozen. He is a mature and beautiful woman. I guess I dare to call "old ancestors", and today it is a disaster. So I can only smile a little apologetically: "Sorry, there have been a lot of things in the past two days. I should be by your side when you wake up."

"I know, I know," Anthes waved his hand indifferently, introducing a few people beside him, and then turned with anticipation to look at the magnificent shadow city, the air traffic network, the floating fortress of the military command and the Gaia mother star in the sky. These scenes he has seen today seem to be more angry today than in the past, "Several of them are now confused, it took me a long time to make the current situation roughly clear, and then we came here to see What the Empire ’s capital looks like today. Eye-opening, eye-opening ... "

"It's a pity that I can only watch the excitement," the woman said before with a bit of depression. In the introduction just now, I know her name is "Lu", a short and simple name, "I was originally a technology on board Director, but now I feel like a rat-tailed bear in a human city (maybe this is an animal that lives in the hometown world?), It's really out of touch for a long time ... "

This is not just a problem of disconnection. A few words exposed made several other ancestors sigh with it. I saw the atmosphere became a bit cold, and suddenly I had an idea: "What, for the time being, I'm also idle, or not You guys go out? "

A royal guard stepped forward: "Her Majesty, Her Majesty Sandorar said that he wanted his ancestors to be protected in the military zone ..."

Hearing the words of the royal guard, Anthus's expression, which had been so bright, fainted again.

They were delimited, and as long as they left their room, they had to be accompanied by royal guards. For the first resurrected Anthus, this life has been going on for some time.

I know that Sandora has an extreme "love" for her ancestors. In her eyes, Anthes may not be able to touch the porcelain doll, but this is the shadow city, the core of the core of the empire. What happened?

"It's okay, what else can I do to take them out myself," I waved at the guard indifferently, "I will talk to Sandorra over her."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The Royal Guards retreated, and some of the ancestors couldn't help muttering: "Oh, finally I can go out ..."

"You usually keep your ancestors in this deadly place like house arrest?" Bingtis couldn't help voicing again. I didn't know how to answer, but I could only remain silent: what she said was actually true.

Even if you treat it politely ~ www.readwn.com ~ Even if you meet all material needs, you are not allowed to leave the military zone, and you must be guarded by a royal guard for everything. This is really under house arrest.

Seeing the ancestors behind me seemed to have been banned for too long, and finally I was able to go out and let out the wind with an excited expression, I couldn't help but poke my lips: it seemed that it was time to discuss with Sandora and let her not really take these The old ancestors closed it in the temple and offered it.

After leaving the military zone, I was a bit worried. There are many places where the Shadow City can be turned. This "city" is now unscientific. If it is not for convenient air traffic and short-distance transmission networks, you can go from the south of the city. Going to the north of the city is basically enough to find a small projectile country in Europe for a cross-country trip, and now the sky and land where Shadow City is still expanding, there is a tendency to eventually form a dual star system with Gaia-you say so In a big place, what should I take as the first stop for my ancestors to visit?

I want the ancestors to look at something more interesting, to make them understand the status of the new empire, and it is best to stay away from the empire military facilities that have already seen enough.

Go to the place where the dependents and Hongshi residents are most concentrated. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read m.)

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