Xiling Empire

Chapter 1380: Return the soul

(On the occasion of the Double Eleven Festival, I would have thought of it as a celebration ...)

After dinner in the evening, I just could n’t sit at home again, and dragged me out to go shopping. See if it ’s too early now. At 8:30 in the evening, I went out for a walk in the night market. She came out together.

Although the cities on the earth cannot be compared with places like the Shadow City, but looking shallow and elated on the way, I estimate that as long as she is with her, this girl can excite the excitement of walking in the Amazon basin in the street center park. .

Speaking of which, I ran around all day long, the distance I walked has reached an incredible degree, and even just went to the circle of the **** world, but I have n’t walked around my home for a long time, just today When I went out, I even felt a little strangeness. The little boss in the street supermarket greeted me with enthusiasm: "Oh, I haven't seen some of you, but I'm back on business?"

... In fact, people still broke the truth in one word.

Like every time I go shopping, Qian Qian always runs in front of us. Our goal should always follow the girl's changing attention. She may rub for half an hour on the roadside snack stall. Maybe I suddenly went to the park to count the stars, or when I was halfway to count the stars, I went to see the unshaven beard with the beard and the shaved knives. Anyway, I just followed it cheerfully, And when she comes up with a suggestion such as "What if we go to the White House to scare Obama?"

This girl has a magical power. People around her will feel involuntarily feel as if they are circled into a small world with a rhythm different from the surrounding environment. Me and Qian are walking on the busy commercial street. But the world that belongs to us only has a radius of two meters. This is probably the reason why only two of us can play with each other from childhood to childhood: there is no primate in this world that can keep up with shallow beats.

Shallow is very happy. But there is one thing she feels awkward, even if she is lacking in heart and lungs: we still have an electric lamp ...

Sister Bing's body still followed her step by step. God was silent and silent, anyway, no matter where I and Shallow went, I could always see a pair of dead fish eyes staring at myself in the back. Sometimes, I can startle myself by turning my head back. At first I was worried that walking too fast would lose this unintellectual version of Ice Sister. Now I even suspect that even if I go to Brazil in an instant with shallow, this body can dig a hole in place through the center of the earth and continue to follow Behind us.

So the two walked into a threesome.

When I walked, I felt that the atmosphere around me was a bit wrong, because there was a lot of curious sight around me. And the passers-by themselves and the people behind them are obviously increasing. Although these passers-by are not so close, they are obviously following them out of curiosity.

My first reaction was that there was something wrong with Bingtis's styling, but I do n’t have to worry about it immediately: Of course, the bright image of the Dark Goddess cannot of course appear directly in front of ordinary people: silver ankle-long hair and blood-red eyes Once this appearance appears on the street after 8:30 pm, it is easy to recruit patrol jǐng. In particular, she is still stiff and erratic. If I led her directly out, I would be able to scatter realgar all the way behind-so Bing Sister has a long-lasting illusion camouflage, and her image in front of ordinary people is ordinary. The young woman with long hair and waist has blocked her face with her hair in order to reduce the presence. So she looks fine.

But soon I thought what the problem was: in the eyes of others, I should just lead my girlfriend out to hang out, and there was a resentment woman like Zhenzi who was half a meter behind ... I suddenly figured this out. Immediately I was full of excitement, I came to understand why even though Bingtis had a layer of camouflage on his body, he still followed the crowd all the way.

So I hurriedly communicated with Qian Qian, and the two took Grady's arm one by one. Holding her slowly forward, while walking shallowly, he guided carefully: "Slow, okay, left foot ... right foot ... that's it. Don't panic, we will be home in a while ..."

I smiled with people around me: "My brain was poisoned by drug poisoning when I was young. Take her out to breathe in the fresh air ..."

The onlookers crowded away, and Bingtis's soul thundered in the jīng God connection: "Your brain is broken! Both of your brains are broken! Can't you think of a reliable statement ?!"

I and Qian Qian managed to bring Bingtis to the street center park where few people were. Listening to the soul of this rogue goddess still roaring continuously, and then laughed into a ball, and it took me a long time to stabilize first. , Take a serious look at Bingtis's dead fish eye gold body: "Forget it, with her around, we still don't want to go out. It is still a trivial matter to meet a group of aunts watching Korean dramas. In case of a few righteous hearts Exploding, it's not fun to misunderstand that we kidnapped disabled girls. "

Icetis continued to thunder in that thunder: "You are disabled! You both are disabled!"

The shallow night tour ended like this, and after we got home, we shared the episode that happened on the road with our family. During the protest sound of Sister Bing's anger and anger, Sandora remembered it In the general history of the Empire, then it was almost time to sleep, and then ... something terrible happened.

Just as before before departure, Qianchan and Sandora came to the room for "surveillance" holding pillows. I was lying between the two of them, and Naobu myself was actually a young and honest young man. Then ... like many As one might have guessed, the bedroom door was pushed open.

Dead Fisheye Bing Sister came to the bed in her pajamas (which An Weina helped her to put on) without a squint, and the super-light car climbed up to the bed with the stare of Sandorah and stunned brightly-but also by the way Shallow squeezed.

After all, this bed is no matter how large or limited. It was already overloaded to lie down with three people. Now there is an extra ice disc, which is not enough anyway. Standing shallowly on the ground, foolishly watching Bingtis lying in her original position, her face slowly darkened.

"Actually, there are very complicated reasons ..." I sat up holding the realization that I had lost all my acquaintances, and I lay down and slapped the ice sister (body) who was sitting with myself, "She is completely tied now Definitely beside me: including while sleeping ... "

Sandora took the pillow seriously with a shallow expression and sat opposite, while lying next to her looked even more serious-that is, a dead fisheye ice disc with no expression at all. I want to explain to the two girls who are over 100 million fighting forces why they have an extra person on the bed before they decide to sacrifice their relatives, and make them believe that they have slept with this sister with a bust of 36e every day for the past few days. Nothing happened. . There is a sport in this world called Extreme Survival. Its projects are to have children on the Xizhimen overpass, rush to the bank on the day when jǐng pays, and go to the **** wine for a night. And stay here right now.

The only thing I feel fortunate now is that I have a clear conscience, so I wiped the cold sweat on my forehead, and told Sandora and Shallow about the situation in the realm, including the magical father and mother of Bingtis ...

Fifteen minutes later, I looked at Sandorah and Shallow as if to death, "Can you put the pillow down?"

I was really worried that the two of them suddenly smashed the pillow at forty times the speed of sound: with the strength of their arms, it was not impossible.

Looking up at the ceiling at a forty-five-degree angle, looking up, she looked sad: "But four people can't sleep!"

Sandora and I were dumbfounded at the same time. I never expected that this girl was melancholy and entangled. How did the four plan to sleep in a bed? What can you say with such a daughter-in-law? Anyway, I swiped the words "greatly sleep together", "arrogant luxury" and "moral loss" in my mind several times. Of course, it is just brushing the screen, because I know that shallow is not a complete lack of attention, she is just convinced that there is something to worry about, so she no longer has to worry about it. This girl seems simple in thought, but in fact, she may be quite clever-she knew from the beginning that there was nothing that needed mosaicing between me and Bingtis.

The two grew up together. I'm afraid that I have a deeper understanding of me than myself. This is the fighting power of the childhood sweetheart.

So now the crisis is over. Of course, Sandora knows that I and Bingtis, especially the mindless version of Bingtis, can't happen, but she still couldn't help muttering, "The words are That being said, but I have to look here? "

What happened next was particularly incredible: we started to discuss how to let four people sleep in a bed around the corpse-like Bingtis, and Bingtis's soul has been making suggestions in the jīng divine connection. No one thinks there is anything wrong with this topic-although under the normal three perspectives, it is already morally degraded just to mention it. We have heated discussions and are full of interest if we do not consider the causes and consequences. Just talking about what we are talking about is enough to be put on the hat of the wildness ...

Finally, she touched a piece of paper and used her level of geometric composition to design the distribution of four people. Finally, he finally found an arrangement that can squeeze everyone on the bed. This is a genius plan. The only flaw is that this plan needs to cut me into four pieces and fill them in the four corners of the bed ...

At this time, the black suitcase under the window slammed open. A 92.3 cm tall girl made it from the inside and shook her fist and rushed to this side: "Do n’t you sleep or not sleep at all! Do n’t talk so much at night, you still do n’t sleep, and some people want to sleep!"

I shrugged, shrugged, and hugged the pillow and quilt down to the ground in frustration: "Forget it, I hit the floor ..."

Fentish's body immediately jumped down, lying straight on the ground like a zombie.

I can see that Tanchan and Sandora want to say something. They don't seem to be bothered, and their faces are embarrassing and smiling. Obviously, the two did not intend to discuss the issue seriously from the beginning: they just play Yet. But it's too late now, and I waved my hands with the two girls: "Hurry up and go to bed. Don't bother anyone, just play tomorrow."

Shallowly and dumbfounded her tongue, and suddenly fell down from the bed to send a "snap" kiss, and Sandora did the same. Then the two girls said good night to each other and slept in bed. Leaving me gazing at them as they occupied the bed that belonged to me, but I was holding the quilt and a vegetative female man to prepare to make the floor-why would this be so?

Bettis also reacted for a while before muttering strangely: "Go ahead, do you know what you did just now?"

I took the mat out of the carry-on space to prepare the floor, and by the way slap Bing Sister's body and let her go and wait next, wondering: "Why? Isn't it just a good night kiss with my wife?"

"... the body orientation is normal, that was the first perspective just now. It's so energetic ..." Bingtis muttered, "During the time when the body is stuck with you, you are strictly forbidden to hear from any of your sisters. , Think about how it feels to kiss a man! "

Bingtis soon fell asleep after complaining. I lay it on the floor and turned it over and over for half an hour ... This time it was my turn to sleep! Lord Bing, let's see how many examples of shivering you gave just now!

After such a toss, I finally fell asleep at almost twelve o'clock, and I had a dream in the midst of amazement. I dreamed that I was walking on the lively streets of Shadow City, and I stood next to a Fudge, two Bingtis. Three ice discs, a group of ice discs ... I was surrounded by the ocean of ice discs, except for 36e, which was 36e in my sight. I could hardly think about being shocked by such choppy beauty, and then these female guys suddenly dragged up one A real man with a big waist and a round waist, eight feet tall. A grinning voice whispered in his ear:

"Think about how it feels to kiss a man!"

I was finally awakened at this instant, and opened my eyes to see that the room was already bright, and it turned out that I had fallen asleep, and my eyes opened and closed this night. I rubbed my eyes and was about to dispel the drowsy feeling in my head, and suddenly I felt a sound of wind coming from my ears—too late to respond, and I was blown out with a vigorous blow. The moment I took off, I saw vaguely that I looked like a white barefoot on my body.

After a moment's upside-down, I found that I had stuck my head down on the wall and laid it on the floor where I was lying. Fentish sat up, covering his chest with one hand, and looked a little dazed.

After a while, the other person raised my hand and said hello: "Oh, Chen, are you awake?"

I froze for a moment. This reflects that the Bingtis in front of her has been detached from the vegetative state, and then hastily checked her soul, and sure enough-there is no sense of disobedience brought by another consciousness in the soul. Bingjie has completely and completely removed herself Out of the soul. The man in front of me who was covering her chest with her hands in shock was Bingtis, who had completely recovered!

"I didn't know what happened, but I woke up and returned to my body anyway," Bingtis scratched her hair, her expression confused, and then she gave a bright smile. "But anyway, she returned to her original body. It ’s good. I almost forget what a touch is. ”

I kept my head down and held my hands on the ground: "Return to return, what do you mean by kicking me!"

"Oh, I opened my eyes and saw a man lying next to me, startled-getting up and getting low blood pressure."

Me: "... where's your monotheon's low blood pressure!"

"Shh-" Bingtis suddenly raised his index finger and made a snoring gesture in front of his mouth, while pointing his finger to the bed, "They haven't woke up yet, you are not afraid to wake up your sister and continue."

I blinked, and then I remembered the "Four People in the Same Room" that was not fragrant at night last night, and it was a bit incredible: just so much movement just now, I just did n’t wake up, why is Sandora so sensitive? Did anyone wake up?

Of course, I was not interested in delving into this issue, but I got up from the ground with a little curiosity, and came to the bed carefully to plan to wake up the two girls. As a result, I could n’t hold it: the two enchanting girls were hugging on the bed. Together, they are showing a blossoming situation of Lily, shallowly pillowing one of Sandora's arms, while Sandora's hands are resting on shallow chests, the pajamas of both of them are somewhat messy, although not yet Chunguangquan Leaked, but it is also fascinating enough-I can imagine that the tragic and brutal sleeping phase of last night played a decisive role.

I watched with a stunned look aside, Bingtis came over and handed a video camera: "I know you need this ..."

As soon as I took the thing subconsciously, Sandora woke up with Shallow ...

It took me five minutes to explain what was going on with this sinister camera in my hand, and I put all the blame on Bingtis, and then Sandora finally noticed that Bingtis had returned, two good girls. The friend greeted him kindly and friendly, and then, without any surprise, Bingtis remembered who took the lead in bringing trouble to his body. The female hooligan said one thing to another, and the first thing to repay was to seek revenge from Sandora.

I hurriedly exited the war zone, washed my face first, brushed my teeth, changed my clothes, and then put my breath away. I was so relieved and relieved: after so many days, I finally separated from the female hooligan. You said that these rìzi come from their own pressure How old is it!

Moreover, the bubbling female hooligan finally recovered her vitality, and the familiar life of ìrì often came back on track ~ www.readwn.com ~ I think the whole world has followed the splendor.

Soon, Sandora and Bingtis also packed up and appeared in front of us. At this time, the people in the family were basically awake, and their brains were restored to normal. The ice sister Shi Shiran came downstairs, and just went down. The national leaders of the plane also waved and greeted any primate in the living room as they walked. Sandora and I walked behind and shook their heads while watching: "Look at her!"

Of course, the success of Bingtis made the family lively again. In fact, we often lively like this for some strange reasons, sometimes to celebrate the national football goal, sometimes to celebrate the national football goal, sometimes to Celebrating a discount on eggs, sometimes to celebrate yesterday's discount on eggs. Anyway, we have an unusually large family, and we also have a family of sèsè. These guys can always find a good fight with their heads. It also gave the Protoss sliver five-person group ample reason for celebration: Ilson made an idea to sweep the Erli Bridge, and the other gods gave a loud answer.

It is a pity that this group of immortals has been immersed in the special atmosphere of the first family for so long, and this spirit has been sharpened.

But I didn't have time to chat with them because I still had work to do: I was swaying outside for several days. It was time to visit Shadow City. The newly developed spacecraft of Tavel was still waiting for acceptance.

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