Xiling Empire

Chapter 1388: Funeral and accident

Shadow space, parent star Gaia. [R />

In order to maintain the ecological environment, this artificially-made planet also has seasonal changes like natural planets. Now that Gaia's northern hemisphere is in the declining winter season, cold air from the Arctic Circle has crossed the icy oceanic belt and two narrow continental mountains, blowing endlessly in 70% of the northern hemisphere. Cold wind. As the largest body of water in the Northern Hemisphere, the North Sea is directly connected to the Arctic Ocean Ring, and a continuous glacier of thousands of kilometers extends from the Arctic Circle to the depths of the North Sea. This continuous glacier will last for nearly half a parent star year from winter to the following spring, and will gradually melt after the summer of the northern hemisphere, and shrink back to the Arctic. And now is the heyday of the glacier. Standing on the edge of the glacier, in front of it is the endless deep blue ocean, and when you look back, you can see the endless, direct-to-the-pole ice "continent", and the feet are constantly trembling, as if the ever-increasing ice cliff. Countless huge ice floes floating near glaciers have formed moving islands that can last for many months. Under the action of ocean currents, they set off from the warmer depths of the North Sea and have come to this thousands of miles of glaciers, constantly crashing into us. On this solid ice cliff at the foot, every impact brings landslides and tremors like tremors and roars. The broken ice debris is rolled into the air in a blast, and it splashes like a blizzard, occasionally sharp. As a result, the icicles fell from the big glacier and fell into the sea, setting off a huge wave, but each impact still brought greater growth to the glacier. Shock, shake, shatter, grow-this glacier that stretches from the North Pole to this place grows in such a thrilling way, waits for half a month to reach the peak completely, and by then, it will extend hundreds of kilometers forward again, Until the foremost edge of the glacier can be seen far away from the ecological control station on the north continent.

Under the glacier, the ocean floor is slowly moving. The modular crust of the planet is forming a faint but steady vortex, driven by the power unit, in preparation for the upcoming funeral.

The Imperial Royal Guards lined up on the glacier to form a line of reliance, forming a fan facing north, silently facing the cold wind, and the two royal guard boats with golden ornaments lined up in two rows in midair in front of the glacier, as if they were Guarding a road that is invisible to the naked eye, a medium-sized transport ship is parked on the ice in the north. The blue indicator light projected by the anti-gravity device forms a hazy mist in the water vapor directly below it. A huge beam emerged from the front of the ship. Through the airspace between the two fleets of frigates, it has disappeared at the end of the sky. Even if it is daylight in the northern hemisphere, this beam of light is dazzling in the sky.

Hundreds of dark blue oval-shaped capsules have been lined up at the forefront of the glacier, looking at a glance. It's like a tomb.

A small group of people stood more than ten meters behind these sealed cabins: me, sister, Sandora, Harlan, temporarily keeping awake Bellavila, and twelve other people wearing ancient Spirit armor and expressions A solemn ancestor.

These twelve are all there-the resurrected ancestors stood here without a fall. This is Tavier's best efforts and all measures taken. And with the help of countless goddesses of life, all our ancestors have been resurrected. The oldest of them was a gray-haired old man like Anthers, and the youngest was a couple who had just married before the Ark crashed. In the hundreds of sealed cabins in front of us, there were other Ark crewmen who could not be resurrected. All resurrection experiments are now over. In accordance with the agreement with Anthes, we prepared a funeral for the ancestors who could not be resurrected: just on the northern glacier of the mother star Gaia.

The Apostles of the Spirit had left their hometown for too long, and they knew nothing about the funeral rituals of their hometown in those years-none of these materials were entered into the original memory of the primitive, so today the funeral was performed by Anthus and other ancestors Under the guidance. But after all, it is the same civilization. Even as a mortal Spirit, the burial ceremony is actually very simple. Now that the sealed cabin containing the ancestor's remains has been placed on the edge of the glacier, it is time to say goodbye to them.

"In the name of the mother star and the ancestors, I, Anthes, the last captain of the tenth ark, bid farewell to the compatriots who are about to leave this ship," Anthers stood quietly in the front of the queue and was no longer young His body was straight in the cold wind, and the vicissitudes of low voice were spread over the whole glacier. "My crew, helmsman, pilot, guard, navigator, and defender of the ark, I am your captain. . "

You have been far away from your hometown, and have spent countless hours, and the tinder of civilization from the mother star, it has never extinguished in your hands. "

The ark has crossed the void, and there is no way back. You, in the name of Spirit, have gone through countless hardships and never stopped. "

Now I will tell you as the captain that our glorious civilization has been continued. It has taken root in this distant and strange place, and now it has become a towering tree. Everything we once wanted to save is standing proudly now. Here, strong, strong, not afraid of challenges, indestructible; our names are still written by our descendants, and are remembered in the void, ringing through millions of worlds; the fire of Hagiwara has been made, and the storm cannot make it go out . "

However, the abyss is still there. The enemies who have destroyed our homeland are still there. They lurk in the depths of the void and stare at all the order and the universe. And has burned all the world. "

However, my crew, you don't need to worry about this, the young soldiers have taken over the weapons of their ancestors. They carried forward with the names of their ancestors, and now they are not afraid of any war. The long exile is over, the children are organizing a counterattack, and veterans, you can safely leave the battlefield now. "

My crew, the Ark's engine is out, and this long voyage is over. "

My crew, your work is done, and those hard years have passed. "

Here you are in the resting place of your new home. "

So let's settle down now, my crew, the ark's mission is complete ... "

You are home. "

All frigates and all defensive facilities on the planet's surface sounded a sharp alert for the enemy. The alarm sounded throughout the planet, and there were no military bands. There was no elegy, and the siren of battleships and positions was the only farewell that the Spirit apostle needed before the end of the endless revenge war. Hundreds of millions of years have passed, and countless turbulent inheritances that have come close to extinction. This deafening alarm is the only thing that has never changed in the slightest. From the first time it was sounded on the original mother star, Just in the name of everyone who is in the name of the Spirit, the mind reverberates forever, whether they are a Spirit person or a Spirit Apostle.

"Salute to the ancestors. See you off!"

At the moment Sandora's voice fell, the five existing emperors of the empire (including the former emperor's sister) saluted at the same time, followed by hundreds of senior commanders on the glacier, and finally all the royal guards at the scene. The sealed cabins broke away from the fixed base in a roar and were lifted into the air by the anti-gravity device. When he came out of the glacier, he fell silently into the endless darkness below.

They will be safely and steadily brought to the ocean floor by the whirlpool, and will always be buried in the thick crust of the mother star Gaia. They do not need tombs and tombstones. They only need a name named "Spirit", not abyss. The disturbed rest is sufficient.

The roaring alarm also weakened with the moment the sealed capsule fell into the sea, and gradually ceased. The inclined beam of light in the sky disappeared in the air while the alarm stopped completely. Anthes turned around. The look was very calm, or the calm had just returned, the old captain nodded to us: "It's over, let them rest like this."

"Need me to send you ..." Sandora was interrupted just halfway through the conversation. Anthes waved at her: "No, let's go home alone, and don't let any guards follow-just give us those old guys a willful way."

The ancestors entered the portal that returned to Shadow City, and the Royal Guards also retracted and began to teleport away. I let out a long breath and suddenly shook my head a little self-deprecatingly: "At the beginning, it wasn't appropriate to participate in it myself. I really want to ..."

"So what are you talking about?" Sandora glanced at me slightly. "You're the man in the front of the empire. You can't have these messy ideas."

"I'm going back to work," Harlan, who was walking behind, suddenly said, "The first Abyss Starport will be trial-produced in the next few days. During this time, I will personally supervise and not let my ancestors down."

"I also withdrew, I also withdrew," Bella Villara waved his hand, and as the voice dropped, a portal was opened beside him. "I have to switch back to rest immediately. I will go to Celestial City and Aurelia to discuss the expansion tomorrow. It ’s troublesome if you spend too much energy. ”

So in the blink of an eye there were only three Emperor Five, and her sister belonged to the unnamed, and I looked at Sandora: "It looks like they are full of energy-let's go to the executioner production line ..."

When I said just halfway, an emergency communication suddenly came to my mind. It was Tavier's voice: "Your Majesty! Emergency! A major accident occurred in the deep dive test port, and the main facilities were destroyed!"

Of course, Sandorah and her sister also heard this message. We didn't hold our eyes for a while, but Qian Qian, who had just greeted me from not far away, saw that three people were stunned and trembled there. Asked babblely what happened: they didn't get a report.

"You go back first," I waved with Qian Qian, "The situation at the deep-dive port is out, I'm afraid Sandor and I have to go."

"I followed the past," Lin Xue's voice came from the other side before she said something shallow, and the young lady looked very serious. "Remember why I called off the next round of deep dive plans-this is what the reason."

I suddenly remembered that the diving plan I had seen was stopped by Lin Xue urgently. I was afraid for a while, and I said that I was lucky to have a prophet. This accident really happened!

Hearing Tavier's meaning, the entire test port may have suffered heavy losses in the accident, and according to the schedule in the deep dive plan ... These two days should be the time when the deep dive ship continued to dive, if there were no Lin Xue With the early warning of the day, what we want to lose is not a port, but a deep submersible ship that is more difficult to build.

Qian Qian actually wants to follow along, but she also knows that she can only make trouble in this kind of incident, so she goes home with other people: Although this girl is a bit agitated, she is also very sensible and obedient at critical times. I went to the Supreme Research Center together with Lin Xue and Sandola. Tavill's body was waiting here. She was followed by a small team of senior assistant technicians. The highly efficient glasses were already organized before someone asked them to do so. Good accident investigation team.

"More details on the road," Sandora interrupted when Tavier spoke and wanted to report. "The test port is in the border area. The fastest Nether shuttle will also take two hours to arrive, and Sivis is ready. Good spaceship, let's go now. "

Because "deep diving" is an extremely high-risk experiment that can cause catastrophic pollution if you are inadvertent, the place where the test is conducted must be far from the empire inland and ensure that there is no other life in the test universe. In addition, After the first deep dive test, Tavel also further enhanced the security measures of this project: after the completion of the deep dive test port, the local world gate will be dismantled, and no direct transmission from the Empire Zone to the test universe will be possible. Only high-speed shuttles can be used to prevent the abyss from polluting the world's door after the disaster, and then jump through the gate to the whole empire.

This of course brings some inconvenience, but sometimes it is not a bad thing to be troublesome for safety.

Soon we and Tavel's team of experts boarded the fastest Void Shuttle. In the crew cabin of the shuttle, I had the time to ask Tavel about the accident.

"The specific reason is not clear. Everything happened too quickly, and the frontline personnel basically had no time to respond," Tavel frowned, and the testing ground she had painstakingly built was destroyed in this way, and the glasses lady was absolutely uncomfortable. "The three quality projections of the subordinates are also in the test port. One of them was damaged in the accident, and the other two were transferred in time, so the subordinates can see the situation on the scene. The current situation is that the entire control center has a continuous explosion from the bottom. The explosion Destroyed 80% of the energy supply system and all control functions of the site. All six groups of energy furnaces were offline, because the residual psionic energy field is too strong to be approached for the time being, so it is not sure what is going on inside the energy furnace. The possibility of another explosion is not ruled out, and the observation towers 1 and 3 have been taken offline. The underlying buildings were severely damaged, and the internal equipment was completely unresponsive. It can basically be determined that the tower was completely scrapped. In addition, the cause of the explosion is unknown. "

"What about the casualties?" My first reaction was to ask this.

"It's optimistic," Tavel sighed. "Because it is a high-risk project, the resurrection facilities are the best. The soldiers and scientists who died on the spot are on the resurrection queue. Only equipment loss is currently determined."

"What about the gates of the abyss?" After making sure there weren't many problems with the staff, I hurried to ask this more terrible question.

The structure of the deep dive test port is as follows: a stabilized suppressed abyss gate is the main body, and around the abyss gate is a series of energy suppression towers that completely lock the activities of the abyss gate and Imprison it in a fixed dimension to prevent the door from collapsing, and then establish an observation near the gate of the abyss (depending on the size and activity of the gate of the abyss, this distance is not necessarily, the critical point of the current test port is one hundred kilometers) And control center. This distance is the "radiation critical point" of the gate of the abyss. Within this critical point, the power of the abyss can directly affect everything with its own "radiation" without the need for medium pollution. The control center determines the gate by detecting the drift and intensity of the critical point. Stability, and issue adjustment commands to surrounding energy suppression towers. At the same time, the observation tower of the control center is also a direct communication tower with the deep-submersible ship. Considering that the information returned by the deep-submersible ship may contain abyss pollution, we are not allowed to connect the deep-submersible ship directly with the conventional communication network. The observation and protection tower is the only communication relay node.

On the periphery of the entire system, no civilian facilities, military facilities without special protection, and military ships not on the registration list are allowed within ten light years, unless they are targets for observation. In addition, only Specially guarded things can approach the Abyss Gate. It can be said that the degree of protection of the entire system is quite high.

This is the basic structure of the deep-dive port. After the first deep-dive test, Tavel has made several improvements to this system, and it is now the case.

So my biggest concern at the moment is whether the Abyss Gate is still okay: the core of this system is the monitoring station on the control center. Now the equipment at the monitoring station must be offline. Is the Abyss Gate lost and suppressed at all times May break out?

Fortunately, ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seems that experts have already prepared for this. A senior assistant of Tavel leaned forward: "Sir, don't worry, the pilot port considered the possibility of a sudden shutdown of the control center in the early stages of construction. The energy suppression towers around the gate of the abyss, in addition to receiving instructions from the control center, also have their own independent command modules and a set of low-power communication networks. If the signal from the control center is interrupted, all energy suppression towers will automatically switch to the highest alert. State, suppressing the gates of the abyss to the limit. All suppressing towers are equipped with three sets of independent energy sources, and they can conduct basic negotiations without instructions from each other. Even if half of the suppressing towers are destroyed together, the gates will be safe. "

"Also don't worry about the control center issuing wrong instructions due to a system failure before the crash, or the power of the abyss gate distorting these instructions," Tavel added, "subordinates have designed several protocols that allow those devices to verify each other. , The control center sends instructions to the suppression tower with different lines and codes at the same time. As long as two of them are contradictory, or if one of the instructions does not arrive in time, the suppression tower will not respond. Theoretically this is the case. "

"That's all right," I sighed with relief. "Then the next thing is to wait until the scene to talk about-besides you don't say it is theoretically this time-it sounds weird and panic."

Tavel: "... oh ..."

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