Xiling Empire

Chapter 1400: Dark moon

(No doubt, it ’s time to ask for a monthly pass. I wit a line of words wit! Oh yes and ...)

This is the first night everyone spends in this far-flung world. Far from home, strange surroundings, the fact that "outside the world is the line of fire" puts pressure on everyone, and ... I still do n’t feel these nonsense, because Qian shallow sleeps like a pig, and Lin Xue is the same. I guess the sister Pandora in the next room and the female hooligan are also in this state. Our gang has long been used to sleeping in various environments. Theoretically, it has reached the point where you can close your eyes and sleep with your eyes open regardless of the location of the sword, which is a state of practice-of course, it is also interpreted as a lack of mind. (Literature Museum) Anyway, after crossing too much, everyone who recognizes the bed should adapt.

The silly big house is indeed quite large. This may be related to his contribution in the village, but it may also be related to his size. Anyway, this is a very large house. Of course, he cannot live in such a large place alone: ​​plus The black cat can't live there either, so most of the place here is vacant. And the place where we rest tonight is the second floor of the main house: this was supposed to be the owner's room, but the stupid man very resolutely left the best room here to "noble guests from the imperial capital", and he I went to the side room opposite the yard for the night. This is very sad, because I can see that the stupid big man is not rich (or everyone in this small village has no extra material wealth), there is no furniture in that partial room, there is only a bed board, and hay on it. But the stupid big man happily blocked us all in the main house, then ran into the empty partial room with his own bedding. His logic is very simple: VIPs came from the imperial capital, and scholars and their families were VIPs. "Guike" couldn't sleep in the straw bed in the country, and his skin was rough and thick ...

This is the logic of that big man, simple but stubborn. Even a female hooligan like Bingtis couldn't make concessions without using violence. In the end, we could only live in this house very awkwardly. Only Furnished room. The silly big man himself is very happy. He even thanked us for those snacks and scones before going to bed. He felt like he was so cheap: because the village except the priest, he had eaten it alone. "Dessert in the city".

I woke up halfway through sleep, not that I didn't sleep well in a strange environment. Instead, I was awakened by a shallow kick: I was awake flying in the air, and gliding in the posture of Pingsha Luoyan for 0.3 seconds. I didn't realize why I would fly out of the bed until I saw my feet that stretched out of the bed, and I was very satisfied with my emergency response ability at the next moment: because I was able to dig out of the space just before landing Put out a sponge cushion and put it under him, so she didn't wake up Qian and Lin Xue: Can you say that we are not exemplary husbands?

But being so frustrated, he was completely drowsy. I could only get up and tidy up my pajamas, watching the two girls who crisscrossed almost three-quarters of the big bed shaking their heads and grinning. Of course, this is a silly big room. Although it is the most "luxury" place in the house, there are only a few old rough wood furniture, and in order to match the owner of the room, each piece of furniture here is extraordinarily huge. Qian Qian and Lin Xue and I are in the same house. They put together the mattresses they brought to fill the huge wooden bed in the house ...

After all, it's a girl, and she's used to things outside.

"No matter how huge the bed is, it won't be able to carry light sleep like this. Lin Xue is not going well today ..." I said to myself and turned away from the room. I can't sleep anyway, go out and breathe in the fresh air, and by the way look at the night scene of this world.

The double-storey wooden houses in this village all have a similar pattern. Its first floor is larger than the second floor by a large circle. The first floor is for houses, kitchens, small warehouses and the like, and the second floor is used for people. Because the second floor “shrinks” for a circle, an open corridor will be left outside. The outer edge of the corridor is blocked by wooden railings to prevent people from falling. If there are multiple rooms on the second floor, this is used. A circle of corridors connects. I stepped out of the room to the open air corridor, and looked back at the door next to it: it was the house of Sisters Pettis and Pandora, and the other one of the only two furnished rooms in this home, which may have been Someone thought, yes, that's the black cat's house ...

We do not discuss why a black cat has a room as big as the owner, nor do we discuss why the black cat's room has a set of furniture. Anyway, the cat can talk anyway. What else is impossible? I even heard that the little female cat folds her own quilt every day, and she (think of it before, she is still called "her" to a female cat who can only speak with high IQ and cook food) and is used to stacking it in the morning After the quilt, go and help the owner clean up the room: What a weird thing you say that a cat is like this. She has her own room? I even intentionally pulled the second fox at home to compare with this psychic cat. Although Xiao Hei didn't look like an adult and didn't have a bunch of tails and thousands of years to do, but I always felt that she was better than a fox. It ’s reliable: Ding Dong is on, the fox in the family is now too lazy to even use the quilt. Every night, she uses her tail to pull herself into a ball. She practiced for thousands of years so as not to fold the quilt. Is this still necessary? !!

When I thought about it that way, the door to the room suddenly opened, and a tall figure swayed out lazily. After seeing me, I greeted me with a little surprise: "Oh, Chen, did you notice?"

I looked at the person in front of me: long hair, ground-length, wearing pajamas, with a cynical smile on his face: Who else could be Bingtis? How could this female gangster not sleep at midnight?

"Noticing what?" I asked without saying anything.

Bingtis was looking up at the sky, and when he heard the words, he looked at him in amazement: "Don't you know? What do you get up in the middle of the night?"

"I let Qian Qian kick her down-that girl didn't sleep well. What did you just notice?"

For a moment, Bettis smiled and shook his head silently, then raised his finger to the sky: "Look at the moon."

I looked in the direction of her fingers and saw a round of slightly incomplete moon hanging in the sky. I didn't expect this planet to have a moon, but the moon is different from the earth: it looks bigger. And its surface is not golden yellow, but with a fuzzy black and blue. I took a closer look and suddenly thought that the black and blue patches were unusual: the more they were distributed, the more they looked like land and ocean. And if you look closely at the black area, you will see more details hidden in it, but those details are invisible to the naked eye.

"The moon ..." I couldn't help whispering. "How does it look like a terrestrial planet?"

"That's a terrestrial planet, and it should be about the same size as the planet under our feet," Bettis stood beside me with arms around his chest. It seems that she already knows the general situation of the planet, "Sai Shen just got up and saw it, and then" observed "it with a little mental power, but she didn't dare to use too much power, so she just scanned it roughly. Now I can only confirm that it is an earth-like planet with signs of life on it. Then I went back to the house and prepared for it. As a result, I saw that you were also outside, and thought you had noticed it too-no The only one who thinks of you is just awakened by your daughter-in-law. "

"Earth-like planet? Almost big?" I was surprised to look at the "Moon" in the sky, which was much larger than that on the earth. It was a bit missing and looked like a full moon. Large black and blue patches on its surface now looked It looks exactly like land and sea. "It and the planet under our feet are ..."

"Double star system," Bettis nodded. "You and I have no satellites on this planet, but there is a companion star close to it. Two planets form a double star system and orbit around a sun. You think of it what?"

I launched my imagination, integrated the information I heard today during the day, and glanced at the blue and black "moon" in the sky. Finally blurted out: "Do you suspect that is the dark moon?"

Bingtis nodded: "Stupid big people these locals know only one moon, and that is the companion star on their heads. For them, things like the double star system don't make much sense, as long as they know that it is the moon It used to be. I originally thought that 'Dark Moon' refers to a place name on this planet, but it just happened to be named after the moon. Now I see the thing in the sky ... I think the dark moon that the locals call is actually Their moon. "

"The surface of that planet really seems to be covered with a layer of black gauze," I looked up at the sky. "The normal surface reflection of the planet should be much brighter than it. You see that except for the ocean part, the land part is basically a black mass. It looks like the geology will be interesting. "

"Dark moon ..." Bettis laughed softly. "It seems that after we have figured out the situation here, we have to go to that planet to see if the dark moon that the silly big man said is the round on their heads. The words of the moon ... Then what about the demons and monsters from Darkmoon that he mentioned? Do they have spacecraft or portal technology? The battle between Darkmoon and the people on the earth can now become an interstellar battle. . "

As soon as Bingtis reminded me, I also thought of these, but how strange these things are: look at the original small village in front of you. People here are still using oil lamps. The village can't even see the basic mechanical tools, and I haven't seen any clever magic creations. I can hardly associate a group of people who live like this with things like the Earth-Moon Shuttle or the Space Portal. Of course, what we are seeing now is only this small village in front of us. Maybe those high-level things are concentrated in the hands of the upper society. Is n’t this the case in many feudal magical civilizations?

At this moment, I suddenly remembered that Bingtis said that she "returned to the house and prepared something" after seeing the strange moon in the sky, but she just patronized the study of the moon just now. I didn't pay attention to what she said. Hurry up and ask her, "What did you prepare for when you returned home?"

"Some gadgets," Bingtis said, summoning a few small golden **** of light out of thin air. "How long will it take us to figure out the local history and culture just by asking us a few? So use something efficient Method."

I looked at the light spheres. They were substantive and had fuzzy features, which looked familiar: "This is ..."

"Lice on the fox," Bingtis threw a small ball of light at me indifferently. "I asked her for a few keepers, and the little girl would usually take these lice as well. Marbles. "

I scrambled to pick up the small ball of light thrown by Bingjie. The light ball felt warm, although it was a body made of light, but it had a practical touch. Its "appearance" was a little like a fox. . I wanted to directly imitate my own master. To be honest, as long as you don't think about what these light **** were before, they look really cute. The light ball, which was slightly smaller than the ping-pong ball, bounced lightly in my hand, making a series of brisk sounds like birds and wind chimes, and then floated in the air and looked at me curiously.

"What are you going to do with them?" I bounced the ball of light back to Bingtis and asked curiously.

"Gathering information," the female hooligan grinned slyly, "they gave them a happy mind. Although the intelligence of these gadgets is not high, they are smarter than your probes and can already be spies. Let They first go to a place with a lot of people like the Imperial City, and find a place like a library archives by the way, and return a few historical books and religious books. No slower than we inquired about everywhere. "

Speaking, with the wave of Bingtis' hand, the seven or eight small **** of light instantly turned into several bright lines and disappeared into the night sky. I admire the creativity of this female hooligan: "Thank you for thinking about this idea."

"Actually, I think it's okay, let's let go a little bit," Bettis waved his hand indifferently, and muttered again. "It may be obvious to use spacecraft-level things, but how big is the energy response of the probes and temporary satellites? The fallen apostles are still outside the world barrier, and they can't scan them."

I know Bingtis still can't stand such a shackled task, and what she said is a bit reasonable. He nodded: "Well, in fact, it is only for safety reasons that those things are not used as much as possible, but if there is no other way, those devices should still be used."

"That's it." Bettis yawned and walked towards the room. "Stand back and go to sleep. If you want to hang on, then hang outside."

There was only one person left in the open-air corridor, and I grinned and looked up at the "Moon" hanging in the night sky.

According to the color distribution on its surface, this planet has a large area of ​​black land, and a small area and dark blue ocean. At least the side facing me is like this. The black and blue moon is called by the locals as " "Dark Moon" is naturally excusable. I thought of what Bingtis said: There was life on that planet, and the enemies who were called demons and monsters from the earth came from there.

A civilization in feudal age, but star wars with its enemies on the stars? This situation makes people wonder what to say. The emperors and fallen apostles outside the world are already full of gunpowder. The three indigenous peoples in the universe are still ignorantly engaged in their original interstellar warfare ... To whom is it ironic?

After thinking about it for a while, I felt that the question was boring. In the middle of the night, I wore pajamas in the cold wind under the moon of another world and thought about world peace. The stuff that burned was really not in line with my personality.

In the middle of the night without words, we ushered in the first early morning in this world.

The neatly dressed people came out of the house and greeted each other. Pandora and Huesca seemed to have a little conflict: the sisters said good morning to me in an entangled combination. We saw a stupid big man who was probably up earlier in the courtyard. He was shaking his arms and walking around the courtyard to move his muscles. Seeing the guest coming down, he immediately greeted with a smile: "Sure enough to sleep last night? That's it for the country house ..."

"Very good, very good," I nodded quickly. "In fact, you don't have to look at us too expensively. We run around like this all day long, and the wild mountains and wild mountains stay overnight.

On the stupid big shoulder, the psychic cat lay on his shoulder, Xiao He grinned at us and grinned, and then waved his paw to Bingtis: "You took my room last night! Did not take my bed Messing up? You woman looks rough ... "

Bingtis looked at the cat with a smile, and when he didn't know where to find the dried fish, he dangled in front of each other's eyes: "If you don't cooperate, the old lady will use the dried fish to form a crater and tie you In the middle. "

The black cat had a big temper ~ www.readwn.com ~ Meowed scornfully, jumped up to the wall next to the sun, and left the female hooligan wondering: "Well, why is this trick good for foxes? Works, isn't it useful for that cat? "

I hehe: "Can Husky and Meow Stars be the same?"

Breakfast is still settled in the silly big house, this kind big man is happy to share his things with others. Still the same as yesterday, we took out the exquisite food brought from the home and invited the big man to eat it together, and the black cat who was very grieved because the room was occupied this time was finally comforted by the snack offensive. During the communication, I discovered a magical truth: Bingtis failed to seduce the cat with dried fish, not because the latter was firm enough, but because the cat was allergic to fish ...

Because I do n’t know if the cats in this world are all so magical, I did n’t ask a lot. Anyway, Bingtis is in that messy situation from beginning to end: It ’s not easy to see this female hooligan eating.

At this time, the village was getting lively, and the rude sounds of rude country guys greeted the streets at the door. It sounded noisy, but revealed a kind of earthy intimacy. Soon I heard a strange noise coming from a certain direction. The silly big man was packing the yard. He heard this sound and stood up cheerfully: "The village chief is back! I'll take you to see the village long!"

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