Xiling Empire

Chapter 1395: Gunpowder barrel

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Otherwise, it is said that art originates from life and is higher than life. The popular translation of this sentence is that what you can meet in reality is always more than a story. Because after all, you have to consider the story Is it reasonable, but how many things do you see in my daily life that are reasonable? In the past two days, the little crow has tried to hatch the bird from the walnut again ...

The clues to the homeland world are under our eyes, of course, but the bad news is that it is also under the eyes of the fallen apostles: the thing that records the coordinates is placed on the friction point of the border between the two countries.

"This position is a great trouble," Sandora frowned, and her fingers lightly tapped on the coffee table. "No matter what happens there, you will definitely be found. That is the most part of the border between the Empire and the Fallen Apostles." Closer. "

I thought about it, and slowly understood the meaning of the Father and God, and at the same time, I had some ideas in my heart.

"Because the side is very sensitive, the Protoss can't send people to recycle in the past, right?" I glanced at the Father and God, "As long as you casually send one or two people to the past, they will be easily seen as a sign of the Protoss and the Empire's alliance. A little bit of direct warfare, the better, they will definitely send someone over to check the situation, and if they find out their intentions, they will be passive. "

God the Father nodded: "That's the thing. It's embarrassing. It was originally a thing from the divine realm. As a result, we can't send people to pick it up now. If it is elsewhere, the divine realm directly sends people to take that thing. Take it back to you. It won't be so troublesome. "

"The Protoss can't shoot, can we?" Qian Qian just passed by at this time, heard what we were discussing, and blinked his eyes together. "We want to declare that we sent people to travel in the past. Abyss Nozomi The spirit may not believe ... "

I was thinking about the situation in that area, trying to find a solution that could send someone in the past without alarming the enemy. After thinking for a long time, I came to a conclusion: it is easy to send someone in the past, but there is absolutely no way to make the fallen apostles blind. You have to Understand that hundreds of monitoring stations stared at that point around the clock. How hard is this monitoring? This is the fly that flies over, and I'm afraid I can analyze the male and female immediately. So the only thing left to think about is: How could God steal a piece of artifact without knowing it?

If successful, this will be the most thrilling concealment in history ...

But it doesn't seem to be impossible. I came up with two alternatives. The first option is to send a large army to fight in the past, and it is clear that we are fighting the war of aggression. Then the area was beaten down during the melee, and things were naturally available. I didn't dare to say this plan, it was easy for Sandola to think that my brain was broken ...

The second plan is a bit of spy warfare: we sent a few people to openly shuttle the shuttle, because at that friction point, this is "common".

"Empires and fallen apostles have built particularly many outposts in that area," I moved around, slowly speaking of my thoughts. "Like the line of fire, three steps, one post and five steps and one whistle. These outposts need to be changed every once in a while, sometimes they are moved, sometimes they are replaced by personnel, sometimes they are just to confuse the other party ’s sight in the poor. Tossing, at such a short distance, the actions of the people on both sides are basically open, and the most exciting outposts even change positions in front of the enemy-sometimes symbolically throwing two self-exploding detectors at each other past."

"We only sent a few people into the normal sentry unit. The other party has long been used to it, and we must not have thought of any special features of these changing units," Sandora immediately understood what I meant, and took the initiative. After that, "the two sides only monitor the void channel. The few universes there are not concerned, because no one on either side dares to build military fortresses in those worlds: once this is done, it is a signal of full war. So just install Be a sentry with a normal rotation, then find a chance to lurk into those worlds, and the rest will be free to play. As long as you do not build a military base on the main material plane, you will not trigger the alarm. "

I nodded, this is my idea, no matter how difficult the details are, at least it sounds feasible. The Father also gave a slight nod, obviously he also agreed with this idea, but he was still a little worried: "This task is very difficult and there is only one chance of success. How confident are you? If the grasp is not great, you must be fully prepared for war. I will go back and prepare for reinforcements and the like first. In any case, the positions in that area cannot be lost. "

"I'll go in person and bring the best people at the same time." I casually expressed my thoughts at the beginning. There was no surprise on Sandora's face. For many years together, she had known what kind of thoughts I would have under certain circumstances, but the reaction of the Father God was somewhat interesting. He was a little surprised when he was surprised: "You and me I have a very similar temper, and I was sent to death ... "


Opening a big one in case of indecision, or sending a tower indefinitely, is this also considered as the traditional ethnic culture of my big void group?

I decided to go in person for a reason. After all, I've already passed the age of Mantou Qing, and my whim plan couldn't be achieved. The first is that the number of people who can go this time is limited. You have to take three or five people to explain. You have to bring thousands of troops and horses in the past. Therefore, this staff must be small and refined. Secondly, we must consider the situation where we must fight against the fallen apostle if the operation fails. In this case, there must be enough to fight in the front-at least it is Enough to fight, the task of traversing up and down the empire can only be qualified by me. In this way, even if the task is exposed, we can still get the last time. Don't underestimate the time you have won. Maybe something will come.

And more importantly-if you can't beat it, you can withdraw ...

"That's all right," Father God heard my thoughts, and laughed cheerfully, "You do look a lot like me. Then I will leave you all the information here. We just made sure that the thing is in Which world and its approximate location, but after all, the time is too long, and the information is a bit inaccurate, it is difficult to say what it looks like. "

Talking. Father God found a scroll from his arms and put it on the coffee table. I put the scrolls away and prepared to have Icetis translate them before I set off. A big event was even on the agenda. As for the information that the other party said is inaccurate-this is not a big problem, how can things in the world be so satisfactory, I will inquire about it slowly when it gets to the place. I believe that artifacts always shine. They are much more dazzling than gold. Such a thing that can randomly stir the world's life is left on the earth. At least it is also world-famous. Maybe the local indigenous people have clues.

At this time, An Weina floated out of the kitchen, holding a dessert plate and tea in her hand, and the little ghost politely put things on the coffee table. God Father watched these delicate pastries with interest: "Why are there some pits on these cakes?"

Anvena rubbed her hands awkwardly: "It turned out to be nuts-when she was roasted, she was eaten by Mistress Sandora ..."

I and the Father at the same time: "..."

Sandora turned her head to the side to pretend she didn't know anything. The moment she turned her head, she touched a cake quickly.

"Speaking ..." As we were attacking the little cake baked by An Weina, the father suddenly spoke slowly and slowly, "In addition to telling you the truth, there is another incident."

I mentioned to myself that this is coming: the big brother looks lazy in front of him, but in fact, the exercise value is higher than our family plus one. The fact that he just told us just now can actually send a close friend to make it clear, then he must have other plans to come in person, this "by the way" is probably the highlight.

Then, under my curious gaze, the Father God touched a round piece of plastic from his pocket, and his expression was very puzzled: "This thing was recently transmitted to the realm of God. It is said that the astral world and several spirits border the world. Popular tradable goods, Cindia carried a lot of back when she went out to play-I went back to study for a few days, what the **** is this?

I stared blankly at the colorful pictures on the plastic sheet and the following big line: The sky and the earth fall, the wind and clouds change color, the seventh son of the gods and the last-day monster's shocking sadness-the complete collection of gourd baby (below)

Sandora glanced back. At that time, half a piece of cake was immediately stuck in my throat, and her eyes were straight. She quickly took her pistol and opened three shots in her mouth to smooth it. Then she stunned and stared at me. An expression: How did the old **** do it?

Later, we saw a department called the "West Carlo Culture and Media Cooperation Project Department" from the organization report of the Fiala Void Consortium. The truth is all clear ... Of course this is the last word.

Because of the sudden news from God the Father, my original plan to visit the deep dive site with Sandora must of course be abandoned. After all, we must consider the possibility of late change, and the sooner I set off, the better. However, I do n’t think it ’s a big loss. After all, my main role in the deep diving project is also a furnishing. I guess my role on the scene is not as great as those old ancestors ...

The deep dive test scheduled for a day later can only be conducted by Sandora in the past, and I will lead people to the border to recover the artifact. But there was something wrong with the candidates-who would be more appropriate?

I only remembered this after sending away the Father God that afternoon, so I hurriedly greeted a group of people in the family to discuss this matter. This time is no better than the past. What is more important is that the fewer people, the better. It is not appropriate to go out like this, and to be honest, a task of an exploratory nature, the number of people is not the meaning.

Except that Sandora needs to sit in the empire in the back, everyone in the family feels that she is suitable to go, including a few little girls who don't know anything but love to make fun. Of course, this is not the time for fun, so this group of young people was directly bombarded by the older sister. In the end, we carefully studied for a long time and thought that this time the personnel should focus on the two elements of "can play" and "strategy". Sisters Pandora and Huesca were selected first.

After all, in the fifteen-day district of the year, Pandora was the second-largest general after the emperor, and ranked second in combat effectiveness. Do n’t look at her. She usually just pushes a bunch of floating guns to push and push in such a simple way of fighting. The combat effectiveness is limited to this, she did not use a lot of tricks and did not use super force. I have seen this girl ’s arsenal. If you take it out and smash people, there are a few protoss clan teams with surplus, and she is also best at single-to-many. The enemy's quantity advantage is the least pressure for her, especially suitable for us. This mission may encounter unexpected situations. Huesca and Pandora are similar. So the sisters were selected.

The next thing to follow is Alye and Dingdang. In addition to the fighting ability of the angel sister itself, because they are bound equipment, the common point is that they do not occupy space. In addition, the two have many functions. Under special circumstances, Alaya can be used as a table lamp, and Dingdang soaked in water can cure all diseases ...

That's it for those who can fight. Followed by strategy talents, I think I'm one of them-but others don't recognize it ...

Lin Xue stood out: "I'll go."

The two words were decisive, and there was no room for refutation. Xiao Xue stood up and stared back at her just what she wanted to say: "Bear children take care of their sisters at home, at this time you don't mess up."

Xiaoxue swaggered. Looking at hiding behind the sofa, only a slip of his head was peeking out, and the little bubble crow puppet with slobbering eyes dropped down and sat down on the sofa: "Are there any sisters to take care of her sister ..."

I hey hell: who made you cross back!

It's okay for Lin Xue to follow, in a place where crisis is perilous, it really needs to be escorted by a prophet.

Of course, there must be a shallow one, of course-anyway, she will follow wherever I go. Except for a few times, this girl has never acted separately from me. And her ability is indeed the most useful when dealing with emergencies and various crises, and I let her follow along without much thought.

"Finally counted one."

Bingtis suddenly stood up when I thought that all the candidates were settled. The elder sister insisted on the characteristic of being always fierce and threw out a sentence with an incontestable tone, and she settled the matter herself. I couldn't help but glance at her: "Sister Bing, this time I went out to collect protection fees. Can you accept this kind of Xu Tu slow-moving?"

Bingtis looked sideways: "Give you an astral artifact. Do you know it? Is there a Bible within a hundred miles? Can you feel the **** chariot can't run? Do you know how to replace it with insurance? No Say anything else, if that scout had added a rune lock to the artifact that year, you wouldn't even recognize it ... "

Immediately I said nothing, but Sandora immediately thought of something: "What about the protoss power in you? Although the fallen apostles may not even detect this. But be careful, a protoss appears in the shift sentry, the enemy As long as you're not stupid, you doubt it. "

Bingtis smiled softly when she heard the words, with an expression of unpredictable expression on her face, and soon I felt that some kind of "gas field" on her body was changing rapidly. This "qi field" is a feeling of unclear intelligibility, and if it has to be explained, it is the kind of information disturbing power on the whole body of the protoss. Those of us who are "special" can clearly feel that there is a field around a protoss like Bingtis, and everything in the field strongly carries the "breath" of this protoss, and now, this one around Bingtis This breath is slowly fading, and then slowly recovering-but by the time it reappears, its manifestations are already quite different.

"You've got it ..." Sandora stared at Bingtis with a stunned expression, and the latter nodded proudly: "Standing, but a creature like Xue Ba, Xue Ba, as long as you are willing to work hard, you won't get it. No matter what, you ca n’t just blindly copy the two accounts in your hand. ”

I only reacted at this time. I quickly checked the information link of the Empire ’s general network. Then I found a senior Schilling apostle labeled by Bingtis, the chief commander of the Bingtis tribe and Bingtis legion. The signal response was Manger. of……

Of course, it is not surprising that Bingtis has the status of an Apostle of the Spirit and the "aura". After all, she is now a dual-account guy. Strangely, the part of her "characteristics" that belonged to the Star Protoss is completely Cover up……

"Since there are two hukou at the same time, it is natural to completely cover one racial characteristic with one racial characteristic," Bingtis said with a smile, "I know that the Spirit of God is not yet formed, so it is disguised as the Spirit of God. The meaning of the category is meaningless, but it is enough to cover up the characteristics of the astral god. As long as the fallen apostle does not recognize the identity of the astral body, at most he will doubt that you have studied the new type of imperial soldiers. "

I scratched my head in puzzlement: "Why do you listen more and more confused? How do you do that?"

"Don't think about it, it's a little more complicated for you," Bingiste advised me sincerely. "Look, you have so many things you can't figure out, haven't you come over all these years ..."

I: "... forget it, I don't understand the world of learning tyrants, anyway, don't take it easy."

In any case, the candidate is settled. Apart from me, they are the Pandora sisters who are the thugs, Lin Xue, who is the counselor (professed), and Xiaodi, who is the thug and consultant. The strongest assistant and mascot is shallow. Shallow ~ www.readwn.com ~ Araiya, who was brought in because of belonging to the binding equipment, as well as Ding Dong, which can be used to make tea and relieve boring, the rest do not want to come: this person has already A lot.

We rested for one night, and then set off on the shuttle the next day to the border.

Now that the Empire and the Fallen Apostles have passed through the beginning of the careful opposition through the mist, after both sides have identified each other's borders and most of the peripheral world, the two sets of dead enemies are just like the belligerents of the normal belligerent country—at least This is true on some borders. This tit-for-tat is like a flammable and explosive gunpowder. Two deadly enemies are sitting beside the gunpowder, each holding a match, to see who dares to throw it in first. However, in addition to this confrontation, the two groups of people are so close to each other that they gradually become a strange tacit understanding of "changing guards every day, sending out whistle together, scanning each other, and firing self-exploding probes at each other". In the situation, we all know how often the fallen apostles will change all sentries on average, and the fallen apostles also know how many people the emperor's sentry will replace in each wave, the inconvenience of fighting in the void, and the unwillingness of both sides to start a full decisive battle first. There is no reason for the gunpowder barrel to explode. I don't know how long these two unsecured safety valves can last. Anyway, a small wave of us came to the quietest and most dangerous place in the void the next day. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (an) to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read an.) 9

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