Xiling Empire

Chapter 1385: Urban characteristics

(I ask for a ticket in the middle of the month, anyway, idle is also idle ...)

I think the Father God said something very well: I always have something unprecedented happening around me. If the historical records are correct, Bingtis is now one of these unprecedented-she will become the only **** with dual theology ever, and not only the main deity of two deities, these two deities plus Only one member of her is up ... why do you say this is so cola?

The reason why the Sister Bing ’s diary is blocked is that the existing divine certification of the Pantheon does not recognize members who have both the seal of the star domain and the spirit. If you have to forcefully make the Pantheon domicile register (I know the side of the divine realm) Surely it ’s not like that, but Bingtis said that they are registered with the household registration office, and we have followed suit.) To “legalize” Bingtis ’second deity, then we need to make a big operation in the entire theatrical system of the Bright Protoss. As if in order to allow the mermaid to walk on the land, a small two-meter-deep canal was dug next to the roads around the world—with this effort, you can find a witch to cook the plum plum soup for her sister or give her a How good is a wheelchair? What we are doing now is to give Bicetis a wheelchair: Let Starfield create a new system in the existing genealogy and put the registration information on the Spirit side (in fact, it is my mark of the void). It's easier to put this information in a blank system than it is to put it in a complex current system. Ding-Dang-Dong——The Protoss of the Light has not known how many years since its birth. For a race that has just taken out an account that is an epic work, how big can this citizen database be, even the Father and God? miss you.

Then the spirit side performed the same operation, and created a new "tribe" database in the data network. This database doesn't need a rigorous review system, anyway, it has only one registered person. Just hang in Bingtis.

These are all formalities. To put it plainly, it is "walking the field", but sometimes "walking the field" is so important. Anyway, if there is no step, Bingjie can only be a black household. After going through these cuts, Bingtis's life will not be affected in any way. Her original power is still there, which belongs to the Spirit of God ... that is a future thing. Even more unaffected. "Divinity" is a very subtle thing. It is a sign of the Protoss, but its ever-changing nature will not affect the hard power of a Protoss. Both the light and slabs of Bingtis have nothing to do with her deity. But divinity is the source of the power of the Protoss to interfere with all things in the world through "symbolic meaning". This is really a magical thing. I think it's a bit like an activation code for an operating system. How fast your computer can run, your system's stability is not related to this activation code. You need to change dozens of activation codes. As long as they are true, then you can start online chat and fart as usual, but you do not need this activation code-

Of course, you can say that you have a registration machine and crack package, we have to compare this is really boring ...

Of course, it says that it has no effect on Bingtis' life. In some details and short-term habits, Bingtis will definitely be a bit awkward. For example, she will not be able to go online with the account of the Bright Protoss in the future. When she visits the database and exclusive lines of the Bright Protoss, she must have a tourist sign on her. . In the future, her salary bar will be printed with an icon of an unprecedented fifth deity, and she can still habitually claim to be the goddess of light XXX. But when signing a contract with someone, you still have to write: Pingtis of the Pingtis ...

She is now really taken from her own race into a class, which is definitely a sad thing for ordinary people, but for the big sister Bing, who is already so amazing that she will soon become an independent class from the primate. This, I am afraid, can only be said to be an inevitable phenomenon that everyone has hoped for ...

I connected to the special channel of Hexing (I do n’t need to write a letter to pretend to be arrogant at this time), and told the situation on the side of Bingtis, knowing that what I was worried about had really come true, and God the Father was a little bit sighing. Then, he asked me about the reaction of Bingtis himself. After learning that the unsatisfied sister returned to normal in thirty seconds, the father and God even more sighed with emotion: "The child reported his mistake in the school and put his mind in school. Learning bad ... "

I talked a few more gossips with the Father God. I know that a large group of gods over the data library is still struggling in the vast and endless ancient data, and helped the Spirit apostles to find their hometown. I was quite moved and a little bit sad: I will bring the dictated diary log in the past to let people find a world that has disappeared millions of years ago. This is really difficult for a strong man. Fortunately, the Protoss has the patience and the time to help friends. It is a solid eye, otherwise who is willing to help this kind of busy.

God the Father's side didn't really care: "It's okay, Sovaré has convened a group of students on vacation and teachers who are okay to let them soak in the library tower. It is better than filling the world with tuition classes ..."

You said that there are so many cram schools on the earth, are they all caused by the disturbance of the divine information?

After talking a little more, after I exchanged information between the two sides and promised to pass the more detailed ancestor logs as soon as possible, I hung up the special communication. Bingtis waited for a long time in the next period, and came up and asked nervously, "What did the Father say? How long will it take to solve this problem?"

I looked at the living room. Except for myself and Bingtis, most of the others were separated. Only Sandora seemed to care about Ji You's situation and drank tea indifferently to watch the report. Seeing Bingtis's eyes is really anxious, and I am not good to tease her: "Rest assured, everything is OK in two or three days, just open a new account, do not need to modify the old file, this is very fast. In addition to the change of job title, you should No matter what. "

Bingtis breathed a sigh of relief, and asked a little more care: "Then the body continued to use the name of the goddess of light, isn't it all right? The book that was hard to pass in the past ..."

"Of course no problem, this is like a job title and position. You were originally a personnel manager. Now you have a job title of first-level fitter, but you can still be your own personnel manager," I explained briefly and then I remembered that the Father God also mentioned a little thing to himself, "Yes. By the way, I'll tell you the good news: Xingchen said that you can decide for yourself the title of the new" **** ", and tell him that he will add it to the Pantheon later Go to the database. This is a chance. It ’s a unique free-naming opportunity established by the gods so far. He said that this is to compensate for your "mental loss."

As I said, I couldn't help but look at Bingtis' sunny face: Is there really any mental loss in this product?

The so-called denominations are actually names such as "bright deities", "dark deities", "dragon deities (order gods)", and "goddess of life". Now Bettis has been extracted from Chengyi, following the differences in the database. The rule that the list can't be duplicated will of course give her a new deity. Saying that the power of the Father ’s name seems to be a grade with me. You see how popular these names are ...

Bingtis thought about it and opened his mouth: "The true God shows holiness, glory, lightness, mercy, universal life, great merit, immeasurable and great wisdom. The **** godmother, Hong Wuying, and the prestige of the three days. God is the most holy and jealous. The mighty and brave general of the three armies Hongfu inspires the divine heart. The body is bright and clean. He loves the world and loves the world. He loves the world and the prestige. The vanity is true and true. . There's another one-for-one title behind, let me think about it. "

I didn't talk about her, so I looked at her with a smile, and asked her with a smile after five seconds: "You say it again?"

"The true God shows the holy glory and bright and bright Cihang ... Cihang ..." Bingtis stunned for a few seconds, and then kicked over. "So long who TM remembers! In the future, it will be printed on a business card so that others cannot read it! ? "

I let go of her ankle, and said that I almost forgot that the female hooligan was still a middle two girl. At that time, the name of the evil king Zhenyan Bingtis used in writing the Bible. After so many years, I did not expect her second illness, Yu Wei, to be still there, but of course, normal people cannot follow her rhythm, and I waved with her: "The user name cannot exceed six words, otherwise I will report for you 'If the guild name is too long and hides under the tree, it will be seen.'"

Bingtis thought about it this time, and wrote a line of condensed golden light with his fingers in the air: "How about the §Bingao Di⊙s 族 clan? Pretty girlish ..."

"... Do you introduce yourself to subtitles in the future? You still have a status bar on your head?"

Fudges think about it too. After meditation for a long time, he finally sighed in dismay: "Forget about what six words can do. The evil king really has Bingtis seven words, so use the name of the body. Anyway, when you fill out the report, you can In use, he usually claimed to be the goddess of light if he wouldn't. "

I nodded. First of all, congratulations to Sister Bing for being the main **** of the two deities. Although it is useless, the title has suddenly become high-end. Then congratulations on her becoming the first person of her own. Finally, she hurried before the female hooligan reacted. Out of the house.

Another troublesome matter was resolved, and my own mood was also very good. Even the sky outside the hospital was a few times brighter than usual. Those dinosaur goddesses who were always a little noisy flew around in the lawn flowers, panning on their bodies. With the little green light, the more you look, the more lovely you are. Mai Diwen is standing under the big tree in the middle of the courtyard, chatting with her parents, mom and dad, looking up, and sitting on her shoulders are a few smaller wheat Diwen, The guys squeaked around holding the celery root. My elder sister took care of the flowerbed not far away and looked at those vibrant flowers with a gentle smile on her face. Looking at these two gods who were the only gods on the half-day ago, my spirits were surging: starting today, the gods are officially alive, which is really gratifying in name.

But gratifying and congratulating, I still remembered that I had something to do: I had a call with the Father and God to remind myself that it was time to go to the Shadow City to see the ancestors and see how their logbooks were organized.

Ever since he got a job and obtained permission to move freely in the shadow space, the ancestors ’mood has been significantly more stable than before. Although I do n’t know what will happen after a long time, now, Anthus and his old crew They were still very enthusiastic, and I felt this as soon as I met each other. If Ansels I saw a few days ago is an old man who has rushed to a strange environment and is at a loss, then he obviously has found his place in the new environment and found his own goal. The old captain continued to work, trying to find the lost route back to his hometown.

Anthus and I met on the streets of a mixed civilian neighborhood near the military zone, and the old man was usually too busy to go out to work. But today I just had time to come out and relax, and after learning about his whereabouts from the Royal Guards, I hurried directly. Anthers didn't seem too surprised by my sudden appearance. He salutes like the Imperial soldier, full of spirit: "Your Majesty came to ask the progress of the log?"

I hurriedly waved: "Stop talking about the title problem, you don't have to march with me."

Okay, this ceremony is too stressful to accept. I am afraid that this senior is bigger than Bingtis and I do n’t know how many rounds. And Anthus is not an active member of the Imperial Army. He also knows this, so the old man did not continue to be persistent in this area, just let out a smile. I made it clear to him that he had come to inspect the progress of the work. But I did not expect the other party to take a rest today.

"It's not important to rest or not," Anthers's frown lined out, "I'm also a soldier-although he was a soldier of the Ark Fleet of that year, the soldier's habits still have. There may still be some omissions, but that can only be remembered little by little in the future. At present, there are so many that can be sorted out at once. Lu Zheng will combine the sorted out data and sort it out, and it should be delivered tomorrow. Go to the military. "

I shouted casually, knowing that there is no need to worry about it over the log side, and then I looked around. This place is a mixed-type civilian settlement, which is different from the urban areas occupied by forces such as the undead area and the elven area. The latter not only inhabits civilians, it is also usually the official residence of a vassal world, while the former is simply prepared for free people from the macro world and the vassal race, just like the difference between an institution compound and an ordinary community. This area is extraordinarily lively, and it is also a free distribution center full of shadow city features. Due to the special nature of the Empire's capital, even places like residential areas. The ratio of resident population to floating population is also roughly half open, so the most shops you can see on the street are various hotels, flavor restaurants, travel registries, and free trade shops selling crafts. I looked around and finally saw a small tea house among the glamorous signs. On the left side of the tea house is a medieval-style dwarf blacksmith shop, and on the right is a civilian spacecraft rental company with a holographic advertising screen. The tea house is made of raw wood, and there are green vines on the outer wall. The signboard at the door is half curved. The curved half of the elven text is the general text of the spirit with a holographic projection-this is the shop opened by the elves.

This messy mashup of business streets is simply too common here.

"Anyway, just come out and hang out, just sit there for a while," I pointed to the direction of the tea house, "just talk about your situation these days."

Anthers did not quit, and followed me.

There is no gate in this tea house opened by the elf, and the front door is covered with a layer of green vines like a curtain. When the guests approach, the vines swing neatly to both sides. The moment I walked through this layer of vine curtain, I It feels like there are almost two worlds outside and inside the door: there is a noisy and bustling market outside, but only small movements can be heard inside, and even the air inside this teahouse is much fresher and warmer than outside, needless to say, here should be The natural magic of elves is being guarded. The tea house is very spacious and quiet, and there are not too many guests. The oval-shaped first-floor lobby is lined with more than a dozen sets of tables and chairs. There are two rows of oval-shaped doors on the log wall on both sides of the lobby. It is Yajian. At the end of the lobby is a counter, next to the counter is a staircase leading to the second floor. Everything here is made of logs and ivy. Even the air can smell a good smell of plants. A bright yellow magic lamp is used to illuminate the walls, which should be an alien craft.

A line of characters fluttered on the wall not far: The building materials used in this shop have been blessed by the goddess and passed the acceptance of the fire prevention and disaster reduction team of the General Security Office of Shadow City.

Followed by a line of small words: the elf just likes to build a house with wood, and the unhappy ironsmith next to him bit me!

I explained to Anthes with a smile: "Oh, city characteristics, city characteristics ..."

We didn't look for Yajian either. It was quite quiet here anyway, and Ansels and I were not talking about a confidential incident, so I randomly found a place next to the wall and sat down. A few recent guests who were having a snack chat recognized my face that was famous all over the country but had no special features ~ www.readwn.com ~ I suddenly stood up and greeted them, and I waved with them cheerfully Everyone smiled and sat back again: In the shadow city, occasionally encountering the first family who came out to hang out or which fairy is not a thing at all, people who come to this place for the first time may be excited for a long time, but if they are old The resident was really too lazy to post on Weibo.

A slim elf girl in a light green dress came up and asked us what to order, because she was happy, the little girl's face rose red, but I did n’t know what kind of elf snack and tea were, so let her follow The taste of the carbon-based creatures came in two different ways. The little girl nodded and ran to the counter, showing off happily with the elves and men waiting at the counter: "Your Majesty the Emperor really said casually. Day off ... "

I continued to laugh and explained to Anthes: "Oh, urban characteristics, urban characteristics ..."

Anthers sighed casually: "Politics and peace, Dazhi, fun with the people, Yamato. The sentence I saw in the public database a few days ago, I think it is suitable for this place."

I think this is the best compliment. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (m) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. Mobile phone users please read m.)

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