Xiling Empire

Chapter 1382: name

The unnamed new battleship underwent a large number of attack demonstrations under the instruction of Sandora to fully verify its power, effective range, accuracy and response capabilities. With each weapon test firing, it showed satisfactory performance. Of course, the absolute power of the disassembly effect generator is needless to say. It can cause unlimited damage to conventional targets, regardless of whether the opponent is an entity or an incorporeal body. Even if it is protected by a mathematical rate, one disassembly effect is enough to make the target immortal. Disabled, this killing effect is worthy of the name of the executioner on the battlefield. At the same time, it also shows extremely excellent weapon response speed and accuracy-when hitting targets that continuously move in space, the hit rate reaches more than 90%. As a verification weapon, this is already quite excellent In the legion battle, a 90% hit killer heavy artillery is a lethal threat to all the enemy's large warships. The fire is the most desirable thing for all soldiers.

However, the hit rate of the Imperial artillery has always been very high. After all, most of our weapons can ignore the flight path and carry out "fire and arrive" attacks. The only thing that can affect the hit rate is the speed of the enemy-fire control system and Weapon response accuracy has been improved.

After a long period of testing, the new spacecraft's weapon system also satisfied Sandora with great stability. As a device with amazing energy consumption, the disassembly effect generator can run continuously for hundreds of times and still maintain a good performance. Working status. I have to say that Tavel had decided to build a brand-new warship to be used as a disassembly effect generator platform. It was too far-sighted. I am sure that the glasses lady has designed a new energy supply system for this weapon. New The overall framework of the spacecraft should be tailored for its main gun. If according to the original plan, the dismantling device is installed on the common gun base of the old type of spacecraft, and relying solely on the energy grid provided by the gun base, there is absolutely no way to support a large energy-consuming household to toss.

But what surprised me most was Sandora's attack mode: the moment before each attack it was quickly shrouded in a shadow field. The entire attack process is not visible at all. Only after the target is hit, it will appear in another random place under the cover of the shadow field. You can hardly imagine a starship that is more than six kilometers long and almost like a mountain. It can be as erratic as a shadow. It is a ghost. Watching it jumping around under the cover of light and shadow and constantly destroying the target, I almost feel it is a dance-although the dance is a long axis reaching 6.2 kilometers. Metal block.

"Put the shadow field on a spaceship on the pure technology side ..." After a series of tests came to an end, I couldn't help but speak. "Tavel, explain to you, first of all, what the **** is that shadow field?"

"The subordinates are not very proficient in the plastic molding technology and transformation rules of the mysterious department, let Lord Aurelia explain for you." Tavel said, and pointed my finger behind us, and I turned to look at it. It was found that the kite angel was slowly emerging from a ray of light. Did she just teleport from the heaven city?

Aurelia came to me and Sandora and apologized awkwardly after saluting: "Sorry, your two lords, there is an abnormality in a plastic star pool in the Celestial City. It is too late."

Sandora nodded indifferently: "Oh, it's okay. Work efficiency is higher than everything else-you also participated in the design of this spaceship? I didn't see your name on the R & D personnel list. Yes, explain to us The problem of the shadow field. "

"The staff only provided a suggestion and some ready-made technical materials, and did not directly participate in the research and development," Aurelia explained. Turning to look at the new spacecraft hovering outside the a-2 tower, "Shadow Field is something between teleportation technology and stealth technology, and it is widely used in large-scale equipment of the mysterious department. But it has never been achieved before on a science and technology spaceship. This is the first successful attempt. As you can see, what is enveloped in the shadow field will become part of the shadow. When the shadow disappears, it will also fall into the shadow space, When the dismantling effect generator is started, the shadow space will be destroyed at the same time as the target is destroyed, and the spacecraft will return to the real world again. As long as the energy is sufficient, the shadow field can be infinitely generated. This process can be repeated forever. So Tavel simply integrated the shadow field and the spacecraft's weapon system into a single program, which became part of the firing process-the result is a haunting attack like the shadow assassin. You should have seen it before, it is almost impossible to prevent it. "

"I'm very satisfied," Sandora laughed. "But as you said, the shadow field will be destroyed by the spacecraft itself after the fire. Can't it be maintained for a long time?"

"Things can never be perfect," Aurelia raised her wings gently, "something so powerful cannot be hidden forever, otherwise the ship would be invincible."

I listened to the various leisurely and fascinating emotions beside me, although I couldn't understand a lot of things, but knew that I had something good on hand, right?

But I also don't understand something. The shadow field is a must-have for killing and overstocking. No one has thought of integrating them with the technology side equipment? The Department of Mystery is good at showing off ghosts, and the Department of Science and Technology is good at bombing. The two things that can be grasped are a lighter and a gas tank-the time to blow up the B-Party ’s bullet crown and celebrate the happy birthday.

The Empire is bombed from top to bottom ...

"The old empire has tried countless times, but none have succeeded." Tavel next to him seemed to have expected me to ask this question, switching the holographic projection while talking, showing the structural details of the new spaceship— — I pretended to nod as I understood, and I heard Tavel continue to say, "The cornerstones of science and technology equipment are phantoms and crystallized energy supply networks. Mystery equipments rely on arcane, magic, shadow, and holy light. And other various secondary energies and very complex and precise conversion systems, that is, permutations. There is almost no match between the energy and driving methods of the two mysterious equipments of science and technology, except for the hybrid system and plastic energy specialization (raven). The apostles can rely on their talents to convert small amounts of energy on a large scale. Large equipment cannot use them at all, and the larger the equipment, the more difficult it is to cross this line. "

Aurelia led many scientific research projects in the old empire, and of course is more familiar with this history. She then explained to me: "So the spacecraft on the technology side cannot be equipped with the same size mysterious equipment, because energy and energy supply devices are not matched, unless we plug two systems into the same spacecraft at the same time: the energy core , The power supply network, control devices, external equipment, and even the console need two sets, but also a bunch of devices that allow these two systems to work in harmony. The old empire had a sky area trying to build such a ship A monster ship, which has twice the energy consumption. Four times the manufacturing difficulty, ultra-low combat efficiency, scrap-level battlefield failure rate, and maintenance difficulty that made technicians feel overwhelmed. Later, the emperor in that area gave an order: In the future, who would propose to use this idea to build a spaceship to waste empire resources and directly exile White Zone for a lifetime ... "

I nodded clearly. The things of the mystery and technology are not matched from the basis of energy, which makes it extremely difficult to make a hybrid spacecraft. In fact, it is easy to understand: it is easy to build a gasoline-electric hybrid car and a gasoline-electric hybrid aircraft carrier. It's not that simple, not to mention the fact that the empire is not only facing the simple problem of "hybrid fuel and electricity", but two kinds of technology trees that do not match from a world perspective. Although mixed development of mystery and technology is a big trend, after all, it requires development. The old empire failed to integrate these two things.

"Then how did you solve it?" I looked at Tavel curiously.

"It's still a source energy mine," Tavel pointed to the image of the spacecraft and reminded me of the golden lines on the connecting beams. "Your Majesty. This is the rune system provided by Lord Alleria, and these runes generate a shadow field. We directly These amulets were cast with source energy mineral alloys and connected to the spacecraft energy net. Now it can use any form of energy to generate a shadow field. It is not limited to magic energy or arcane. In fact, as long as the energy input is sufficient, You can activate this device by drilling wood on these runes. Theoretically. "

Me: "..." The analogy of Tavel is quite my style.

I understand what's going on. In fact, I should have just thought about it: why is it that the mysterious and scientific departments are not compatible?

Isn't energy and driver incompatible?

Source energy mines are compatible with any kind of energy-just with different degrees of compatibility. But even in the face of the energy with the lowest capacity, the source energy mine is more efficient than the crystallization network. You can imagine a conductive, thermally conductive, magnetically conductive, light-guiding, etc., and the loss rate will never be What is the result of the appearance of more than one hundred billionth of supermaterials on Earth?

Anyway, as long as this material appears in a country other than the United States, the American people will definitely want to maintain world peace ... Oh, this sentence has nothing to do with the current topic, and we skip it.

Anyway, knowing that the source energy mine has solved an ultimate problem that has continued from the old empire to the present is overwhelming. I even think that this news is far greater than the strategic value of the spaceship in front of me. Tavel should take it as the focus of today's report. . If the conversion device made by the source energy mine is widely used, the new empire will make an amazing step forward in the integration of the two lines of mystery and technology. We will even throw the fallen apostles out of the era in related fields! The thought of this kind of ore is actually related to myself, I feel that I am still quite powerful ...

But Tavel eventually poured me cold water: "Your Majesty, the situation is not so smooth: the source energy mine is a resource that needs to be mined, and the rate of generation is limited, and it can use the" information-material "transformation to create extraordinary things out of thin air. The matter is different ... "

I calmed down in a short time, and then I remember that it has been only a few years since the discovery of the source energy mine, and the source energy mine that was generated by my information turbulence in these years may not be enough for every spaceship in the country. Set a nail ...

"Now the deep dive plan needs source energy ore, new spacecraft needs source energy ore, two improved artillery cores being designed and a shield multiplier may also use it, of which the new spacecraft will consume ore At most, and it's a day number. Although it is only necessary to cast a layer of amulets on the surface of the spacecraft, it uses deep refining ore-we have increased the refining efficiency to 100%, but this resource is still stretched. "

"Well, I know that the pie can't fall from the sky," I froze, and I felt quite depressed. "This is a big ups and downs ... what good news is there besides?"

"Yes," Tavel pointed to the outer spacecraft. "Mother Qian Qian hasn't named it yet, and her subordinates haven't named it for the time being, if you're interested. This new battleship can be named by you, your subordinates. Think it's also an honor to it. "

Immediately smiling, I felt that my artistic talent might be working, and Sandora next to me looked nervously and grabbed my arm: "Ajun, think twice ..."

I coughed a little embarrassingly, thinking about what the ship was called more prestigious and in line with its characteristics, extremely strong fighting power, and a devastating attack method. Obviously, it is an offensive thing. Although its shield system is the t2 technology obtained from the fallen apostles, I personally think that its improvement in protection is still difficult to match the glory of a small disassembly generator, so call it ... ...

I was about to open my mouth, and Sandora grabbed my arm again. His eyes were very sincere: "Ajun, think again."

I: "... I haven't said anything yet ..."

"Speak out the reminder before you get too surprised and forget it," Sandola continued sincerely.

The corner of my eye looked at Her Majesty with a cramp, and I took a deep breath: "What do you think of calling it the Executioner, I think it's quite windy, but if you have an opinion, we can discuss it again ... well, don't talk what……"

Sandora stood there with a frozen expression, as if it had been petrified temporarily. I poked hard at her face before poking Her Majesty back to her. Sandora looked at me with a stunned look, as if looking at a stranger: "Ajun's name came up just now?"

Me: "Yeah. If you can't, you can change it again."

"What's so normal ..." Sandora murmured, pinching her face, then looked at Tavel, "Do you think this name can be seen by others? I think it's normal. But I worry about myself It's too long with A Jun to distort the aesthetics. "

Tavel nodded blankly: "If you have no opinion then settle down like this, the new spaceship is named Hangman."

I thought for a long time. Finally jumped up: "Sandora, how did you learn to run people!"

Actually, I wanted to call this spaceship "Assassin" at first, because its ghostly attack process really gave people the feeling of Assassin, but later I thought, even if there is a stealth effect when firing, it is a kind of A battlefield that is facing the enemy on the battlefield, a shadow field is not enough to allow it to perform beheading operations behind enemy lines, and its speed and agility are not outstanding, so it is named according to another impression of it. The offender. The name is actually tacky, but it is just right-a super-fire battleship that can directly kill the target, is there anything that is more lethal than a spacecraft equipped with a mini Genesis?

The new spacecraft is already very satisfying in terms of firepower, and the only weakness should be the "range" problem. Of course, this does not refer to the conventional range. Under the efforts of Tavel, the effective distance of dismantling the beam reached 0.1 light-years. Of course, there is no doubt about its combat capability in continuous space. This range is sufficient. The "range problem" mentioned above means that it does not have the ability to attack in space: the dismantling effect is too strong, which will cause the space gate to collapse, so the executioner does not have the function of launching space fire, that is, in the cross-world Or when the ultra-strike strike in the universe (one light-year to the battlefield of the entire universe), the executioner can only watch next to it. It is a weapon that can only be used after the warring parties have received close fire. This has to be said as a pity. But compared with its power, this is harmless.

Of course, the new spacecraft is not limited to weapons and shapes (although I can seem to understand these two points), but I did not expect that its weapons are so high-powered. Sandora and I spent a long time on this project. . Next, Tavel began to introduce various projects such as the protection, power, endurance, and crew of the spacecraft, and explained the structure of the spacecraft. At this point, I don't understand ~ www.readwn.com ~ I only understand that the Hangman has two sets of disassembly effect generators, which are in the middle of the two parts of the hull. The position of the blue halo is that when attacking, its two generators are activated in turn to reduce the pressure on a single gun base to extend the continuous combat time. Although its shield is not as good as a meat shield ship like the eternal and frontier class, it has a fast recharge speed due to the high-speed refreshing shield technology from the fallen apostles, and its shield strength is about the same as that of the expedition. It's almost the same (slightly weaker), but the shield can be full as long as it is not hit again for a short time. If used properly, this feature may allow experienced commanders to develop a lot of flexible tactics. The executioner's propulsion device is not too outstanding. It can only be said that it is quite satisfactory and can not be left behind when it cooperates with medium-sized warships: it should not have too high requirements for this, after all, it already has super strong Firepower and a lot of protection capabilities beyond the same class of warships, the output of the energy furnace is always limited, Tavel has done this step is quite remarkable.

You ca n’t ask an ordinary person who is only eight people high and wealthy, able to sweep three mountains, five mountains, and eighteen sects, and also knows about twenty or thirty instruments, enters and fights aunts in the supermarket, and retires at home to clean the food for his wife and children. Country When necessary, a person can run for half a year, and when humans need it, they can raise their guns to save the world from aliens. In extreme cases, they can continue to reproduce humanity after unisexual reproduction after the end of the world. If people can really appear, they can only be made after Ding Dong is drunk ...

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