Xiling Empire

Chapter 1390: A hole?

A shock from the depths of the ground suddenly interrupted everyone's discussion at the scene, and then a roar of resonance began to echo throughout the workstation. ※ Besides this newly-built, independently-powered workstation, the other parts of the large platform have lost the atmospheric environment. The rumbling sound was directly transmitted by the large metal structure of the platform, and there was a bitter acid in the middle. The sound of metal tearing is almost as if the sound source is close at hand.

"The release buffer unit in the middle zone also seems to be scrapped," Tavel frowned, but otherwise there was no panic, it seemed that the explosion was an inevitable result of her calculations, "the bottom zone and the surface layer The energy accumulated in the area has made it impossible to enter all key locations. The subordinates tried their best to direct the energy to the release buffer grid in the middle zone so that the investigation team and the rescue team can go as quickly as possible, but the buffer unit looks damaged. It ’s not too light, just insisted for so little time ... "

"What's the energy intensity below now?" Sandora asked suddenly.

“1.2 trillion ues, which is almost equivalent to being immersed in the focusing core of the flagship gun,” Tavel looked at the holographic image in front of her eyes. “I do n’t know why, the energy stored in the area under the platform dissipates very slowly. It seems almost endless. In theory, all the energy reaction furnaces have been disconnected. Now it is doubtful that there will be a group of energy furnaces running ... "

"This kind of energy burst out inside the platform. It's no wonder that it can penetrate such a large facility." Sandora frowned, and I reminded me, "Isn't Tavel saying that it has not dissipated much, so Theoretically, it can penetrate again ... "

Tavel shook his head: "No, after two explosions, the energy environment under the platform has entered a dynamic equilibrium, which is caused by the special nature of phantom energy. It is easy to get out of control, but it usually does not get out of control many times, and the order universe After making enough contact, it will quickly enter self-balancing. Now a closed energy sphere shell has been formed in the platform-well, two, the upper zone and the lower zone are blocked by the buffer unit, and have now transformed into two separate energies. Accumulation belt. "

The disposal team organized by the Deep Dive Port Garrison is now blocked in front of the entrance to the underground of the platform. It has been said before that the lower half of this platform is divided into two upper and lower floors, and the staff connects the "upper area" below the platform. Can't get in. I silently looked at the structure of the control center, and I thought it was still this development ...

"Sandora, get used to it." I patted Sandola on the shoulder and stood up. "I'll go down. Will you go?"

I vaguely remember that this kind of thing has happened for the second time: the last time was a big explosion of the deep submersible prototype ship, and this time it was a big explosion at the control center of the deep dive port. Is the word so destined? Anyway, in such an environment where a normal life goes into a life of nine deaths, it's time for me to be a guy who can't beat and consume steel bars and bones--Hello everyone, I have a strong last name and a strong word. The long-awaited undead is a long way, and thanks to love, this is the time to soak up the flames ...

Tavel looked at me, and opened his mouth to say what the result was, but still didn't say it. As soon as she knew that this kind of environment would be the most suitable for the spiritual apostles above the leader level. Secondly, there is no rule in the Greek tradition that "the majesty of the Holy Ghost is not easy to risk", as long as the value is adequate and the sacrifice is necessary , The emperor ran to anti-wave ss is just a multiple choice. Of course, the more important thing is-I guess quite a lot of people are used to their Emperor His Majesty to throw his shirt in person, because in many cases His Majesty the Emperor can not do anything other than to throw his shirt ...

Sando pulls her hair together: "It seems like this is the only way. I have a plan: you and I will be divided into two routes. I go in from the upper area and go directly to the main engine room, where the protection is tight, and the main engine may not be completely destroyed. You can find some observation data; you go around below the platform and go directly from the lower area, find the energy hub, and see if you can find clues to the explosion site. No matter whether it is found, we finally meet in the middle buffer unit. In addition, if you find the following The source of the lasting psychic energy is turned off as soon as possible, and I always feel that it is not right: it has been so long, and a buffer unit has been released once, why the energy reading below is still so high. "

"The environment below is sinister, and I have lost contact for several hours. I do n’t know how much it has deteriorated. Please be careful, Your Majesty." As a Spirit apostle, Tavel would not stop by saying nonsense such as "Dragon Body Matters". Following us, I only ordered the following matters to be noted, "The platform structure diagram has been uploaded to you, but the main roads should all be melted or collapsed. Only the corridor 2 in the upper area deviates from the center of the explosion and should be accessible. The lower floor Area……"

Speaking of which, Tavel looked into my eyes and said with regret: "Your Majesty, do you see the red dot on this structure chart? Just go straight in this direction, all the obstacles in the middle will be penetrated, lower level There is no road in the district, in theory. "

I nodded and turned to Lin Xue, who had been silent, "Xue, come on."

Banxian rolled her eyes and looked at Sandora and me for a while: "Well, it's okay, great luck. Let's go with peace, there is Miss Ben sitting outside, nothing can happen."

Although it has always been this uneasy look, the promise of the young lady is absolutely beyond doubt. I nodded and transmitted directly to the control center with Sandora, observing the general situation of the platform.

Some of the damaged pipelines splattered with energy jets have been urgently dealt with. Before we came here, we saw that this platform continuously released several kilometers of blue "fire tongues". Now these are no less powerful than the battleship main gun. The psionic jet has significantly reduced in size. This makes it easier for large equipment and support ships to approach the control center. A large number of self-regulatory machinery and small engineering ships shuttled around the periphery of the control center. Although they were always unable to enter, they at least prevented the platform structure from continuing to collapse. After seeing this scene, Sandora looked a little slower, then nodded to me: "Then I will start first, Ajun, you must pay attention to safety, the buffer unit meets."

Watching Sandola turn into a streamer rushing to the entrance of the upper area of ​​the platform, I also raised my spirit, bypassed this behemoth, and reached the bottom of it (maybe also called the back?).

"Whoo. This place is really bad." I couldn't help whispering when I saw the situation on the ground floor. I already felt terrible when I saw the upper floor area, and I was a bit psychological about the worse situation in the lower floor area. Prepare, but I can really see the scene in front of me. I really feel that the upper layer of the platform is just as good as the two layers of paint.-The bottom half of the armor belt has been completely lifted off by the big bang! Even the huge metal beams inside were thrown out by crushing large clumps of floc, relying on a little bit of metal that was melted into wires to barely connect with the main body.

This is the power of the core power furnace explosion.

The scene was bombed like this, and it seems absolutely impossible to judge from the outside whether something hit the control center: even if there was a bullet hole leading to the inside. It must have turned into a cloud of gas in space with the armor belt.

Compared with other busy rescue places, this place is quite desolate. Only three unmanned work boats are better than landless control: facing a big hole with no repair value at all, the accident disposal team decisively gave up treatment.

I stretched my shield and ignored the blue "sea of ​​fire" that came on my face. He rushed into the big hole like a bullet.

When the energy intensity around me suddenly increased several times, and passed through a very obvious and substantial blue light barrier, I knew that I had entered what Tavel called the "lower energy accumulation zone", and the uncontrollable psychic energy was unknown. Where to get a steady stream of supplements, a huge vortex has formed here, covering the 80% of the area below the platform like a flattened egg, and maintaining a stable but horrible dynamic balance . High concentration can make everything in the sight be dyed by the bright but dangerous blue. Because the environment is not stable, these blue blues are constantly rippled, just like the water surface. I rushed past the twisted and weird obstacles, and the highly charged metal **** was deposited on the remaining support structure. Formed spectacles like stalagmites in stalactite caves, they look very beautiful, releasing a blue light, like crystal. But with a little bit of stimulation, it will ...

"Boom !!!" A stalagmite tens of meters long exploded. And close to yourself. Oncoming high-energy crystalline debris hits his own shield, each impact is almost equivalent to a small kinetic energy missile, and they will continue to explode-this is the really evil side of those seemingly beautiful things. This should be the old site of the main arterial road, where a large number of crystallized pipe networks and highly energy-friendly metals (the latter are the main materials for facilities such as energy plugs) are now distributed The brain was burned and melted together, forming this blue light overflowing and life-threatening "stalactite cave". After being charged, the actual composition and nature of each "stalagmite" and the warhead of the Empire General Missile It's almost the same.

The situation inside the control center is really a mess. On the surface, it seems to have calmed down, but there is a constant explosion inside.

The "thickness" of the lower zone is more than one kilometer, and I obviously can't really follow the "straight road" like Tavel said, unless I plan to be bombarded in this way, see the twisted "safe path" of this place "I think this road ... is quite long.

"Sandora, what's going on with you?" I slowed down, while trying to stay away from the surrounding metal **** clusters that had been charged to the explosion, and connected to the spiritual connection with Sandora, But now I am advancing in the rain of bullets-everything that was originally in the energy pipeline has been turned into a bomb. "

"Can you guess, it's hard work for those who can do it," Sandora said, but she was very relieved, and she was not very worried. "You pay attention to the old site of the output of the energy furnace and the protective cover of the energy center for any clues. . I have been here in front of the main engine room, but the protective wall of the main engine room closed automatically and was completely locked-I am digging hard. "


"Well, use your paws," Sandora said briskly. I suddenly imagined that Her Majesty wielded her abyss sharp claws on the wall and scratched the wind. "This paw is quite convenient. Highly charged, ordinary cutting tools are not good at all, and the erosive force of the claws works. "

Me: "Oh ... then you dig slowly, I move on."

After finishing the communication, I continued to focus on the dangerous explosion zone in front of me. Be careful not to cause any explosions: although I may be more resistant to crickets. But I'm afraid that the originally unstable environment here will be completely destroyed. It seems that Sandorra's progress is much smoother than here. I did not expect that she has reached the goal door. I think the situation on the upper part of the platform is much better than here.

Although the "stalactite cave" covered with high-energy **** is troublesome, it always has an end, and slowly moving forward for a while, I finally found that the surrounding **** clusters began to decrease, and finally left the piece, which has almost completely crystallized. Cave.

Looking at the structure chart of the control center platform that Tavel sent to myself, I judged that I had crossed the underlying energy backbone network, and theoretically also crossed the protective layer between the energy hub of the backbone network: I did not see any protection along the way Floor. It is estimated that the whole has been crushed. Then it should be the space-time energy output end, the old site of the "reactor".

I raised my head. There was a huge and twisted metal cavity in front of me. The metal plates with water-like texture around them could not see the original shape at all. And the so-called energy stove ... nothing.

I remembered that Sandora asked herself to visit the old furnace site to see the situation, and suddenly felt that this goal might not be achieved ...

"Sandora. I've arrived at the site of the old furnace. There's nothing here-the whole reactor chamber is inflated like a balloon. There is only peculiar energy in it, not even a scum."

As I said, I drifted forward slowly. The energy environment around me put a lot of pressure on myself. Phantom energy—this kind of thing that is not simply "energy" will show up in the case of high density. A lot of properties that are not energy. I feel like I am advancing in a pool of molten iron that is about to solidify, and there is resistance all over. Once the psychic energy in this place suddenly turns into matter, there may be a lot of fun: probably I will be buried alive by a large pile of strange substances Right.

Thinking of this possibility I was more careful. I do resist myself, but I can't hold my nausea ...

It took a long time for Sandora's voice to say: "That can only be hoped that the energy center shield is stronger."

I heard her voice a little weird: "are you in trouble?"

"Uh ... minor problem ... Just now, the paw is slightly stuck on the wall," Sandora said embarrassedly. "It has been pulled out. There is a vulture in front of the fingersticks, and I'm grinding."


It's not easy to say that Sandora's side is boring.

Slightly increased the stability of the shield. I threw Sandola out of my head, grinding my paw, and moved on. Now that he has completed half of the journey, he has crossed the armored area and energy backbone that was completely exploded, and came to the cabin where the energy output end of the space time was once stored. We all know that Pycnogenetic Reactor is a very special energy device. Except for extremely small or special models, all Pycnogenetic Devices are divided into two parts, one part is placed in the void and is called "Reaction Core" or The "reaction furnace body" is part of the macro module that we usually see and installed in various equipment, which is called the output terminal. In order to call it conveniently, we usually call this output terminal the Phantom Furnace-because its void part will never be turned on after it is encapsulated, and will never appear in front of anyone. Usually you are in the real world. The Psionic Furnace that I came into contact with was essentially a space-time device. And this place where I am now has a row of huge outputs. Before they exploded, huge energy was first vented to the entire platform along the main pipe network, and the platform was exploded once, then the protective device of the reactor failed, the reactor body collapsed, and the second energy impact along the trunk that was still breathing. The net caused a second platform explosion, and at the same time, the cabin section containing the reactor was also made into a shock wave. It must be acknowledged that this place is really strong, because this section still retains most of the outer wall (although everything inside has vaporized), and I found the "passage" to the upper section of the energy section according to the information provided by Tavel. It was found that the gate of this passage was not blown away, but the middle of the gate was torn by a shock wave during the explosion, which was large enough to pass by itself.

... No, it doesn't look like it was ripped apart by an explosion blast.

After I got closer, I carefully observed that the crack on the gate was not a huge and radial crack like it was torn by a shock wave, but a relatively "tidy" hole, and the gate did not look like Suffering from the severe damage of the shock wave, the metal frame around it has slightly melted, but there are no traces of molten flow as a whole as the walls in other directions. In short, this place is not theoretically in the direction of the strongest explosive force. It should not be ripped open. Www.readwn.com ~ is not ripped by a shock wave, it can only be ...

What "thing" was penetrated!

Was it the culprit that led to the destruction of the control center?

Although I don't quite believe that something that can only cause a hole with a diameter of several meters can destroy such a behemoth with a length of several kilometers, at least I saw the clue myself, very obvious clue!

But the clue is that it is a problem to find the "super bomb" that penetrated four layers of armor and two layers of shields. According to the holes in the gate, the volume of the gadget will not be very large, and because All the facilities and the separation wall here have been destroyed. I ca n’t judge the “ballistics” of that thing based on just a hole in the gate, so I will probably only search for the opposite side of the gate like a haystack. I hope it can be stronger, don't be melted down by the powerful psionic environment here, but think about the horror "strength" of that stuff breaking through so many layers of defense ...

Probably not so fragile.

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